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Zanya Reeza

Zanya Reeza



NAME: Zanya Reeza
FACTION: None (formerly Mandalorian)
RANK: Freelance smuggler (formerly Mandalorian Soldier)
AGE: 32

SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5’ 7”
WEIGHT: 150 Ilbs
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Blonde
SKIN: White


Military training in hand-to-hand combat and firearms
Manalorian Armor equipped with jetpack and missile launcher

Tends to spend money too fast on one thing or another
Can get carried away when celebrating with drinks

When not on a job or in need of combat Zanya wears a silver and black jumpsuit while letting her hair hand down and free. Otherwise she will be equipped with her Mandalorian armor which is passed down from her ancestors who were part of Death Watch.

Astromech Droid R6-A8 “Clunk”

Growing up in Mandalorian space was the same as anywhere else, unless you’re a family with a tragic past. The Reeza’s had been among the families to have ancestors who were part of Mandalor’s infamous Death Watch group and some over the follow years after their disbanding had still held their beliefs in higher regard. Even after generations past and the beliefs were dropped many had still held grudges against the Reeza’s and their Death Watch heritage.

Having to deal with this during her life Zanya wanted to make the name Reeza more respectable around Mandalorian space. Thus, when she was old enough, she enlisted in the army and began her training as a soldier. While there she’d met another in-training soldier named Ferro Walon.

At first he was like half the other men, trying to hit on her constantly while often acting as though he was the star player of the team. But there were plenty of times she proved just as good as him and maybe a little more in some cases. Even as the two seemed to become rivals they were actually growing closer together. It had taken a lot for both of them to full admit that they were, in fact, in love with each other by the time they had finished training.

After their training the two were inducted into the war against the Sith, though both going separate ways due to where they were stationed. Both made the promise to find each other one way or another after the war was done or otherwise.

From there Zanya had done her duty and fought against the Sith, reaching the rank of lieutenant among her squad. She fought bravely up until the final days when they Sith had managed to claim Coruscant for their own, a more-or-less defeat for the Republic.

Zanya, lucky to have survived with her squad on the assault, searched though the deceased names and luckily found Ferro was not among them. She searched before finding him recovering at one of the medical centers. The two were reunited and it was also where Zanya met Ferro’s personal astromech droid he’d named “Clunk”. Not wanting to be separated again the two agreed to marry.

With their combined money after the marriage the two retired from military life and tried to go into a simpler life of trading and shipping. They bought a house and settled down while making plans for their future, including the possibility of raising children which Ferro was reluctant about at first. Each year he kept saying how he wanted to make more than enough money with his job to support Zanya and a child before actually having one, which she agreed was best for the time.

But with any relationship the two kept secrets from each other. Zanya did not tell Ferro about her past history involving her Death Watch ancestors but had kept the old armor in secret in the house. Ferro, however, had developed a gambling fever that he flushed away so much of his money on. It piled up to where he owed debts to the wrong people.

The day Zanya found out and confronted him about this was the same day men from those he owed money arrived and wanted to collect. The two fought them off but Ferro was shot and killed in the process. As he lay dying in her arms he begged her forgiveness, which she gave before he finally passed. But even after telling the authorities what had happened Zanya wasn’t satisfied unless she took care of the men responsible herself.

Dawning the Death Watch armor Zanya began her man hunt for the men who killed her husband, eventually finding out it was a local gang with a lot of power. Acting smart she enlisted the help of a rival gang and offered to help if it meant taking care of the leaders. With agreements met a full-out attack went down at the gang’s hideout.

While the gang members fought and killed who they needed Zanya made her way past all of them to their leader, finally having him corned with a blaster aimed right for his head. However, in the end, Zanya couldn’t bring herself to do it, feeling it would be what Ferro wanted or that it would make things any better. The rival gang leader, however, wanted to finish the job himself. Zanya was able to subdue him before leaving the remaining gang members for the authorities.

While being involved with the gangs the authorities agreed to reward her for her services if she promised not to become involved again. But now, without a home or family, all Zanya had left was Clunk and the gathered money she still had added with the reward for the gang members. With that in mind she also sold her house and everything in it, deciding it was best to take her life into a different line of work: smuggling.

Buying the best ship she could afford Zanya went off and became a freelance smuggler where she now sells her skills for those willing to pay; all while being assisted by Clunk who’s remained with her since. The only momentum she’s kept is her Death Watch armor and a picture of herself and Ferro during their time of training.

Dynamic Class Freighter; The Obsidian



(Lot of pictures for this one lol)

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
There's something about that particular armor that is intriguing. This is the part where I'd say something smart. Either way, need a RP, just call.(pm)

[member="Zanya Reeza"]

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
Zanya Reeza said:
[member="Oka Osaa"] Well it is Death Watch armor, if that's what you meant lol.
Not even bounty hunters can get that good looking armor *pretends its not blue mando armor*

Didn't read full bio but how did you acquire this armor. Its pretty hard to get old objects :p sorry if its in your bio and I didn't read it

Zanya Reeza

Passed down through ages since an ancestor of mine was part of Death Watch. And yes it was in the bio lol.

[member="Oka Osaa"]


The vod? Not sure what that means but, as an alternative, you can always join the crew lol

Zanya Reeza

[member="Azrael"] (Okay that you can blame on me since Idk mado language off the bat lol)

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