Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Alderaan, Shades of Grey

"You..." Verrin said stopping as if he told her... would it cause her to go into another panic? But he was never good at lying, and she needed to know of what she could do, "panicked. I said the path you were taking could lead you into... a place that I would not follow. Your eyes," he said as he closed his eyes to call them from memory, "Changed orange, and you wanted to kill me afraid I was going to turn you over to the Jedi. You held a branch out towards me and tried to stab me, and I let you," Verrin finished, he reached up to her face to try and calm her encase she went into another rage, "But it is okay... I do not hate you."

[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"I... what. No no, i didnt do that, i cant do that... stab you with a branch..." She looked at the wood and how it had splintered and stared at him eyes shaking again before looking back at him and feeling him touch her face, her eyes staring at the man for a long moment. "I did that... i dont remember any of it, or anything like that in the least." She started to rub her arms and tap her fingers again, the nervous habit forcing her into a state as she pushed herself to remember what had happened. One moment they were walking, he mentioned the whole lightning thing again, and then nothing. @Verrin Ris'To
"You thought I was going to turn you into the Jedi, and that they were going to severe your connection to the force," His fingers felt numb which was an odd feeling, one he wasn't sure he was fond of. Verrin let his knuckles graze her cheek, "I won't turn you in, I promise," Verrin said trying to turn her head and force her to look him in the eyes.

[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]"

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Alexandra sighed and sat back out of reach of his hands if she could, bringing her knees to her chest as she sat there and looked at the floor. "Im sorry, i dont remember doing any of that and i must apologize for doing it nonetheless." She sat there for a moment and spoke. "I should get you to the Jedi, i cant do much more to help you and if that happens again i dont want you nearby."
When she pulled back, Verrin let his hand fall back down towards him. He shook his head at her suggest of taking him back, "Just get me close, I will go the rest of the way, I don't want them thinking you hurt me... I will make something up," he said as... well, he didn't want her getting hurt, and it would be hard to explain why she happened to find him heavily wounded especially with the burn mark on her arm.

Verrin tried to push himself up, but he couldn't quite get to his feet having to come back down as his hips gave up every time, "Can you help me stand?"

[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"Are you kidding me, if you cant even stand then there is no way im letting you drag your way to the Temple's doors. Ive run and vanished before, don't think i cant do it again so don't worry about me being thought the one that harmed you. Just say a bounty hunter got you and i tried to help resulting for the burn on my arm." She moved to help him up, not even caring if he argued or not, as she was going to do it whether he complained or not as she would not let him tell her otherwise. She owed him for harming him if what he said was true... was this the first black out?
"Stubborn," Verrin hissed at the pain of being lifted as it jostled his shoulder. He tried to support as much of his own weight as possible, trying to only use her to stabilize himself as he was large and very heavy, and he didn't know if she could carry him. He did not want to be a burden, well, any more then he currently was, "We are going to have to finish our walk another time," Verrin said with a weak smile as he was fiarly sure this didn't count as their walk.

[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"Agreed, and next time lets try and leave out the part where i lose my memory and do something stupid, dont you think?" She smiled back at him as she supported him best she could, to tell the truth she was exhausted, her body aching from her over use of the force and from just plain exhaustion that wore on her. He supported himself enough though that she wasnt crumbling under him, no she remained standing. "You know, you could have just taken the branch away from me or knocked me out... why didnt you?" @Verrin Ris'To
Verrin let out a small laugh that turned into a pained wince. Yes, they really should leave out that part next time. Why hadn't he done those things? Well, he wasn't sure himself, "I didn't want to hurt you," Verrin said which was true, "If I had knocked you out, I would have been the same as those Jedi you are afraid of, and I was afraid that if I took it away; you would panic more. Last time I held you; it calmed you down, so I thought I would try it again," He looked at the ground in front of him. He had to admit, he sounded naive to even himself, but it had worked.

[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"Well, then i thank you... for holding me to calm me down too." She reddened and now it would be clear unlike the other times, due to his being half carried by Alexandra. She stumbled a bit as she walked, tired from the day and all that happened, thinking about what had happened and trying to bring back the memories so that she knew what had happened. "Can we rest again, im sorry, this is just hard." They were probably only a mile or two till they reached the enclave, but Alexandra's muscles ached as she walked with him in tow. @Verrin Ris'To
Verrin would have waved off the thank you, but he didn't really have the strength to do so. Of course, the red blush in her cheeks was almost enough to make him blush from embarrassment. He decided to wave it off as she was just embarrassed at needing help... that was all it could be. Sure, he blushed when in close proximity like this to other people, but that was him, and Alexandra was her. He was sure she was used to this, or at least, somewhat used to this. She felt far more mature and experienced then he.

"Sure, we can rest for a bit," Verrin said letting go of her shoulder and falling to his side, using his arms to break his fall. He didn't want to sit as it put a lot of strain on his chest, so he let himself lay out in the grass, his face staring up into the star filled sky. Tearing his gaze from the stars, he looked to her, "Are you okay?"

[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"Ya, just a bit tired." She remained sitting and leaned against the tree, in truth her mind still trying to recover the memories of what she did which occupied her mostly. She rolled her neck once and looked up at the stars herself, smiling as she watched them. "Beautiful, aren't they." @Verrin Ris'To
"They are," Verrin agreed, turning his head back up to look at the night sky. It was beautiful... and peaceful. Was that why she chose to live here? Suddenly, he felt so tired. It would be easy to close his eyes and just fall asleep. He wasn't sure if he would wake up, but it was very tempting. The bleeding had stopped, and it seemed most of the wound had been closed and was scared over thanks to Alexandra, so maybe it would be okay? "I wouldn't mind sleeping right here... in the cool grass, under the stars... there may be a few bugs, but I don't think I would mind."

[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"The bugs arent that bad, you get used to it after a few times when the they try and crawl in your ear." She smiled, still not a hint of anger or hostility in her, as if what had happened before never did, and to her it hadn't. "The night is nice you just got to pick nights when the stars are out and the sky is clear, else you are going to get rained on and thats no fun in the morning to have slept through rain. How about you, hows that wound holding up, not too good with healing." @Verrin Ris'To
"As long as they don't want to move in," Verrin said smiling at the idea of bugs crawling into his ears as it was both gross... and something he really didn't want to think about. He reached out an arm, looking at the stars through his fingers, "I don't think I would mind it if it rained, but it would be better if I was able to run through it."

Verrin let his hand come back down to feel his chest, "The bleeding stopped, it is still tender, but I will live... I might get an infection, but my kind heals faster then humans," he said softly. It was... not much faster, but it was faster. He wasn't used to being this tired. Usually he only needed to sleep a few hours every day, but when injured his kind tended to go into deep slumbers.

[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"Good, and don't worry, ill get you back to your Jedi buddies, just need to take some time to rest before i get you there. You're a bit heavier than i thought you'd be, and you do drag a bit, but that's more me being short than you being you." She rolled her head as she sat there, trying to get some energy left in her to come up so that she could get him back to his friends at the enclave on the planet, her arms stretched as she sat there. @Verrin Ris'To
"Take your time," Verrin said closing his eyes enjoying the slight evening breeze on his skin and the grass that tickled his neck. Yes, when he got back he was going to sleep for hours, perhaps days, while his body recovered. It would be a shame as he didn't think he would be coming back to Alderaan for awhile. He still had to go meet his Master for more lessons. He knew, someday, he would come back, but he didn't feel it would be anytime soon. There were so many places in the galaxy left to explore as well as responsibilities he had to uphold.

[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
@Verrin Ris'To

She sighed and breathed slowly as she let the energy flow back into her, keeping her awake and going as she rested there. "Question, whats the chances of the Jedi letting me crash at your guy's place without figuring out that im a force user?" She looked over at Verrin, half joking, half serious as she raised the question. After all she was exhausted and wasn't quite sure if she could make it back to her compound.
"If they believe our story?" Verrin asked rhetorically, his eyes still closed, "Pretty high. They wouldn't turn you away as you went out of your way to help one of their own. I wouldn't let them either."

He was a little glad she was considering staying for the night. Verrin could almost feel her exhaustion through the force, and he didn't like the idea of her walking all the way back to her enclave in the dark and as tired as she was. Some of this was his fault, and maybe being around the other Jedi would help her work some of her fears about them out? But if she... panicked again... It could get bad, and he wasn't sure he would be able to save her in time.

[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
@Verrin Ris'To

"Well, we better make it pretty darn believable then, because otherwise i am going to find myself in a rather poor situation with how tired i am... i think there's a mile left between here and there, ten minute walk at least if not more because of the speed at which we will be walking." She breathed in again, as if she were gonna stand but remained where she was and just let out the breath again, her strength returning slowly, but not enough to make it back to her compound meaning this would have to work and the Jedi are going to have to deal with an outsider for the night.

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