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A Piracy Problem (OP Vandelhelm Dominion)

@[member="Amara"] @[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] @[member="Aiden Mercer"] @[member="Bastion "]@[member="Cira"] @D'Orrin @[member="Erich Lor"] @[member="Jak Sandrow"] @[member="Lenavina Martin"] @[member="Malica Drezyan"] @[member="Zero"]


The Occupation of Vandelhelm

"You must help us, Ms Alcori!" the man was saying. The holo-projector image was bad, but she could see how distressed he looked. This man, who had once been powerful, was now reduced to begging.
"I want to, Mr Alek, but we are a company. I need some sort of compensation to take before Ms Cira."
Alek sighed. "I will give you all the mining rights owned by Vandelhelm Mining and Minerals, on the condition that as many of my workers remain employed as possible. I have lost almost everything to these pirates. If you can stop them, the planet's wealth is yours."
Tegaea nodded. "It's done then. Tell no one of this. You will hear of our arrival when we strike with fire and steel." She cut the link and pondered. Then she went to her communicator station. "I want every member of Omega Pyre who is on Fondor to meet in the Central Hanger as soon as possible. Everyone in the inner circle meet me in my office first." The inner circle were those specialists and experts from many fields that she had chosen to help her (basically all writer characters).

Looking down at the board she shook her head. "I wonder when Siobhan's getting back?"
Factory Judge
Zero heard his com Link come on with a message "You are needed to report to Miss Alcori's Office promptly." Zero already know what was going on. He was being called down to her office to talk about an upcomming offencive strike against some one. he wasnt much for open battlefields, but he was one of their top Assassins. He was known for his signature blue blade and black armor.

Zero gathered his items. Daggers, pistols, grenades, sword, and some rope. You never knew when you may need some. He began to walk to Tegaea's office. Everyone that he walked by moved away from him. And he was glad. Nobody to get in his way. He made it to the Door and waited to be called in.
Lena had been on Fondor already, getting herself familiarized with the planet where the company operated. She had barely gotten far though before the message came in through her new comlink. The old one didn't work for some reason as it was supposed to but knowing the way things were done in the business world and the way she did things. Giving the communicator one look, she quickly turned on her heel and returned to the headquarters.

Already geared up, in one of her action suits, her sidearms placed around her belt, something she kept with her at all times for her protection mostly. Greeted by the entrance of the tall building, she headed straight for the elevators and entered the floor of the CEO, taking the quick ride to the top.

Shortly after, the automated doors opened and the brunette walked out, making the small way to the office doors, and entering after a single knock. Piercing blue eyes quickly scanned the room, noticing the man in the armor and the CEO, to whom she nodded quietly. A habit she had picked up many years ago and never could quite get rid of.
The communication had come in and he obviously get it. He'd have been training with his blades after a bit of modifications done. So after he had gotten the comm transmission he placed his blades on his back. Allowing the mag plating in his armor to hold them before rolling his shoulders back a bit to relieve a bit of the tension placed on them via his workout. Since he was alone at the time he'd have his helmet off. Wiping off the sweat he had worked up from his bit of exercise before replacing the helmet over his head. The magnetic locks engaging and pressure locking the piece of equipment on his head as he'd then employ the stealth option on his armor. The black armor would shimmer for a moment as a translucent wave would glide over it. And just as suddenly as the wave had covered him, he'd now be for all intents and purposes, invisible.

That would be when he'd make his way over towards the CEO chamber. He was actually right behind Lena. Stepping through the threshold of the door and then placing himself off to the side against a wall. His arms folding up in front of his chest as he'd be deactivating his cloaking stealth feature. That same shimmer would ripple over his armor before his figure would be revealed. He looked over the assembled group and gave a nod before he'd then look straight ahead while he waited.

"Greetings all."

While the poor inhabitants of Vandelhelm were being plagued by unscrupulous evildoers, Siobhan had...not been working the way a good employee should. Rather she was dozing in a swanky apartment with a Hapan noblewoman whom she had been able to seduce through the combat prowess she displayed during the Republic conquest of Hapes and her 'wittiness'.

Siobhan looked down on the woman's body as she smoked on her cigarette. It was a body she had seen a great deal of lately for the past few days. Alas, her companion seemed to like the sound of her own voice very much, though Siobhan had quickly realised that agreeing with her at certain intervals, saying how good she looked or distracting her with displays of affection was a good policy. Unfortunately, she had also decided to drag Siobhan to cultural events that were beyond the simple ex-Jedi's horizon. The room, equipped with all the amenities one could wish for, was right now in a bit of a mess, with clothing and bedclothes strewn across the chamber. One of the noblewoman's dresses had been ripped in places and half of a curtain was lying on the floor.

Maybe a ball gag, Siobhan thought, chuckling, which seemed to awaken the noblewoman. "What are you laughing at?" she demanded a bit crossly in her clipped upper class accent.

Siobhan shrugged, bending down to kiss her. "Nothing...just some silly protesters on Coruscant, whining about sentient rights on Hapes! What's up?"

The noblewoman snorted. "Degenerates, poor breeding no doubt," she frowned when she saw the cigarette in Siobhan's hand and tasted the nicotine on her lips. "You are aware that's a disgusting, inappropriate habit, as I've said many times."

Siobhan just deepened the kiss, then cupped her cheek. "Yeah, but you can't deny like it when I get inappropriate. It makes me exciting..."

"Oh, you are," the aristocrat admitted with a smile, returning the kiss, "but no matter what you're still not getting around wearing that dress to the concert. It fits you so well."

Siobhan groaned to herself, trying to think of a strategy to get around the fact that apparently dressing in trousers and leather jackets was very bad form in posh places, then suddenly her comm beeped. With a look of annoyance on her face she got up and walked over, wearing only a flimsy robe. She listened to Tegs' message, then cut the connection.

"Who was that?" her partner exclaimed.

"My boss, important meeting. Guess I have to save a planet again. Sorry," she answered with a sigh. Clearly Siobhan was a very modest and humble person.

"That Tegaea woman," the aristocrat glowered at her, narrowing her eyes. "I remember...weren't you whispering her name in your sleep?" she pointed an accusing finger at Siobhan. "How important can these duties be?"

Now she gets clingy, it was a lot easier at the Blooming Rose, Siobhan thought, feigning incredulity. "No...definitely not...I don't talk in my sleep..." What was her name again? "Tara..." Yes, that was the right one. She pulled Tara closer with telekinesis, nuzzling her neck. "Sorry, it's been a great pleasure here, but you know how it is when your masters call. Like with you're Queen Mum. I got to put down rascals that try to topple their betters," she emphasised the last word.

"A Hapan lady is not kept waiting like simple rimkin. People make time to attend to her," Tara insisted pompously, while Siobhan had already her trousers on and was pulling her shirt over. "But you will be there at the gala. Being accompanied by the force-user who saved the Chancellor paid dividends and gave my measly rivals pause."

"I am a great and talented force-user. And Gee, here I thought you wanted me for my body and my Force," Siobhan joked cornily. "And it would be awesome, but these dirty rascals just don't know when to submit. Wouldn't want them to come here and wreck havoc. No worries, I'll call."

"You'll take the dress as well," Tara threw after her. Tegs is so gonna troll me, Siobhan thought.


Some time later Siobhan had finally arrived on Fondor and quickly found her way into Tegs' office after taking the lift to the top, lightsabre and sidearm attached to her belt. "Hi. I return victorious, boss. Hapes was fun. Lots of mayhem, big battle. The Chancellor was real happy with my services," she looked around a bit. She looked around a bit, seeing that other members of the inner team had assembled as well. "So, what's the crisis? We got a big op planned?"
Tegaea had been about to welcome the first three when @[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] sauntered in looking like the cat which had got the cream. The CEO reflected that sending her oversexed subordinate to Hapes might not have been the smartest idea.
"I can see that. She's organised a bonus for you...along with whatever else you picked up while there," she said dryly. "We will discuss why you're four days late returning later...."

She looked to the others in the room. "I'm so glad you could join me on such short notice. I hope you're all settling in to your new positions? @[member="Lenavina Martin"], did you have a chance to look at those reports I sent you?"
"@[member="Zero"], I hope that the new weaponry provided suits your needs? @D' Orrin, glad to see you visible again," she said.
Siobhan's hand surreptitiously went to her neck, rubbing a bit. Did she still have lipstick there? "Sure. You'll get a comprehensive report. I was building relations, you told me how important making good impressions is," she said sardonically, though the satisfied grin did not leave her face. Well, Tara was very rich and connected enough to go to all the fancy parties, so it totally had to count!

She gave Lenavina a nod of acknowledgement and pulled a seat up to sit down, waiting for the briefing to start. Judging by how Tegs had called what was informally termed the inner circle of specialists together, she assumed a big operation was being planned. Much as she had enjoyed the last four days of pleasure and sightseeing, she felt a craving for some gritty action again.
"Did I miss anything?"

She'd ask as she was just coming into the office with her helmet under her arm. She was looking around to see whom was gathered at that time before noticing Orrin. A quick nod towards him before she'd make her way over towards him just out of habit.
And. Enter Vok. The new guy. Yep. Another friend of that fat headed black armored walking through walls doing blade whirling dumb nut that called himself D' Orrin.. Vok was looking back and forth and seemed somewha out of breath as he was sweating a little. The result of bad directions and having been left by Orrin as he showed up. He tried his best to not pull attention in his direction as he'd then join the small group of Orrin and Amara that were placed off to the side.
Tegaea narrowed her eyes at @[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]. They would 'discuss' this later.

She looked to the other newcomers and smiled. "No, nothing at all," Tegaea said to @[member="Amara"]'s question.

"I have been contacted today by the leader of Vandelhelm Mining and Minerals on that self-same planet. They are, in the absence of anything else, the government of that planet. He contacted me to say that the piracy issue in that system was out of control. Pirates and other scum have virtually taken over the whole world, and it's not going to be long before they just do away with VMM entirely. So, he offered me a deal; get rid of the pirates, and we get the lucrative mining contracts there, so long as we use as many locals as possible. We are going to take this contract. Does anyone have any insider or special information on Vandelhelm that I can use before making our plan? Speak up...or forever hold your peace."
Siobhan was distinctly aware of the fact that she was in trouble. Oh, this would be discussed later!

Regardless, Siobhan decided to make herself useful for a change and got up, activating her comm. "I'll make some calls. A friend of mine should be in the know," she strode out out of the room to get in touch with her contact.

A few moments later Heli appeared as a miniaturised hologram. The Cathar was admiring a rather expensive and ancient looking necklace, which she probably had 'liberated' from someone less deserving. "Kerri, what a coincidence, do you need someone to do all your research again?" She scrutinised a spot on Siobhan's neck. "Hmm. Is that lipstick? I didn't think your boss was the type. Oh, right."

Siobhan cut her off. "Heli, business. Business means credits for you."

Heli chuckled. "All talk and no play, humans have no finesse, no patience."

"You were singing a different tune the last time on Coruscant," Siobhan could not resist quipping despite herself and smirked.

"I saw some interesting images on Hapes. Impressive show, what with the bloodshed and all. For the record, your lines continue to be awful. But you looked adorable at that soiree. Almost like a lady. A scarred, grim-looking one."

"Not a word," Siobhan's eyes narrowed, she glowered at the cat woman. "Now, Vandelhelm, ever heard of that? Pirates have been raiding the planet. Got any info on them?"

"So that you can look good before your boss and then go to save these poor souls and get a monopoly on mining. Hmm. You've been fun enough to work with and you actually pay." The line went silent for a some time while Heli went through her information. "You're in luck. Well, there's no luck, there's the Force. This sector is Red Suns territory. Ring a bell?"

Siobhan nodded knowingly. "Remember 'em. Used to be Nar Shaddaa crowd under Borax the Hutt's thumb before going independent. My old gang might've stolen one of their shipments once. Fun times," she chuckled.

"You lost the spice. And a certain someone had the brilliant idea of using a speeder as a battering ram."

"It worked!"

"If you lack sanity. Anyway. since you ganked Aziz they've picked up some of his leftovers. They got an influx of tech after Anaxes. Word is some Hapan white guards teamed up with them.
Judging by the comm traffic, pirates are pretty much in charge. Looks like most of the surviving security forces are so scared out of their wits they're twiddling their tumbs when the corsairs make a housecall or have defected. So don't expect any roses when you land. For the record, the Red Suns' Captain still owes me credits for helping him requisition an Onderonian corvette," Heli continued, as if this were the most important thing in the Galaxy.

"When I meet him, I'll be sure to beat him extra hard. Do you want his head delivered in a fruit basket with blood oranges?" Siobhan asked sarcastically. "Got any info on their arsenal?"

"Very philistine. Several frigates and small corvettes, you know how much tech went missing after Anaxes. Four assault frigates, eight corvettes according to the latest estimate. Got a contingent of battle droids, acquired second hand on Nar Shaddaa. Sending you specifications."

"Cool. Thanks. You'll get payment through the usual channels. Wait, you were spying on me on Hapes."

Heli gave her an innocent look. "Please, I've got class. I would not dream of snooping after a 'friend' or making a tape. You have an inflated sense of your importance," she checked her chronometre. "Now, you've exhausted my time. Try not to wreck the planet too much, I might invest." With that the line went dead.

Shortly thereafter Siobhan returned to the office of @[member="Tegaea Alcori"] placing a datapad before her that contained the more detailed technical information Heli had sent her. "It's the Red Suns, got some info on enemy strength. Looks like a small flotilla. Pirates are de facto ruling the planet."
Factory Judge
Zero nodded his head at Tegaea about the new weaponry. It would sufice. He listend to all that was happening and saw that some more people walked in. One he knew was a Doctor from seeing him in the medical wing. It looked like alot of the problems were the pirates.

"No contacts for me. Only question. What will most of the battles be? space or ground?"


Tegaea always had a flare for briefs. And debriefing, if rumor had it straight.

The thought provoked the corners of the shrouded woman at the far end of the room, blending into the background under the spidersilk armor and protective helmet. For this run, she was going as one of her own, with the added benefit of not telling anyone other that her second in command that she was coming with.

The recent acquisition of Corellia plus the added tech sent a couple of waves through the organization. They were moving to the inner core slowly but surely. As such, and as proven by Mr. Cater - there was a distinct thinning of her lips at the thought of the provoking man - she needed to review personally the progress of her employees herself.

Get to know them hand in hand. See how they thought. How they acted; reacted. The turmoil in Vandelhelm provided that.
"@[member="Zero"] the objective is to quickly knock out their orbital ships and then head down to the surface. It also seems that they have established or taken over a space station in orbit from where they are resupplying and storing their ships. We will launch a quick strike to neutralise that as well before we head down."

"@[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] has provided us useful information on the enemy's strength. It seems that the pirate's base on the planet is concentrated in two main locations; East Camp and West Camp. The Eastern one is built on a mesa overlooking this wide plain, while the western one is built into a hillside about a hundred miles away. In both cases they are near major mining sites so they can extort money from the inhabitants. The plan is we organise a strike on each when their flotilla in space is destroyed. I'll designate who goes where in a moment. Any questions?"

Tegaea looked around. She liked meetings, and yes, she liked after-meetings just as much.
For her part Siobhan preferred actual action to talking about it, though she acknowledged the necessity of a good plan to actually win the day. However, she had developed quite a liking for after-meetings. Tegaea certainly had a flare for them! She glanced at the holographic map that displayed the assumed locations of the pirate encampments, along with estimates on their forces orbiting the planet. The thick asteroid field that was the Vandelhelm Cloud made it difficult for larger ships to navigate, but then Omega had very manoeuvrable vessels and did not pump out Star Destroyers, for which in any case they'd lack the manpower.

"Smash a pirate flottilla, go down and crush their ground forces, then profit," she cocked her head to the side, summing it up in the most basic and nonchalant manner. This is gonna be fun. "Nah, no questions."
Standing at the back, a few feet away from the other quiet individual (those with little to say often stuck together for some strange reason), Sarge shifted a bit as he listened to the group talk. Arms folded over his chest, he took a few slow breaths and tightened the cloth that obscured the lower half of his face.

He was here to do his job; and his job had never been to talk. Forgoing his old armor for something a bit more... in line with the Private Contractor look, he hardly stuck out considering someone else was here covering themselves up. Finally. He wasn't the only one.
Piercing blue eyes queitly studied the people that gathered, taking in their faces on by one before Tegaea finally addressed her, asking about the reports. She nodded first. "I have. I'm putting some notes down already and I will have them sent back to you by tomorrow morning." In writing was always better and right now, there were far too many of them to focus on this bit so Lenavina would do what she indented on doing.

Falling silent for a bit, Lenavina took the other interaction before Tegaea finally went on talking about why they had been summoned. She had been contacted by the leader of the Vandelhelm Mining and Minerals, requiring assistance on a piracy matter. Lena stayed quiet. These things were still quite foreign to her, having jumped from assassinations to mind faith to business in such a short time... at least, she believed it was a short time. She hadn't had any insider or special information since she was unfamiliar with the company all together. Siobhan did shortly after arrive with intel.

East and West Camps, one overlooking the wide plain and the other one built into a hillside about a hundred miles away. Both near major mining sites so they can extort money from inhabitants. They'd first have to get the flotilla in space destroyed.

Lena pretty much got the plan. No need to further explain it. She was just wondering how Tegaea would divide the groups, which made her even more curious as to what the other had strength in. Going into action without knowing that seemed like a major issue to her but she would be sure to ask this once she knew on whose team she would be on.
Factory Judge
Zero nodded his head at Tegaea to show that he understood. it looked like he was going to be using "Blade" to fight for once. he would try and be on the battle field for most of the fighing. He didnt like fighing. with out looking you rfoe in the eyes. Zero was glade to have the new weaponry and wanted to test some of it out. he was just iching to get at it.

Zero noticed that there were a few new people that he had not met before. It didnt matter to him who they were. As long as they did their job and left hism to do his he would be happy.


Cira could not help but be a bit amused at the responses. They were a colourful bunch, but good people. At least, this was the thought until her peripheral caught sight of another fully masked individual from under her dark tinted visor.

A ripple of annoyance took her again; one she hid well. It was a good thing she was hiding her Force Signature, at the very least, she gave all the appearance of just another mercenary under employment.

Well, guess we'll see exactly what your little pet can do, Mr. Cater, she told herself.
"Excellent. I'll now split you into groups. Organise your teams and be ready to depart in three hour's time. I will marshal our space forces, but to take out the space station I want @[member="Zero"] and @D' Orrin to work with @[member="Amara"] in neutralizing the station. While that is going on the landing will commence, and you three will join your teams once the station is destroyed."
"For the East Camp I will lead the attack personally with @[member="Lenavina Martin"] and @[member="Sarge Potteiger"]. For the West Camp @[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] will lead the attack with @[member="Cira"] (or whatever her alias is this time) and @[member="Vok"]. Any questions?"

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