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Approved Tech Kosa Nostra Coinage

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Business, Espionage & Faith
Intent: To create & submit an exclusive economy for use by The Family.
Image Source: Martechi (DeviantArts)
Canon Link: N/A
Permissions: N/A
Primary Source: N/A
Links: 'The Family' (Group), 'The Family' (Lore).

Manufacturer: The Family (x)
Affiliation: The Family; Select Individuals
Market Status: Closed-Market
Model: Kosa Nostra Favour Chip (Small) / Kosa Nostra Business Marker (Large)
Modularity: None
Production: Limited
Material: Tungsten (x), Microtag (x)

The Family Coinage: Only relevant within the circles of Kosa Nostra, there is little use for the coins outside of the organization, except for material value.
Precise Measurements: Each coin is specifically made to fit a specific measurement and weight, making counterfeiting practically impossible, especially with the microtags within.
Serial-Code Dedanet Microtag (x): Each coin has a unique serial code within the microtag that is activated once scanned with The Family Finger (x) or a specialized scanner, marking the coin as ‘in-circulation.’ The same process is followed to mark the coin ‘out-of-circulation’ when handed back to a member of Kosa Nostra. If tampered with, the microchip will fry its data, rendering the coin useless.
Code of Honour: As the coins are handed out sparingly, an individual who has received a coin has rightfully earned it or has been traded as leverage, thus requests must be granted (within reason) otherwise the coins may lose their value.

Business Marker
Purpose: Once an individual completes or performs a great service to Kosa Nostra, they are handed a business marker which may be redeemed by any made-member of The Family.
Rewards: Upon redeeming a business marker, a single request may be made to Kosa Nostra such as: a job opportunity, a contract request, a meeting with The Donna, a fresh start/new life, a protection deal, et cetera.

Favour Chip
Purpose: Once an individual completes a small favour or offers assistance to Kosa Nostra, they are handed a number of favour chips depending on the favour, which may be redeemed by any made-member of The Family.
Rewards: Upon redeeming a favour chip, a single favour may be asked of Kosa Nostra such as: a drink, a place to stay, temporary protection, a weapon or piece of equipment, a set of falsified documents, a new identity, a meeting with any member of The Family, bar The Donna, et cetera.

IMPOSSIBLE TO FORGE: A tiny microtag, programmed using The Family’s proprietary (& highly secure) programming software, has been embedded within every single coin. Attempting to access or manipulate these tags without the proper credentials causes all data therein to be wiped clean - thus rendering their value entirely worthless (other than the value of the Tungsten itself).

LOST IN THE WILD: Once a coin is in-circulation, it could change hands either by-accident or on-purpose; it could be given to another third party, stolen, or traded. As rules are not always strictly followed, this could result in an unknown party coming into possession of a coin & attempting to use it.
HIGH VOLTAGE: Both types inherently possess no form of EMP protection, making them susceptible to an accidental (and completely unrecoverable) loss of all data if they come into contact with a particularly strong EMP-field. This might be mitigated by keeping them in a specially-designed pocket, purse, or wallet, but who thinks that far ahead?

Utilized as a form of payment by The Family in lieu of credits, the coins represent a symbolic gesture of debt to be repaid; favour chips represent a single, small favour to be completed, and the business marker represents a single, large request of Kosa Nostra. These coins can be redeemed by any made-member of The Family as they must be registered as both in and out of circulation by scanning the coins. They have no monetary value outside of Kosa Nostra, except the material value for the Tungsten.

Upon a coin of any variety being redeemed, The Family are honour-bound to accept the favour or request, provided the request is reasonable~ in which case the individual may change their choice. Both chips and markers may be inherited by an individuals next-of-kin, and for the more inconspicuous and unknown individuals- may be stolen and utilized by thieves, should they know both Kosa Nostra and where to redeem those coins.
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