Jaxton Ravos
Mindwalker of the Outer Rim

Name: Yugwraaargh
Image Source: My whiteboard.
Intent: To create a visual aid for the stronghold of the Invasion of Kashyyyk’s Stronghold for Objective 2 and present an idea of what sort of defenses lie around the place. Done at the behest of [member="Avalore Eden"] and after consulting both Avalore and [member="Darth Isolda"]. In the interest of Full Disclosure, I'm going to mention that I'll be participating in said invasion, attempting to destroy/capture Yugwaaargh.
Classification: Stronghold
Location: Kashyyyk, in the deeper parts of the Forest.
Affiliation: The Republic
Large amount of Wookiee Soldiers
Large amount of Republic Soldiers
4 dozen Wookiee Dragon Troopers
Stable of 4 dozen Katarn mounts for above-mentioned Wookiee Dragon Troopers
Stable of 2.5 dozen Can-Cell Mounts
x200 FSD-40 Droids
EFR-Spray(Entire Base + larger ‘road’ branches)
x3 Heavy Turret Emplacements Per Large ‘Road’ Branch
x2 Light Turret Emplacements Per Branch
Each Turret firing arc is wide enough to hit stuff that might be flying around on the sides of the branches, but not wide enough to hit anything on another branch. As such they cannot be turned around to fire onto the stronghold.
Points of Interest:
The W’s with circles represent Wroshyr Trees. Squiggly lines between them represent the borders(walls) of the stronghold while the inner pentagon is the stronghold itself. The larger(two lined) paths on the north and south west Wroshyr trees indicate larger branches large enough to act as a road and carry a small amount of tanks/walkers. The thinner paths(single lined) indicate branches that are sturdy enough to carry troops, but not wide or sturdy enough to carry vehicles larger than a personal speeder(such as the speeder bikes of Episode VI). Roughly midway through the North West and South East branches lies a branch that can facilitate transport to the North and South West branches respectively. "S signifies the stables, with upper level stables being filled with Can-Cells and lower level stables being filled with Katarn. Green dots are light turret emplacements, while green "T"s signify heavy turret emplacements. Yugwaaargh is not drawn to scale and thus distances between branches, in the stronghold, between turret emplacements etc. are merely rough estimations.
Description: Yugwraaargh is a heavily fortified stronghold in the forest of Kashyyyk. A couple of kilometers above the ground it is difficult to climb to from the Shadowlands yet still covered well enough by the overbrush to make bombardment impossible(Without multiple drop runs) it naturally becomes a position that lends itself to being more of a two dimensional battlefield. Made up of a rough pentagon of Wroshyr Trees that have their ‘inner’ branches grow together to form a ‘floor’ to build off of the center is well fortified with thick walls, able to stand up to small arms fire with ease and put up a strong, though breakable, defense against larger weaponry, such as tank fire. In addition the entire facility is coated with EFR-Spray, making it far less vulnerable(though not immune) to igniting. If igniting does occur however there are 200 FSD-40 droids that patrol the base in search of potential fire hazards to extinguish. Said FSD-40 droids are not programmed for combat however, only upkeep of Yugwaaargh, and will ignore combatants.
Each Wroshyr Tree has one branch heading outwards away from the military base, covered with two automated light blaster turrets. The North and South-West Branches are significantly larger than their peers, wide and sturdy enough to carry a small amount of vehicles. In peacetime this most commonly used to ship supplies to the base, but in wartime it is most often used as a pathway for tanks or walkers. To remedy this opposition both roads are fortified with three automated heavy blaster turrets in addition to the two light blaster turrets. Furthermore each Wroshyr Tree also has a small balcony at the top of the base(not the tree, the base) to allow for a good sniper position.
In addition to the above mentioned unmanned defenses Yugwaaargh also maintains a small amount of Wookiee Cavalry troopers along with their Katarn mounts, and keeps a small amount of Can-Cells to serve as flying mounts for other smaller and lighter species. Overall Yugwaaargh is one of the most defensible strongholds on the planet, a bastion whose toppling would mean more than just a symbolic victory to any potential aggressors.