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LFG Misadventures of a Problem Foundling

Second King of The Elysium Empire
Hmmm...I could help out a bit with some of my chars.

Other Plots + Underground Plots

*My character, Severus Dobson Severus Dobson , is the son of Arken Dobson, the head of The Dobson Family, an extremely influential family in The Elysium Empire. Arken was recently imprisoned, and Severus is now the man of the house, but he struggles with it as up to this point he has always been spoiled rotten, simply following his Father. Severus likes to party around, but he also has a crime family to run. If you have any specific ideas for him, I'm happy to write something up.

Other Plots

*King Heath Valhoun has attempted to ally with as many Mandalorian clans out there as he can. He sent his best Admiral, Keatoch, to Mandalore to help rebuild with The Children of The Protectors. I'm happy to join any threads you do regarding Mandalore to support you ICly.
Daughter of The Destroyer
Hmmm...I could help out a bit with some of my chars.

Other Plots + Underground Plots

*My character, Severus Dobson Severus Dobson , is the son of Arken Dobson, the head of The Dobson Family, an extremely influential family in The Elysium Empire. Arken was recently imprisoned, and Severus is now the man of the house, but he struggles with it as up to this point he has always been spoiled rotten, simply following his Father. Severus likes to party around, but he also has a crime family to run. If you have any specific ideas for him, I'm happy to write something up.

Other Plots

*King Heath Valhoun has attempted to ally with as many Mandalorian clans out there as he can. He sent his best Admiral, Keatoch, to Mandalore to help rebuild with The Children of The Protectors. I'm happy to join any threads you do regarding Mandalore to support you ICly.

For your boi Severus i'm sure we can try doing something there, i'm not sure what all you had in mind but the more contacts Dima makes the better. Same with King Val, since Dima will eventually start doing things for the enclave when i get her ball rollin <3

Dantum Kryszar Dantum Kryszar And we can try to figure something out. What does your char do mostly?
We could try that yeah = ). Did you have like, a location and idea in mind for how this goes down? =0
It can be up to you. The good thing about this character of mine, is that he can be anywhere at any time, doing anything, since he moves around a lot and his ship is his home.

But if you prefer it that way, I can come up with something. No prob.
Daughter of The Destroyer
It can be up to you. The good thing about this character of mine, is that he can be anywhere at any time, doing anything, since he moves around a lot and his ship is his home.

But if you prefer it that way, I can come up with something. No prob.

Hmmmm, maybe Spek and Dima meet at some big facility where crims meet their clients and stuff and Dima is just throwing a fit for whatever reason and causing a scene haha. Spek can be like 'hey hey relaaaaaax, i can give you work since your last job fell through' or something along those lines. That or maybe he loses a package to some pirates and Dima ends up assisting him in getting them back because she was already targeting them? xD
Hmmmm, maybe Spek and Dima meet at some big facility where crims meet their clients and stuff and Dima is just throwing a fit for whatever reason and causing a scene haha. Spek can be like 'hey hey relaaaaaax, i can give you work since your last job fell through' or something along those lines. That or maybe he loses a package to some pirates and Dima ends up assisting him in getting them back because she was already targeting them? xD
Both could work fine.

What added value would Dima bring to a space run? If you wanna eat, you gotta work! Xp
Daughter of The Destroyer
Both could work fine.

What added value would Dima bring to a space run? If you wanna eat, you gotta work! Xp

  • Can Disable & Counter Force Sensitives by disrupting their link to the force
  • Can 'break into' the minds of others and essentially gather any information needed
  • Good climber, actually really good literally just spiderman x doc ock if they were the Predator just hunting shiz
  • Capable of taking new technology she has never seen, studying it quickly, learning how it works and recreating or splicing it with other tech
  • Has natural silk that can be used for any number of insane stuff good to have on hand for many reasons
  • She has like 9 appendages xD
  • Mando, so weapons/combat training
Oh boy, oh boy! Where to begin?

Can Disable & Counter Force Sensitives by disrupting their link to the force
Quite powerful indeed, just be sure not to use it around Zhio. Particularly while he's plotting a course through hyperspace using his instinctive astrogation. - the starship lacks a navicomputer. So we'd be dead in space.
Can 'break into' the minds of others and essentially gather any information needed
Devs, please nerf! Don't you dare read my mind! Xp
Good climber, actually really good literally just spiderman x doc ock if they were the Predator just hunting shiz
That can certainly have its uses. If not anything else, just the possible shenanigans!
Capable of taking new technology she has never seen, studying it quickly, learning how it works and recreating or splicing it with other tech
He could always use a splicer! Hired!
Has natural silk that can be used for any number of insane stuff good to have on hand for many reasons
Natural... Silk... you say?
She has like 9 appendages xD
9... appendages...
Mando, so weapons/combat training
Techie who murders stuff! Double hired!

If you could pilot, you'd be my first mate!

Since the other thread should be up by tomorrow, at the most. We could do a lighthearted RP were they meet and he hires her - option A.
We could make it something fun and almost nonsensical!
Daughter of The Destroyer
Oh boy, oh boy! Where to begin?

Quite powerful indeed, just be sure not to use it around Zhio. Particularly while he's plotting a course through hyperspace using his instinctive astrogation. - the starship lacks a navicomputer. So we'd be dead in space.

Devs, please nerf! Don't you dare read my mind! Xp

That can certainly have its uses. If not anything else, just the possible shenanigans!

He could always use a splicer! Hired!

Natural... Silk... you say?

9... appendages...

Techie who murders stuff! Double hired!

If you could pilot, you'd be my first mate!

Since the other thread should be up by tomorrow, at the most. We could do a lighthearted RP were they meet and he hires her - option A.
We could make it something fun and almost nonsensical!

LOL, yes sirrrrrrrr. I tried to design Dima in a way that would make her actually threatening to force sensitives without...using the force themselves. So yeah she has some pretty dirt nasty tricks up her four armed sleeves xD. And yes, 9 babyyyyy, four arms, four back tendrils and that tail. More if you count her lekku i guess but yeah XD.

As for being the first mate you run a risk of Dima crashing the ship if you let her fly it by herself for long she is very chaotic flyer. Will swirl you all through an asteroid field while everyone is sleep just to wake ya'll up so if you wanna be dealing with that all the time suuuuuuuure xD
Second King of The Elysium Empire
Who is Arken imprisoned by? There could be a rescue mission.
The King, and I'd take you up on that offer, but we already have a long-term plan since Arken's writer has very limited availability at the moment. But I have you on my list of people to call on when the time comes. It's a long list, but I plan on using it :)

For your boi Severus i'm sure we can try doing something there, i'm not sure what all you had in mind but the more contacts Dima makes the better. Same with King Val, since Dima will eventually start doing things for the enclave when i get her ball rollin <3

I don't have anything specific in mind...maybe just a quick thread for a party, or, for a longer thread, you could rough Severus up a bit. It'd add to his character a lot because it would wake him up to the reality of his profession.


So for Dima i was wanting to try and get her into some stuff while i have the chance. These are open to anyone and i am down for private or open threads with only one person or a group so just respond below with whatever thing you'd like to try and we can try plotting something up! Character wise my character Dima is a Mandalorian Foundling taken in after being found on a massive research station known only as TITAN. Since escaping titan and being adopted, she's has only ventured out from under her adoptive fathers wing a couple times by sneaking onto ships as a stowaway in order to go on 'adventures'. She is very whimsical and dense despite being such a monstrosity and tends to be the Enclaves 'Problem Foundling' getting into heaps of drama and trouble anytime they take their eye off of her. So this will be a good opportunity to build her rep up as she terrorizes the galaxy for a bit ^^

Currently Dima is open For

Friends | Enemies | Acquaintances | Clients | Duels | Drama | Romance | Tragedy

Jedi Plots: Dima's contact with force users was limited to the harsh conditions forced upon her during her time as an experiment and therefore 18 has only ever seen force users as a threat to her survival. Her first interactions with Jedi i imagine would probably be based on some kind of antagonistic approach at first. For example, Dima possessing a Jedi Holocron or artifact from a previous bounty she hunted that gets her mixed up in Jedi affairs. Being potentially chased by law enforcement/jedi for some kind of crime like breaking into a temple or something along those lines. If not antagonistic, other things could be worked out such as an unlikely ally, perhaps a bodyguard for a senator, even Dima trying to learn 'diplomacy' and 'patience' or any number of things. I am especially interested in Dima becoming detained by Jedi in a temple only for things to become...chaotic.

Sith Plots: Ranging to any number of things plots for the dark siders can be just about anything. Bloodbath in some great battle, Dima stalking around where she is not supposed to be, maybe some sweet revenge on her because she killed or captured someone, attempting to kidnap her, anything really. I don't have too many ideas for dark side plots considering she is not a dark sider but if anyone has anything in mind let me know ^^.

Underground Plots: The the crime lords, pirates, gangsters, movers and shakers. Dima will likely fit into these kinds of plots the most. Bounty hunting, dealing with sleazy politicians, raiding pirates and smuggling things in this series of plotlines a lot if possible. Meeting contacts for the first time, regular clients, club scenes or just general criminal nonsense is all much loved.

Other Plots: Social threads, slice of life stuff and what not i'd love to try and work out. Dima going to her first party or 'dance', going out and drinking, making friends, enemies heck even lovers is all fun and delightful. Dima is especially loves to build and study strange technology, so if anyone wants to be science buddies and develop insane stuff i'd love to try a plot like that with someone.

(Also if anyone needs their character to get a limb taken off don't be afraid to ask ;D)

Let's kill some things or something. We'd make a great team. A monster and an A.I., definitely be interesting. Of course, I do have a ton of other characters that would have... interesting interactions with her. I can do any of these plots, honestly.
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