Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Remained confused, the quizzical look that remained on his face was truly revealing, it was painfully obvious that vestiges of Sith remained in his body, at least when it came like groveling before others like a miserable worm. Though in his case he rarely bowed, his arrogance saw to that which he was also punished greatly for. Nonetheless he continued to listen to every word that Alexandra had spoken. "Understood" Though one could note the soft shuddering that claimed his body when she mentioned the force, it was apparent he had a great fear when it came to something as arcane as that. "I will follow where you guide me then."

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
She smiled and looked back at him, cheer and kindness shown only on her face, even with the faint scars on her right cheek and forehead. "Well then, lets get a move on [member="Maleus"], you got a whole new life ahead of you." She started walking, a light footed walk that seemed as if she glided over the ground rather than walked due to how smooth the motions were. After twenty minutes of walking her ship would be seen, a small thing, barely anything of note and holding maybe two passengers at most. "My home away from home, the latter home being the one that will also become your home."
Continued to follow her all the while listening to her speak, as they approached the metallic vessel he became increasingly nervous. Though, it was quickly off-set by her serine demeanor. He also noticed her skillful grace that seemed to take precedence over everything she did, to her speech, all the way down to her gait. And although he was quite larger than she was, it was easy to tell who the apprentice was, his foot-falls were deliberate and harsh. His speech was filled with ambiguous tones that could be anything from fear, to a challenge. His whole demeanor was without care, his arrogance put him in line for outright carelessness and yet........ His personality was forced to invert when in the face of a master of the force he couldn't help but be humbled. He made sure not to make eye contact and when he did he would quickly avert his gaze to the ground. " I see...."

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"Oh cheer up, if your going to be gloomy all the way to Alderaan its going to be a very boring ride. Tell me about yourself, past you having a name." She entered the ship as she talked, the ramp having gone down when she last spoke due to the astromech that was inside. "By the way, this is Tin-bucket, he will be the copilot for the trip and is a great companion, built him out of an old R2 model droid i found laying around... hes quite dull if he gets a memory wipe so, here he is all un-wiped and in his glory." [member="Maleus"]
Shuffled through the sparsely lit shuttle and onto a stiff chair, he'd grip the ends of the arm rest as he awaited their lift-off into hyper-space. "Well... recently I was walking around Taris looking for training, I came across an Acolyte which had been ordered to train with me. Or, well maybe you didn't want to hear that... Uhm, I've been here all my life, I spent most of my years fighting over food and resources. I lost my arm on a rite of passage and uhm I'm looking to become the greatest-blades-man of all time." He'd shift his eyes onto the ships three dimensional HUD where several lights flickered on and off most likely due to a timed interval. "What about you?"

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"Me, i was an orphan taken in by a master whom i lost several years back, bunch of sith found me alone and though i would make a great student for the Empire... then i turned my coat and started my own path in which light and dark mean nothing to me, only the knowledge of the force that comes with them." Her hands worked as if automatically, starting the engines and doing a preflight prep while she waited for T1N's response to the readiness of the ship. "And as for what i want to become, a old force user who had a good life and spread the knowledge that i had taken in over the years, what better a legacy... ehh and maybe a pretty good warrior whom has a strong hold on the force, but hey, not like someone is going to complain if i did achieve that." [member="Maleus"]
Nodded his head as he remained attentive, but to be honest he was surprised. It was extremely rare that someone decided to follow their own path in regards to the force, the Sith did not like for others to make a way for themselves. The fact that she survived this long was truly impressive. He'd casually stroke his chin as he pondered her words. "So you're not a slave to the force like the Sith or Jedi. Rather, you seek understanding..... Hm...." At this he drew his robotic forearm in front of him. A look of disgust warped his face as he glanced at the appendage. "And what's more you're not maimed like I am."

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"Well, that last part isnt exactly... fully true. The scars on my face are but a faint reminder, no the true scars line my back and my limbs, i was left in a ditch broken by a force user one time and then i was nearly killed by some bothan on another instance, the man having shattered my right leg between a grenade, a blaster bolt, and falling stones. Plus scars and cuts line my body from shrapnel, cuts, bruises... i live a very damaging life to tell the truth, but hey, i still have my head so alls ok." [member="Maleus"]
Smiled as he heard of Alexendra's tales, though the thing he was pleased with hearing was the fact she lived such a lively existence. "Seems you lived life to the fullest in your trials. Hopefully I can do the same." As he spoke he drew an ornate dagger from the sides of his leg strap, it's floral design was cast in ivory which was a stark contrast to the metallic blade. He drew his right forearm forward and calmly dragged it's head across his skin. A eerily green mixture that appeared vaporous trickled to the floor. "I pledge my alliance to you and sign this oath in blood."

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Alexandra at first was confused then sat back and blinked as he brought the blade across his flesh, for a moment she thought he was crazy then she remembered Zabrak rituals and oaths and eased forward again with a smile and bow of her own head. "I accept your oath, though i must say you dont need to bleed yourself to make a promise, words are sometimes far more powerful than a blade or gun." [member="Maleus"]
Nodded, he'd allow his eyes to close momentarily, he tried to feel the rise and fall of the ship as it traversed across the universe. He'd drop the dagger to the floor while he kept his meditative stance. A single vein exploded from his brow as he continued to concentrate on the object he had placed on the floor. The dagger gingerly skids across the floor, but it was not what he intended. He wished to erect the object above his head, this meager attempt at manipulation the force was out-right hilarious. Though, this couldn't have angered him more, his breathing grew more deliberate his heart jumped a beat, sweat coiled down his neck and rested on the out-set of his collar-bone. "I CAN"T DO IT" He roared.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Alexandr's eyes watched him while he worked, carefully observing him before his outburst came in the wake of his anger at not being able to do it. She looked at the dagger and brought it to her hand slowly before studying the blade and lowering it back to the floor infront of [member="Maleus"] . "Try again, it takes practice and patience."
Face flushed with anger as he forced himself into yet another steppe of concentration. Colors of enigmatic origin swirled within the confines of his eyes. A sort of strange vibrancy that surrounded him all of his life, was seemingly beyond understand. This strange phenomena that governed practically everything was foreign to him, and rightfully so. Adjusting his mind to the order he'd focus intently, allowing the force to reveal itself, and then using it's power to lift the dagger on it's end. Placing the blade back into it's sheathe allowed him to relinquish his hold on the knife. The object clashed to the ground, his eyes waver to his master engulfed in a miasma of white threads. "Hmm..."

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
She let her eyes study him carefully, watching his every change in position, emotion, or flow within the force. There are she noted but kept herself, she did hear him and her brow rose as she did speak on that point. "Find something interesting that has captured your mind?" [member="Maleus"]
"It's just, before... The force... Everything was so clouded but now I see things as if they were, as they are... For once, I have been humbled..." His eyes remained on his master as he began to wonder how intimately attuned to the force she was. He was just a novice, but she was a master of the arcane and mysterious machinations of the force. "How are you so strong.?"

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Alexandra smiled and shook her head as he said that, her eyes resting for a moment on him before looking up at the ceiling of the compartment they sat in. Her eyes scanned over the surface before she spoke, carefully looking for a point as she found one. "Look up by one of the lights, there is a small minuscule scratch there, perhaps it is not even that and actually a crack in the metal. The point is though that one is only as strong as they seem, i am no different. While you see strength, some see knowledge, some see weakness and some see nothing more that a woman that is at peace with herself and with the force around her. Just as you have your own scars and flaws i hold some as well, no matter how much power someone attains there is always a weakness, a flaw to that power that perhaps no one my realize what it is without the time coming and the man's or woman's end is assured."

"......" Remained speechless as he continued to listen to his masters speech, her wisdom was impressive to say the least. And it was utterly true, beings, no matter whom they are have their strengths, but in those strengths there are hindrances, weakness. He allowed his fingers to shift back into his garb due to the rather cold environment of the shuttle. "Is there a way to eliminate weakness, so that we can become perfect?"

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"Perfection is an ideal, not a truth, this is something even the Sith cannot come to understand and the strive for such will not make you stronger but just make you a bigger target... do you know the story of Vitiate?" She crossed her hands, for now the lesson would be philosophical. [member="Maleus"]
Crossed his arms listening intently on what Alexandra had to say and although he didn't want to hear true perfection was unattainable he knew her words were true. Many a Sith and Jedi had sought out perfection long before he was born, and although there was legend, they were all mortal and all flawed. He'd shift even deeper into the confines of his chair as he heard her ask him. "Do you know the story of Vitiate.?" "No." He responded.

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