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Approved Tech Mangy Cat Defence Turret

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Grand Shepherd Burtch

Fleet Commander For The Nomadic Peoples Coalition


  • Intent: Create a formidable anti-missile defence turret system for capital ships, bases, and space stations.
  • Image Source: The Expanse TV series, Martin Dux helped with the editing
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: permission
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Manufacturer: Mandal-Elysium Arms
  • Affiliation: Elysium Empire
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Model: Mangy Cat Defense Turret
  • Modularity: no
  • Production: Mass-Produced
  • Material: (most materials are mined on planet Anvil)
    • Mainly, case-hardened Quadanium steel for main structure
    • Case-hardened Beskar for the gun barrels inner rifling
    • Beskar jacketed slug ammunition
    • Bronzium ammunition cartridges
    • Tibanna gas charge inside the cartridge
  • Classification: rapid-fire slugthrower defence turret for large structures
  • Size: Large
  • Weight: Heavy
  • Ammunition Type: 35mm Beskar-Jacketed Slugs with Bronzium Cartridges loaded with Tibanna charge for propellant.
  • Ammunition Capacity: Large
  • Effective Range: Personal
  • Rate of Fire: Extremely High
  • Damage Output: Low
  • Recoil: Average
  • High Quality Servos; the finest turret servos in the Mandal-Elysium Arms Corporation, they are fast, precise, and robust.
  • Fire Control Computer; the computer software and hardware on this gun turret is advanced enough to outsmart missiles and strikecraft with exceptional evasion protocols or algorithms.
  • The Wall Of Projectiles; between the advanced fire control, and extreme rate of fire, evading the projectiles from this weapon is nearly impossible at short range.
  • Shield Shredder; given the high volume of Beskar projectile fire that these guns put out, when at short range, they strip enemy shields extremely quickly.
  • Passing Through; Although the rounds of this weapon do not detonate like tibanna or ordinance weapons, or melt systems like plasma, the 35mm Beskar-jacketed rounds are able to punch clean through any armor without making a large hole. The hole is almost never any bigger than the slug itself though. This results in minimal ballistics damage.
  • Solid Physical Unguided Projectile; the ordinance from these guns is unlike fluid projectiles, like charged tibanna gas or choral skipper plasma. It is also unable to perform course corrections like guided missiles. Therefore, it is susceptible to the following deflection or redirection methods:
    • Force Telekinesis: a powerful force user can block or redirect the slugs.
    • Tractor Beams: if two or more ships or stations are defending against these guns, they can exchange support by sweeping their tractor beams across the line of fire for each other.
    • Repulsorlifts; if a ship or station has powerful repulsors, they can use them to drive a wedge into the line of fire of these guns, reducing their effectiveness at long or medium range.
  • Over-Penetration; being a slugthrower that shoots beskar-jacketed rounds, the slugs do not deform or detonate when they impact a target. Therefore they can tend to pass right through a stucture without causing significant damage along the way.
  • Limited Stamina; because this is not an energy weapon, ammunition is limited. In a battle where an enemy has enough ordinance to outlast the ammunition magazines in these guns, they will eventually become essentially useless.
In light of the sudden destruction of the MandalArms Corporation, many technologies were lost, and never to be replicated again. But, thanks to the genius of the engineer, Viken Dobson, many of the old technologies were either replaced, or outright surpassed by his efforts. In the case of the new Mangy Gat Defense Turrets, they are a massive improvement over the once impressive MAI-1 Defence Turrets that were built under the old company banner.

The Mangy Cat Defense Turret is a phenomenal weapon that is designed to take advantage of the incredible Beskar deposits on Anvil. They shred missiles easily in a barrage of slugs and have limited offensive capabilities at short range. This gives the Elysium Empire an incredible advantage in a long range missile fight.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch

Interesting weapon.
  • All of the Elysium Empire's links are broken, the faction is still closed, so if you're not link the about page, the link always will always broken to everyone who is not in the faction. Please fix it.
  • Effective Range: Short; I think this is personal, please fix it.
  • And I have one question/concern. You mentioned the damage output is only low, but in the strength you mentioned the armour piercing is very good. These two are strongly opposed to each other, so please try to modify the wording or modify the damage output's rating.

Grand Shepherd Burtch

Fleet Commander For The Nomadic Peoples Coalition

Excellent, thank you!

I fixed the links, and I re-worded the strengths section to convey the fact that armor penetration does not equate extra damage for this weapon. My inspiration for this is based on IRL navy ballistics where AP ordinance tends to sacrifice devastating damage for armor aversion, but I did struggle to get make the concept understandable, so I hope this is clearer than before. I can try again if it still doesn’t make sense.

Now, that being said, I would like to try and change your mind on the RANGE: SHORT rating, if you don’t mind. If you don’t accept my explanation, or if my understanding of the rating system is incorrect, then I will gladly accept that and change it as you have requested.

That being said, I set the range at “short” because this gun is inspired by the IRL CIWS Phalanx naval gun. The gun which this is inspired by has an effective range of almost one mile with a 20 mm bullet while on choppy seas and changing air currents. In the vacuum of space with a 35mm slug and advanced Star Wars level technology, it can be assumed that the ballistics and range would be much much better than the CIWS. However, this is science fiction and I didn’t want to exploit that in a game like this. Therefore, assuming that my submission has the same range as the CIWS, in my mind I assumed that one mile is “short” range for a capital ship, but I could be wrong about that. If one mile is considered “personal”, then I am more than happy to change the rating to that and move the rating to ammo or something.
T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch

The editing is good, thank you! However, the short; I mean there is no "Short range" rating there, so select the right one:
Effective Range: (Effective range in relation to the weapon type. Remember that a carbine will have a longer range than a pistol, an assault rifle longer range than a carbine, and a sniper rifle longer than an assault rifle. Choose from None, Point Blank, Personal, Average, Long Range, Battlefield, and Extreme. Battlefield and Extreme will require justification in strengths and weaknesses.)
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