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Character Jedi Lore-Finder :: Efret Farr

universe entire with-you

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universe entire with-you
|| lightsaber forms ||

III - Soresu (master)
VI - Niman (preference; master)

|| Force powers ||

comprehend speech (expert)
visual telepathy (expert)
verbal telepathy (novice) - can't understand words
Force sight (master)
Force listening (master) - can't understand words
sense Force (master)
Force healing (master)
psychometry (expert)
mind trick (master)
alter environment (expert)
telekinesis (master)
tapas (adept)
tutaminis (master)
shatterpoint (adept)
Force empathy (expert)
plant surge (master)
Force barrier (master)
Force speed & Art of Movement (master)

** Efret's Force ability is severely limited by her near-constant, in many cases, use of visual telepathy with her service convor. If she wants to use another power, she must stop receiving telepathy. For as long as she is using the other power, her only vision is physical—limited by her vision loss.
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universe entire with-you
|| thread list ||
= completed
O = ongoing
|| = paused
X = cancelled

pre-prologue: the old days
O Pilgrimage for the Gift - private - Efret joins another Jedi Knight and archeologist to investigate the mystery of disappearing pilgrims.

prologue: interrupted archeological tour
O Of Pine, Fungus, and Light - private - Masters Farr and Edo look for plant fossils on Jakku, and uncover a bit of Jedi history.
O For the Public Good - private - Efret agrees to be part of a Force research study conducted by Laboratories Concerned with Force Overreach (LCFO).
X A Lesson Learned from Extremophiles - private - Efret teaches a lesson about lightsaber history and Jedi mineral impacts to a padawan.

act I: homecoming
Home Wasn't Ever Farr - private - Efret reunites with Grandmaster Noble after her long absence from Coruscant.
Paradigm Shift [GA/NJO] - diplomacy - Efret attends a meeting of all Jedi to discuss next steps in the face of the fall of Tython and Empress Teta.
X Neon Graves - mission - tbd
Bruised and Beaten - first reply - Efret meets Gatz while working in the Healing Halls after the evacuation of many Jedi from the Temple.
[NJO] Knighthood Ceremony — Ko Vuto - faction - Efret attends one of the last public knighting ceremonies.

act II: on the road again - preparing for war
O Taris Enclave: Cultural Preservation - private - Efret travels to the Jedi history museum on Taris to retrieve the staff and her collection of artifacts.
O For Future Study - first reply - Efret begins digitizing a tunrothese hunting journal from her most recent trip.
O The Lost World of Kytrand - private - Efret and Elias meet Nathan on Kytrand to see if the planet is a good candidate for a Jedi sanctuary.
The Courtship of Ukatis - populate - Efret attends the festival and then participates in the rebuilding of the capital city.
|| For Force and Faction - private - While taking time to mourn the loss of Tython, Efret meets a Kenobi.
[NJO] Knighthood Ceremony - Shan Pavond - faction - Efret attends one of the last public knighting ceremonies.
O Ambitious Minds - dominion - Efret, Elias, and Vera Noble travel to Gholondreine β for a lesson if archeology.

act III: fighting has come
Eclipse | Jedi vs. Sith - skirmish - Efret joins the pilgrimage to Jedha's Holy City, hoping to learn about the Hidden Path.
O Time of Need - private - In the wake of her duel oh Jedha, Efret seeks out healing and Elias on Bogano.
Melded Minds | End of Totality - article - Having returned to Coruscant from Bogano, Efret struggles with Dark visions.
Call to the Clouds for Rain - private - Still shaken by her recent duel, Efret visits her homeworld and province of Bepru through the Force.
O Stolen: All's Fair Under Threat of a Dark Empire - private - Efret is attacked during a robbery at the Galactic Museum.
A Monument to Your Crimes - public - Efret reads and discusses an edict produced by a Light side extremist.
O Chapter Two: House of Cards - invasion - When the Dark Empire's attack on Coruscant finally comes, Efret tries to get herself and Astri offworld.
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universe entire with-you
|| relationships ||

- family -
Jido Farr (father; living)
Ierran Farr (mother; living)

- former masters -
Vidar Dalle (first master; living)
Astin Denor (second master; living)

- crush, don't tell him -
Elias Edo Elias Edo Sign name: Dreadlocks [signed with single E handshape]

- good friends -
Valery Noble Valery Noble Sign name: [V handshape thumb folded over the center signed near eye]

- acquaintances -
Astri Elyse Astri Elyse Sign name: Curious [signed with A handshape]
Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar
Gene Kenobi Gene Kenobi
Kaleleon Kaleleon
Cassius Droma Cassius Droma
Shan Pavond Shan Pavond
Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania

- personal enemies -
Malva'ikh Dralidok Malva'ikh Dralidok Sign name: Angry braid-back-of-head
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