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Private Ghosts of the Empire: Meeting in the shadows


Location:Telos IV
Allies: Michael Barran Michael Barran FN-999 Laine Gowrie Aoki-Barran Mira Aoki-Barran Mira Minako Aoki-Barran Minako Aoki-Barran Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Tulan Kor Tulan Kor Velran Kilran Velran Kilran Abraxas Colt Abraxas Colt Argilac Argilac Tristan Evore Tristan Evore
Equipment:Equipment In Bio
Song: Highland Sights

She adjusted the uniform again. It had been some time since she wore the uniform of her homeland but for her for this moment there was no clearer way to send the message she was about to send than by wearing this. A coalition of the beggars of every fallen empire now held her homeland in their grasp and this could not stand. If that meant she had to stand alone so be it but she was certain there were others who believed the same hence this meeting. She wrapped herself in her cloak and headed for the warehouse.

“Galidraan will stand even if it means ‘at I must reforge th’empire ma self.”

She entered the warehouse and sat at the head of the of the table that had been arranged waiting on all those her who her message reached out to.






Being among the first to arrive, the Baron opened the conversation.

"Galidraan will not stand alone." declared the Baron.

The Baron turned to Caoimhe and continued speaking.

"You have the full support of Borosk against the pretenders in Lianna. In these trying times, there are two things we can provide you."

"One: Volunteers. The population of Alge, Borosk's capital, is rapidly growing with Imperial refugees from the fallen worlds. Among their ranks are stormtroopers, army men, pilots, and naval officers. Many seek a cause, something to renew their confidence in the Empire. Many have family or friends on Galidraan, and many more fondly remember such heroes as Aron Gowrie and Erskine Barran. If the call is given, many tens of thousands will rally to your side."

It was a win-win situation: an influx of volunteers to Galidraan would provide an outflow for Alge's rapidly expanding population, relieving the city's refugee crisis and freeing up resources for further urban development.

"Two: A secure base of operations. While Borosk is not a large world, most of it remains undeveloped. You have my permission and that of Moff Quentis, my civilian-government peer, to construct bases and storehouses as you see fit. That way, even if you are forced off Galidraan, there will be a place to stay."

"Rest assured, there are no strings attached. The liberation of Galidraan will be a great morale booster for the Empire as a whole and undoubtedly sway billions to our cause."

"Not to mention the great benefit of having a Galidraan Free State once more." stated the Baron. "It would benefit us all to see its exiles, who have given the Empire so much, take back what is rightfully theirs."

Abraxas Colt Abraxas Colt | Aoki-Barran Mira Aoki-Barran Mira | Argilac Argilac | Caoimhe Crannach Caoimhe Crannach | Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Elise Ahana-Gwyneira | Laine Gowrie | Minako Aoki-Barran Minako Aoki-Barran | Michael Barran Michael Barran | Tristan Evore Tristan Evore | Tulan Kor Tulan Kor | Velran Kilran Velran Kilran
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Practical as always, the Baron of Borosk. To join this meeting wasn't a simple decision. It's been years. Of isolation. Of struggles. Of guilt, regret, shattered hope, and the looming horseman of death. I took it upon myself the shame and disgrace and anguish of a fallen Empire. A once so pristine, so tranquil, beacon of light, of hope, in the middle of this galaxy, so vast and dark. The way we fracture, it was just so natural, it's like it was the only logical conclusion after decades of order and prosperity. To survive, sometimes we have to take a step back and gather ourselves.

Excuses. We don't have to, we just did. And look at how it is today. Enemies to the east, enemies to the west. Enemies to the south, enemies to the north. "Pretender. Pretender. Sith. Illegitimate Imperial state." My opening remarks provide a fresh spin to what Nines said. Enough to silence the room and take the spotlight to my ballpark, I hope.

"I stood beside Lord Gowrie and hundreds of thousands of our comrades back in Nirauan until their dying breath." I glared at every single person that was there that day, in some way or another. "NEVER AGAIN! I, you, us, we raided and pillaged and burnt and sabotaged and mined and built safe havens for Imperials and ideals, yet we keep losing what was RIGHTFULLY OURS; the land, the people, the pride, the gifts, to the pretenders, to the darksiders, to the BASTARDS that appropriated OUR NAME."

Breathe in, breathe out. Remember who are you doing this for, Argilac. "I stood still while they encroached our domains under the guise of safety and self-preservation. I told myself, this is the way. This is for my daughter. Maybe I wasn't wrong, at that time, under the circumstances." My eyes traveled back amongst the attendants of the meeting. Much, much older than the last time we met, toasted, cheered, quarreled. Time does change people, the good ones at the very least. As our bodies start to crumble and our mind becomes duller, our sight becomes wiser and our determination gets more resolute. Such as the comedy of life. We, the old and seasoned, this fight is not for us. Hope and salvation, it's too little too late for us. We fight for the next generation so one day, they'll be able to do the same for the next ones, albeit in much better circumstances. Keep the wheels running, preserve the unwavering will of the Empire.

"Two weeks ago, my daughter just turned 13. She asked, 'Dad, when you were my age, how did you know that you were on the right path?' Smart kid, smarter than I ever was. All her life I taught her of hope, but all I've shown her was gloom, hesitation, fear. Growing up was hard for me, but I could always see the light at the end of the tunnel. Not for her. All she ever sees is the dark hideout of Anobis, the ration line in the inner city, and the march of raiding parties instead of the true might of our righteous Empire." Never. Again. My daughter, and her children, and their children, all are to breathe the air of the Empire, drink the water of the Empire, live on the soil of the Empire, and be baptized in the fire that is the Empire.

"Our hideout in Anobis is to maintain its territorial isolation for the time being, until we figure out what's there to be done with the imminent threat of the Galactic Alliance on our doorstep. However we can afford to provide provisions and military assistance. Stormtrooper assault and line battalions, artillery and mobile infantry supports, and Storm Commando units."

Whatever stands in our way, we will defeat it.



War Was All He Knew

It all changed. It all changed so quickly.
Tulan Kor was not one for grandoise, for speeches. For posturing. He was a man of action, of violent intent and violent means.

He agreed with FN-999. Or whatever his true name was. The Baron, as some would call him. He shifted in his seat. He wore Spacer's garb. Tulan could blend in anywhere, fade into a crowd. He was good at that.

Which would come in handy.

"I'm in. I can spearhead any direct action missions we may need. We'll need as many Commandos, if not moreso than frontline troops for the time being. You're venturing into my realm of expertise, and I intend to show the Alliance and anyone else why that's a bad thing for them."

He lit a cigarette, looking between everyone else.

"A series of coordinated direct actions on vulnerable military targets would be better than a frontline war. We'll lose six out of seven days of the week at the moment. Making life miserable to be against us should take precedent than a full on war. Communications, assassinations, that sort of thing. After all, out of everyone in here, I'm the only one that's killed an Alliance senator."

He gave a wry grin, puffing on his cigarette.

"I want my rank back, that's all I ask."

Commander Kor, at your service.

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"Not a particularly hard thing to do these days considering the mediocre security the Federal Assembly provides its most esteemed oligarchs," his tone was far harsher than he intended, and yet he did not seem to care about tempering his words. For the majority of the meeting, he had remained quiet, a silent observer carefully studying the dynamics at play. His sharp eyes moved from one participant to another, catching every subtle shift in body language and each guarded glance exchanged. It was his way, always preferring to listen and absorb before making his own strategic moves. But the words of Tulan Kor Tulan Kor sparked inspiration in the dormant Anzati.

He recalled first to speak was the Galidraani commander who had requested this meeting in the first place, as expected. He had formed no opinion of her, negative or positive but he was instinctively drawn to her innate desire to reclaim her homeworld. In the absence of a unified Empire it seemed, such passion was a rarity. So of course, he was impressed by FN-999, the so-called Baron of Borosk and his compatriot, a man whose identity he did not know and at this stage did not need to know.

But the other individual present at the meeting? He was the one Tristan found the most fascinating.

"I agree that unconventional tactics will be necessary to rid Galidraan of the...pretenders that currently infect it" He said, borrowing a phrase from the enigmatic Argilac Argilac . "And rest assured, Ession is more than willing to provide manpower to this endeavor"

"I very much doubt you would hinge your participation in these very patriotic efforts on the restoration of your rank but nonetheless..." He paused to look around the room. "We do all serve the same misson, we all have the same goal. To bring order to the galaxy once more, to crush the Sith and remind the core of the failings of democracy. All of these dreams are very much possible but in order for that to happen we must unify"

He turned to face Caoimhe Crannach Caoimhe Crannach . "Galidraan will not stand alone. Vivat Imperium."

Laine Gowrie



Commander Laine Gowrie

Unassuming imperial shuttle

Location: Telos
Objective: Discuss Galidraan

The Commander had come her in an old imperial shuttle, one that had been stolen years ago by pirates and had laid sat in the impound hangar of the Parmellion Warden for nearly three months since they had seized it. With the state of politics around Galidraan and her new position as a turncoat into the Empire of the Lost, she couldnt exactly broadcast her attendance to this clandestine summit.

Laine stood near the other ex-Imperials and listened to their speeches, very rousing, very passionate and very aggressive as well embodied the fighting spirit of the Galidraani people they all came here to support. She smiled as they spoke looking around her, it was quite the variety of military leaders, it was good to see that the Empire was not dead.

"It is good to see so many of you wishing to run into battle to liberate my home" she said in her thick Galidraani accent, similar to her father but much softer like her mother. "But this venture must be carried out with caution, right now, the numbers and defensive advantage is with our enemy, but our advantages are our flexibility, but also how much support we can gain from the people on Galidraan itself."

She thought about the freedom fighters there, but also the propaganda coming from the Lost Empire to try and sway ordinary Galidraani to their side. "My contact...", her cousin, a resistance leader in one of the free galidraani groups. "...tells me that he has heard rumours of savage attacks by "Dis-loyal Imperial Remnants, who seek to sow only death amongst the good people of Galidraan". I doubt most of my people will fall for that, but some will, and every turncoat is a potential spy or informer that makes our position weaker."

She paused, she herself was playing the part of turncoat, but several of the people here knew that, she was now a member of the Empire of the Lost fleet, continuing her role patrolling the Parmellian Way, as she had done in the Empire. However this time she would have a secondary role, to ensure that the right smugglers managed to get through, to ensure that the Galidraani resistance was well supplied for the upcoming war.

"We must be patient, attack their military installations, now at their defences build our strength, we could have ten million galidraani freedom fighters armed and ready to liberate their home...Or we could act too fast and get to enjoy watching soldiers of the Eternal Empire walk commandingly through our streets from our vantage point on the gallows."


Caoimhe Crannach Caoimhe Crannach Abraxas Colt Abraxas Colt Aoki-Barran Mira Aoki-Barran Mira Argilac Argilac Tulan Kor Tulan Kor Velran Kilran Velran Kilran Michael Barran Michael Barran Minako Aoki-Barran Minako Aoki-Barran Tristan Evore Tristan Evore

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The Baron sat patiently, mentally recording the message of each representative as they rose to speak.

Following the words of a young Galidraani woman, a brief silence fell across the room. Taking advantage of the opportunity, the Baron rose once more.

“Knight Agrilac, I propose we establish a commercial and military alliance between our two remnants.” stated the Baron. "As out of place as this sounds, please hear me out."

“If I understand you correctly, a major factor keeping Anobis from more actively providing aid to Galidraan is the impending threat of an Alliance incursion. Borosk maintains a sizable fleet, with many of its ships newly furnished as a result of a successful raid on Cathar. If a portion of the fleet is deployed to Anobis, it could buy your people months or even years before the Alliance amasses a fleet large enough to call our bluff. In the meantime, your world will be free to redirect its funds towards the greater cause."

“It is a pleasure to have you back,
Kor.” said the Baron, turning to the ex-turncoat.

Part of him still felt conflicted about the man and how he had so easily betrayed the Empire at Dorin. Still, if the rumors were to be believed, he had more than made up for it. They could not afford to hold onto old grudges, not when all hands were needed on deck.

“I agree with your doctrine, Commander. As much as I loathe to admit it, we currently cannot match the pretenders in open combat. It would be far too costly, both in credits and manpower. However, hit-and-fade guerrilla warfare performed by experienced commandos will go a long way in weakening Lianna’s hold on Galidraan. Should you need, the forests of Borosk can be an excellent training ground."

Next, the Baron turned to Tristan Evore, a solidly built Near-Human who was said by the Baron’s agents to be a noble and sympathizer from the Ashlan Crusade. He knew little of the reclusive state, but would welcome any assistance he could get.

“Similarly to Knight Agrilac, I believe it would be best to establish commerce and security ties between our realms, Lord Evore.” continued the Baron. “The freer the flow of goods between us, the easier and faster it will be to funnel provisions and armaments to the Galidraan loyalists."

Last but not least, the Baron turned to the Galidraani woman who had spoken last.

“Yes, I agree, we must do our best to dispel any malicious rumors about us. And not just with words, but with actions too. By striking strictly military and political targets in our guerrilla campaigns, it will be much harder for Lianna to paint us as savages who seek only slaughter and chaos. By taking from the oppressors and giving to the oppressed, the free Galidraanis will be seen as heroes among the common people and win their loyalty. From then on, even if they outwardly profess their allegiance to Lianna, there will always be a network of hideouts for the brave rebels to call home. Every Galidraani will be a free Galidraani, and it will be impossible for Lianna to stamp out the armed resistance without destroying every settlement on the planet and all its value along with it."

“I never thought it would come to this, but we must adopt the very tactics the Rebel Alliance used so effectively against our predecessors all those centuries ago. We may be smaller and weaker than ever before, but we are also lighter, more agile, and can disappear into far-flung hideouts all over the galaxy."

"Should we go down this path, Lianna’s inexperienced and untested leaders will ultimately overstretch themselves and their realm until they too collapse, broken and helpless as the true Imperial heirs reclaim their birthright."

Abraxas Colt Abraxas Colt | Aoki-Barran Mira Aoki-Barran Mira | Argilac Argilac | Caoimhe Crannach Caoimhe Crannach | Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Elise Ahana-Gwyneira | Laine Gowrie | Minako Aoki-Barran Minako Aoki-Barran | Michael Barran Michael Barran | Tristan Evore Tristan Evore | Tulan Kor Tulan Kor | Velran Kilran Velran Kilran


Location:Telos IV
Allies: Michael Barran Michael Barran FN-999 Laine Gowrie Aoki-Barran Mira Aoki-Barran Mira Minako Aoki-Barran Minako Aoki-Barran Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Tulan Kor Tulan Kor Velran Kilran Velran Kilran Abraxas Colt Abraxas Colt Argilac Argilac Tristan Evore Tristan Evore
Equipment:Equipment In Bio
Song: Highland Sights

She looked about the room meeting eyes with each speaker as they spoke. There weren’t as many here as she hoped, yet she noted a few key players still missing but what had been offered in support of freeing her home was not insubstantial.

“Man power from refugees is a good proposition but it would need to be carefully screened after all our enemy is made up of ex-imperial’s as well it would not be difficult to find one of their number that has a background that looks quite clean so to speak and inject them into our operations.”

She wanted these assets no mistake there but she had to agree with the likes of Laine Gowrie tipping their hand too early without the support of the people would be a death sentence to their brewing rebellion.

“Assassinations are always a dangerous game Commander. For it is too easy for the enemy to turn the target of an assassination into a martyr. As such I find myself needing to ask this important question amongst those assets listed: do we have those who used to serve in the ISB? For we will need them to serve as eyes, ears and voices. For if we show every sin against the people of Galidraan that a politician committed, what does it matter that a knife in the dark comes afterwards for them? There will need to be knives in the dark. I know that quite well but they must go in at the right time to cause the greatest effect.”

She nodded at the Baron's second statement, his reinforcement of Laine Gowrie’s points sat well with her. They were starting to push towards an actual plan and they would need that. Assets were all fine and dandy but without a proper plan to use them they mattered terribly little.

“And amongst those tactics that the Rebellion favored I do not think privateering would be amiss in our plans. While we may not be able to face our enemy in direct open combat yet. We can certainly turn his supply lines into a nightmare. Items such as weaponry, explosives, and technology could easily go back into our efforts. Whilst items such as food, clothing, and medical supplies could be split between our supplies and aiding those on Galidraan who need it, building goodwill with the people even further.”






The Eternal Triumph had entered the system just minutes prior, far out on the other side of the local star, remaining concealed to most surface scans and meagre patrols which might scour the system by less friendly inclined local forces and warlords. Other than usual, he was not travelling alone this time, accompanied by two of his closest advisors and lieutenants, Primarion Hiperius Primarion Hiperius and Argyras Valoris, one even taller than him and the other significantly more normal sized. They boarded a shuttle and while the latter was flying, Aurelian and his son silently sat in the passenger bay for the duration of the flight. It was painful to be near him, not even inconvenient or uncomfortable, it was painful and even though that should hurt him, it made Aurelian smile in his thoughts.

The shuttle quickly sat down at the given coordinates and while leaving Primarion behind, the former Moff continued with his mortal looking companion and entered the gathering while Argilac Argilac was making his passionate, patriotic statement. He sat one armoured foot before the other and was making his entrance as subtle as possible to not disturb the flow of words and exchange of minds.

It was intriguing to see sons and daughters of the old Empire sat together and plot their future. That the future would be on the world of Galidraan which had just been claimed by another remnant which seemed to have not been invited, was a daring move but a smart one. Galidraan with its past illustrous person-cults was perfect to unite those who were different in plenty of ways. But not only that, a military operation was something all of the present could feel into, it was something they desired, because they were passionate about it. Good choice. Very good choice.

"Vandemar will support any endeavour proposed without hesitation."

His opening words should leave no doubt about his idea of a future. "We can supply arms, tech, supplies - anything really. And we can offer space, space far from the eyes of anyone, for training and planning. Our home is remote and adaptable, allowing for any scenario to be practiced and prepare for."

"Furthermore we can provide droids for distractions, diversions, you name it. Both for ground and space operations without large difficulties or detrimental effect when we are losing them."

"As for units in force, we will commit to it when this fledging band of like-minded should decide to go for it in union. Our Battlefleet and ground troops will stand ready."

It was as straight forward as it could get and as he always had been. Imperial Aspirations were his as well, but he left the leadership to those who were not as different as him. He came from a distant place and time, his ideology was never one hundred percent theirs and it would never be, so he left the stage for someone else to climb. But that was the reason he brought his High Justice along. To get introduced to these people and see what and how they were doing.

Vandemar and the parts of the Zakuul he controlled were more than ready to strike and go to war, but that needed not to be addressed, just that they existed was plenty of information. He would tirelessly work to give birth to another Empire.

1st Post







TAGS: Caoimhe Crannach Caoimhe Crannach Laine Gowrie FN-999 Argilac Argilac
Tulan Kor Tulan Kor Tristan Evore Tristan Evore Aurelian Sigismund Aurelian Sigismund



Conference Hall, Unknown Location
Telos IV (Early-Spring 900 ABY)

Argilac told you this day would come, Barran.
Fate indeed calls upon the exiles once more.... An' your head is where, exactly?

Huh??? On a planet you'll likely never even see again?

Sneering at his own mirror image in the bathroom of a location he could neither discern nor reveal, baring teeth at the man he had become, this had become a norm for the Tattered Regent in the years since the Fall of the Empire. Reduced to the shell of his former, more-lifelike self, still reeling from the worst of all circumstances, inherited from a ruler who perished with the realm for which he bled and toiled endlessly.


An' what would my Ancestors want with me now?
I'm a Cairnsman who couldn't even bury his father.

Life for Lord Michael had never been an easy thing, but in the wake of Imperial downfall, Barran had not only lost his Empire and his home-world, and not only the world and legions he had earned the right to govern and lead accordingly, but it seemed as though everything else in his life had perished. His father, his closest friends, and even his own daughter was lost for a time, and though the Wanderer had been offered a new lease of life in his Shadow's unexpected return, it seemed like there were some wounds that were just too deep to recover fully from such devastation. Yet these were just the psychological scars, such that only added to the physical scars the Regent-in-Exile incurred against his brother on Nirauan, suffering life-threatening head injuries for the second time in less than a year by then, giving Argilac no other choice but to hastily induce a Bacta Tank coma for Michael's sake.

'Lord-Regent, the meeting has begun. So if you're ready....?'

With a sharp inhalation through the nostrils, taking in a fresh lungful of air for what could only be described as dejection, Barran then replied,'You've been calling me that for the better part of fifteen years, Nelson.... Fine, fine.... Lead the way, Captain.', still utterly clueless as to what to expect but resolving to see it through anyway. It wasn't his young adjutant's fault after all, and in acquiescence to encouragements, the Tattered Regent resisted no more as he walked down the hallway to the guarded doors at the other end, only just then beginning to wonder who would be in attendance for the first Imperial political-gathering in over twenty years. Making the matter all the more intense was the fact these young guards knew exactly who he was, parting with doors opened as soon as they saw Lord Michael as he approached the Conference Hall, almost as if the significance of this moment wasn't lost on their fresh-faced sort either.

'As for units in force, we will commit to it when this fledging band of like-minded should decide to go for it in union. Our Battlefleet and ground troops will stand ready.'

Familiar, and well-spoken, and at such a timbre it left no illusions as to who the Wanderer was hearing as he crossed the threshold into the smoky Conference Hall, it was none other than the Griffin himself. Then as if by involuntary outburst, Barran exclaimed,'Lord Aurelian - my friend! Ah, sorry.... In any case - its a relief to see you here for this, Griffin.', leaving it at that with a silent fist-over-heart salute for his brother in arms. The Woad may have begun his greeting from there if it wasn't for catching FN-999 in the corner of his eye, offering a warm-hearted, though flashy wink of acknowledgement before turning his attentions back to the others in the room.

'Greetings all, I'm sure you have much to discuss, so I'll jus' find myself a wee seat an' let you all get on with it.... We can handle formal introductions an' the likes when we adjourn later.'

Michael then groaned as he lowered himself into the seat between Nines and that belonging to Aurelian respectively, and despite the comfort of the chair he landed on, certain wounds and injuries from the past still persisted at the turn of the 10th Century, namely those across his back, his shoulders and the back of his head. The Bloodhound had left his younger brother in quite the mess after the Third Battle of Nirauan, and in the wake of the Empire's downfall, none could doubt that rumours of this duelling outcome had accompanied such melancholic collapse, and to such extremes that many in the Galaxy still believed the Wanderer was dead decades later. But still, ever being happy to disappoint in this regard, it was high-time the Galaxy knew the Wanderer wasn't dead after all.

If it took decades of trying for the Galaxy to end my father's life....
What makes my enemies think it would be easier to end mine?

Barrans aren't so easy to kill after all - not in any of our living forms.

As the next to speak stood to speak, (assumed to be in response to the Griffin's personal pledge of armed support) Barran brought out a cigarra and set it at the corner of his mouth, then leaned leftward towards Nines so he could whisper,'Lord-Baron.... I apologise for not seeing your face sooner - my eyesight isn't what it used to be, old friend.', leaning upright again to light and take his first drags at a courteous distance away from his old friend's face. A rare comfort of presence among such high-ranking officials of the former-Empire, and though such respects were earned in difficulties between them in the beginning, their acquaintance had become a lasting bond of fellowship, a battle-tested friendship of the likes Imperium was in the direst of need.

And it just so happened that a very similar friend, a fellow of aligning difficulties of early-acquaintance, was sitting to the right of the Tattered Regent, holding firm as Imperium's other much-needed, battle-tested fellowship. The Griffin's first experiences with the Wanderer followed a very similar pattern, albeit a more-volatile and more-abrupt example in contrast, but like with some friendships on the playground of life, many often start in a conflict of two as beginnings of forged oaths of brotherhood. But when peace was finally made between them on Nirauan, not even the fall of the Empire itself could tear it's fighting fellowships asunder. Thus earning Sigismund his place (along with Nines with equalling merit) in Barran's strategic circle of trust, and long before the Woad awoke from his Bacta-Coma, but to have people like the Vandemarian around to protect the Regent-in-Exile made all the difference in his darkest days.

But there was another diligent, loyal Imperial who had earned his place among the Woad's little circle of trust, and not only in the valour of heroism in battle on Nirauan, but also for saving his life on that day; carrying the Wanderer all the way back to Fort Defiant, treating then placing his Lord-Warden into a Bacta Tank whilst still covered in Barran's blood, taking a chance on Michael when many would have considered him beyond saving. A man who answered to the name,"Argilac", and even though neither had had formally met before, the young upstart had gone above and beyond for Imperium by refusing to let the Wanderer die, strong in devotion - even beyond the point of eradicated hope.

At first, Michael believed Argilac wasn't in attendance, but as soon as he looked around at all the heads sat at the conference table, the hair stood out as familiar at the seat directly across the table. Then as soon as the Woad's eyes focused in earnest, the beard-strands stood out from the smoky haze in the opposite seat, prompting a sudden, but whispered,'Oh.... Argilac, what you leanin' back for? Good t'barely see ye, mate.', stifling a chuckle as he nodded in kindly affirmation. After that, the Tattered Regent felt a certain long-forgotten relief, like the Imperials really were on the right track again, washing over the Wanderer with a hope he had forbade himself to indulge for too long. It was very-nearly an alien concept to Michael's mind by then, but fortunately for all who remained, the Woad had known this hope before, and was willing to risk life and limb to know such hope again.

Dare I hope again?
Dare I hope enough to save Imperium - as father did before me?



More newcomers, more faces, more talking. Tulan leaned against his chair, watching the newcomer exchange pleasantries with those attending. He didn't like lords, ladies, titles, Barons or Emperors much. He hated Senators and Governors more. For a man willing to fight for an Empire, he sure hated the government.

Tulan Kor was a lot of things. An enigma when it came to politics was one of them. He also didn't curse anymore, rarely smoked, and only drank on social occassions. He was also an avid-bird watcher. He breathed deeply through his nose, taking a long time to think before he spoke at length.

"We show up with battlefleets and cruisers we're dead in the water." Tulan had a distinct accent, a manner of speech that was hard to put down, hard to replicate, and hard to even place. Perhaps that was the point, perhaps that was him. Tulan was a man of secrets.

"Alliance is fighting the Mandalorians as we speak." Tulan leaned forward on the table, his hands moving as he spoke in an elonquet but still rather informal manner. "S'like robbin' a bank. You blow up a car on one part of town, you rob a bank on the other end. Alliance won't be keen to support two conflicts at the same time without Senator approval. We show up with cruisers and ships like that, they'll shoot us down. We might win a battle or two, but we can't keep up that fight- now one place, we can start there. We can work with what we got, but it ain't out of the question that the big-ole Alliance wouldn't muster up enough Jedi and Troopers to make our life a living hell."

Tulan thought for a moment, pursing his lips, touching the scar on his mangled face absent mindedly. He accented his words with his hands, as if displaying the tactics on an invisible map on the table.

"A knife in the night is worth a thousand in the morning."

He looked between everyone.

"Ain't got much else to say. I ain't no politician and I ain't gonna pretend like I am one. You give me a target and some men, and I'll make it go boom, or kill someone. We start knocking off targets quiet-like, generals, aides, ambassadors, officers, politicians. We can start getting some o' them rebels y'all were talking about up in arms. S'far as the galaxy goes, I'm a free agent who's wanted by the Alliance anyway."

He looked around, raising both of his eyebrows- the left one not moving much, thanks to Nida Perl Nida Perl 's force lightning tearing his body apart almost. Tulan adjusted himself in his chair, groaning. Approaching 50, Tulan was not exactly a young man anymore- but still, all the same, one of the deadliest men in the galaxy.

"Can easily blame me if it goes sideways initially. Rogue terrorist and the like. Keeps you all here free to move. I can take the heat while you all move your chess pieces around. Just tell me what you need me to do."



Location:Telos IV
Allies: Michael Barran Michael Barran FN-999 Laine Gowrie Aoki-Barran Mira Aoki-Barran Mira Minako Aoki-Barran Minako Aoki-Barran Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Tulan Kor Tulan Kor Velran Kilran Velran Kilran Abraxas Colt Abraxas Colt Argilac Argilac Tristan Evore Tristan Evore
Equipment:Equipment In Bio
Song: Highland Sights

“Lord Sigismund and Lord Barran thank you both for joining us. Lord Barran I greatly appreciate your presence here the more of my countryfolk I see here the more my heart rises.”

She turned to listen to Commander Kor speak once more. She shook her head gently feeling like he was focused on the wrong enemy.

“Given the Empire of the Lost composition I highly doubt the Alliance will care what goes on with Galidraan until after they have finished their war with the Mandalorians. Then assuming they aren’t too bloodied from the war with the Mandalorians then they’ll come circling like the vultures they are. At which point we will need to have broken this false empire under our heel or we will be in an even worse position than we are now.”

She paused, gauging the reactions of her fellow imperials to her statements before continuing.

“Speaking of the Mandalorians, what are our relations with them? I would gladly take neutrality if that were the worst of it but if we could have them as allies it would be far more beneficial.”



Ghosts of the Empire
Meeting in the Shadows

The New Ruling Council, I ‹​

900 ABY, Conference Hall, Telos IV
Caoimhe Crannach Caoimhe Crannach FN-999 Argilac Argilac Tulan Kor Tulan Kor Tristan Evore Tristan Evore Laine Gowrie Aurelian Sigismund Aurelian Sigismund Michael Barran Michael Barran

The session had begun. Sitting with Nukth Kelga'an, well-known officer within the now-disbanded Sector Defence Forces of the former Imperium, Damien Vourc'h was listening to each and every attendee in the conference hall. Argilac's speech had particularly convinced the Seveners' leader with his words, his tone of voice and the way he brought his words to the audience made of many ex-Imperial officers. He also noticed the presence of Laine Gowrie who should be, according to her name, the daughter of Lord Aron, from Galidraan. Anaxsi and Galidraani weren't used to not being on good terms with one another but, since the events on Dromund Kaas and Panatha, the two peoples had made peace. Thanks to the action of Kelga'an and the late Jerec Yularen, Galidraan and Yinchorr had started a long-term collaboration in military stuff, while the politics were still... weird. But with the fact that most of the ones who had been born on Anaxes, were replaced by the new generation who only knew Yinchorr as a home, the hatchet was definitely buried.

The Sieur himself nodded gently to the Imperial commander. In fact, the man and her father had been close friends until the Lord-General's death on Nirauan. The two had a common history. «Indeed, indeed, Argilac. Members of this council, I dare say it's pretty much the same for us, exiled people of Yinchorr. We suffered two exiles; the first one from Anaxes; the last one from Yinchorr. We're currently holding a remnant on Ord Lithone, alongside the last members from the 152nd Stormtroopers Regiment and a group of militiamen. They're all loyal to the Empire an' the Lord-Regent. We, as Argilac, have a precise position, near the Alliance frontier, and we'll need support from your troops.» He gave a look at the Baron, «As you may know, one of my Captain has already got in touch with the Baron, and they did agree on some terms such as... (Pausing for effect.) ... Establishing an Imperial Military Protectorate, so we'll be able to counter the actions of the Empire of th-...»

As he wanted to go on with his speech, Damien noticed the arrival of a newcomer: the Regent-in-Exile -- Lord Micheal Barran himself. Vourc'h had faith in the Great Imperial Plan, but it wasn't the case for the Sieur. Kelga'an only had faith in himself and his kind. As Damien wanted to stand up and welcome the Heir to the Empire, Nukth held him back, making him understand that it wasn't the right place for that. «Ave Barran...!» he muttered for himself. While thinking, the Underdog had let the floor to the Sieur, who went on:

«What my colleague is tryna say is that, in those hard times, we need the support of each other. And as we need your help to take Yinchorr back from the hands of the traitor in the person of Jonas Vourc'h -- we'll grant support to the Galidraani so they will have their home back. We do understand what it is to be exiled from their homeworld. We do understand your pain.» The Sieur took a moment to think after his first rhetoric phase. The scene was now set for all of them. The ex-Imperials all knew what the Seveners needed as a form of support, and Nukth had nothing more to say.

He observed Tulan Kor while he was arguing for a long moment. Kelga'an didn't exactly know whether he was happy or not to see the ex-Commander at the table. On one hand, he had led a mission with him thirty years before this very instant at the beginning of the Cold War with the Alliance; but on the other hand, the man was known in the whole Galaxy as a defector, and as the guy who could be traitor. His skills as a murderer could be useful for the ex-Imperials' schemes, but Kor wasn't the steadiest personality in the room. Listening to Crannach's last sentences, Nukth took the floor a second time:

«Last time I checked, they were our allies. As I, an old man can recall, we used to welcome the Sons of Mandalore in our territories during the '60s. Not to mention the many anti-Sith operations we conducted alongside 'em durin' the Second Hyperspace War.»​




"Speaking of the Mandalorians, what are our relations with them? I would gladly take neutrality if that were the worst of it but if we could have them as allies it would be far more beneficial."

«Last time I checked, they were our allies. As I, an old man can recall, we used to welcome the Sons of Mandalore in our territories during the '60s. Not to mention the many anti-Sith operations we conducted alongside 'em durin' the Second Hyperspace War.»

Nodded to that, Aurelian's face showing that he was thinking about the issue and indeed even had thought about the Mandalorian matter long before this meeting. He was a supporter of their culture and even fought alongside them against his former patrons, he would definitely stand in for them today. There was much to gain from an alliance or at least agreements on neutral grounds with the clans if they were willing to talk.

"If I may - I believe the Mandalorians are more than twisted in their approach to the imperial regime. They are fighting the Alliance and they hate the Sith, but they are also not a united government with single minded purpose and approach, so connecting on the most common ground might be possible for some and not for others."

"I have fought with the Mandalorians on multiple occasions, most notable over Panatha against the Empire of Kalidan." He stuck to refusing to call it 'Eternal Empire' for a specific personal reason. "I volunteer to make my way to Kestri and seek out their leaders to find the most suitable agreement. In the light of Alliance and Sith expansion and more petty realms appearing and disappearing by the day, the Mandalorians are as and more consistent in their intent as we imperials are."

2nd Post







TAGS: Caoimhe Crannach Caoimhe Crannach Laine Gowrie FN-999 Argilac Argilac
Tulan Kor Tulan Kor Tristan Evore Tristan Evore Aurelian Sigismund Aurelian Sigismund



Conference Hall, Unknown Location
Telos IV (Early-Spring 900 ABY)

'My right-honourable friend is correct to assume Enclave hostility towards our enemies.... But alas, as much as it pains me to say it-.'
The greetings offered by the other Goidels were well-received, even nodding his appreciation with a smile before the meeting got back to matters of contrastingly-serious nature. Fortunately for Barran, it would be Sigismund who would answer Crannach's Mandalorian query first, letting the flow of the conversation maintain it's momentum as the Griffin gave a balanced rundown on events past and present alike, even recalling reading up on the engagements against the Empire of Kalidan some years before. Events that preceded Panatha's eventual destruction, but still, despite all that had happened in the Galaxy by that point in history, it was worthy enough of remembrance that even the Goidels were aware of the battle's many blow-by-blow accounts.

Like the Epicanthix, their homeworld and the Empire of Kalidan were no-less threats to the existence of the Empire all the same.

'The Empire has been at odds with the Enclave since the Empire's lattermost years.... As shortly after the Battle of Tython, we found Mandalorian spies on Bastion, an' within a short span of a few weeks, they found our spies on Kestri.... Not even my own father knew until the last moment. Circumstances haven't been right between our realms since.'

However, thoughts would flood the Tattered Regent's mind on the matter of the Mandalorian Enclave, on his ties to the Mandalorians of the 173rd Legion and on those who once represented their peers in the 501st, namely on the one who became his father's duelling champion for a time. The same duelling champion who later went on to fight Lord Erskine on Ilum, Shai Krayt, the one who made the choice to grant the old man (and consequently, the Empire along with it) another few years of life, letting the deepest of respects dictate a choice that would impact the Galaxy for decades after the fact. Lord Michael was only there in body, as his mind and soul were possessed by a Goidelic deity at the time, trapped in a deep slumber with eyes glowing in clear sight of a Mandalorian who struggled through tears to comprehend what was happening - unsure as to whether it was a threat, a cruel joke or just an outright hallucination of grief.

For such an act, for wishing the Lord-Regent back from the Nether and remaining beholden to her choice, Barran would always be grateful; and not only for the time it bought the realm, and not only for the conviction shown in the moments that followed, but most of all for granting time enough for father and son to reconcile before the former's true (and final) demise. But despite wishing to thank Shai in person, along with his natural inclination to congratulate the Mandalorian on her duelling victory against one of the era's duelling greats, Barran himself was still yet to actually meet the Maji-Krayt consciously, an unfortunate circumstance of which the Tattered Regent was almost tempted to rectify at the earliest opportunity.

But with that being said, we still have our means and reasons to make amends, or at least - to try.... An' before any future accords are reached, we'll likely need to struggle our way to the desired end-result - but I'm willing to give it a try if everyone else is.'






"I ain't no politician and I ain't gonna pretend like I am one. You give me a target and some men, and I'll make it go boom, or kill someone."

"Then you should stick to that assessment, Commander. There will be a target."

Sigismund was not interested to hear further thoughts on the matter by someone who voluntarily admitted to not have any expertise in it. It was a meeting for the fate of Galidraan and as far as that was concerned, strategic evaluations and analysis were best left to those who had an overview on it, much less so those who blew up and killed people. The Alliance would not care if something got blown up by a bomb or by a battlecruiser in clearly imperial territory, even if it was as soft as the Empire of the Lost seemed to be. It was much more likely that they would sit at the side and clap as audience as yet another Imperial Civil War broke out.

"While the pursuit of liberating Galidraan may be emotional and patriotic for some, relatable by others ... other than preparing for it or processing thoughts about it, it seems unreasonable. The Empire of the Lost holds better cards in their hands at this time and even committing resources to fight this enemy seems like a waste. Swaying the locals and preparing them is one matter, sending black ops another. While the former is viable, the latter is not. We have a thousand systems which are crumbling and requiring our attention and are not under direct control of someone actually stronger than us."

His voice was pretty clear and easily carried to everyone. The Zakuulan was certainly not sitting at the back and observing anymore, letting the others do their business and direct the fate of their peoples without interference. Vandemar stood strong, stronger than during the times of the Empire and Aurelian was determined to take the front row now.

"We have more strategically significant worlds to get a hold of and more immediate matters we actually can start, see through and successfully finish before we wage a full scale, either guerillia or pitched, war against someone who is stronger. We have more to gain from consolidation and prevailing in the preservation of our order, than from reconquest."

3rd Post







TAGS: Caoimhe Crannach Caoimhe Crannach Laine Gowrie FN-999 Argilac Argilac
Tulan Kor Tulan Kor Tristan Evore Tristan Evore Aurelian Sigismund Aurelian Sigismund Siyndacha Aerin Siyndacha Aerin



Conference Hall, Unknown Location
Telos IV (Early-Spring 900 ABY)

'I wholeheartedly agree.... Sometimes the biggest punches can be delivered with less ground to hold.'

For all the Galaxy had to say of Imperials and Eternals alike, it could never be said that they weren't pragmatists of the highest calibre, not that such opulence ever gave their Galactic neighbours any cause to assume such untruths, as the grand, powerful empires of yesteryear always seemed to retain that apathetic trait. But what the enemies of Imperium never learned (in all their supposed great wisdom) was the truth that the latest legitimate iterations arose from the hardships needed to learn such wondrous attributes, like restraint, patience and the resilience required to catalyse such habits like pragmatism in particular.

'And with that, I believe it is time to consolidate this council.... So, of those among us with old fealties to my father, I will suggest now that we become one again - one single collective of allied, Imperial warlords! Like our predecessors did over forty years ago!'

Stopping in his tracks momentarily, making sure that no such issues of overzealous delivery threatened to mar the weight and allure of his next statements, the Wanderer smiled in his moment of pause before he finally concluded,'After all, it was then that we had but an elite few who counted their worlds as - defiant, as we could now.... An' I daresay it would be the greatest of wastes to see us refrain from taking the next natural step. However, this I leave in the minds an' hearts of Imperium, thus I leave it with you - knowing that such declarations are only ever made collectively.', going on to light a cigarra on his way back to a seated position. Visibly ceding the rest of his speaking-time to whomever wished to answer, the Woad smiled as he leaned back into his seat, embracing whatever choice was made in the end, embracing hope or obscurity as any acquiescent soul would in his predicament.



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