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Approved Tech Justice Lesan's Cybernetic Arm

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  • Intent: A cybernetic arm for Justice Lesan
  • Image Source: LINK
  • Canon Link: LINK
  • Permissions: LINK
  • Primary Source: N/A

  • Classification: Arm
  • Size: (For each category choose from: Average
  • Weight: Light
  • Resistances (Optional):
    • Energy: Average
    • Kinetic: Average
    • Lightsaber: High
    • EMP/Ion: Extreme
    • Sonic: Low

  • Songsteel Platting: The plating of the arm is made from songsteel which is lightsaber resistant.
  • Ion Protection: Justice coated the arm in a material designed to protect it from Ion or EMP attacks.
  • Secret Compartment: Taking a note from his uncle, Justice crafted a secret compartment to hide an extra lightsaber.

  • Sing Me a Song: The songsteel coating prevents lightsaber damage and most blaster and other energy weapons from harming the arm.
  • EMPathy and SatisfactION: Thanks to the mineral coating Justice applied to the arm it is EMP and ION attack resistant.
  • A Bird in the Hand: Just like the old saying goes, having a secret compartment for a second lightsaber should come in handy.

  • Ice Ice Baby: Hot and Cold, Icy Hot, Heat Miser and Winter Warlock, the elements could some decent damage to the internal components of the arm.
  • Stronger Than the Average Bear: One arm being stronger than the other can be problematic, especially when one is not thinking about it.
  • Sonic Boom: Sonic blasts make arm go boom boom.

Stealing your master’s lightsaber is always a bad idea. That was what Justice had tried to tell Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren , but did she listen? No. She was going to run off and kill that sithspawn anyway, and she needed @Valery Noble’s weapon to do it. There was no way she was going to listen to Justice, so he followed her, and when the beast was going to kill her, he stepped in.

RIIIIIP… or maybe it was more like CRUUUUUNCH and then SQUIIIIISH…

Yeah, Justice cried like a baby, but anyone who had their arm gnawed off by pointy teeth and flying bat out of hell would too. Luckily Briana cauterized the wound and Valery showed up in time. Unfortunately Justice needed a new arm.

He got to work on a new arm as soon as he could. The arm he immediately received was not going to cut it. Being a Jedi meant combat, and there was no way Just wanted to lose this one. Something with songsteel, and ion resistant and able to keep working after an electromagnetic pulse hit it would be essential. His uncle Judah kept a secret compartment for a lightsaber in his, and that was a pretty neat trick, so Just copied it. It wasn’t the prettiest thing, especially since it was not covered in synthflesh. That would take some time since it took up his whole arm and went into his pecs and deltoids a little.

Besides, how else was Bri going to remember that when her master said no… it meant no.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Justice Lesan Justice Lesan

If you are able to use the cybernetic item in battle, the resistance cannot be optional. If this is an internal brain chip, for example, or any organ, maybe an eye implant, you don't need to write any resistance. But this is an arm, what others can hit, shot, cut, etc..

I don't want to be a pain, but quoted right from the template:

Resistances (Optional): This is suggested for Cybernetics and Bionics which can double as weapons or are made from very durable materials. (For each category choose from: None, Very Low, Low, Average, High, Very High, Extreme. Ratings of High, Very High, and Extreme will need to be added as strengths with elaboration.) Resistance Ratings Extreme will require the submission to be Semi-Unique and restricted to Player Characters only.

This section is optional as per the template. It is suggested but not required.
T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Justice Lesan Justice Lesan

I can't accept without resistance, because you can abuse it in combat, and this is the same case, when we always ask resistance for every single battle droids as well, and any other cybernetic item which can be used in PvP. For the balance and for the fair play. And not to mention if anyone will report the submission, you'll need to add them to your submission.
So please, I add the resistances to your template. If you don't want too much, at least the basic 3 (Energy, Kinetic, Lightsaber) + EMP/Ion ones.

I added it in with protest, and I will explain why here.

Optional means exactly that optional. If it is not going to be required for all then the template should be edited to require. That does not make it optional. Please pass this feedback up to John Locke John Locke as a suggestion.

Additionally there is nothing in the resistances that make this a weapon, no offensive capabilities whatsoever. Even if it were reported without it filled out, the section itself is still listed as optional.

Thanks for judging this! You're doing a great job. I just happen to disagree on this point and feel if the judges are going to require something it should not be listed in the template as optional. That's just confusing.
T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Justice Lesan Justice Lesan

Thank you for your feedback. We already spoke about it with John, and the questioned part will soon be clarified in the rules. It is considered a "weapon" or armour at that moment if the character hits someone with that arm, or uses it for defence in PvP. This was the other reason why I asked the resistances.

One last thing, it is overpowered (+1), so please edit this. If I might make a suggestion about the resistances. The Average weight is more than enough, because we always compare the submission's item with a similar class/item/weapon/etc.. So if you write an average to the Weight, this time it means, it has the same weight than the original arm had.
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