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Atsak Augment MK.1

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Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge

  • Intent: Make a unique prosthetic for Sith usage.
  • Image Source: Found Here.
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: Sithspawn, Sith Alchemy, Limb
  • Classification: Arm
  • Size: Average
  • Weight: Average
  • Resistances:
    • Energy (And other Blaster type weapons): Low
    • Kinetic: Average
    • Lightsabers: Low
    • Other: Low
  • Regeneration
  • Augmented Strength
  • Fueled by Hate: As the Atsak is a Sithspawn, and therefore aligned with the Dark Side of the Force, negative emotions such as anger allow for the user to essentially fuel the augment with their own emotions rather than some power source. This gives the Atsak incredible endurance if the user is experienced with it. Sources of the Dark Side, such as Nexuses or even powerful Sith relics, can also feed the Atsak and keep it sated and therefore working.
  • Regeneration: Given the organic nature of the prosthetic, the Atsak can heal and repair damage to itself much like normal skin and organs can. Albeit at a much faster and greater rate, being able to heal from a mere stump to a full arm again over the course of a few days.
  • Augmented Strength: Although far from making the user able to flip a car, the Atsak does notably allow for above average feats of strength. This augmented strength can also be increased overtime by building up the muscles of the Atsak much like one would any normal arm.
  • Fueled by Hate: The Atsak's fuel source of anger and other negative emotions does not come without drawbacks. If the user does not experience anger or other such emotions, or simply be around those with those emotions for the Atsak to feed off of, then the augment will start to starve and wither. Not only that, but it will alter hormones in the user, making violent outbursts and negative emotions flare up in an attempt to keep itself sated.
  • Creeping Darkness: A complication of the Regeneration ability is that the Atsak has a tendency to spread as it regenerates damage. It will creep more and more into the user's body like a parasite demanding more and more to feed from as a result of its new size. This, combined with the negative outbursts it can cause, may make users into little more than frothing Sithspawn berserkers if the Atsak's regeneration is not carefully tempered and controlled by surgical and alchemical means.
  • Blinded by the Light: Due to the Atsak being a Sithspawn, and therefore connected to the Dark Side, Force Light is especially effective in killing and wounding the prosthetic.

After his experimentation and personal usage of Sangnir regenerative abilities, Alisteri Haxim decided that the Sangnir transformation was simply too drastic to be widely used to help his cult mend their wounds and ailments. While useful, the drawbacks of the transformation's regenerative ability outweighed the benefits of simply having a prosthetic to replace a lost limb. However, he regarded cybernetics and augments to be useful yet limiting. In his eyes the prosthetics his cult started to employ in greater and greater numbers were simply not befitting, mainly due to them lacking in proper channels to buy said prosthetics and having numerous and varied models of them as a result.

So he delved into his knowledge and the knowledge that he had gathered, not merely looking for a way to provide his cult with a proper replacement for their lost limbs but to give them something befitting of Sith. After much trial and experimentation he finally perfected, albeit still with plenty of drawbacks, a Sithspawn that would act as a new arm for his cultists. Thus the Atsak was born.

Made from a lost arm or hand, preferably the one belonging to whoever would be receiving the prosthetic, the Atsak is carefully produced through a long process of modifying and alchemizing the flesh via several rituals and chemical concoctions. The resulting Sithspawn is something of a symbiote, or parasite, to the user and allows for a much more durable and long lasting prosthetic despite lacking any weaponry that a cybernetic augment may have. The additional strength and endurance of the limb can greatly increase combat efficiency, allowing for heavy weapons or armor to be wielded with ease.

The Atsak does have a very fatal flaw however, but one that can be managed. It has a habit of spreading and corrupting the user, as with many Dark Side relics and artifacts, to the point of completely hijacking the user's body and mind to make them a rabid killing machine with little desire to do more than cause harm to feed off of. The need for feeding the augment negative emotions makes it difficult for civilians or other noncombat personnel to handle the limb, and as such only soldiers and Sith are implanted with the Atsak. Rituals and chemicals can help in slowing and reversing the corruptive nature of the limb, and outright removal is possible before the limb infests the rest of the body. This makes the major drawback of the arm more manageable, but still in need of regular maintenance much like any other prosthetic.

As the Sith Order would grow more reliant on the powerful Warlords after the fall of Odavessa, Alisteri allowed his Atsak to be offered up to the wider Sith and their forces as a means of healing and augmenting them. Sith, due to their learned usage of the Dark Side as well as their own attunement to it, are fairly perfect candidates for the prosthetic as it can simply feed from them the same way their Force abilities do.
T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Darth Strosius Darth Strosius

This is a very cool submission and idea, I totally love it! However in this form it is a Codex submission, and not a Factory one. You wrote that, it is a Sithspawn, which means it is a species, and this is why it is a species (Codex) sub, not a Factory one. So if you want to keep this in the Factory, please remove the Sithspawn references from the submission. But if you want to keep it as a Sithspawn, I have to ask you to rewrite it in the Codex.
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