Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Major Faction


All About the <Code>


  • Intent: To create a Code Zero handler for the Tombs; To establish an Amavikka character for RP
  • Image Credit: Header; Gideon; edits by Das Das | Basker Crest; Outfit; Jewelry; Markus Basker
  • Role: Gideon is the owner and bartender of the Slab, an underground bar found in the Code Zero outpost known as the Tombs. He’s a successful informant, trading information gathered by the Amavikka for credits, supplies, and favors from his Code Zero compatriots. He serves as a mediator between the Amavikkan of the Tombs and Zeros, ensuring that both sides maintain their end of the alliance with as few issues as possible.
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links:
  • Age: Mid-20s
  • Force Sensitivity: Untrained Force Sensitive
  • Species: Human
  • Appearance: Gideon is a young human male with a dark complexion, deep-brown eyes, and black hair. He typically wears simple clothing, visor glasses, and hand-made Amavikkan jewelry. He has a small scar on his right eyebrow, several crisscrossing scars on his sides, and a brand of the Basker family crest on his right shoulder. When traveling outside the Tombs, Gideon often wears a simple cowl and tunic to better conceal himself in crowds.


  • Name & Title(s): Gideon; Friends call him Giddy; Chelii (‘runaway slave’)
  • Loyalties: Gideon is loyal to the Amavikkan of Etti IV first, and Code Zero second.
  • Wealth: Gideon’s wealth is difficult to measure, but that’s mostly because he values wealth differently than most. As an Amavikka, Gideon prizes his family and culture far more than standard credits, but naturally, you can’t buy supplies with heritage. Gideon’s livelihood is earned by trading information he and his fellow Amavikkan gather. He occasionally accepts payment in the form of credits, but for the most part be barters for the supplies, resources, and amenities that his people need. His job as the bartender of the Slab earns him a modest income in the way of sales and tips, though much of the funds he earns are used to benefit his people or for upkeep on the Slab.
  • Notable Possessions: Gideon tends to avoid materialism, but he does have a small collection of Amavikkan jewelry and artwork. He has a favorite leather coat that was given to him by a friend during his servitude in the Heights.
  • Skills: Gideon is excellent at blending into the crowd, becoming unseen both literally and metaphorically. It’s a skill the Amavikkan have developed and refined, and one that he makes excellent use of when traveling beyond the Tombs. Gideon's services provided to Code Zero involve collecting and trading Authority secrets, a job he does very well. He is also a successful bartender, serving both classic and new drinks to patrons of the Slab. His most popular cocktail is his famous Etti Old Fashioned.
  • Languages: Gideon is fluent in Basic and Amatakka; He understands some Huttese, as well as Binary
  • Personality: Gideon is described as a generally upbeat person who sees the silver lining in most situations. He’s kind, compassionate, and a good listener. The Amavikkan of the Tombs regard him as a noble and generous man. Code Zero finds Gideon to be extremely resourceful, cunning, and intelligent, prizing his meticulous data gathering skills. Those close to Gideon may note that he is surprisingly reserved, keeping personal feelings and anecdotes inside rather than burdening others. As is custom with the Amavikkan, Gideon typically refrains from detailing the finer intricacies of his heritage and culture; He sticks to a need-to-know basis when his people’s customs are inquired about. Despite his tendency to discuss matters that are Amavikkan in nature privately among his people, Gideon is openly passionate about maintaining the sanctity of Tomb Station as a chelik-ta (‘safe house’ for slaves seeking freedom).
  • Weapon of Choice: Gideon’s largely a pacifist, though self-defense is not something he frowns upon. He is capable of defending himself with non-lethal weapons. He keeps a trusty scatter gun beneath the bar counter in case of extreme emergencies.
  • Combat Function: Should the day come that Gideon must take up arms against an enemy, he’d fill a largely support-oriented role. Tending to wounded and injured allies, spotting enemies, and finding the safest point of escape fall well within his purview. If worse comes to worst, Gideon isn’t beyond using his scatter gun to dispatch enemies.
  • Natural Leader: Gideon possesses many leadership qualities that make him a successful representative for his people. His wisdom, open-mindedness, and courage are inspiring to both the Amavikkan and Code Zero.
  • Street Smarts: Growing up in the tunnels of Etti is a dismal life, but one that instilled plenty of lessons in young Gideon. He is able to hold his own and survive beyond the Tombs on his wits.
  • Slave Culture: As an Amavikka, Gideon possesses a unique skill set that few outside his people have. From a strong sense of familial duty to secret codes and information lines, Gideon’s lived experience as a chelii makes him a unique ally and a dangerous enemy.
  • The Middle Man: Though he’s been successful thus far in brokering a functional alliance between Code Zero and the Amavikkan, having his feet in both camps can be overwhelming for Gideon. He struggles at times with making the best decision for both sides without favoring one or the other.
  • Paranoia: Though Gideon has tried his best to overcome years of secrecy, paranoia, and fear, he cannot seem to completely part with the Amavikkan tendency to safeguard his culture. He’s come a long way, but Gideon still feels compelled to keep his heritage close to heart rather than on his sleeve. He’d do anything to protect the chelik-ta for future generations.
Gideon’s story is one that few have heard, and if you have, you’d be one of a small few who Gideon considers a true friend.

Gideon was born into the Amavikkan, the son of two cheliin, ‘escaped slaves’, on the run from their corporate masters. Life as a young Amavikka was challenging; Gideon was taught at a young age that secrecy was the key to survival, and that hiding his heritage and staying one step ahead of the Corporate Sector Authority would keep him alive. He and his family lived in the relative safety of the abandoned tunnels that crisscross the Midnight Zone of Etti IV, until their way of life was forever changed when the Basker family discovered their hidden enclave.

Eager to recapture Gideon’s family and the rest of the Amavikkan, the Baskers raided the underground settlement with the aid of a local slaver gang. While some of his people managed to escape to safety, Gideon and his family were not as fortunate; He was separated from his parents and kept as a sadistic prize by Markus Basker, the family’s patriarch. Gideon was taken to the Basker residence in Daybreak Heights, where his mechanical skills were put to use in maintaining the apartment while the family was away on corporate business.

For several years, Gideon catered to the demands of the Baskers, all the while biding his time and waiting for his opportunity to take back his freedom. His golden ticket finally arrived in the form of the catastrophic Etti Groundquake. The destruction faced by the ecumenopolis was extensive, and while the Heights were largely left intact, panic and chaos reigned for hours as disaster relief efforts were underway. With shattered profits and corporate affairs requiring the Basker’s attention, Gideon took his chance and fled to the underground once again.

After reuniting with the Amavikkan who still dwelled in the tunnels of Midnight Zone, Gideon quickly became a beacon of hope and direction among his people. Under his leadership, the fractured Amavikkan would explore newly opened tunnel sections, eventually discovering Tomb Station. Satisfied that the Tombs were safe, hidden, and easily defendable - the perfect chelik-ta - Gideon settled in the tunnels, establishing what would come to be known as the Slab.

Not far behind the Amavikkan came Code Zero and the shadowrunners. When the time came to broker a deal with the shadow organization, Gideon was chosen to represent the free slaves of the Tombs. He brokered an alliance between his people and Code Zero in which they promised to deliver a stream of accurate intelligence in exchange for the freedom to express the intricacies of their culture without hinderance. A symbiotic relationship centered around mutual respect and understanding was born, and Gideon remains the main Amavikka speaker to voice the people’s needs and concerns.

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