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Zackery Danheir - Shawn Spencers

Factory Judge

TAKEN NAME: Zackery Danheir. (Dan - air)
REAL NAME: Shawn Spencers
FACTION: Mandalorians/Army of Light
RANK: Initiate/Solider
SPECIES: Thought to be Human
AGE: looks about 20 years old.
HEIGHT: 5’9”
WEIGHT: 180lbs
EYES: light Blue (almost white.)
HAIR: Semi-long unkempt black hair.
SKIN: White, Scar on left cheek.
APPEARANCE: Zack has sharp features for his face, he is also muscular. he generally wears t-shirts, jeans, and sneakers. He also wears sometimes a military uniform that he had taken from a knocked out guard.
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) : (Highlighted orange if chance of reducing or getting rid of)
+Athletic: Playing sports and participating in mixed martial arts has given Shawn a leg up on those his age in terms of physical fitness. It also allows Shawn to have better reflexes than others. He has almost no body fat, allowing him to perform in better condition than others his height and age.

+Good Hand/Eye: He'll catch the fly without harming it. This works hand in hand with Athletics.

+Studious: Not only is Zack a good student, but he's also a fast learner. However, test anxiety often gets the better of him, causing him to fumble things he would otherwise know. His favorite subjects are History and sports/gym.

+Shooter: He knows his way around a gun, as his family went shooting. While not the best marksman, he isn't helpless. However, with the technology jump that will take place it will take some time for Zack to get use to the Blasters.

+Loyalty: Although he doesn't have many friends, those he does have he'd die for in a heartbeat. While it takes a while to gain his trust, once you have it you have a friend for life. If there would be any betrayal against him he will not stop to come down upon them.

+/-Persistent: Zack is very pressing and always trying to push himself. He doesn’t quit even when it seems all may be lost. If he loses he just stands back up and tries again. However as much as he continue to push forward he doesn’t know when to stop and can end up hurting himself or causing himself more hassle than needed.

+/-Sensitive: His senses are heightened, allowing him to experience the world around him better than most. However, this has the detrimental side effect of working against him. Smells are more pungent, light is more blinding and noises are louder and can damage his hearing more than most.

-Transport sickness: Zack can get lightheaded and wobble like he is drunk. If you ask him to fly he might just fly you into a wall. If in a space battle there is a chance that he could throw up randomly.

-Anger: Zack has a%Bhort fuse and tends to blow up about the smallest of things. It could be as small as taking his food or to just simply arguing with him.

-Chain of Command: Zack doesn’t care about the chain and how long people have been there. He sees everybody as equal and nether higher or lower than him. He doesn’t call people by their title of Sir, or Master.

-Fair fight: As Zack was trained in fair fighting he likes to fight an opponent at their best rather than when they are weak or not in the same condition as he is. As so he may sometimes help his foe rather than leave them for dead.

-Memory: Zack was hit in the head hard during a sports accident and has forgotten his life in the Star wars Universe, and as so, He believes that he has lived in a different realm his entire life. He has also taken the name of his other world that was Zackery Danheir.

None, yet.
Shawn Spencers was born to his parents John and Calyth Spencers. They lived in a pretty wealthy family. He was born on Courscant, and was raised there until the age of 12 where he was transferred to a private school. Once there he began to wondered about superstitions of force users and spirits. He spent day and night on datapads or in the library trying to figure out what caused the force and how some people could use it.

It soon went to extreme levels. So much so that his parents began to force him to participate in school like a normal young man. He was even enrolled into boxing and wrestling where he was very good and one of the best in both sports. Shawn lost some sense in his old hobby and slowly it faded away from his mind to where he would just wonder, rather than lust after it like he had done in the past.

Shawn became a very good student as well, forgetting about the force and focusing on school studies made him very smart and quick on his feet. He spent more time in school and other things that a normal teenager boy would do. He later when on to wrestle for a pro-team. He was even better than most of his team skyrocketing to the top of the boards. During one of his final matches, Shawn had to fight one of the most powerful and known wrestlers.

He fought very hard and was gaining the upper hand when he was slammed on the ground very hard. At first he just had a simple headache and continued the match. Within 30 seconds of the next round he was slammed again, this time he would not get back up. Shawn was out cold on the floor with major brain damage. It caused him to be in a comma for a year and an half. What happened was that his spinal cord was jammed up into his skull breaking bone and pushed his brain to become compressed causing one major headache. He could have died but survived as it was found out shortly after.

His parents debated back and forth about his life. He was very influential and even had a few fans that rooted for him. They were allowed to come in and talk to him trying to communicate with him. Trying to wake him up after his operation to fix his head. Even then it didn’t seem to work. His parents were on the brink of pulling the plug on Shawn’s life when he woke up. Everybody was happy and glad that he was still alive. However, they did not expect him to lose his memory. No matter what the Doctors tried they could not return his memory by way of surgery.

Shawn was then referred to shrinks where he would be asked questions about what he did know. He recalls that he was born on a planet that didn’t exist in the Galaxy. A place where blaster, aliens, and lightsabers never existed. He spoke about living with his parents there and was known as Zackery Danheir on this other planet. On the other world his parents were poor and his father only worked in a gun shop. He still participated in sports and school very well there as on this world education was everything to the humans there. As he has come back to the real world he believes that this place is a dream or a figment of his imagination.

Zack wishes that he could return to his “Real home” where he can go back to how his life was. But before he leaves he wants to obtain as much knowledge as possible as he may try and help out the other world in Technology or even make advancements that would take thousands of years. Zack disowns his parents thinking that they are fake and that they will fade from existence if they were to leave him. Even now he doesn’t trust a lot of people as he believes they are dreams.

Zack escapes from a shrink’s office where he declares that he is not a freak of nature and that he will try and find a way back home.

Dr. Dranale's recorder,
"Test one, two, three."
>Break in sound<
"Good, now today I have with me Sha-"
"It's Zackery Danheir for the godforsaken last time."
"Sorry, Today we have Zackery Danheir, and his record is that he had been in a sporting accident and had banged his head. He was left in a comma for a year and a half to where he was on life support. By chance he woke up next to his parents. However, he had forgotten who they were. He told stories of a different place where there were no 'Aliens' or 'plasma gun things'. We tried to get his memory back by giving him toys from his childhood and even trying to have him relive his past.

"Now I will be asking his questions about what he believes his past was when he was in his comma. Sh- Zackery what was your life like?"
"It was simple, I had a school life, some friends, played sports, but I wasn't the jock type. I thought about asking a girl out on a date but I was to shy to. Now that I'm stuck here I don't know what I want to do with my life."
"Well thats very interesting Zackery, Is there anything different about this world than yours?"
"I had a life. Cars where there, ships are here. Things called blasters are weapons rather than guns with a solid bullet. and I hear others talking about a race of people saying they have the force. Its just more high-tech here than there."
"Well I'm glad that you know the differences here. Now what do yo-"
"Shut up."
"What? Sorry, did you tell me to shut up?"
"Yes, now leave me alone. I just want to try and make my way in life not be a lab rat."
"You wo-"
"SHUT THE HELL UP! you know what? I'm done."
>Rustling and muffled voices followed by a slam<
"Let me leave now."
"Your appoint-"
>loud slam followed by a scream of pain<
"Guards get him! Stop him!"
>very loud rustling with heavy breathing<
"I'm not a freak of nature, you hear me doc? Next time you ask a question I will snap your neck."
>Recorder banged on something as transmission ends.<

Factory Judge
Weapons: Twin Pistols, E-17 Assault rifle, E-5 blaster rifle, and a Stolen Red lightsaber (Can't use it)​
Part I - The Lost Mind Bar thread. Talking with @Scarlet Faith
This-will-be-fun-trust-me Goes on a walk that goes wrong with @[member="Scarlet Faith"] Initiation to the Je'daii Order as a Non-FU. Meeting up with @Kila Cadau

Part II - Found Meet's @[member="Lexa Kimene"] Meets @Alachei Mnemenos with a battle of wits. Working at a bar when a Fight breaks out. Working with AoL to sabotage the Sith. Talks to @[member="Dred Varad"] about family and the Mandos
NOTE if you are tagged in this its to mention who I have been RPing with.
Factory Judge
NAME: Dark Rose​
AGE: Unknown
HEIGHT: 5’9”
WEIGHT: Unknown
EYES: Unknown
HAIR: Red and black
SKIN: White.
Not much is known about Rose other than he is up for work. he is know to wear a Three piece suit that has an intricate design of roses over him. Nobody has seen his true face as he always wears a mask to cover his face. He is known to be good at hand to hand combat and a quick thinker. He is known to be a vigilante who would save people, yet break the law while doing so. it is unknown of his weapons, but nobody has tested him to take them out.

KILLS: none

Lilia Dur'iar

Woah dude.
I'm debating whether I want @[member="Kila Cadau"] or Lilia to run into you first. Or maybe @[member="T:N1:LDR"]
Factory Judge
Well I'm looking for a Major faction to get into. and I already have a person from the CIS, and I have an idea on what I want for him later on. So ether the Mando's or the Jedi would work.

And why the woah? @[member="Lilia Dur'iar"]

Lilia Dur'iar

@[member="Zack Danheir"] The biography. Specifically the recorder.

I'm thinking Kila. It seems like you'll get along better.
Factory Judge
Eh I have a longer version that I am typing up with alot more detail. so I may add that sometime soon.

Sounds good to me. Since I dont know where you would like to meet and I wander everywhere Can you make the thread?
@[member="Lilia Dur'iar"]

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