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Approved Tech ZJ-7 "Tusk Cat" Droid

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  • Droid Control Program

  • Advanced Communications

  • Advanced Sensors

  • EMP Resistant Materials

  • Built in purr function

  • Advanced Communications: The droids contain advanced internal communications, that are difficult to jam, and difficult to decrypt. This allows them to maintain constant contact with one another, and with their main base.

  • Advanced Sensors: The sensors on the droid allow them to track a large number of targets, in a large number of environments, with great skill.

  • Droid Control Program: Each of the droids is connected to the others, allowing a group mind to form, increasing their ability to work together in large packs.

  • Heavily armed: The rockets, repeating blaster and blaster cannon allow them to take on a wide range of enemies, including speeders, and heavier targets by working together.

  • EMP Resistant: The droids are significantly better at repelling EMP and ion attacks than many droids, due to the fact their outer armor is made of reinforced duraplast, and their circuitry is shielded.

  • Fast and Agile: These droids are able to move quickly, are highly balanced, and able to jump high and even climb duracrete walls with their claws.

  • Smaller Numbers: Most CIS droids are deployed in massive armies, however, these droids are deployed in groups of no more than thirty, and no less than six.

  • Time consuming construction: While not overly expensive, each droid takes three times the time it takes to create a single B1.

  • Weak tail joint: By targeting the flexible tail, the blaster cannon can be shot off.

  • Lightly Armored weapons: The light repeating blaster and rocket launcher are lightly armored, making them much easier to destroy than the rest of the droid.

  • Claws: While the claws are a strong reinforced titanium, they cannot penetrate more dense metals like beskar.


The development of these droids followed a fairly normal plan. A researcher studied the flaws of past droid designs and sought to fix some of the more glaring issues. Starting with lighter materials, and a four legged design, titanium and duraplast were chosen, due to their high protective strength and light weight when compared with standard durasteel. Powerful weaponry was added in to give it a wide range of abilities.

A light repeater blaster was added in, to spray a battle field zone with lethal fire power. An anti-personnel rocket launcher was added, to give it more explosive punch. A light blaster cannon was added to a movable tail, to give them the ability to take out heavier armored targets like vehicles. Powerful sensors, communication devices and the like were added.

At first the motivators were kept light, but upgraded as time went on, to give the droids far more feline capabilities with speed, and maneuverability, even the capacity to climb up rock and duracrete.

Finally, the droids were connected together, creating advanced groups of 6-30 droids, that worked together to track, and hunt down prey. Their creator found them especially good at hunting down fleeing enemies in urban environments. Oh, and because their creator was Allya, there is also a built in purr function if their sentient pets them.
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