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Approved Location Zen's Diner

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Name: Zen's Diner

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Intent: I don't want to create a faction or company or the likes, but I enjoy the idea of running a small, 50s-esque diner, especially with the type of person Zendaya is as the owner/cook. I also thought it would be cool to have an official, "neutral" business where pretty much anyone can come in and eat. Note: While anyone with a reason will have my permission to create a thread at the diner, I would like to ask that they at least tag me for it -- don't wanna miss out what's going on at my place, you know?

Classification: Diner, locally owned.

Location: Chanapsys, Rendili

Affiliation: Zendaya Selah

Description: Zen's Diner isn't a very big structure; it's about the size of three mobile homes put together side-by-side. The building itself is built of the normal durasteel and co. materials used with many civilian buildings, with an aluminium roof.

The exterior of the diner is painted a light blue colour with white accents. Across the lower part of the building, painted in black, is the name of the establishment. Constant maintenance by Zendaya and a couple of her employees has led to the diner being very clean, yet welcoming.

The interior is the same as the picture above. In the corner, to the right of the door, is a large t.v. that is constantly broadcasting the Republic news channel. At each end of the long countertop is a little entrance with a small half-panel door that is the same colour and material as the counter itself.

The kitchen area is small but not uncomfortably so, and can be seen through the large opening where the chefs put and receive the orders. The only ways into the kitchen are through a door behind the countertop where the cooks normally go through, and a door on the left back wall of the kitchen, through which trash is taken out.

While the establishment does have a liquor license, alcohol is only served during the weekdays from 11am to 3pm (or whatever Rendili's equivalent is).

History: Before Zendaya had come across it, the building had been a diner for a Rodian many years prior. Unlike Zen's Diner, however, the Rodian constantly lacked business due to poor maintenance and worse food. As such, it had laid empty and was close to being demolished when Zendaya came across it and completely refurbished the place. Thanks to her care, the Diner has been going strong for three years now.

Links: Chanapsys
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