Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public Little Wars on Little Worlds

Hello everyone. It has been quite some time since last I was on, so forgive me if I am a bit behind on any rule changes or similar adjustments I may have overlooked in my reacquainting myself with the site. I hope everyone is doing well and staying safe in this crazy time.

This will hopefully serve as the OOC discussion thread for a thread of the same name I will post soon after this. It may be a bit on the slower side, as I cannot guarantee any timely replies on my part. The primary focus will be, as the title suggests, a small war occurring on an unnamed planet. The sides are immaterial, friendly fire is all too common, and there may be more than two conflicting powers found on the world. Guerilla fighting is common and no faction holds a distinct advantage in what has become a war of attrition. Some of the powers seek a diplomatic resolution to civil wars, while others seek only to wipe out all contenders. The purpose of the war is uncertain, and the strategic value of the world appears nebulous at best.

If it seems a bit abstract, that is kind of what I am going for. There isn't much plot as far as I intend at this point, rather I just want to set the stage for a collective story that will develop as people write in it. Everyone is welcome and I look forward to writing here again.
if they're watching anyways
Leea Pandac Leea Pandac this is a really good concept, and your opening post is well written :)

I would join, but I don't really have a good character for this (that I'm writing actively) and I don't want to throw in a Jedi or FU to try and be a hero. Still, I like the anthology/war story feel of this and I think similar things could be done more often and be a lot of fun to write.

I'll be following this thread, expect a few more love reacts :D
Caught more interest and questions than I had anticipated.

Kayûm Kratha Kayûm Kratha Heath Valhoun Heath Valhoun I had not considered what planet we are on. If I were to make a definitive statement on which planet, I guess Selvaris, but it doesn't matter too much to me.

Dezik Agorr Dezik Agorr Same issue as above, I had not considered specific factions. Take some liberty and craft one, maybe one of a number of local forces vying for independence from a world government, or perhaps a galactic corporation seeking to set up a claim on the planet, it may be something else entirely. I want to give people freedom to develop as they see fit and to craft their story alongside the other writers.

Ben Craig Ben Craig The Union is most welcome to join in. (Don't expect the combatants to be quite so welcoming though!)

Auteme Auteme thank you for the encouragement and support. I am gladdened to hear the first post was enjoyable, I wanted to try a slightly different writing tone and style from what I tended towards when I wrote last. If you change your mind at any time then you are most welcome to join in.
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