Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Yours to Command

"Of course I startled you," he said with coy grin. "If I had not then you would have told me that you are used to finding men in your bed. Though, you do wear your innocence well. I must admit it is quite an attractive quality," his eyes wandered to her chest, "among other attributes."

A light chuckle escaped his lips as he beckoned her to move from the cautious perch on the edge. Xander would make it his personal mission to see her embrace a more risqué attitude. With her beauty it could be quite the weapon, a tool, for her to use at her disposal. Xander was quite comfortable with using himself to get what he wanted. He'd used sex to convince a woman everything was fine, only to murder her and her father later because they opposed his claim to the Regency. It was so long ago, and encouraged by his red huntress, but nevertheless, it was formative to who Xander was today.

"Did you see my painting on the wall when you passed to the throne room," he asked, moving closer. If she would not move, he would. "If the King knew who I was we would have been attacked upon landing. There only needs to be enough bloodshed to get back what is mine. He sits on the throne of a man who never died. Being alive makes me the rightful King to the throne of the Crown Worlds, and everything they offer. That suckling of a prince who is barely old enough to shave his mustache will never be sitting as King. If you're here to wed the future King, then your attention is wasted on him."

Xander's blue eyes stared deep into Thais. He wondered what she was thiking in that moment. Would she be willing to aid him in the ruse? Tmoxin was likely playing her part splendidly well, and Xander knew his absence would make it easier. Thais though, she could ruin it all, so Xander had to secure her loyalty. He placed a hand on her shoulder, followed by the other on the opposite side.

"Tell me, since I told you why I am here, why are you? What in all of the Galaxy would make you want to marry a twelve year old boy? I fear that is much more degrading than a King in the uniform of a Hapan guard. At least I still look dashing."

[member="Thais Kallisto"]
Thais Kallisto was not nearly as confident as Xander's companion for the night, the red-haired Hapan beauty, but she did have years of practice behind her in being in the public eye. Her insecurity was due to her age, not necessarily her experience. Princess Kallisto was used to making speeches, not just to her miners, but also to the Isis citizens. However privately, she lapsed into a more youthful persona. Which of course made her very curious about the semi-strange man lying in her bed.

A blush rose to her cheeks as she noticed his eyes wandering her form, but when he beckoned to her to move closer, she did so dutifully. While she had an independant streak, she tended to defer to those in positions of power who were stronger or had a more noble title. After he finished his explanation, she was left with more questions than answers.

"How did you lose the-" she began, but as he grasped her firmly on each shoulder, she stopped abruptly. Not many men touched her at all, but especially in this way. Her slaver and favorite courtier, Crix Meriet, had once put his hand on her throat and squeezed too tightly - she was still trying to figure out the penance for that transgression. But otherwise she was a wild flower, often observed, but not cultivated or disturbed from its habitat. She wriggled her shoulders a little so that the sleeves of her dress fell off her shoulders, and his hands would be touching her warm skin. Then she stayed very still when she answered, afraid that if she moved too much, he would remove those hands.

"But I don't want to marry Prince Blackwell, you see," she said, looking directly into his blue eyes. "I was coerced here by my advisers after I showed too much interest in an unsuitable match. I am under the influence of my court, but I do have the final say. Do I need an heir to my throne? Of course, just as Prince Blackwell does to his. And you to yours. It's why we are all here today I imagine."

Under his touch - which it was clear she was enjoying - her soft, pale shoulders visibly relaxed, and with an excited smile she asked, "Am I part of your secret plan now? You mentioned bloodshed. Just what do you intend to do?"

Thais was treating this like an exciting game, but such was the folly of youth.

[member="Darth Vizios"]
Behind the visage of innocence was the demeanor of curiosity. Thais was curious of the ways of a man's touch, and the sensation it could bring. How he could bring her quite the education. Was she part of his plan now? Yes, but to what degree? Thais had no way of knowing he was 847 years old, and when she learned it her reaction would be interesting to observe. He caught sight of her blush, which only emboldened him to lower his hands from her shoulders to what of her arms were now bare. How far would this little game go?

"Of course your court makes demands of you. That is the curse of being nobility. However, my dear, you must know when to purr and when to bite. This is not a time to purr, but a time to bite. Which is exactly why I am here. I lost my throne 820 or so years ago when the dark side put me into some kind of force stasis. I cannot explain the details of it, so don't ask. When I woke, I learned my kingdom had been unstable until a knew ruler was chosen. The Blackwells have been on the seat for that time, but since I never died, they are on a seat which does not belong to them. I will kill them to take it back."

Xander smiled. His hand raised to trace the strong jawline of the princess. She had strong features, the same way Tmoxin did. The woman was attractive, and positioning himself to take her throne as well would not be a hard thing. She was naive enough to go along with it. Xander could be her savior from a court which would attempt to dictate her life. He could free her from that.

"Your chasing after a dead family. If your court wants alliance with Indupar to produce an heir, then you should have your eyes set on the past, and future, King. He is already in your bed, and there is no one here to stop you from making such an alliance and sealing it in a way which consulate whatever terms we can agree to. You have come all this way, and here you have found your freedom. The choice is yours whether you are part of my plans. The throne is mine whether you help or tell my plans to the royal family. I am the rightful ruler of the crown worlds."

[member="Thais Kallisto"]
Between his gentle touch on her arms and the cool air of the bedroom, he would be able to feel the goosebumps on her skin appearing. There was a fireplace across from the bed if it got too chilly, and she thought of how nice it would be to have a fire going later. But for now she only listened to him. If she was to be a sidekick in this intriguing plan, she needed to remember his instructions.

Still, Princess Kallisto mentally stumbled over the fact that he was over 800 years old! How could that be? He looked to be in his early twenties. If she had Crix or Napo here they would surely explain it to her. She was familiar with the science of how a dazzling gem was made from a dull rock, but not how someone stayed in statis that long and survived.

But when he stroked her jawline, she breathed in sharply. His voice was deep and soft, and she nearly got lost in it, until he brought up the point of an heir in reference to the real Indupar King. Her eyes grew wide, her red lips opening slightly as if to speak. She felt that he was offering her a genuine proposition, but there was so much subtext that Thais, as inexperienced as she was, picked up on some of it. And even if there wasn't as much subtext as she thought, she saw an opportunity to do something she had been wanting to do since he had first touched her. With a wide and playful smile on her face, she said:

"If you are suggesting that we align to produce an heir, I think you should at least give me a kiss first. That would be a good way to at least know if we are compatible mates." And without waiting, she boldly placed her lips on his, her hands resting now on his shoulders. It was a clumsy kiss, unlike the earlier one he'd shared with Tmoxin, but hopefully there would be fun in helping her to finesse it.

To let her old suitor Gaillard know she was interested in his affection, Thais had given the ship builder a rare maroon diamond. But she had saved the kiss for Xander Blackmoore. Which was the better gift? That would wholly depend on the perception of the man in question.

[member="Darth Vizios"]
The room was beating up despite the chill in the air. Goosebumps were forming on tha bare arms of the princess, and Xander was certain it had more to do with his touch than the chill. She was a delicate, innocent flower who was unfamiliar to the touch of a man. Her perception was not as naive as he assumed as she had picked up on the alliance immediately. Yes, Xander had suggested they ally themselves to produce an heir. That heir would effectively connect her world to the Crown Worlds, bringing an expansion under Xader's rule. The situation was very profitable for them both, and it was an option to pursue.

Xander was rarely surprised, but Thais had managed to surprise him with her kiss. Was she that unpredictable that Xander could not read her? He liked that's she had surprised him. Admittedly the kiss was clumsy, but Xander smiled through it anyway. He paused, broke the kiss, and put his hand back to her jaw, canting it to her right, as his own head moved accordingly. Xander returned the kiss, pressing his lips to hers in a way which give the young woman a taste of the passion a man could convey with one simple kiss. His aim was to whet her appetite for other ways a man could convey passion. The hand which held her jaw moved down her neck, and past her shoulders once more as he pushed the sleeves of the dress further down her arms.

When the kiss broke, Xander looked through her eyes and deep into her soul. He was searching for the answer to a question which had not been asked, but lingered in atmosphere. Her servants and attendants were gone. They were alone, and nothing was keeping them from taking advantage of the arrangement. His lips went to hers once more.

"It would be so easy to ruin you for the young prince. Such a delicate flower, beautiful, innocent, just waiting for someone to help her bloom to her full potential. Your first kiss? There are many more firsts for you to enjoy, and I cannot bear the thought of that prince being the one to introduce you to them. So tell me, Thais, shall you defy your servants?"

[member="Thais Kallisto"]
Princess Kallisto did not need to doubt Xander's claim to the throne. She had proof of his title and influence, not just with the painting that hung in the halls, but how he was so easily able to get her into the Naboo Palace. The Sith Lord had already proved that he wasn't an imposter, and it allowed Thais to trust him enough that the kiss could turn into something more. He was by far the most adorable monarch she had been paired up (normally they were too young like the Prince, too old and ugly, or even too inbred), and she was going to take full advantage of the situation, away from the prying eyes of her court, the sometimes wicked tongue of Crix Meriet, and her endless business schedule for Kallisto Mining Company. What a perfect hideaway she'd found in the Indupar Palace bedroom!

When he kissed her back, she made an appreciative noise. As his other hand pulled her sleeves down further, she breathlessly helped him with her own fingertips, fumbling at the back of the dress while still planting frantic kisses on his willing lips, until she was free of the material. The Princess was now in a white, steel bone corset, the bottom of the dress still gathered around her waist and legs.

When he pulled away, she blinked a couple times. She tried to focus on him, but her cheeks were flushed, her desire high. As Xander spoke, she intertwined her fingers with his, stroking his palm softly with her thumb. She gazed down at the bed covers, now wrinkled with activity, as he spoke to her, his hot breath in her ear.

"My servants serve me, Your Majesty. Not the other way around." She stopped for a moment though. This wasn't something she was supposed to do, nor was it part of the plan for her life. But he was right. When was Princess Kallisto, ruler of Isis, owner of not one but two Kallisto Mines, stop taking the orders and start giving them? No time like the present.

With more strength than he probably anticipated, she began to push him with her both of her hands, gently but forcefully down on the bed. Bringing up her legs, she straddled the King now so that her skirt billowed over his legs and hers. Adjusting her corset, she bit her lip and said, "Show me what you know. I want to bloom."

[member="Darth Vizios"]
Xander grinned as she pushed the fabric of her dress to her waist. Like any proper noble woman she wore a full corset under the dress, leaving much to the imagination. This would not do at all. A sweet flower was not about to be ruined unless she experience everything the pairing could offer. Each sensarion of being explored in ways she did not know we're possible had to be experienced for her to enjoy what was to come. He lifted his own tunic over his head revealing his sculpted frame. Xander took pride in being in peek physical condition, and he wondered if Thais had ever even seen this much of man.

In a rush he was falling into the tossed covers of the bed. For a woman in want of an education she seemed to know how to take charge. Xander could feel the temperature rising between them, and as the princess straddled his legs, Xander sat up once again. His hands pulled at the ties of her corset in an attempt to free her from its bondage. A sense of lust suddenly overcame him as the promise of her ripe flesh was soon to be his reward.

Xander rest his hands on Thais's hips as he kissed her again. Pivoting, he rolled her onto her back as he left a sweet trail of kisses down her neck, and along her collar bone. All of the attention his lips gave to her was only to tease of what was to come. Strong hands removed the dress from her completely. Eyes looked over her form, admiring her for a moment.

"How long before your servants return? We cannot be caught... yet."

[member="Thais Kallisto"]
Admiring the view as she sat on top of him, Thais would not take it for granted. She hadn't much experience, it was true, but that only made her more appreciative than, at least, a paid companion would. She wasn't sure of his other lovers. Xander wrestled with her corset, which made her smile, but he did not get much further with it than she. "This is exactly why I have Miss Janine," she said, laughing softly. "She would have that off in minutes." As they continued kissing, she noted how soft his lips were, but how his stubble tickled her face - all sensations that made her feel tipsy without drinking a drop of alcohol.

But suddenly, he flipped her over onto her onto her back. Thais sank into the soft mattress and gasped as his lips trailed over her swan-like neck and down her chest, growing close to the swell of her breasts where they were pressed together by the corset. The Sith Lord yanked upon the fabric of her dress, and it fell easily off of her legs, and what didn't, she promptly kicked off. Left in only her corset and her petticoat, she stretched her long legs out and then entwined them with the King's.

"Hmm?" she said dreamily. "Oh the servants!" She grumbled at the thought of them coming up and finding the pair in her bed. "Here's what I do, Xander. May I call you Xander?" She wasn't sure, so until she knew otherwise, she paid strict attention to titles. Princess Kallisto rolled over and grabbed her datapad from where it had been set on the nightstand. Tapping a few keys, she said, "I just told Napo that I wasn't feeling well, and that they were not to come up to the room until I called for them. Trust me, we don't have to even lock the door. They will obey me."

She reached up and stroked the King's face with a delicate touch. Then Thais sat up, and her curious hands began to explore his torso. She enjoyed reading the desire on his face, and what various pressure and lack of pressure did to that handsome expression. Sliding her hands around his the waistband of his pants, she began to unbutton them. It was funny how Thais had come to the Palace thinking her only entertainment would be dull and typical. And suddenly, she was about to embark on a new experience with not only a King - forced into a type of exile as her ancestors had - but a handsome one at that. It was far too late for doubts. If he didn't make any overtures to her after what they were about to do, she would have to live with it. Tearfully perhaps. Regretfully.

But for her, there was no turning back until their desire reached a crescendo.

[member="Darth Vizios"]
"Good," Xander said regarding the servants.

He let the moment build and allowed her hands to explore whatever she wanted. There was not a surprise when her fingers found their way to the buttons of his pants. Xander breathed in and shuddered as he anticipation of her soft touch was upom him.

"I think we are well past titles," he said as he descended to kiss her again. Xander managed to kick off his pants in the process, but was rather determined to get the corset off Thais.

His desire for her was thick and palpable. She was such an eager virgin to be rid of her maidenhood, and the King drank it in. It only fueled his resolve all the more to take from her what she could only give once. In frustration of the cloth which kept him from the supple bosom of the woman, Xander gripped the cords and sent a resonating ripple of force energy through, disolving the chords instantly. Next he tore the corset from her torso before his lips found what they wanted. Eventually his lips found hers again, and opening his jaw, their tongues danced as if a symphony played only for them.

Strong hands wandered the length of body, until he could finally no longer wait for the thing their foreplay had kept them from. The next several moments were those of deep passion. Xander was Sith, and he felt deeply. There was no sense in restraining his passion simply because Thais was innocent. She had chosen him for what he could show her, help her experience, not for any innocence on his part. He was well skilled in the are of love, and Thais would know she was not his first. Xander knew it was precisely why she had given in to his seduction, however. Thais would remain a delicate flower, but her innocence would be far removed. With each passing moment she became increasingly less so, and more so the noble lover of the cunning Xander Blackmoore.

[member="Thais Kallisto"]
There wasn’t much Thais could do but succumb to the bedroom expertise of Xander. He did not need to coerce or control her, except to probably correct the pace with which she wanted to go. She was completely and utterly his to possess.

When they finished, her arms and legs were entangled in the bedsheets and around the handsome Sith Lord. Princess Kallisto rested her head on his chest, and idly stroked his shoulder. If the Blackwell family was to be killed today, could Thais just stay in her bedroom during the whole sordid affair? For the most part she was exhausted from the lovemaking and the large, comfortable bed would be a panacea for a few more hours, but she was slightly wary about her emotional state during this execution.

“What if I can’t hold it together?” she asked him, raising herself up on her elbow. “What if I ruin your charade? I watched my parents die, their throats slit by a crystal knife. I was only twelve years old…” It was clear by her tense frown that she was still affected by her personal tragedy.

She sat up, tilting her head so her long hair fell like a chestnut waterfall down one side of her chest. She pulled the sheets up to cover herself more modestly now.

“What do you plan to do? Maybe if you told me then I wouldn’t be so apprehensive.”

[member="Darth Vizios"]
"Poison, slow moving, attacks the heart. By the time they are examined the cause will seem natural. Granted everyone will know, but none will know who. There might be a disgruntled servant that saw an opportunity to lash out against them. You will not see the effects. Everyone will leave the table alive, but come morning they will not be."

Xander could sense the tension in Thais's body. She had just been relaxed in his embrace as he made love to her, but the anxious thoughts of reliving her past had made her tense once more. He pulled her back to him, making her lay her head on his chest once more. His hand began to stroke her hair as he held her tight. The calm pace of his beating heart would help to calm her for what was to come. They had made their alliance, and it was too late to turn back now.

"I am not a good man, but I will care for you. If you are concerned of putting my charade in jeopardy, then perhaps you should remain ill until morning. If it is hard for you to know what I plan to do, I can also remove it from your memory, make you forget?"

His offer was one made in an attempt to comfort her. While Xander was known to be a womanizer, he was not one to dishonor an agreement. They had sealed their alliance in Thais's bed, and he would not retreat from it. Her misgivings had nothing to do with her innocence, but rather a vicious past. A past which could be used to help her find her way to a darker place in the force. He knew it now. There was no hiding the connection when the affair of the past couple of hours was such an intimate one. Xander had felt her force sensitivity as it could not be masked from such an intimate connection as they shared.

Only now was she modest. Xander chuckled at how women were. He'd just relieved her of her virginity and explored every inch of her body, and she still opted to cover her nakedness to him. It was a thing Xander would never understand. Though covering was a good idea. The dinner hour was approaching, and Xander would have to prepare for it. His need for an exit would be on them soon.

"I need to leave soon. Will you be able to keep my confidence, Thais?"

[member="Thais Kallisto"]
When Xander pulled her back to his chest, the warm embrace worked wonders. Thais sank back into him, her hair still smelling faintly of the blue Indupar flowers which had been woven into it earlier. Without moving, she spoke: "No I can't feign illness. I don't know how long I'll get away with that. I don't even know what you mean by remove it from my memory, but that sounds perfectly awful. And run the risk of removing this moment memory as well?" Princess Kallisto had no idea how it even worked, nor did she care at this point. She only knew she didn't want to leave the bed, nor the side of the handsome King. And she wanted to cherish the memory of it. She wasn't sure, if after tonight, she would even see him again.

There was almost too much to think about, but the only way she was going to get through it, and without unintentionally revealing anything about this assassination attempt, was to get back into her dress and put on a brave face.

Although it was hard to pull away from his sheltering arms, Thais lifted herself off of the bed, still wrapped in the sheet and padded over to her wardrobe. She brought a wooden box out and sat cross legged on her bed, examining the contents of the container, which appeared to be jewelry, by the looks of it, extremely expensive jewelry, with the rarest and most elegant gems set into each piece. Although Xander had his share of riches, the crystals from the Kallisto quarries were dazzling. If they did further their union, beyond a physical consummation, he stood to also inherit an immense fortune.

Thais continued to toy with the jewelry as though it was disposable, untangling it in a rough manner.

"Yes," she said. "This will be our secret. Both what we just did, and what is to happen tonight."

She wanted to be able to find him after it was all over, but she also couldn't break character either. While the stakes were not nearly as high for Princess Kallisto, she too, had her own reputation to uphold.

"I will see you at the dinner tonight."

[member="Darth Vizios"]
Xander stood from the bed to retrieve his clothing. Unlike Thais, he did not bother to cover himself. Walking to her, he pulled on his pants on and tossed his shirt over his shoulder. His hands moved to her shoulders and gave her a light massage as she untangled her jewels. Bending slightly, he put his nose to her hair and breathed in the scent of the blue flowers which had been there.

"They smell delicious on you," he said before kissing the top of her head. "You only need to keep the secret until after dinner. Once that is past it doesn't matter who knows of what we have done here. In fact, I may just sneak back in her later tonight."

Xander's hands came around above her shoulders and provocatively lower than descency demanded. He smiled as he kissed her cheek before standing and walking back toward the fire place. With press of the lion on to the left of the mantle, the fireplace slid out of the way to reveal a hidden corridor. Thais now knew exactly how Xander would come to her again.

"I would highly encourage you to sleep nude those evening. I promise it will not be in vain."

With that, Xander passed into the corridor and let it close behind him. He quickly dressed as he returned to his quarters. Tmoxin was informed of the slight wrinkle in the plan, but he had ensured her it was under control. The Hapan did not need to know he had spent the last two hours with the princess making love to her. Xander sensed it might bring unwanted jealousy. When they were prepared for dinner, the pair left for the dinning room. Xander held a bottle of wine in hand, the instrument of his ascendancy.

[member="Thais Kallisto"]
When Xander rose from the bed, Thais's curious gaze followed him. She continued to watch him get dressed as she clasped a necklace around her bare shoulders. He then came over and squeezed her shoulder, which elicited a soft sigh from her lips. As the soon-to-be King reassured her and kissed the top of her head, she closed her eyes. His hands wandered liberally over her chest, and Princess Kallisto nuzzled his neck, depositing a soft kiss in between his clavicle. How did two partners find the strength to leave each other after making love like that? She supposed this was the art of passion - knowing when to let go and when to come back. To revisit what they had done again and again... it would be worth whatever wait lay in store for her. And as the Sith Lord had detected, Thais had a Force sensitivity. If her passion and lust were nurtured, eventually she could be molded into a formidable Dark Jedi or Sith.

But presently, she was obvlious to it.

And then he was gone, but not before giving her a hint of what was to come. That promise was enough to jolt Thais out of bed, to hurriedly dress for the dinner. Facing the tall claw-footed mirror, the Princess fumbled the best she could with her corsets, petticoats, and finally the gown which was now quite wrinkled. She finger-combed her hair and haphazardly tied the ribbons and flowers back on.

Out of the bedroom and rushing downstairs, Miss Janine met her in the hallway, and lucky for Thais, before she could make it to the dining room in her disheveled state, her competent handmaiden tidied her up. Once the Crystal Heiress entered, she was the picture of grace and beauty as she had been when she sat for the painting. Her cheeks were more flushed, and she appeared decidedly more content, but for her unknowing courtiers this would be easily chalked up to the rest, and not the unexpected education she had just received from Xander about bedroom affairs.

Her eyes scanned the room, not for the Prince or the King, she could care less about those two buffoons. They were most likely doomed unless something happened to upset the former King's plan. She was looking for Xander, and when she finally caught his eye, she nodded silently and allowed Napo and Miss Janine to seat her at her reserved spot at the table. She glanced at the beautiful Hapan but received nothing but an icy glare back.

[member="Darth Vizios"]
Xander stood behind Tmoxin, so she would not see the smile he offered the princess as she sat. The images of what had taken place only less than hour ago still vivid in his mind. For an innocent woman, Thais had proven to be quite enjoyable. His eyes suggested what his other features could not, he was looking forward to their time later. She had only gotten taste of his talents, and he intended to show her his talent for speeches was not the only thing his tongue was useful for.

"Your majesties, the Ducha brings a gift to the table. Your wines are known across the galaxy, and she has recently aquired a bottle from the private vault of his late Majesty Xander Blackmoore himself. It is said his Cinnamon Merlot was rivaled by no other, and she wishes to offer a toast with this bottle in honor of the young prince."

The guests and hosts alike looked at Xander with wide eyes at the mention of the private stash. They all knew of the fine wines Xander had collected, and he was willing to sacrifice a bottle of it to gain his throne. For all intents the bottle was not tampered with. The assassin knew how to slip the poison to the glasses it needed to be in without putting it in the wine direct.

The King indicated for Xander to pour, and as a dutiful servant, Xandwr poured. He'd trained his own servants to the point he was an expert in how this was to look, and the Sith sold it perfectly. When he came to the prince, Xander looked to his father, and the King nodded. This was a special occasion after all, and the boy would likely never taste a bottle of the private stock again. No one knew where all the bottles were, and in truth they were now all out of circulation. Xander recovered them all.

Xander raised his glass.

"To the King, his lovely Queen, and soon to be betrothed Prince. My your days be long, and your reign one of legend."

Xander drank, and as he expected all waited for him to until they drank. When they all did, he grinned and sat down to eat. The meal would be uneventful. The poison would take effect as they slept.

[member="Thais Kallisto"]
As her absent courtier, Crix Meriet, would constantly note, the Princess never had much of an appetite around company. Furthermore, she was too nervous now to eat and basically just pushed her food around on her plate in a charade of hunger.

When she did lift a bite to her lips, she would catch the eye of Xander, and immediately lose her appetite – mostly in that distracted, love-sick way – over what had transpired in her bedroom earlier. Too paranoid to drink the wine, Thais just drank water. She would be famished later, but this was the price to pay for the insider knowledge she had about this whole affair.

After the wine was poured, the guests were gushing about its taste and quality. Thais only gazed warily at the bottle. “Are you okay, Princess Kallisto?” asked the Prince at one point during the evening. “You look quite pale.”

“I’m fine, Prince Blackwell,” she said, waving her hand. “I’m recovering from an illness. Nothing serious.”

She watched Xander perform his ministrations as convincingly as an actor. And all too soon the meal was over. She had expected vomiting and retching from the poison, but the King and his family were joyous and sated over the food and festivities. “Come now, Princess,” said Napo. “If you are still feeling ill you’ll need to turn in early.” He almost appeared apologetic, and well, he should be, thought Thais! She hadn’t’ wanted to come to Indupar in the first place!

But after she was settled back into her room and dressed into her nightgown, which she promptly removed after Miss Janine left her in the large bed alone, she was very grateful that she had made the journey. Would Xander come back to her as he’d promised? Thais knew she should try to sleep, but she barely could with that thought that he may creep in at any moment.

[member="Darth Vizios"]
It was clear Thais was uncomfortable, but she did not betray the knowledge she had of what was to occur. Xander smiled inwardly at this, and continued to play his part until dinner was over. Everyone left smiling, laughing even, unaware of what was going to happen. Yes, when the entire family did not wake it would be known an assassination had occured, but Indupar's histroy was riddled with them. Houses were constantly positioning themselves, and that meant people had to die. The monarchy was rarely targeted, but on occasion it could not be avoided. Xander could only reassume his throne if they were no longer alive.

Xander waited to leave his chambers until he was certain he had given adequate time for the servants to be asleep. Yes, he had been housed with servants as the guest rooms were not made for those posing as hire, or forced, help. Every room was connected to the passageways of the palace, though, Xander was the only one to know everyone by heart. Again the fireplace was the cover, and he triggered it, passing through it with ease.

He found Thais's room with no trouble, and when he passed through he noticed she was awake, and dressed as he had instructed, in nothing at all. Xander walked to her bed slowly as the secret door closed, his own clothes coming off as he approached the bed. Sinking into the plush mattress he wrapped her in his arms and kissed her cheek, leaving a trail down her long neck.

"You did very well at dinner, though your wine was more than safe. The deed is done and come morning I will claim my throne."

His lips pressed to hers as his hands wandered about her smooth skin. She had been pampered, raised under the care of others who saw to every need. Her skin was evidence of it. Xander enjoyed it very much.

[member="Thais Kallisto"]
Thais had yet to experience emotional heartbreak between two lovers, and therefore, she wasn't a cynic. She truly believed Xander would come back, and once she finally heard the noise of he shifting secret door as it slid open, her fears were put to rest. Silly girl, of course he was going to visit you again, she thought. He shed his clothing, each piece at a time and left them rumpled on the floor. And she admired the sight of him readying himself for bed. Their bed.

Xander's warm body enveloped her, and she threw her head back, her long hair cascading over the white, down pillow to allow easier access for his lips on her neck. A shaft of moonlight came through the window and illuminated her upper torso. The assassin would spy a faint bruise that hadn't been visible in the dim light of their lovemaking before. He reached out to touch it, which drew gasp from Thais. His brow wrinkled with concern, and suddenly she wanted to make sure that the King of Indupar did not think it was he who left the mark.

"My courtier, Crix Meriet left that bruise," she said. "I threatened to sell his favorite slave to the Hutt Cartel. Mr. Meriet is employed by Kallisto Mining Corporation, and he's an extremely useful man in most respects." Princess Kallisto sighed and finished: "But I do need to teach him a lesson for that."

Xander would realize that as much as Thais tried to stay in control of her court, it was crystal clear that her courtiers controlled her - whether through favor, intimidation or charades. Would he become one of them who controlled her as well? Or would he rid her of the sycophants and teach her how to seize back her power?

Thinking the matter would be put to rest, she raised up to him for another kiss from his soft,warm lips.

[member="Darth Vizios"]
Xander had been working the neck of the woman who had become his most recent lover. As she leaned into his ministrations he caught sight of the bruise which had been left by a pretentious courtier who had yet to have been punished. It was clear to the King his new lover was not strong with her servants. They walked all over her, and this was unacceptable. The future queen of Indupar, as their alliance would make her should they wed, would not be permitted to be treated that way. His brow furrowed in anger, and she was naive to think he would let the issue go and suddenly make love to her as if he had not stumbled upon the blemish.

Her kiss was warm, and it invited him to move past it, but his mind was fixated on it. Xander had the tendency to be obsessive about what was his, and he'd taken Thais as his. He broke the kiss and cursed, a rarity for the polished nobleman. Sitting up in the bed, Xander was visibly unsettled.

"And you let him get away with it," he asked sternly. "I will teach you how to deal with such arrogant pricks as the man who dared touch royalty in such a violent manner. I can assure you he will never reach his hand out to hurt you again."

Xander's blue eyes returned to the mark on her neck, and he bent to kiss it. Her smell was intoxicating, and soon his mind shifted back to what he had come for. He led his lips lower, depositing kisses until he reached what he desired most. Tonight was about celebrating what the morning light would expose. Xander would be King, and Thais his intended, an alliance orchestrated by herself without her courtiers any the wiser. She had truly made her own mind for once, and Xander had procured for himself a way to produce an heir. Not much thought was given to the fact an heir might already have been produced.

[member="Thais Kallisto"]
Abruptly, Xander pulled away, and at first Thais wondered if she had done something wrong. As he sat up, she put a tentative hand on his arm, trying to calm him with her touch. He was angry over her courtier’s actions, which was understandable. From day one, she felt that [member="Crix Meriet"]’s behavior was a little odd and somewhat cold, but she could never really connect it to disloyalty. And now it appeared that the King felt otherwise.

If their night had been calmer and without an execution in the midst of it, Princess Kallisto may have been upset at his stern tone. The Sith Lord's lecturing reminded her of her own father, that of him which she had remembered. But she was too drained and distracted to withdraw into self-pity. She only said to him softly, “If you go back to Isis with me, I will make sure that Mr. Meriet. You and he can have a long discussion about what is appropriate and not appropriate.” There was no subtext in her words – she did expect them to have a straightforward talk – but if the situation dissolved into violence or even torture for Meriet, Thais had already resolved she would not stop it.

Finally, Xander resumed what he had come here for, and her education continued. As they reached another passionate denouement, she attempted to focus on the sensations, but her mind kept returning to the poisoned Prince, choking and dying in his own bed that night, vital organs shutting down one by one. She felt sick to her stomach. After all he was just a child. But she did not voice concerns for fear that her lover would stop what he was doing, because halting their activity at this hour would likely cause great frustration for both of them.

[member="Darth Vizios"]

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