Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private A Few Good Spores

Location: Sith Occupied Nathema​
Objective: Collection of Spore Samples​
Tag: [member="Vanessa Vantai"]​

After several brief foray's into Sith space, the White Witch was coming to understand that the residue left over from the abundant dark side energies they seemed to amass was leaving an impression upon the planets that they inhabited. Most especially planets that had seen long Sith reigns.

Nathema was no different - having fallen in and out of Sith rule for millennia. As the Dathomiri reject made her way to the planet's surface, she could feel the unrest in the Spirits, feel what centuries of darkness had created here, and couldn't help but to bathe in it for a moment as her shuttle made landfall. The pale specter of a woman had selected a dense bit of forest for her exploration that evening - and in the cool, enveloping blackness of night, the ramp descended, and so did she.

The soft clank of her heels against durasteel was silenced the moment she stepped into the thick moss that seemed to cling to the ground around her landing site, and she couldn't help the soft smile that tugged at the edges of her lips. The smell of decay was heavy in the air, and though the trees worked diligently all around to absorb the moisture that lay at her feet, the witch could feel the rot in the roots. The silent and eternal war between what lives and that which would snuff it out... Living poetry.

The ramp began to retract at her back as the phantom walked, a simple leather satchel slung across her body, headed for where her scans had indicated there would be a large patch of mycelium. The elegantly branching roots of the fungal system had shown to be nearly twice as wide as the forest itself, and the most dense where the smell of rot was pungent in the air.

Finding a small break in the trees, the white-haired vision emerged, gently laying a hand on the tree and finding the bark softer than it should have been. Perfect. Striding forward, she found a bed of mushrooms that covered nearly the entirety of the forest floor. The fat, greyish caps were plump and hung at odd angles due to the density of moisture they held. Descent gripped her as the woman carefully knelt, crushing a few of the water logged fungi under her knees, but drawing a small trowel from her bag and beginning to dig the bed of mushrooms up from the root.
In Umbris Potestas Est
[member="Jenmae Ophiro"]

The unknown ship's arrival on the surface of Nathema had piqued interest from the system's guard forces, the Darktroopers. Malleable cyborgs that they were, the veteran troopers would divert from their standard patrol routes and head through the ruins and woods of the planet, attempting to follow the intruder. Being cyborgs, their individual force presences would be noticeably dimmer than a normal human's, assuming Jenrae actively sensed them. Within a short span of time after the witch had finished picking mushrooms in that part of the world, she would find herself surrounded by a half dozen armored soldiers - clearly Sith, if she had read up on them, but wearing armor that certainly was not standard.

"Halt! Identify yourself!" The commander, marked with a white streak on his helmet, woudl say. Vanessa Vantai herself was watching from on board the orbital complex, and was eagerly waiting to see what came from this. Her shuttle to the surface was already warmed up and ready to go were she to choose to head down there herself.
Location: Sith Occupied Nathema​
Objective: Collection of Spore Samples​
Tag: [member="Vanessa Vantai"]​

Something passed like a shadow across the back of her mind as she knelt there, the moisture from the combination of moss and mushrooms beginning to soak into the soft fabric of her pants. A gentle sigh escaped her lips as she tucked away the items she'd collected along with the small metal trowel, using her hands to push herself up from the ground and attempting to wipe clean the dirt from her knees, though finding it a fruitless endeavor. Apparently wet dirt on black pants was going to be the look she was styling for the rest of the evening.

Turning on her heels and using her mus-stained hands to tug the hood of her jacket up a bit higher, the witch began to make her way back to her ship. Her pace did not suggest that she was aware of the encroaching group of cyborgs, though her eyes remained up and alert as she strolled back into the thicket of trees. Footsteps halted entirely as they came upon her, however, her ship within site. A twinge of distaste passed over her eyes, though within the shadows of the hood it was unlikely to have been noticed.

Shifting the satchel to lay across her back instead of her side, the White Witch lifted her hands and carefully drew back the hood. A spill of pure white hair fell across her shoulders, her dark eyes regarding the one who had spoken. Giving the cyborg a few moments of silence as she tried to identify the garb it wore, the woman huffed softly and considered just walking on. When at last she spoke, her voice was low, no hint of emotion as she lowered her hands from where they'd still clutched the hood around her shoulders.

"Before I go giving out my name, whom is it that I'm requested to identify myself to, may I ask?"
In Umbris Potestas Est
[member="Jenmae Ophiro"]

"Sergeant Alathrax, Team 2, 45th Darktrooper Corps." The cyborg said, gun still raised at the witch. "You did not receive authorization to land on this planet, nor did you land at a recognized spaceport. As well, you are taking samples of fungal plant life you are not authorized to take. Relieve yourself of the fungal samples and return to your ship, then leave the system. Otherwise, we will have to take you into custody." Now this was very much interesting, Vanessa observed. She would head to the shuttle with a pair of bloodtroopers, not wanting to see the squad fail to keep this woman occupied.

After all, that was always the better option than orbital bombardment.
Location: Sith Occupied Nathema​
Objective: Collection of Spore Samples​

Both brows rose in tandem as the cyborg spoke, the barrel of it's blaster still aimed squarely upon her. It would seem that the Sith were just as hostile as she'd been promised. Wonderful.

"Well, Sergeant was it? I'm Jenmae Ophiro, and I'm no citizen of the Empire. Your request to see these spores dropped is an reasonable one, to be certain - but if you do not allow me to pass untouched, you'll have more to worry about than a few missing mushrooms." The edges of her lips curled gently into a smile, though there was no mirth in it. Dark eyes remained on the one who had spoken only, though she could feel that there were many more blasters centered on her.

She remained steadfast where she stood, her hands resting limply at her sides, seemingly posing no threat to those who had gathered to see her return what she had taken. After a moment of silence following her last statement she began to turn a bit, glancing around at the other mechs that stood around her. That same joyless smile remained as she eventually landed on the Sergeant again.

"If it's simply a case of payment, I'll happily hand over whatever credits you think would be fair for the acquisition of these samples..." Perhaps that was it. Having trespassed on many other worlds in her formative years, the Dathomiri reject knew that often a bit of coin was all that was needed to loosen a person's grip on what they believed to be their property... Though should they decide it would not be enough, there were other avenues she could explore.
In Umbris Potestas Est
[member="Jenmae Ophiro"]

"If you believe threats are going to make us leave you be, you're mistaken." The sergeant said, rifle still ready for use as needed. "As well, attempting to bribe us to let you leave with these samples without authorization will not work. Hands up - we're taking you to the complex to be processed." The other Dark Troopers were ready to engage Jenmae if she made any sudden moves.

Vanessa, on the other hand, was already in the shuttle and on the way down. The moment Jenmae had threatened the sergeant, she had crossed the line in Vanessa's book. Now would be a time for her to try some new things - for example, her new mind incapacitating power. Two bloodtroopers accompanied her as she attempted to get to the landing site as quickly as possible - such would be the only way, after all, to ensure whoever this was would not kill her soldiers. A fuzzy blanket came along as well.

This would be an interesting change of pace.
Location: Sith Occupied Nathema​
Objective: Collection of Spore Samples​
Tag: [member="Vanessa Vantai"]​

The sigh that escaped rosy lips was a soft one, and her eyes settled more firmly on the cyborg who continued to bark orders at her. The credits had not been intended as a bribe, but of course it would assume they were... Programming was so useful, when it worked properly.

Carefully the woman's hands rose, seemingly to comply with the orders given. The darkness that surrounded the group like an enveloping cloud was enough to hide the darkness that began to grow in her eyes. From the edges of her irises and slowly blooming outwards, a colour akin to pitch began to bleed across all that had been pristine white a moment before. The White Witch was singularly grateful that non-organics had been sent to collect her, as in all likelihood they would not be able to sense the roiling howl that the Spirits had been set to all about her.

With a gentle flick of her right hand and a whispered incantation, the dim light that had bathed the forest floor from the moon above them seemed to begin to bleed away from the witch, beginning slowly at her ankles. All the light that gathered seemed to flee from her form, and in slow inches she began to disappear from sight. She drew no attention to the fact, instead speaking low and gently to those around her.

"I suppose I don't have much of a choice then, do I? Shall we go?"
In Umbris Potestas Est
[member="Jenmae Ophiro"]

The Dark Troopers were not ignorant to the witch's... well, witchery. They had experienced sorcery and witchcraft during the campaign in the Unknown Regions, as well as numerous conflicts they had found themselves within. The sense of unease that had always arisen whenever Vanessa had utilized her darkness in a truly unholy means to engage whatever enemy they had besetting them - it was that feeling again. The sensation of becoming shadow was something the sergeant noticed. There was no response from him other than the incapacitating maneuver he and the others had been taught: lowering their blaster rifles somewhat, they would aim at the witch's legs and fire off a combined salvo, in the hopes of successfully incapacitating her ability to move. Vanessa did have the means of healing her once they had subdued her, after all.

Meanwhile, Vanessa and the two bloodtroopers were traveling to the location as quickly as they could. It would likely still be a bit before they did so.
Location: Sith Occupied Nathema​
Objective: Collection of Spore Samples​
Tag: [member="Vanessa Vantai"]​

She could see it the instant she'd offered to follow. There was no sense of relief or movement from the cyborgs around her, and instead a stillness had fallen. Something about either her response of the magick she'd done had changed the dynamic. It took only the briefest moment, but in that second her options had narrowed dramatically.

There was a blur of movement as all at once the rifles that had been pointed her way dipped, and as they did her own hands immediately fell. One hissed syllable as her hands dropped to aim at the ground much like their aim. The earth rent with a terrible cry and the soft moss they all stood upon shattered. Stone, ragged and freshly churned, erupted in a circle around the witch's feet and shot upwards, forming a natural barrier that seemed to envelope her form.

Her breathing had become instantly uneven, her eyes a little wider as the stone made to cover her entirely. Where once the witch had stood, instead there was a pillar of stone, hollow in the centre as she remained, panting softly, still able to hear the ringing of the rifle fire in her ears... Well - this was inconvenient. She remained still for several long moments as she considered her options.

She could still hear them out there, faint and muffled - and she hoped they were displeased.
In Umbris Potestas Est
[member="Jenmae Ophiro"]

The soldiers would immediately radio for backup, keeping their rifles trained on the wall of stone as Vanessa hurried from orbit. By the time she landed, steam coming from the bottom of her shuttle due to the exceptional speed, the situation was relatively well managed. Vanessa would look at the sergeant and motion for him to lower his weapon. With a Sith Lord on the scene, things were likely to be less volatile. Vanessa sensed the darkness within the stone, and Jenrae would likely sense her own as well. With not a weapon in her hand, Vanessa would come over and place her palm upon the rock.

"Come on out. I'm not going to do anything to you." She said in a calm and peaceful voice. "Not unless you attempt to harm me or my men."
Location: Sith Occupied Nathema​
Objective: Collection of Spore Samples​
Tag: [member="Vanessa Vantai"]​

Much as the arriving Sith Lord was likely to sense the darkness within the tiny store pillar the witch had made, so too could the specter feel a change in the energies that flowed within her tiny prison. Though it was dark as pitch within the tiny capsule the rock had formed, when Vanessa's hand moved to rest against the cool stone, luminous eyes the same colour as the freshly churned dirt at her feet lifted to gaze at the stone where the palm lay. Interesting...

She could hear the faint voice, like a whisper beyond the stone, offering her safety if she would promise to give them the same assurances. The pale creature within was still for several long moments, her breathing low and deep, realizing that her options were slim as things stood. She'd come to TSE space with the intent of a simple errand, but if the hissing whispers of the Spirits that whirred around the pair were any indication, the woman who had spoken outside was a Sith. This could very quickly become a diplomatic issue if she didn't play her cards correctly.

There was a rumble under the Sorcerer's palm and the rock began to slowly sink back into the ground from where it had erupted minutes before. As it did, the form of the witch slowly came into few, covered in a fine dust from all the shifting earth. All her black clothing looked ashen in the slowly shifting dust, and the only part of her that seemed unaffected were the dark pools of her eyes, still bright and curious as they came to settle upon the blonde before her.

"It is not, and has never been, my intention to harm anyone here..." Her voice was calm, measured and steady. It had lost the softly mocking tone that she'd taken with the cyborgs, instead intent on the woman who had come to... Save her?
In Umbris Potestas Est
[member="Jenmae Ophiro"]

"How fortuitous." Vanessa said, smiling. "Now, I am Vanessa Vantai. The Sith Lord responsible for controlling this planet. Given you have admittedly violated the territorial integrity of this world, I am going to have to take you into custody aboard the orbital complex. Such should not be a difficult procedure... You will spend a couple of days there, then I will release you and your ship." She replied. "Does that sound good to you?" She inquired. Such would hopefully be an effective means of pacifying the witch, though she would need to at least utilize the Force Collar to prevent any undesirable occurrences.

Not like this.
Location: Sith Occupied Nathema​
Objective: Collection of Spore Samples​
Tag: [member="Vanessa Vantai"]​

As a smile cracked across the Sith's mouth, the White Witch could feel a soft frown tug at her own. The tone was sugary sweet and appealing to what she assumed that woman believed to be her sense of rationality. Certainly choosing anything but compliance in the face of the Empire's appointed custodian of this planet would be foolish to say the least... Assuming, of course, that the phantom stood before her was a creature of rationality.

The Spirits continued to swirl and hiss in spite of all that calm and sweet that the blonde was offering, and the Dathomiri native wasn't foolish enough to be trusting of Sith... But she should could play along.

A gentle nod wad offered in response as the last of the rock was swallowed up in the churned earth, moss and dirt clambering over itself to fill the deep gouges in the ground that had been left. "I don't suppose I could talk you down from a few days to the remainder of this evening? I'm not sure these samples will last long now that they're out of the soil..." It would seem that the white-haired girl was far more interested in the mushrooms than she was in conversing with her hostess.
In Umbris Potestas Est
[member="Jenmae Ophiro"]

"We can always get you more, or can preserve the ones you have." Vanessa replied. The sensation of the spirits did not bother Vanessa - she had dealt with such creatures before, and knew of her power being superior to their own. "As is, we need to get back to my ship. If you'd be so kind as to come with me, please. I will need to provide you with a single tracking device for the duration of your custody with us. That'll be all." She would motion for the witch to join her in their walk back to her ship, the Dark Troopers joining them as well.

Hopefully this would be a simple and beneficial situation.
A soft huff left the woman's lips as her now capture turned and motioned for her to follow, the cyborgs who had managed to keep her successfully pinned down for the duration of their time together falling into formation around them obediently. Though her eyes remained bright despite her dust marred appearance, there was something dull that moved about behind them... Gently tugging thoughts swirled as the whispers did around her mind, playing out a few different scenarios - wondering idly what the chances were that she could slip the detail.

As they began to march off and those who had been at her back began to close ranks, she lifted one foot and then the other, falling in behind her hostess and keeping pace. Just as before, her footsteps were nearly silent despite the thundering footfalls of those who joined them. Her fingers rose to carefully coil around the strap that held up the pouch she carried the samples in. Based on the Sith's response, she wasn't going to be afforded the brief stay she'd been hoping for.

When next she spoke she did her best to make her voice pleasant, taking on an air of interest as she stared at the tumble of blonde curls that walked ahead of her. "Are you worried I'll run?"

[member="Vanessa Vantai"]​
In Umbris Potestas Est
[member="Jenmae Ophiro"]

"Obviously." She said. "Come now. Suppose I traveled over to Dathomir and landed in an area without your clan's permission, and started wandering around doing something. And suppose you caught me. Would you not want to make sure that I didn't escape?" Vanessa smiled. "Yes, I know what you are. I trained with Petra Cavataio decades ago, learned some of the secrets of witchery that you so crave. I rarely if ever make use of it, that I admit, but I know it well enough to recognize a practitioner." As they would get inside the ship, Vanessa would move to place a Force Collar around the neck of Jen, hoping the Ixetal Cilona would in fact dampen her ability to use Nightsister witchery. She would also give the witch a blanket.

"We're on our way. I will send a recovery team to bring your ship to the orbital complex. When you leave, it will be there waiting." Hopefully the blanket's effects would begin to take hold.
Listening to the woman go on, making assumptions about what the Witch may have done if the roles were reversed, caused the specter's eyes to glaze a bit. Would she have cared if the Sith had come to Dathomir and made trouble for her clan?... Certainly not. When the phantom had been only a child she had plunged her own dagger into the mind of the woman who had lead their tribe, and there had been no pain in that, no sorrow to nag at her in her dreams. Dathomir had been home, once - but spending too many hours burrowing into the minds of those who were foolish enough to assume she was harmless. No. If the Sith had come to Dathomir, unauthorized, she could not have cared less.

The soft ring of her heeled boots on durasteel once more brought her back to their little entourage, her eyes dipping as she observed the ramp that they climbed. Slowly, lashes swept up and those steady brown eyes took in the ship itself. A simple enough vessel, plenty of room for the Sith, the Witch and the squadron of armed guards that her host deemed necessary. There were several low benches along the edges of the hull, ideal for seating during transport. Unbidden, the white-haired wraith made her way towards one of the porthole windows along the hull of the ship and lifted hands to press gently against the glass.

She had no problem explaining her presence here, and as a child she'd managed to turn her own mind into a jumble of horror that it was unlikely any would choose to delve into. With some luck, her hostess would be pleased with her willingness to comply and she could be free of this place soon rather than later. As she silently mused, hearing the Sith approach from her back, she turned to face her. Eyes dipped down to where, held in eager hands, the Sith lifted a collar. A soft hiss slid passed the Witch's lips as she leaned away from the woman, eyes darting up to meet her captors once more.

"I hardly think that's necessary - I'm not going to ru-", her words died in her mouth as the heavy metal collar clicked into place around her throat. She felt the dampening immediately, the natural flow of the Spirits around her becoming muted. It was as though someone had shoved cotton in her eyes, dipped her in wax... A haze existed in her world that had not been there a moment before. Feeling somewhat unsteady, the hand that had traded fingers along the window instead moved to brace against the cold durasteel of the hull as she sunk down to sit against the bench behind her.

She'd never worn one of these collars before... She'd never been shut off from the Spirits. Even if they were more of an energy source than a comfort to her, it left her shaken. The already pale pallor of her skin became even more ashen, her free hand rising to gently trace her palm across the metal that lay heavy and cold against her shoulders. It was uncomfortable, to be certain, but not as off-putting as it was to be deafened to the source of her power.

So consumed was the girl by this jarring feeling that she had no noticed the Sith collect up from the bench beside her a plush-looking blue blanket. As the blonde hefted it, unfurling all that soft blue fabric, finally brown eyes rose, slightly wider and little more alarmed than they had been previously. Completed cut off from her ability to sense such things, she did not feel the wave of darkness that hit her skin moments before the blanket did - but it's effects were immediate. Like being wrapped in warmth and comfortable, all enveloping darkness.

Her eyes lifted to the blonde once more, lids already fluttering as her lips parted to question what this was, what manner of magick she'd been subjected to... But under that warmth and darkness was a pit, so wholly black and fathomless that she had not thought to anticipate it. With an effort that cost her captor nothing at all, the girl was hauled over the end of that oblivion, slumping back against the hull of the ship and sliding down to rest against the bench she'd seated herself upon, unconscious.

[member="Vanessa Vantai"]​
In Umbris Potestas Est
Vanessa would smile as she watched Jen's first exposure to the inability to feel the Force and the spirits in question. "A strange feeling, isn't it? I've gotten used to it, whether through pretending to be blind to the Force or through exposure to it myself, but it's a shock to newcomers." Once she saw that Jen was unconscious, she would pat the witch's head as they headed back to the complex. When they finally arrived, Vanessa would ensure she was taken to a locked, albeit comfy room where she could wake up and grow readjusted to the new sensation of not having the Force.

This was going to be a fun time.

[member="Jenmae Ophiro"]
It felt like the blink on an eye.

One moment she'd been staring up at the smug smile plastered on the blonde's face as she stared down at the rapidly fading specter, the next she found herself laid out across rough, if not uncomfortable, sheets. The scent of fresh linen was not unwelcome, but it did little to assist with the groggy feeling that laid across her limbs. She lay still for as long as she dared, able to see from behind the lids of her eyes that the wherever she'd ended up was well lit, and it was pleasantly cool.

Dragging her eyes open, the Witch slowly rolled onto her back, her gaze roaming around the plainly appointed room as she took stock of where they'd put her. Everything was simple, from the colour on the walls to the lighting fixture above her head. No windows to be seen, and a nondescript door sat solidly across from where she lay. It was really more of a cell than a suite, but from what she knew of the Sith it was a kindness to have been left here - especially when she'd left herself as vulnerable as she had in that ship...

A hand that quaked lightly lifted from where it lay against the covers to gently brush fingertips along the metal at her throat. Her own body heat had warmed the collar to a temperature that was less jarring as it had been when first placed upon her - but it's effects were still alarming. Everything was so quiet... She could hear the soft buzzing from the light above her head, the gentle whir of the air that came through the vents in the corners of the room. The wraith was painfully aware of just how little she was able to hear.

With more effort than she would care to admit, the slender creature pushed herself up to a sitting position and neatly folded her legs beneath her. Her other hand lifted and she gently slid both along the lines of the collar at her throat until they met at the base of her skull, running over the minuscule seam where the collar had been sealed. Sliding one sharply pointed nail into the seam she gently prodded, but found it to be firmly closed... But of course it was.

Giving a soft sigh, she allowed her hands to slide forward and drop into her lap, her back hunching slightly as she began to consider what was to come... And where her hostess may be.

[member="Vanessa Vantai"]​
In Umbris Potestas Est
“So vulnerable, aren’t you...” Vanessa would say. The spectral form of the illusion-casting Sith Lord slowly manifested before her, a smile on her face as she appeared. “We’re going to have to change that. I take it you have no idea how to defend yourself, how to protect you and your things from attack.” She said, a soft smile on her face. Vanessa made sure the collar had been refilled before she had returned. The door to the cell opened up and Vanessa’s illusion would vanish as the real woman appeared before her.

Vanessa would come over and help extricate Jen from the fuzzy blanket. It would take a few seconds - the blanket was intended to imprison it’s wearers with an overwhelming sensation of comfort, after all - but soon Jen would be free. “I know it’s not the most comfortable accommodations here, but you’ve probably seen worse. Or were expecting worse.” Vanessa smiled. “You want to come with me and go on a little walk through the complex?”

She smiled for a bit. This was going to be nice.

[member="Jenmae Ophiro"]

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