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Approved NPC Zuma Ki'Wan

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Name: Zuma Ki’Wan
Loyalties: To the Force and her son, Sun Ki’Wan
Role: She is Sun Ki’Wan’s mother and is the shaman to their tribe and is tasked with teaching others the way of Man’a and how to control it.
Development Threads: The Sun rises
Age: 55
Species: Versi’Ra
Force-Sensitive: Yes
Appearance: Zuma is quite similar to a human in appearance except for her tail which extends down to the heel of her foot. She has long curly blonde hair that reaches down her back as well as light blue eyes. She does not show her age at all due to how slowly Versi'Ra age, and can usually be found wearing ceremonial dresses that most Versi'Ra shaman are caught wearing.
Personality: Zuma is like the stern mother that babies their kids even when their adults. She'll fuss over small injuries and takes offense to people who like to rule by fear seeing it as disgusting. She can be caught twirling strands of her hair though and when deep in thought has a tendency to zone out staring into nothingness. She is quick to anger as well when it comes to things she's passionate about even taking it so far as to hit others.
Weapon of Choice: Zuma will ususally be found controlling the elements through the force when it comes to combat.
Wealth: No true wealth, not even credits due to it not being a necessity where she lives.
Combat Function: Zuma is the type that when combat arrives she'll stand back doing things to distract and disorient the enemy while her allies will rush them and fight. Though she is not above actually fighting if she needs to but finds it a nuisance and usually tries to avoid it and if she does somehow get drug into it alone will try to end it as fast as possible with her control of the elements which can cause her to make mistakes or do damage to others she had no intention to harm. She is horrible in close quarters combat due to not practicing the races martial arts and spending all her time focusing on using the force. In battle depending on where it was held she could be you're greatest ally or a liability to you.
Skills: Air shaping, Earth Shaping, Fire Shaping, Water Shaping
Notable Possessions: None
Other Notes: Zuma is meant to teach Sun the ways of the force while also being a huge part of his character development and effecting the way he sees the force and the universe as a whole.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
This is very well done, the dev thread is a nice read. I see no issues with it but will issue the same warning. Abuse this master and we'll reevaluate it.

Approved pending secondary

[member="Spencer Jacobs"]
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