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Approved Tech EE-5H "Desert Flame" Particle Carbine

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"Heat akin to the Dune Sea will be my ally, and a terror for my foes,
with the roar and power of a
Krayt Dragon felt. Reminds me of home."

~ Samuel Exel
  • Manufacturer: Samuel Exel Samuel Exel
  • Affiliation: Samuel Exel Samuel Exel
  • Model: WESTAR EE-5H
  • Modularity: A lot, the Carbine is intended to adapt to situations as necessary.
    • Optics
    • Various Attachments/Utility Devices, Underbarrel Weapons, Foregrip, etc.
    • Slings - One, Two Point, etc.
    • Variable Fire Modes
    • Threaded Barrel
      • Suppressor, Flash Hider, Compensator
    • Adjustable Comfortable Uses, Aesthetic Differences
    • Designed to Link to Electronics, Sensor Systems, HUD, etc.
  • Production: Unique
  • Material:
  • Classification: Particle Carbine / PEP Riot Control Weapon
  • Size: Average
  • Weight: Heavy
  • Ammunition Capacity:
    • Small (50 Particle Beams)
    • Very Small (25 Overcharged Particle Beams)
  • Ammunition Type:
  • Effective Range: Long Range (~800 Meters) / Average (PEP)
  • Rate of Fire: High (~600 RPM) / Low (PEP)
  • Stopping Power: Very High
    • Heat (Particle)
    • Kinetic / Sonic (PEP)
  • Recoil: Average
Note: This weapon is intentionally underbalanced.

  • Ammunition Counter & Cautionary Pulser
  • Weapon Integrity Reader
  • Precision Targeting Computer (Integrated With all Factory Optics)
    • Interfacing, Uplink, and Networking Capability
    • Holographic HUD Display and Manual Targeting Reticule (In Event of Jamming)
    • MFTAS
    • Target Imaging System (Unable to Penetrate Stealth Technology)
    • Thermal, Infrared, Low Light, and Ultraviolet Imaging System
    • Variable Zoom (1-50x)
    • Automatic Zero Adjustment
    • Rangefinder
  • Insulated and Augmented Spin Barrel with an Upgraded Galven Pattern, Autosteady Gyro-Gimbal.
  • Utilizes Rylith Power Cells, with a Mandalorian Amplifying Chamber, and a Capacitor Overcharger
  • Dallorian Alloy Barrel, Heat Radiator Shroud
  • Reflec Coating
  • Variable Fire Modes:
    • Semi-Automatic
    • Burst-Fire (3 Round)
    • Fully Automatic
  • Distinct Sound
  • Golden Particle Beams; Adjustable
    • A feature that was notable in the GALAAR-15c, the Particle Beams can be charged by an adjustable amount, allowing the usage of 'Weaker' variable modes that result in High stopping power, and giving the ability to Overcharge the Plasma-Rocket Technology used to form the Particle Beam for slightly more stopping power, and a larger explosion. This consumes far more ammunition to do, however.
  • Advanced, Adjustable PEP Stun Setting for Riot Control
    • Semi-Auto only, Low Fire Rate
    • Variable Charge Amount - Normal to Overcharged; More Charge = Slightly Slower Fire Rate, More Recoil
    • Making use of the same systems used to create unstable Particle Beams, the Deuterium in the PEP laser can be adjusted by a designated amount, typically resulting in cone of light accompanied by a deafening shockwave of sound in a similar fashion to a Hard-Sound Gun when it is fired. The Kinetic Energy this volatile Projectile Laser (of which will explode on impact similarly to Particle Beams) outputs is generally larger than standard Lasers, being more akin to a Concussion Rifle in its impact if it is Overcharged, often generating such a high amount of kinetic energy that it would knock foes off their feet. Victims suffer from bruising and soreness in affected areas, and likely are in too much pain to put up any kind of fight for a while. This makes this a perfect all-around tool for Crowd Control.
  • Capable of Rapidly Switching between Fire Modes during Combat.
  • Genetic Code and Dermatoglyphic Verification System
  • Able to link to Armor systems, HUD, Etc.
  • Combat De-Ionization System




  • Heat of the Dune Sea: The Desert Flame delivers an explosive payload of unstable energy that explodes on contact with solid objects. Utilizing a form of plasma rocket technology bolstered by amplifying modifications, this weapon produces a bolt of unstable and superheated plasma that burns at a similar temperature to lightsabers and sticks to targets on impact shortly before and\or immediately exploding.
  • Frontier Justice: Unlike its predecessor, the Desert Flame has an incredibly effective Non-Lethal setting in the form of an advanced PEP Laser setting, which utilizes the Particle Beam technology to create focused cones of light, shockwaves of harmful sound (Classified as 'Sonic'), and outputs a Laser that generates an intense Kinetic Impact that could potentially KO unarmored targets outright. This allows one to suppress dissidents and targets that are needed alive.
  • End of a Civilized Age: The EE-5H's payload, be it Particle or PEP, explodes on contact with lightsabers or Xythan Force Shields, making it beyond impractical to attempt deflecting the projectile itself.
  • Technologically Advanced: Featuring a multitude of 'Smart' targeting systems and information readouts compared to its factory-made counterpart, the Desert Flame is designed to be compatible with Samuel's suit of armor and be far more convenient to wield with its technology.
  • Under The Radar: The EE-5H features a reflec coating that hides the weapon's profile from most scanners, allowing one to more easily make their approach without being detected.
  • Variable Fire: Championing the concept of versatility, Samuel tried his best to allow for weaker and stronger charges for the beams, allowing him to more easily adapt to situations that require more or less spread effect to his shots.
  • Built to Last: With an overhauled frame and systems, the EE-5H is meant to accommodate the many aftermarket modifications that have been made to it that would otherwise have caused a very short lifetime with its original model. Designed to be consistent, adaptable, and modified even further should the situation call for it, the Desert Flame is made to never go out.
  • Indiscriminate: The Desert Flame's explosive payload can just as easily burn friend and foe alike with fiery sparks, and has a tendency to ignite electronics and munitions. The PEP Setting is not much better, being harmful to nearby allies if they are not equipped with proper ear and eye protection if they are close enough (even if they are not caught in the cone of fire, though the damage in that regard is more apparent through longer exposure).
  • Make it Count: The EE-5H sacrifices energy efficiency for raw power, resulting in a low ammo count. This is especially the case with Overcharged shots, which use an excessive amount of energy to produce, further placing strain on the weapon's ammunition count.
  • Loud and Proud: Be it on the Particle or PEP Setting, the weapon is horrifically unsuited for stealth missions, even with the Reflec Coating. Particle Explosions as well as the firing of a PEP Laser will loudly, often deafeningly so, announce the presence of its wielder.
  • Scales of Justice: While on its PEP Setting, the Fire Rate and Range is reduced. The more energy being output into overcharging the PEP Laser, the more Recoil it will output and the more down-time between shots it will have.
  • 'Justice is Blind and Deaf': The stunning effects of the PEP setting are severely dampened if the victim has proper ear & eye protection, leaving only the Kinetic Impact of the Laser left, and whatever remnants of Sonic Energy by the shockwave.
  • Recoil: Despite being capable of Full-Auto, it is difficult to control the recoil to be completely accurate at far longer ranges when doing so, making it preferable for usage as suppressive fire, or instead opting for Semi-Automatic for precision shots.

Despite sharing a similar appearance to the older model (being the EE-3) of its line, the EE-5H is a heavily modified EE-5 sold to Samuel by the Black Hand Collective. Having forgone the usage of a Carbine since his previous mercenary days (being the only primary weapon he ever found himself using due to its versatility), Samuel has lately found himself in large cityscapes, and overwatch positions, where a Hand-Cannon would eventually come to struggle against longer-ranged foes that wield DMRs and Sniper equipment. As such, in preparation for taking up more frequent Mercenary work once again, as well as readying to uptake a long-standing contract with CorpSec as a Freelance Law Enforcement Officer, Samuel took the liberty of purchasing a Mandalorian-make EE-5 due to how he generally considers items of that origin more reliable than most equipment (despite his bias against said origin). Once used to fight from the shadows against Sith in a crusade with the intent of purification, Samuel uses the modified and reforged weapon to enact Summary Judgement upon his foes when he is driven to use it.

Seeing a return to older forms, this Carbine saw a redesign with its frame, using more durable materials that would permit greater amounts of time of on-field usage before needing maintenance. A handful of these updates brought back features from a previous iteration of the EE-5, the GALAAR-15c, of which were likely abandoned for overcomplexity or manufacturing cost issues that would have complications with supplying larger militias. Ironically, the final appearance that he opted for was similar to that of the EE-3, a rifle that Samuel saw often during his time spent on Tatooine. The Particle Beams are able to have a larger radius from their explosions, making it especially apt for dealing with crowds, or suppressive fire. Given its excessive heat and explosive properties, it can serve well against Lightsabers, Infantry (including of the armored variety), and light vehicles as a substitute Anti-Material weapon. In addition, a multitude of technology has 'modernized' the weapon, giving it electronic compatibilities that make it more convenient to wield and paving the way for other such 'smart' technologies to aid his usage of it.

Inspired by the Sonic Carbines used by CorpSec Officers in his time commanding a squadron, he took it upon himself to look into adding a setting apt for Riot Control and Non-Lethal takedowns, as is his preferred method over Lethal settings (though he is not afraid to use such if forced to). After coming to notice such a feature had existed in the GALAAR-15c, Samuel re-added the PEP setting back, and made his own tweaks. By connecting the pre-existing systems that form and overcharge the Particle Beams to the formation of a PEP Laser, it generated an unstable Projectile Laser that outputs more force and Crowd-Controlling effects with its payload. This works especially well with ensuring even an armored target is subdued rather than killed - be it in the act of detaining a criminal, or hunting a Bounty.

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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Samuel Exel Samuel Exel

Very cool modified weapon! I found one problem, please remove the Black Hand Collective from the Manufacturer, you don't have permission to mention or use it there, not even if the original weapon was made by them.
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