Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Iron Rain | EE Invasion of TSE-held PL-40112-CE-021105

Major Faction


Become One With All Things
Ellie Mors Ellie Mors


Ru Comet

Courier Extraordinaire
Ryv Ryv Ru Comet Ru Comet
That's great, I more was asking what they were intending to do in the thread because if they are aiding an ally to the EE or TSE then they need to be considered an ally to either of those two factions. The same story could still be told.

This character wouldn't be partaking in combat. His ship is ill suited for more than self-defense and his priorities are to make it to his drop-off location! Ru Comet doesn't have any faction allegiances or hatreds at the present. If you'd rather him fit into an Ally Slot, but still not partake in combat, I suppose he could be considered for this thread an ally of the TSE due to him being a civilian trade vessel in TSE space.

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