Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Question Handful of questions

Seeing as I am back... Ish. I want to update my character's sheet along with their armor and gun, do I need to make whole new submissions to the factory or do I just update it and alert factory staff of the changes I had made? I would prefer to submit new threads to the factory personally, in my eyes it would smooth it out and make things flow easier, but I figure I should ask just in case!
T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Venari Krayt Venari Krayt

You can send new ones into the Factory, but if you want only edit/modify them, you can request it, here:
Venari Krayt Venari Krayt

You can send new ones into the Factory, but if you want only edit/modify them, you can request it, here:
Oh hey you were one of the guys that approved something of mine, I think it was the armor actually! Anyway I will be sure to submit new posts to the factory with new updated stuff, tyyy <3

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