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Approved Tech ZT-36 Assault Combat Armor

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In Umbris Potestas Est
Intent: To create a standard suit of armor for the military of Empire Sector 4 infantry assets for Urbanized warfare, allowing greater retention of agility while providing moderate protection and durability.
Development Thread: (
Model: ZT-36 Assault Combat Armor
Affiliation: Sith Empire
Modularity: The ZT-36 ACA allows for a moderate bit of modularity, with detachable and replaceable sections that can be interchanged to allow for carrying of more munitions, binoculars, grenades, medical kits and other small items that the mission or combat scenario might demand.
Production: Mass Produced to a quantity of 30,000 at the moment pending combat trials.
Material: Duraplast with alusteel plates and polyfibe undersuit
A holoscreen turns on and the ZyTech Logo Appears, a womans voice is quickly heard.


Seeing a need to expand the armor capabilities of Sith Forces, more specifically the forces of Sector 4 of the Empire. The Sith Lord and CEO of ZyTech set out to create a new combat armor, one that was able to with stand some punishment but allowed for the wearer to retain most of their agility and dexterity in an ubran environment where one needs to be able to move quick and fast in order to meet and engage the enemy.
Adhering to the philosophy it is better to not be shot then to be shot the armor was created as a sectional armor that allowed more free movement of the joints and lowering weight. Although it is not as strong as traditional storm trooper armor it has protective qualities against ballistic and kinetic attacks. As well as highly resistent to most forms of melee weapons such as knives and swords, though a light saber can still easily cut through it like a hot knife through butter.

The ACA is designed with mod ability and the changing battle field in mind. The suit is rigged with a magnetic system allowing for the instant switching of ammunition pouches, medical kits and other needed assets with having to under maintenance. This allows our engineers to more easily carry their satchel charges, our medics to carry more stimulants and our soldiers to carry more ammunition as the mission and battle field dictates.

The Assault Combat Armor does have its draw backs, unlike standard stormtrooper armor our boys in white deploy this suit is designed to be used on planets with hospitable climates. It neither protects from extreme temperature or things like vacuums in space and acid rain. The Assault Combat Armor only provides a limited protection and dissipation of the energy from blasters. Much like the standard armor that our valiant front line troopers wear, the ACA is capable of allowing our boys survive a blaster shot. Unfortunately with its lessened stopping power severe injury is more likely to happen requiring longer stays in hospitals and bacta tanks.

All in all we in ZyTech are striving to create tomorrows combat armor to meet the demands of evolving battle fields and destinations. We believe that no one suit is perfect for everything but there is a perfect suit for everything.

Classification:The ACA is a multipurpose urban combat armor
Weight: 9 kilograms
Quality: Class 4
Other Feature(s): The ACA's helmet is equipped with a H.U.D system that displays a map as needed, communications, objective points loaded by command elements and a environmental hazard system that is constantly testing the air for toxins, gases and the oxygen level to allow our soldiers a chance to fall back to more hospitable environs. As well it has a standard vision, infrared and a night vision functionality.
The ACA's modularity allows the user to have a total of 6 of any combination of small items ranging from binoculars, to grenades , to stims and ammo and beyond without interfering with movement and mobility. Additional items may be carried in a back pack but that may restrict movement
The Polyfibe body suit has sensors in it that is constantly relaying to command life signs, alive or dead and gps location of wearer.
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