Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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You're just a Commenor. [Private]

Aboard her ship, Charlotte arrived into the Commenor system for one reason only: To gain political information about the Republic. She never would imagine herself onboard trying to do this for the First Order, but orders were orders. If the First Order was to indeed, have full control of the Republic, they would need information anyways. She begun to enter the atmosphere with a cargo ship that looked like she was there to trade and all and begun to head into Chasin City to begin her search for that politician. A master plan was already unfolded in her head, and she was going to ensure this plan was executed right, and successfully. If so, she would make the First Order very powerful, and perhaps... Charlotte herself might even receive recognition.
Charlotte was dressed as a more legit merchant as if she was selling legal items such as fruits and produce. Her dress and her hat were that of Virgilian fashion, except in yellow rather than her red uniform. She got out, and ensure her saber was tucked away safely, and such. She glanced around the city and saw the holonets. Hmm? Lady Kay-Larr? For President of the planet? This was maybe the one she was looking for. She had to get more information about her if she was probably going to be in her master plan and all.
She took a look for a second scratching her chin to think about this...
[member="Lady Kay"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Charlotte Miraak"]


Kay was just finishing one of her speeches. There was never a speech written down. She felt that it would be too fake if she had one rehearsed. And what set her apart from the other candidates was that she allowed for questions from those in attendance. Not just the media, but those that were there. Some asked about war, about the economy, and about how she would handle certain situations. Some were even about her private life, though she didn't give out much on that. Kay held many secrets about herself and wanted to keep certain things from getting out into the open.

All of it was being broadcasted outside of the event hall. And it was when she was being asked about her period as a Senator for the Republic, that Charlotte would have passed by the projection of it. A meet and greet was scheduled for those that wished it. No one had to pay, as she chose not to raise funds that way. It was her belief that people shouldn't have to pay to speak with her. They needed only to be patient.
[member="Lady Kay"]​
Her ears picked up about something of Kay-Larr being a senator for the Republic. This could be her lead, and someone she might be able to gain more information from. Someone who is doing this without a script or any form of teleprompter? Amazing. She looked like a legit source and why people might vote for her. Hearing something about a meet and greet and the fact it was scheduled. This would indeed be a perfect time to get close to her and start talking to her. Gaining her trust. See, if she saw her as a friend and ally, it would make the plan go smoothly. Charlotte placed on her friendly merchant attitude as she hoped it was enough to mask her darkness enough. Of course, it might just slightly give it away. Therefore, she had to not show it too much.
Charlotte had to attend this meet and greet, and therefore, she went inside of he event hall hoping to be one of them who was close enough to Kay to ask her a few questions and such. Perhaps ensure that bonding happens between the two. She had to be her friend of course, or else the entire plan will come tumbling down. She slowly went in and begun to go and participate in the meet and greet.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Charlotte Miraak"]

Kay was all smiles when she met with people. Though her smiles were never fake. They were genuine through and through. Some comments caused her to raise a brow, but for the most part the questions fell along the same lines; the economy, security, ship building and the black market. Some were even on her personal life, though she gave out very few details.

Her Force signature was shrunken down to a small tree nut for this event. Being around so many people, she couldn't be too careful. Security was on top of things as well, though there wasn't any trouble to be had. Everyone seemed to be so well behaved, not that she figured that they would be otherwise.

Soon a new face arrived, that of Charlotte. Kay bowed her head to her in greeting. "Hello. I hope that you enjoyed yourself this afternoon. Did you have any comments or questions?"
It was indeed a crowd of people. But nothing to really worry about. Trying to keep her own force signature down, she blended in with the people and fixed her white hair. She heard who was supposedly Kay whom was near her and glanced at her eyes. She cleared her threat and nodded. "Oh um yes, of course." She said nodding. She came close and cleared her throat trying to think of a question. "Once you are President, what do you think you will do with the security and general affairs of the planet and to keep the republic appeased?" She said to her trying to think of some form of innocent question. Her voice didn't sounded as deep as it usually did, as she attempted to cloak herself from being exposed as a Dark Witch. She had to sound innocent or the plan is ruined.

[member="Lady Kay"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Keep the Republic appeased? That was an odd use of wording. Kay raised a brow at [member="Charlotte Miraak"] and then smiled as she spoke. "Well our security and general affairs are already going well. We need to strengthen them a bit, but not by much. The criminal underground is trying to take hold, but if we tighten our measures and stop those from making it easy for them, then we shall bring it all back to the levels that it was before. As for appeasing the Republic, I wasn't aware that we had to. There are bigger issues. The Sith territory is right on our borders. I would worry more about them attacking Commenor, than the Republic."

She waited to see if there was a follow-up question.
Charlotte took that to account about that... She processed those thoughts for a bit and nodded. "Yes yes yes." she said as she listened. So... apparently this planet had pretty good affairs and such. She listened when she spoke about the criminal underground and such... Charlotte had to be careful of what she does here, since she herself, was selling illegal goods, and would be classified as a criminal. But if it's lowlives who don't know how to be a true black market salesperson, then they deserve punishment. Charlotte heard the Sith border them and such. Hmm... She glanced at her and tried to pretend to struggle to ask a question as it was all apart of the plan. "Yes, alright. So... the uhh... Sith right? Them invading Commener... What say you calling of the Republic and the Jedi? Any word from them on this planet?" she asked glancing at her in wonder. These questions were all innocent for a reason. She had to be careful though, not to ask too much. She had to get closer to this woman if she was going to use her in her grand scheme she had in mind.

[member="Lady Kay"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Charlotte Miraak"]

It wasn't a surprise that Charlotte asked about who would come to Commenor's aid in times of invasion. There were many that had already asked the same thing before. But Kay tried to make her answer seem as fresh as the first time that she had answered such a question.

"I have many allies. Should the Sith invade, the Republic is right nearby, yes, and with them could come some Jedi. But there are others that I can rely on as well, Clan Raxis being one of them. So rest assured, we will have help when we need it."
Clan Raxis? Hmm hmm... She took this to consideration and scratched her chin and nodded. She glanced at Kay, trying to drum her fingers thinking of another question. "But do you really trust that the Republic has your back? Considering that the supreme chancellor is Pirate and well... Lets just say, he's not that trustworthy. Would you consider... Ever uhhh... Running against him in elections should there ever be one?" One part of the plan was to get Kay into power... She had to ensure that the Supreme Leader has a plant on the inside ready to strike. She leaned over a bit. "Besides, the Republic could use something more than a mere president one day. Take it into consideration."


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Charlotte Miraak"]

Kay furrowed her brows. She was quite taken aback by this. She hadn't seen, nor spoken to Jack Sparrow since she was fired. And that was by choice, of course. "The Republic would have my back. I have friends within it that would help in the blink of an eye if I asked them to." At the suggestion that she run for Supreme Chancellor, she raised a brow. "I could hardly run for Supreme Chancellor of the Republic. I may consider myself as one of it's citizens, but I have Commenor to think about first. This is my priority. I am not going to abandon it while enemies are waiting just beyond our borders."
So, the Republic will have her back? Excellent... Not to really the advantage of the First Order but excellent. She crossed her arms and glanced at her eyes. She heard that she can rarely run for the Supreme Chancellor seat. She glanced a bit closer to her. "Are you so sure about that? You seem to really have potential... and the potential in you is strong. I know it." she said with a smile. "Err- well I mean, you look capable! Surely you can help more people and such, right? I mean... as President, I know you want to deal with... some rivals and troubles. But if you were Supreme Chancellor, you'd be able to eradicate all the slaves and make a Free Republic! Jack Sparrow is more than incompetent. Who would trust a criminal in office anyways?" She placed her hand on her shoulder. "The Republic needs heroes, my Lady. So does this dear planet."


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Charlotte Miraak"]

Kay blinked as Charlotte spoke of her having strong potential. It wasn't so much what she said, but the way she had said it. Could Charlotte sense her Force signature even though Kay had shrunk hers down? If that was true, then it was unsettling.

"I have no interest in going after rivals, especially as I don't have any. But eradicating slavery in the Galaxy is an impossible task. I'm not naive to think otherwise. Though that hadn't stopped me from freeing those that I could."

She looked down to Charlotte's hand on her shoulder. "I didn't vote for Jack, but others did. It falls on their shoulders, not mine. I am not in any position, nor do I have the right to take his place. There are others that are....far more qualified."
Charlotte felt like she could sense the presence of the force within Kay. She knew she had some form of energy emitting from her body. She could sense the fear within her. Charlotte tried not to go too hard as she was hiding her own darkness and if she kept searching her, she would eventually reveal herself. She listened to her speak and nodded glancing at the others out there and then back at Kay. "Well, that's quite unfortunate, but that's good you didn't voted for him. Someone that corrupt and greedy should not be allowed to run as supreme chancellor. It proves the flaws in the system. But in my opinion, you would be able to root it out from the source. Yet again, as Preaident, its a step that anyone else would probably not dare to take. The senate needs a reform, for they had gone too liberal for their own good. Conservativism is needed to help bring back the old ways of how this glorious republic used to work, no?" Charlotte of course herself, was not a conservative, but she agreed with some aspects of it. But it usually matters to her because of what the First Order was, was indeed, conservative. Wanting to bring back something that was powerful and strong as the Galactic Empire.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Charlotte Miraak"]

Kay hadn't kept up with Republic affairs since she was fired, so she knew nothing about what Jack or the Senate were doing. Her time was spent bouncing from job to job and living on her ship. Only now did it seem that she might settle down a little and not travel so much. That was probably a relief to many. "I don't quite know what is or isn't needed for the Republic. Call me self-centred if you'd like, but my only concerns are for Commenor right now. The rest will have to wait until after the election."

At least the election period was short. Just a couple of more weeks and it'll be over. Would she be able to relax after? Probably not. That is if the pollsters were correct.
So she only cares for Commener...? Hmn... Well this isn't really going well as she was expecting. But she was not going to give up any faith. She had to atleast have a plant on the inside so she can know exactly what the Republic is planning so she can report to the Supreme Leader. She nodded as she glanced around. "I see. I see. Uhm... There was tea promised here right? Or was that different?" she asked looking around trying to find something to drink. Kay was giving her some good information, perhaps she might be a good valuable ally if she managed to get on her right side. "Say, you ever considered trying to rebuild Commener's army, or are you going to become a peaceful planet with just a defense force? To me, you sound sort of like a pacifist."


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Charlotte Miraak"]

This little meet and greet was turning into something a little more than that. But she was happy to answer the questions. Kay gave the woman a cup of sapir tea after it was poured.

"A bit of both, actually. Our defences would be strengthened and our offence against the Crime Lords and spies of our enemies would increase. The last President allowed those to lapse. If I win, I'll bring it back to what it was."
[member="Lady Kay"]

Even if this meet and greet was getting a bit more than personal, Charlotte figured it would be an excellent opportunity to get closer to her. Knowing an enemy is one of the basic strategies and perhaps a default one in diplomatic espionage. She nodded as she softly sipped and glanced at Kay. So... defenses strengthening. "How strong is the defense force here anyways? If you don't mind me asking. And if it's strong, how do you plan to combat such a foe like the Sith? How will it even be possible? I mean... again if you don't mind me asking."

The questions were getting a bit more hard for her to just come up with. She had to think of ways to make Kay more of her friend or something... hmnh...


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Charlotte Miraak"]

"Every defence has it's weakness. Nothing is ever foolproof. We just do the best that we can and hope that it's sufficient. As for the details, I'm afraid that I can't get into that. The least amount of people that know, the better."

Not to mention safer. General Santiago would have her head if she started spouting out their secrets. Most were on a need to know basis anyways. And Kay hadn't quite secured her position nor gained their trust. But it was only a matter of time. She preferred things being handled in this way. It produced more positive results in the long run.
Charlotte nodded. Indeed, she can't just get information that deeply just yet. She glanced down at her cup and nodded. "I understand that." She said softly to her. She fixed her hair a bit and gave a silent sigh not thinking of what else to say. So what will she do? Retort to more... Questions about her. She glanced at her. "So... Being President is hard, but... You still seem like a reasonable person. What were your ambitions to get you to where you are today? Family? Motivation? Chaos?"


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Charlotte Miraak"]

"Being President should never be easy. As for my motivation? You might say that I was pushed into it. People have a lot of faith in me and asked me to do it. And not wanting to see Commenor fall to the Sith or any other oppressive government again, I decided to do so. I believe that everyone deserves to be free." And by oppressive governments, Kay was pretty sure that she could add the First Order to that list. She had been visited by a couple of Knights of Ren already, with a bit of an offer. But she needed more information of which they wouldn't give. She needed all of the information that she could get if she was to make the right choice.

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