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Faction Herd Meet over Ithor | Herdship Vonnuvi [Jedi, Humanitarians, Civilians]


Vonnuvi Herdship, over Ithor
Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar - Joran Olan Joran Olan - Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el - Alicio Organa Alicio Organa - Kitter Bitters Kitter Bitters - Open

The Ithorian people, so dedicated to the preservation of their natural homeworld, choose to live their lives in massive floating cities called herdships. Every three years, these nomadic stations return to Ithor in an event known as a Herd Meet. Here, the people unify once more, reconnecting and sharing what they had found and achieved on their distant journeys; Celebration, business, and reunion in equal measure.

It has been three years since the last Herd Meet. The time has come again for their meeting. One such herdship has become the talk of the day; This is the Vonnuvi. A city that has made a name for itself championing relief efforts across the galaxy, now more than ever, in part thanks to collaboration with the Jedi. This marks the first Herd Meet since the Vonnuvi Enclave was constructed, and many are eager to see what has changed. The people of the Vonnuvi are eager for a return to their roots, and the Enclave hopes to spread their message of cooperation even further.

Outsiders are more than welcome to take part in the holiday. The maneuvering of the herdships into formation is an impressive sight on its own, and there is plenty else to experience; Trade between the Ithorians will no doubt bear exotic goods, and the festival atmosphere attracts all manner of celebrants. Take some time away from galactic events, and explore all the Ithorian people have to offer.

The Herd Meet is here! There are no explicit objectives, just enjoy the holiday! Plenty of hooks are available to you:
  • Explore the Vonnuvi herdship. Newcomers often find the arcological designs of the Ithorians inspiring for life in space.
  • Trade with the Ithorians and other partygoers. Lots of people are eager to show off their exotic wares to a wider audience.
  • Meet with the Jedi. The Vonnuvi Enclave is eager to share their results with fellow Jedi and other interested parties.
  • Party! Games, music, food and drink, all here and ready for you to partake.

Vonnuvi Herdship

The day had finally come. Amani long awaited the chance to take part in her very first Herd Meet, ever since Master Nina taught her about it. Now, here she was, and not just as another partygoer either. She led the Vonnuvi Enclave. Many other herdships and visitors were interested to hear what had come of the Enclave's presence. She was happy to share the results.

The Vonnuvi was safer. They're mission that much more attainable. And the Jedi could expand their horizons in a way others often failed to do. They saw the rough cut corners of the galaxy. Saw the differences they could make working together. And through it all they had an entire city at their back, not just a cold metal spaceship.

Amani was proud of the work they had done. Her duties as Chief Healer and now Queen of Alderaan often took her away from the Enclave, but with or without her they had proven sustainable. It was a dream come true in many ways. But today, she would just focus on the celebration. Hence why she was now walking through the crowd with a toddler on her arm. Liana was contentedly chowing down on some candy she had gotten, August was off with Alicio somewhere, but they'd gotten a bit split up by the crowds. Not the end of the world. Splitting parental duties would probably make their lives a little easier today.

Ship: The Red Night
Tag: Open

Gatz was used to crowds.

He'd spent most of his adult life on Nar Shaddaa, which was less of a moon and more like one giant mass of sweltering bodies standing on rotten metal plating. He knew how to pass between people, and how to guard his pockets from being picked. He knew how to duck away from eyes searching for him, and how to target a sucker who was just waiting to lose their wallet.

What he wasn't used to, however, was a crowd of perfectly normal and content people. Gatz was damn near experiencing culture shock, all because he didn't have to be wary of someone trying to nab the lightsaber hanging from his belt. Idly, he wondered if he'd ever get used to not being a criminal, or being around criminals.

He sure hoped so. Gatz hadn't changed his ways just for his mind to stay stuck in the past.

Gatz stepped out of the crowd to stand at the edge of The Vonnuvi's many manufactured ponds. A contented smile found itself plastered on his face, and for once, Gatz couldn't drudge up enough angst to wipe it away. How could he? Things were finally starting to look up for him: he had a Master, he was actually progressing in his studies for once, he wasn't dead or injured, and he lived on a beautiful ship that might as well have been an actual planet. Sure, The Red Night was in rough condition, and he wasn't sure how he was going to fix her, but who didn't have problems?

Was he... happy? Gatz blanched at the mere idea. But... he rather thought that he was, even if only for the moment.

"Hiya Gatz." Inanna's voice came from off to the side, where the foot traffic through the plaza was less dense. She was holding a drink in one hand, a bag in the other. Her son Ashur was clinging to her skirt, red Chiss eyes watching all the people passing by.

"Say hi," she tried to prompt the toddler. At first he just looked at Gatz, but eventually he gave a little wave that made his mother giggle.

"How are you doing, Gatz? Are you enjoying the herd meet?"


The Vonnuvi
In orbit over Ithor
- Open -

"Fly! Fly!"

"Yeah, Auggie," Alicio said, his eyes softening a little at his son's obvious overwhelming excitement. "Those ships fly."

Alicio had feared that with his recent appointment as King of Alderaan, he would lose the little moments with his family. He and Amani Serys Amani Serys had both shouldered so many responsibilities recently, it was... natural, to fear that it would be too much to bear, that they would have to make concessions elsewhere. It had been such a short time since their appointment, but so far, that hadn't been the case.

It did mean the twins tagged along on more of their business, but that wasn't the worst thing in the world. They were learning what their parents did. How they helped the people of the galaxy. And they constantly met interesting folks, only a benefit to their development.

Today, August had busied himself by running circles around Alicio's legs as the Alderaanian traded words with botanists, engineers, and scientists. With the King's ascension, he certainly would have less time to have boots on the ground on all his refugee projects. So he was looking for other ways to help. He was looking for innovation.

August, of course, was looking for ships. And there were only so many impromptu meetings a toddler could sit through before getting antsy.

Which was how the pair of nobles found themselves outside the Vonnuvi's spaceport. August was on Alicio's shoulders, staring up at the arriving and exiting starships with unabashed joy. Alicio was quiet, letting the little prince drink it all in with a smirk on his face.

He never wanted to lose moments like this.

Ship: The Red Night
Tag: Inanna Harth Inanna Harth | Open

"Hiya Gatz."

Gatz blinked. How long had he been standing at the edge of the pond? He had no idea, but frankly, being content enough to just drift off into his own thoughts was rather nice. That was another thing he seldom enjoyed: a mind free of traitorous whispers. He'd forgotten just how heavy the burden of self-doubt could be.


Gatz gave a bow of his head. The title felt odd, especially to a man who was typically so informal. But it also felt... fitting. Recently Knighted or not, Inanna was his Master. He offered very few people the respect of formality, rebellious as he was. But who deserved it more than the one Jedi who had actually been willing to take him under her wing, despite knowing his many shortcomings?

The little tyke was unexpected. Gatz knew Inanna had a daughter, she'd told him as much when they'd met. But this was the first he'd heard—or seen—of a son. And if Gatz noticed the clear difference between the very Chiss boy, and his very not-Chiss mother, he said nothing. He understood a little something about found family.

"Hi little guy!" Gatz gently knelt to the ground, "what's your name?"

But Gatz looked back up at his Master as she asked him a question of her own.

"I... am enjoying myself, actually." He admitted, sounding almost confused, "I had forgotten what that felt like."

Master. Hearing that gave her a bit of an unexpected jolt. She still wasn't used to it. But she had told him he could call her whatever he wanted, so she'd have to.

Ashur eyed Gatz as the man knelt down to speak to him. He didn't answer right away, perhaps out of shyness, but eventually he puffed out his chest, pointed to himself, and confidently declared, "Ashur."

"I... am enjoying myself, actually. I had forgotten what that felt like."

"I know the feeling," Inanna said. "I used to get so caught up in my work, any time I tried to relax I would just get antsy. Always had to be doing something productive..."

"Mommy," Ashur got her attention, then pointed to a man carrying a little boy on his shoulders. "Up." Though he wasn't directly facing Inanna, she immediately recognized him by his profile: it was none other than Alicio Organa.

"Alicio! Hey!" She waved to him while an exasperated Ashur, who had only pointed Alicio out in order to convey his desire to be carried in a similar manner, raised both his arms and started to whine. She scooped him up immediately, which at least relieved the pain of having to walk around on his own two tiny feet. "Sorry, I know that guy," she said to Gatz with an apologetic smile. "He's the new King of Alderaan. Would you like to meet him? I could introduce you."


Ship: The Red Night
Tag: Inanna Harth Inanna Harth Alicio Organa Alicio Organa

"It's nice to meet you, Ashur. I'm Gatz. I'm your mother's Padawan learner."

He was struck with a profound sense of belonging, then. It was almost surreal: his family was dead, his criminal associates long gone, and his home owned by some other poor schmuck on Naboo. He didn't belong anywhere, and hadn't for a long time. Even his friends only really came by in passing, and didn't consider him much more than, well, an occasional friend.

But here, on The Vonnuvi, within the Jedi Enclave... he was Inanna's student. He had belonging and purpose, even if only for the duration of his training. That wasn't a sensation he'd ever expected to feel again.

"I used to get so caught up in my work, any time I tried to relax I would just get antsy. Always had to be doing something productive..."

"When I was still—" Gatz stopped and considered the small child in front of him, "—during my previous occupation I had no time to rest. If I wasn't working, I wasn't making credits. And... I had a serious financial responsibility, back then. Guess I forgot how to enjoy myself along the way."

Funny how his life had turned around because his mom died, and no one was dependent upon him. It was an uncomfortable way to view his mother's passing.

But then Inanna waved to... was that Master Serys-Organa's husband? Gatz had never actually met Alicio, but he'd been on Alderaan during the succession crisis. Typically, Gatz hated the rich, the nobility, and the affluent. Growing up destitute as he had, watching rich pricks on Naboo walk around in dresses that cost more than his whole house while he and his family starved, why wouldn't he hold a grudge against those that were well off?

But there were exceptions. A man who willingly took on the burden of ruling—not for personal power or prestige, but because he understood that he was responsible for the prosperity of his people—was certainly one of those exceptions.

Also, Amani didn't strike him as the type of woman to marry some selfish fop.

"I've already gone from a street kid, to someone who cavorts with duchesses and princesses." Gatz shrugged, "why not add a king to the list?"


"Daddy?" The little half-Mirialan started twirling his fingers in his dad's hair. August had the same hair color as both his parents, and oddly enough, the same skin color too- splotched with both green and fair hues across his body. But his eyes were decidedly his mother's- deep blue, like the sea.

Alicio looked up, unable to crane his neck as far as he needed to see August. "Yes?"

"Can we... ship?"

"We are on a ship, love."

August raised a dramatic eyebrow, looking around suspiciously. "No, we not."

Before Alicio could figure out how to explain a herdship to his son, a voice in the future caught his attention. Turning around as his name was called, Alicio locked eyes with a good friend. The nobleman found a soft, warm smile, turning and closing the distance. "Inanna. I heard you and Cato were on the Vonnuvi. It's good to see you." His smile sharpened playfully. "And not a life-threatening scenario in sight."

Also having clocked the man next to Inanna, Alicio stuck out his hand to shake, projecting warmth. "I'm Alicio." Even when he was a Count, he didn't enjoy introducing himself by his title. Now... he was doubly-loathe to start with it.

Quick on his father's heels, August also stuck out one grabby hand to shake. He'd had a lot of practice today, though this time, he seemed to be a lot more excited. "My name is August!" The little boy stuck out that hand to Gatz, to Inanna, and finally, to Ashur, who was also on his parent's shoulders. He hadn't seen anyone near his age here, yet.

- Inanna Harth Inanna Harth - Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar -
"It's nice to meet you, Ashur. I'm Gatz. I'm your mother's Padawan learner."

"Oh," Ashur said. "Ok." Being non-Force sensitive, his parents' Jedi business didn't mean much to him. But he was just happy to be there, sucking on his fingers.

Inanna nodded in understanding as Gatz described his past life. She picked up on the fact that he had changed his word choice at the last moment, but wasn't sure if he was reluctant to tell her or sparing the child's innocent ears. At any rate, Alicio was coming over to see them, ending that conversation thread.

"Inanna. I heard you and Cato were on the Vonnuvi. It's good to see you." His smile sharpened playfully. "And not a life-threatening scenario in sight."

"You haven't been shot and I haven't been stabbed!" she cheered, her nose wrinkling as she grinned. "And yes, we Harths live here now. This is my apprentice, Gatz Derrevar. Gatz, this is..." She let Alicio finish his own introduction. He left out all of his titles and simply gave his name. Classic Alicio.

For a few moments little August took up all of Inanna's attention. He may have been a blend of his parents even down to having both their skin tones, but she saw more of Alicio in the boy's features than Amani. Yet it was only a surface level physical resemblance. He had none of his father's dark and brooding sorrow or cool melancholy. August was just a happy little kid. She shook his hand.

Ashur was equally excited at the prospect of finally being able to interact with another child rather than a boring adult. "I'm Ashur," he said, taking his finger out of his mouth to point to his chest. "We go play?" Turning to Inanna, he asked, "Mommy, can I go play with him?"

"Uh..." Inanna hesitated. As safe as the Vonnuvi was, the middle of a crowded plaza was not an ideal place for two toddlers to be getting rowdy. She looked around for a better location nearby, finally settling on a bench in front of a patch of green lawn. Not exactly a park, but good enough. "We could set them loose over there," she suggested to Alicio, pointing to the grass.


Ship: The Red Night
Weapons: Lightsaber
Tag: Inanna Harth Inanna Harth Alicio Organa Alicio Organa

Gatz had never met a king who let his child ride on his shoulders. Granted, Gatz had never met a king at all. But it didn't seem to be a very stately thing. Didn't seem like it would look good for optics. It was like a public relations disaster waiting to happen: the king, just hanging about like a normal person? The Queen of Naboo would never do such a thing so publicly.

Gatz decided he liked the man already.

"I'm Alicio."

"Gatz," he took the man's hand with a smile, "I'm The Vonnuvi's newest problem."

Then he turned his eyes higher, and took August's hand. Kid was certainly outgoing—more than Ashur seemed to be at first. Gatz wondered which parent that came from. Alicio? Amani? Both? But then the kid turned his eyes to the other kid around, who obviously was much more exciting than a bunch of boring adults.

Boring. Gatz wondered: when had he become boring? He'd been a riot during the first half of his twenties! Why was he, in the second half, becoming sedentary and dull? Questions for later.

"You haven't been shot and I haven't been stabbed!"

"Oh good, you two are just as prone to life-threatening injuries as I am." Gatz snorted, "what a trio we'll make."


"You haven't been shot and I haven't been stabbed!"

"Well, the day is young." Alicio joined in the fun, the barest features of a smirk weathered onto his face.

Having been officially introduced to Gatz, Alicio nodded respectfully to him. Inanna being a full-blown Jedi again still felt new to him- and now, she was a mentor to her new Padawan. She more than deserved it, of course. She'd taught him a thing or two during their long and tumultuous friendship, too. "Problem or not, I'm happy to meet you, Gatz."

August seemed equally excited to clamber off of his father's shoulders to meet Ashur, who he'd already decided was his new best friend. Alicio set him down, nodding at the section of grass as it was pointed out to him. "That's fine by me." Then looking down at August, Alicio took on a cautioning tone. "Now, Aug, are you going to play nice with Ashur?" The little half-Mirialan could be a little... overenthusiastic, at times.

"Yuh-huh." The little prince was already waddling off to join the Chiss, babbling to the little boy about how he liked his blue. Alicio raised an eyebrow, but let them socialize unimpeded. Kids would be kids.

"Oh good, you two are just as prone to life-threatening injuries as I am. What a trio we'll make."

Alicio turned his tempered grin to Gatz. "Comes with the territory. Though I'm sure our spouses are none too pleased about it." He imagined Cato and Amani shared that in common.

"So, what is it like? Having Inanna as your master?" Alicio's smile strengthened impishly. Here was the student's chance to butter up his mentor.

- Inanna Harth Inanna Harth - Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar -
Inanna waved off Gatz’s self-deprecating comments. “More like the Vonnuvi’s newest goofball.

The kids wandered onto the grass to play, August commenting about how he liked the other’s blue skin. Ashur pointed to one of the prince’s splotches. “You have spots like a jugadoo.

"Comes with the territory. Though I'm sure our spouses are none too pleased about it."

Cato can’t really complain, since he injures himself more often than I do. Poor man has terrible luck.” Her eyebrows rose. “I saw Amani shrug off acid burns last week on Lao-mon. That woman is indestructible.

Then Alicio went and asked Gatz what it was like having her as a master. Inanna avoided looking at her apprentice, a faint smirk hiding her nervousness at what the answer might be.


Ship: The Red Night
Weapons: Lightsaber
Tag: Inanna Harth Inanna Harth Alicio Organa Alicio Organa

Was he a goofball? Gatz rather liked that idea—a lot more than being a problem, or a killer, or all the other things he'd been before the Order had thrown him at Inanna. There was a time when his pride and ego would have balked at the idea of being goofy, so focused as he'd been on being a smooth criminal. But that time in his life was over... and also it felt like a really stupid and cringy time.

Smuggling drugs wasn't all that cool, as it turned out. It paid well. But it also came with a dozen blasters pointed at his back.

"Comes with the territory. Though I'm sure our spouses are none too pleased about it."

"Well, at least our lives aren't boring."

Gatz felt a pang of... jealousy? Hurt? He didn't know how to describe it. But, he was struck with a selfish thought: Inanna and Alicio had people who cared about them. People that worried when they got hurt, and would mourn if the worse happened to them. He didn't. His family was dead and gone. If something snuffed out his lights tonight, no one would light a candle to remember him.

He didn't like the hollowness he felt in his chest, at that realization. So, when Alicio moved the conversation onto being Inanna's apprentice, Gatz was more than happy to divert to the new topic.

"Mostly I'm just happy to have someone to turn to for help," Gatz answered honestly, "I wasn't getting anywhere on my own. And your wife and a friend of mine did what they could for me, but I needed more time and help than they could reasonably offer."

But then Gatz frowned.

"But it'd be nice if the younger Padawans in the Order stopped telling me that my Master was a 'MILF.'" Gatz shook his head. Damn teenagers. "It's an awkward conversation every time."


"That woman is indestructible.

Alicio's smile tightened, wavering a little. "I... worry about her, too. More than I should. Most husbands don't have to fret about their wives being... covered in acid?"

"But... Master Serys can handle herself. And I imagine Cato can, too."
He and Inanna were allowed their selfish little worries, he figured.

Gatz's response strengthened the new King's grin once more.
"I wouldn't mind a boring life. Excitement is grossly overrated." Would he ever get that? No, probably not.

The padawan's assessment of his master was met with a pleasant face from Alicio. It was obviously a newer arrangement, but familiarity would come with time. His head did tilt curiously at Gatz's implied difficulties with the Jedi path. He was about to ask about it, a genuine curiosity flickering in his grey eyes...

"But it'd be nice if the younger Padawans in the Order stopped telling me that my Master was a 'MILF.' It's an awkward conversation every time."

Alicio blinked, a frown touching his placid face. He looked between the two Jedi dubiously. "What is that?"

- Inanna Harth Inanna Harth - Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar -
Aww, it was only a little bit of acid,” she tried to assure Alicio, even holding up two pinched fingers to emphasize how small the amount of flesh-eating acid was. She then laughed at Master Serys. “I thought we were calling her Master Serys-Organa now.

The boys philosophized over whether it was better to have a boring, safe life or an exciting, dangerous one. Should either of them look to her for comment, she would shrug and reply, “It depends on whether or not you have kids.

Gatz’s assessment of her as a master was initially rather sincere and sweet. But then…

"But it'd be nice if the younger Padawans in the Order stopped telling me that my Master was a 'MILF.' It's an awkward conversation every time."

Shocked, Inanna barked a laugh and quickly covered her mouth. “Well, I won’t dispute that, but… wow. Alright then...

"What is that?"

Oh no.

Inanna looked at Alicio in dismay. She knew he was pure—it was part of the reason why things hadn’t worked out between them when they (briefly) tried to date. But she didn’t think he was that pure. On the other hand, he was an exiled royal who had spent half his life on the run and the other half in a boarding school, so maybe he had been left innocent of this sort of primeval middle school knowledge.

Regardless, there was no way in hell she was going to be the one who ruined his innocence. Not today. So she turned to her apprentice. “I’m not quite sure how to put it,” she said, tapping her chin thoughtfully. “Gatz, could you explain to His Majesty what a ‘MILF’ is?


Ship: The Red Night
Weapons: Lightsaber
Tag: Inanna Harth Inanna Harth Alicio Organa Alicio Organa

"Exciting lives do come with a lot of scars..."

He knew that all too well. His torso was basically just scar tissue at this point. Most days, Gatz couldn't even bear to look himself in the mirror. He wouldn't have minded a quiet life, but he'd long since blown that chance. First by throwing himself into the criminal underworld, and now by dedicating his life to the Order as a way to make up for throwing himself into the criminal underworld.

A long, quiet life wasn't in the cards for him. Short, loud, and exciting it was—even if that life wasn't what he wanted it to be. Better to be miserable and in service of others, than to be happy and of use to no one. Oddly enough, he was certain he wouldn't be happy like that.

Gatz, could you explain to His Majesty what a ‘MILF’ is?

"Aww, that's not fair. You're the MILF, it's only right that you describe yourself to the good king." Gatz shook his head with a smile.

But, for all his rebellious tendencies, Gatz wasn't interested in disobeying his Master. He actually had one now, so why not do things properly, even if she was just ribbing him?

"But if you insist," Gatz then looked over his shoulder, to ensure that the children were out of earshot, before turning back to Alicio, "it stands for 'Mother I'd Like to Fuck.' They think she's hot and they want to shag her. And let me tell you, it's real awkward to have teenagers walk up to me—a man halfway through his twenties—just to inform me of that."

Last edited:


Alicio pursed his lip thoughtfully. He'd been hurt by his calling. Too many times to count. Physically, sure, but most of his scars were of the invisible sort. Did he want to lead this life? No, he would far prefer taking Amani and the twins far away from... everything. But he was trapped, like Gatz was, by responsibility.

He couldn't leave. Not when there was work to be done.

I’m not quite sure how to put it. Gatz, could you explain to His Majesty what a ‘MILF’ is?
"Aww, that's not fair. You're the MILF, it's only right that you describe yourself to the good king."

Alicio let his eyes travel between them, understanding that he was the butt of some unknowable joke here. Of course, before either explained anything about it, Alicio had made some... interesting... guesses.

Gatz finally letting him in on the secret didn't make Alicio smile, or chuckle. An eyebrow raised, and his cheeks flushed with faint rose, but he frowned. "That... is uncomfortable. And disrespectful. Jedi Padawans are saying that about Inanna?" Maybe Alicio was missing something, neither Gatz nor Inanna seemed particularly upset, but the idea of teens making sexual innuendo of a friend of his was disconcerting.

Alicio looked over to August, who was now waving his arm in front of him like a trunk, and pretending to be a Jugadoo, trying to make Ashur laugh. The king chanced a smile. "I'm trying really hard not to be an overprotective, overbearing parent, but stories like that make me wonder if I should be one, you know?"

Alicio's smile filled out. "August wants to be a Jedi. He tells me about it, every day."

- Inanna Harth Inanna Harth - Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar -
Inanna rolled her eyes at Gatz's demurring. He was the one who had made his bed by using a dirty word in the presence of royalty; she was simply making him lie in it. He eventually gave in and explained the term to Alicio, who was appropriately mortified and concerned about her being disrespected. "Indeed," she said with a nod, glancing at her apprentice. "I hope you aren't encouraging that kind of talk about me, Gatz."

It was a little absurd, the idea that these Padawans were walking up to Gatz just to tell him they thought his master was a MILF. Was he actually describing his own feelings toward her and trying to pass them off as something someone else said? That was far worse than just being the subject of teenagers’ locker room talk. She almost felt guilty. As a shapeshifter, Inanna chose to look like this. Should she change her appearance for the sake of keeping her relationship with her Padawan professional?…

Well, no. It wasn't as if she went around flaunting herself, and besides, Gatz and his Padawan acquaintances were Jedi, not frat boys. They needed to learn how to control themselves.

"Well, if it happens again, tell them my dance card is all filled up for the next ninety years or so," she said with a smirk. "By which point I will be a GGILF rather than a MILF."

She turned her attention back to August and Ashur. The boys were absorbed in a game of pretend. Ashur had opted to play a dinosaur, his favorite thing in the universe. As long as he didn't try to eat leaves—or August, for that matter…

Alicio lamented his son's desire to be a Jedi and his own overprotectiveness. "I should think he'd be at just as much risk of getting maimed by a lightsaber as he would be of learning to call people MILFs. But really, Alicio…" She laid a hand on his shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze. "I feel the same way about Serena. She isn't as interested in being a Jedi right now as she is in being a starfighter pilot-slash-intrepid reporter-slash-fairy princess, but she may change her mind in the future. It's a possibility that I'm not sure I'm ready for. But, I don't want to discourage her from becoming whatever she wants to be. Besides, didn't you tell me once that you wanted to be a Jedi when you were a kid, too?"


Ship: The Red Night
Tag: Inanna Harth Inanna Harth Alicio Organa Alicio Organa

"That... is uncomfortable. And disrespectful. Jedi Padawans are saying that about Inanna?"

"They're still kids. Might be Padawans, but they're teenagers. Better for them to say something stupid, than do something stupid. They'll grow out of it. I was hotwiring speeders at their age, so all things considered, they're rather well-behaved."

And the truth was, if they didn't say it about Inanna, they'd be saying it about someone else. That wasn't a good thing by any means, but for a teenager, having the hots for teacher was a pretty mild behavior.

"I hope you aren't encouraging that kind of talk about me, Gatz."

"I usually recommended a cold shower to them, so no."

He was getting real tired of being treated like a child just because he was a Padawan. Yeah, he was twenty-five years young, but he was also an adult who'd been on his own since he was seventeen. It was one thing to listen and respect his betters, but he wasn't going to be talked to like he was twelve. But that wasn't a conversation to have with Alicio and the kids present, so Gatz kept his mouth shut, and his irritation restrained.

Instead, he plastered on a half-true smile at what Inanna said next.

"Pretty sure you're past the age requirement for GGILF." Gatz snorted. She was, at least, over a hundred years old. He knew that much. How far over? No idea, and it wasn't his business.

But there were plenty of old lady jokes in store for his new Master.

"Kids are whimsical, and their desires change damn near every hour," Gatz agreed with his Master, "when I was your boy's age I... well, actually I was in the Order so I wanted to be a Jedi. But after I left, I was certain I was going to be a pilot for the RSF back on Naboo. Here I am instead."

"Don't sweat the future. Live in the present... but maybe put some money away for their education."


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