Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private You're Gonna Go Far, Kid

Mishel Kryze

Mishel had known dust heaps like Jakku, sandpits, husks of ships mixed with corpses of the past. Charming, really, but more so, the Artificer and her little droid Z-10. Zio found themselves in the belly of an old Imperial Star Destroyer. Not too unlike the ones that flew around now, except, well this one was at least forty-seven meters deep in sand and dust. The Force called to her here, and so here she was, digging, scratching, kicking her way through the graveyard. A whisper in the Force told her that she wasn't alone - at least not on Jakku. A mask set around her nose and mouth helped filter the impurities out of the air but created a sweat seal against her skin. Mishel hated it. Still, it was there to help, and who was she to complain.
After all, she had only just come back to life, thanks to a team of people, Romi Jade Romi Jade , Kaalia Pavanos Kaalia Pavanos , and Alessandra Creed Alessandra Creed to name a few. She wore Corellian flight pants with the blood stripes, a long-sleeved shirt, and a blast vest. No lightsaber, no pistol, just a utility belt, and a flashlight, and boots. Hair pulled back, Mishel was connected to a harness and a cable that kept her from being trapped in this graveyard. After Chandrila, Jakku just seemed like the spot to go, a great place to lay low - especially if you didn't want people to find you.
Although Mishel was sure that Alessandra would want to find her again.
Mishel needed time, time to figure out who she was - it was like walking out of the tank all over again. Finding her place in this Galaxy, and all she had to her name were the clothes on her back and a name. A name she wasn't sure was entirely hers just yet, but she would embrace it again and until then she would spend as much time as she needed roaming the corpse ridden deserts of Jakku.
Over the years, one tended to become less adventurous. People settled down, saw their priorities shift, or their body simply couldn't do it anymore. Nylea was a much different case. In her younger years, she rarely found herself away from whatever planet she called home at the time. Only when duty called would she step into a shuttle, or when she tried to run from herself. Now, as she slowly worked through the mental baggage she had collected and left it behind, her curious spirit had slowly worked its way towards the surface. And it had a lot of catching up to do. This time, her destination was Jakku.

Something had drawn her to this planet. The echani wasn't sure why the Force wished her to be here, but it had guided her countless times before and it was always for a reason. She would find out in time, but until then she would have time to sate her curiosity. Even the deserts of Jakku had secrets to be found, despite what it seemed on the surface.

Nylea had arrived on Jakku the day before and it was spent preparing. Travelling outside of the towns and cities was a dangerous endeavour without the proper equipment and so the echani had scoured the wares of various salesmen, from things such as food and water to useful tools such as an air filtration mask and binoculars.

She headed out early in the morning while it was still dark, but now noon was approaching and the blistering heat was nearly at its peak. Finding some shade was a priority now and as Nylea looked around she could make out a strange shape in the distance. The binoculars hanging from her belt were retrieved and with them the woman scouted out the object. It was an old star destroyer- if she was able to find a way inside, it was a good place to set up camp for the day. The binoculars were clipped back to her belt and off Nylea went.

As the woman got closer, the sensation of another presence in the Force brushed past her. She wasn't alone here, much to her surprise. It wasn't a deterrent, however, instead Nylea was quite curious who this presence belonged to. A salvager, most likely, but it was only a matter of time before she would find out for certain she supposed.

Nylea had made it to the long-crashed vessel and luckily it did not take very long for her to find a way in. A large chunk was missing from the side, allowing her to quickly dip inside and breathe a sigh of relief. Finally she was out of the sun and even though it was still hot, it was much more managable now. Slinging off her backpack, she found a wall to sit against. She'd rest her feet for a few minutes, then see to exploring the ship's bowels. Whatever was still accessible, anyway.

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She wasn't cut out for this type of climate. Naboo was temperate, lush, beautiful. There was beauty in the landscape, gorgeous waterfalls, peaks and valleys with hundreds of different species of plants and trees that stretched as far as the eye could see. The sound of birds and nature combined to create a serene ambience that could bring peace to a soul. The cities back home were built around nature, to emphasize the natural wonders of the planet. Jakku was overbearing, barren, and little more than a graveyard full of wreckage. Settlements were sparse, the people were harsh, and the land unforgiving. A planet devoid of character. The economy was largely based on salvage. Those who couldn't afford to buy passage off world found little in the way of options to survive. Brave the dangers of the planet, or forfeit your next meal.

The sole reason for enduring the harsh environment of Jakku was that Jamie received a lead that one of her stolen lightsabers were in the hands of a seller somewhere on the planet. After several days of investigating she located the Hutt in possession of the weapon. But like most things on Jakku, credits weren't worth a damn thing. Bartering was the system here, and she had nothing to offer.

That was how she wound up standing before this massive ruin of a star destroyer. Gaping holes within the hull in several locations indicated a fierce battle before its ultimate descent and crash into the surface. She was here to get equipment in exchange for the weapon. The Hutt wanted components for a sensor array. Jamie was rather certain it was to get a leg up on anyone who might have an interest in interrupting his operations on Jakku.

So into the belly of the beast she went. Descending into the darkness with little more than a canteen filled with water a pack to carry the components back with, and her weapon clipped to her side she slowly lowered herself to the floor below. Eyes glowed in vibrant blue as she considered her route to the bridge. It was likely going to be difficult when considering how much of the ship was destroyed. Many paths would be cut off, others dangerous to traverse. Carefully and cautiously boots clanked against the durasteel walkway as she began her trek through the ship.


Mishel Kryze

Magboots gripped what remained of the durasteel plating. A howling wind echoed throughout the chambers of what had once been the belly of the beast, its engine room. A slight creak beneath her feet gave pause for Mishel who stopped and listened again, the whispers in the Force grew louder. She wasn't alone, and the durasteel plating? It was about to give way and without another thought, the woman Force Leaped toward the nearest railing as the durasteel plates fell down into the void. She could only hear the 'pwang' sounds as it clanked against other parts of the ship. No doubt making anyone else in the ship have to rethink their course.
Mishel otherwise found herself hanging off the rails of what once led up to the hazard control area. In essence, it was simply a trip across the monkey bars, only - if she slipped Mishel wasn't entirely sure the Force could save her. The ship was topsy-turvy at best, up was down and down was up. Antiquated durasteel showed their age and whatever goods remained had been salvaged - save for the few bits and bobs that could be worth a lump of bread on Jakku.
She took a deep breath and worked up the momentum to swing, one bar then the other - a hand outstretched for the next. Mishel felt the strain in her arms, her muscles hadn't been put to work in such a manner in quite a long time. Not to mention it was a new body, one that was older and out of practice - what with it being in a bacta tank for a good number of years. Mishel landed knees on the ground and she certainly felt that one and carefully stood up to her feet and looked down into the void of the ship.
Another whisper in the Force, this one was familiar.
Mishel still couldn't place it, but by now she knew two things - there were other Force Users on this vessel and whatever else had been here. She was more than familiar with...

Out of nowhere, the loud sound of something large crashing down onto the floor not that incredibly far from Nylea caused the echani shoot back up onto her feet. As the ringing in her ears slowly began to dissipate, she looked up, trying to figure out what caused it, though to no avail. With her backpack slung back on she treaded forward carefully, walking through some kind of hallway, though pieces of both the floor and ceiling were missing and looked to have been for quite some time now.

Now that she was closer, the woman was able to distinguish two different presences in the Force and one was strangely familiar. She couldn't place it in the moment, the person wasn't something was intimately familiar with, though there was no doubt she would recognize them the moment she would come across them.

As Nylea ventured further in her surroundings got darker, and so she took off her backpack and rummaged through it until she found her flashlight. With it she looked around, noticing a durasteel plate that had much less sand covering it than the others around it. Once again she looked up, this time using her flashlight to hopefully see something within the darkness above in one of the holes in the ceiling, but didn't find anything, or rather anyone, who could've been responsible for the rather loud disturbance.

After taking a few more steps forward, out of the hallway and into some kind of area, Nylea decided to make her own presence a little clearer to anyone near her instead. A little naive, perhaps, but she wasn't going to pose any competition for whatever salvage anyone was likely to be hunting for.

"Hello?" the woman called out, once again shining her flashlight upwards. "Is anyone there? Are you alright?" It was entirely possible that something could've happened. She wanted to make sure everything was okay.

These old vessels were dangerous for hundreds of reasons. One could easily find themselves lost within the labyrinth hundreds of meters below the surface, sustain an injury from a fall, or wind up trapped beneath collapsing rubble. All for what? In Jamie's case, the hope of seeing one of her lightsabers returned that had gone missing years ago back on Mustafar, now in the hands of some grimy Hutt as little more than a shiny trophy.

Somewhere in the distance from within the bowels of the destroyer a loud echoing clatter rang out. It startled her, and almost instinctively the blonde reached for her weapon. Though within moments the sound dissipated and she was once again left in silence. Was there another aboard or had some other piece of the ship simply detached due to the erosion of time?

A shift in the Force told her otherwise, though she had to make a choice. The sound had come in the opposite direction of her objective, and the chances of finding exactly where, or even managing to reach that location were small. Still, the chances of making it to the bridge were also small. The ship was in such poor condition structurally that there was no telling what area was safe to traverse, or even if the parts she needed were still there.

It's not going anywhere.

Turning toward the direction of the noise she'd heard Jamie forced open a hatchway with the assistance of the Force, wedging her body through with just enough space between the gap to slip passed. Her path forward was difficult. Portions of the flooring were missing, forcing her to leap from one ledge to another at an angle, hoping that the durasteel was still strong enough to support her body weight.

With caution Jamie navigated the darkened belly of the once grand star destroyer.


Mishel Kryze

Mishel heard the sound of a voice echo throughout the derelict craft. She turned her head and listened again the voice spoke but it was behind her and the Force was pulling her forward. If you're there, you'll have to keep up. The former Ren and Jedi thought to herself as she examined the area she stood in. This place just needed a little juice, but then what would happen if you tried to turn on a ship that has been sitting, and rusting in the sands of Jakku for hundreds of years? What could possibly go wrong? Mishel stopped a moment and ran through a myriad of scenarios all of which were terrible.
She took the time to stop, think, and concentrate. Mishel focused on the Force and did her best to locate the others, she more or less was curious as to who was here with her on the ship. She also wanted to get a look at their location, in swift motion she astral projected herself toward the location of a Nabooian. The hell is the Queen doing here? Why isn't there like an army of people throwing themselves at her feet? Her project moved like a ghost past the woman and toward the location of the second person. An Echani? Huh. Once more her projection ghosted away and Mishel gasped as the projection reunited with her body.
It was going to take more than just a cable jump to get the boat to come to life. The third sensation in the Force? It felt like something she knew, and she just needed to give the ol' noggin a jolt. Mishel's hands came together and then again as she focused on the thought of electrical judgment, speed, and thunder. A climb up and over the hazard control area she held onto more railing as she worked her way toward the reactor.
The reactor had taken quite the beating but was largely intact.
Now came the fireworks.
There was no response to her calling out and so Nylea pondered on what to do next. With her flashlight she pathed out a way up where the durasteel plate had come from, though it was a risky one at best and outright suicidal if the various plates and ledges were even less sturdy than they looked. It was going to take some precise leaps as well. There wasn't anything up there that the echani was particularly looking for, though if the lack of a response to her call was due to the person being injured she couldn't just leave them there.

She'd trust the Force on this one.

After taking a deep breath she attached her flashlight to one of the straps of her backpack and sized up the first number of jumps. The first was on equal height, simply bridging a gap, though the second was a fairly small platform that looked shaky at best. It wouldn't hold her weight for very long, so the third jump that would bring her to a higher elevation would have to be made very quickly. "Alright, I can do this," she told herself as she nodded to give herself a burst of confidence.

The first jump wasn't particularly difficult as the Force brought her to the other side. Keeping the momentum going Nylea leapt again and on the less-than-sturdy platform, which instantly began to creak and wobble. With no time to lose she looked up and took the final leap, which she couldn't easily make. Her hands collided with the ledge, harsh durasteel hitting bone, but despite the painful sensation she was able to hold on. With clenched teeth she pulled herself up, leveraging one leg up and rolling away from the void below. When she got to her feet, her flashlight shone on another person, startling the echani for a moment.

"Oh! I am so sorry, I did not see you there-" Nylea went silent for a moment as she realized she recognized the woman in front of her, her face filled with a healthy dose of surprise. "Are my eyes deceiving me, or are you Jamie Pyne?" she asked, wondering what someone like her was doing in a place like this. To say it was unexpected was quite the understatement.

At first there was a slight clatter from a distance, then the sound of metal shifting and screeching in protest. Then finally came a thud, a grunt, and a clamoring of a body as a woman crawled their way up and onto the floor from beneath her. The something she was looking for minutes ago turned out in fact to be a someone. It wasn't simply the old ship breaking further apart due to the passage of time.

The light from their flashlight momentarily disoriented the blonde as she tried to look through the beam to see the other person's face. A hand raised to shield herself from the brightness so that she could get somewhat of a look. Lightly colored hair and eyes, pale features. Not entirely unlike Jamie in a number of ways. They also seemed to know her by name, which, in some circumstances wouldn't entirely surprise her, but on Jakku? In the belly of a blown out star destroyer?

Well, she was at a disadvantage here.

Bowing her head slightly towards the other woman Jamie then straightened up and offered a nod. "That is indeed my name." She smiled into the darkness. "Forgive me, but may I ask yours? I can't say I expected to find anyone else here, least of all anyone who might recognize me."

"Oh, let me turn down my flashlight. I would not want to leave you blind." Nylea had noticed the woman's reaction to the bright light shining in her face and quickly turned it dimmer. It seemed both had been caught equally off-guard and while Nylea hadn't expected a hostile reaction, she was still relieved to see there was no inherent animosity between the two. A place like this certainly had the potential to feed one's paranoia, so the echani was glad she had bumped into someone like Jamie, and not anyone shady.

Jamie didn't recognize the echani, though she couldn't blame her. "My name is Nylea. We met some years ago on Naboo, albeit briefly," she explained. The meeting had left more of an impression on Nylea than Jamie it seemed, though someone of the blonde's standing likely met countless people. It wouldn't be fair to expect her to remember every single one of them.

"I must say I am surprised to see you here, of all places. Though I have got the feeling we are not the only ones." From where the durasteel plate had dropped, it seemed unlikely that Jamie was the cause. Another presence in the Force still hovered in the back of Nylea's mind, leading her to believe that they were the one responsible instead. "Did you hear that durasteel plate drop earlier?"


Mishel Kryze

Mishel smirked as lightning flickered from her fingertips.
If starting up a star destroyer was equivalent to starting up your average run-of-the-mill, sitting-in-you-drive speeder then this was just a massive jump cable. Lights within the star destroyer flickered on as the engine struggled to come back, Mishel's eyes glowed a vibrant white as she looked throughout the engine room and focused with the Force to find what was calling out to her. She could feel the engine dying back on her so she pulled the last of its energy into her hands and concentrated.
As the engine struggled with revival, the star destroyer reacted.
Parts started to come undone while consoles began to flicker and spill their last words, kept secret on their lips for centuries.
The engines died again, and Mishel looked at where the device that called had been. It was somewhere on the bridge, and it's exact location remained a mystery but with a bit of synergy... Well, lights hopefully wouldn't be a problem but now it would be getting to the bridge.
Nice work, you're gonna go far, kid.
Jamie's eyes adjusted to the light as the glare dimmed into more of a warm glow. Her hand fell back to her side and she blinked a couple of times. It was then she was able to better see and converse with the other woman, though she felt a mild case of embarrassment in not recognizing her. "Oh! I apologize, I am terribly forgetful. It's why I keep a datapad for most things. And why I had a council of advisors to help remember what I didn't." The responsibilities, obligations, and constant waves of things to do and people to speak with made remembering her lunch all the more difficult.

"Admittedly I would not have thought myself to come here either, though I'm looking for something that belonged to me, something that went missing some time ago, and my search brought me here." Well, her search brought her to Jakku, the Hutt brought her here. Wanting components in exchange for her property. It was hardly a fair exchange, but what Hutt dealt in fairness?

The answer was none. Not in all her time spent wandering the galaxy anyway.

"As for the sound, I thought at first it was you, though it would seem there might be a third person aboard this old rust heap. Perhaps we ought to find out who?" It seemed this ship was the place to be. Jamie hadn't expected to find anyone aboard, let alone two at the same time. It was becoming quite the excursion. At the very least it would take some of the boredom away from simply digging around in the dark.

"It is nothing to worry about. I am sure that if I had been as busy as you must have been, I would not be able to remember every face I came across either." Nylea smiled, she very clearly took no offense.

If Jamie was looking for something, Nylea saw no reason to not help her find it. She herself had only come here for exploration's sake after all, as ridiculous as that sounded. Jakku was the last on many a person's list of planets to visit for that reason, but when the Force told her to go, she went. It had never led her astray. There was always a reason, regardless of how things sometimes seemed on the surface. Perhaps she was meant to lend that helping hand in the first place.

"Mhm, perhaps we should. I was chasing down the source already, so I suppose you could follow me," Nylea remarked. She pointed towards an overhang, where the echani had planned to jump towards next. "That should bring us further in, though it is hard to see what is up there. It is also a bit of a leap, but that is the only way you can actually make it through this ship it seems." Then again, it wasn't entirely fair to expect simple ways of traversing a shot-down Star Destroyer that had been rusting away here for Force knew how long.

Nylea prepared herself to take the leap, though looked back towards Jamie for a moment first. "Oh, and I would be more than happy to help with finding whatever you are looking for afterwards." A deep breath later, a Force-empowered jump got her to the overhang she was aiming for.


Mishel Kryze

It's okay to be a work in progress and a masterpiece simultaneously. Mishel smirked at the thought, words she thought to herself that held deep meaning. Even now as she traversed the ship with an agility she hadn't had in years, the last time she was this fast she was running across rooftops with the Knights of Ren. The days of youth and splendor she thought to herself. This star destroyer although aged and rusted, filled with sand and secrets still held together. And whatever the Force called for her, whatever that sought her attention seemed to grow brighter.
There were others here and she could feel them they were closer or she had gotten closer. The bridge wasn't going to be easy and it was probably the most fragile part of the ship. Her lungs felt like they were on fire, and her muscles ached but the burn felt good. This place might as well have been a parkour gym for her. Feel. Don't think. Let the Force flow through you. A Cheshire cat grin, as she recalled oh yes, the family trait... Fire flew from her fingertips as she shot a stream of it, knocking an aged turadium blast door down. The sound echoed through the ship, while sand and dust billowed upward and Mishel pushed right past it.
Not too much farther now.
The blonde gave Nylea a nod in response to the offer of following after. Together they would solve the mystery of the third explorer within the bowels of the former warship. Blue eyes traced the path of her finger up towards the next overhang that would continue their journey, to which Jamie offered another nod of approval.

"Right then. It's a deal." She said with a smile.

Jamie waited for Nylea to leap ahead and then subsequently step aside to make room enough for her to follow. The echo of metal crying out after each woman landed rang out for several seconds at a time until once more the vessel fell silent, only broken again by the sound of their mystery person making a responding clatter elsewhere in the ship.

She smirked. "It seems they're letting us know they're still here."

Best not to keep them waiting.

"Let's get going. They can't be too far away. With any luck we'll find them and what I'm looking for together."
The clang of durasteel hitting durasteel wasn't lost on Nylea either, nodding at Jamie's comment. "And what direction to go in, too," she added. Whoever the stranger was, they certainly weren't worried about the other two here. The noise was a strong giveaway to the person's position, making it a lot easier to track them down.

"That would certainly be nice," the echani said as she looked in the direction in which she had heard the sound, locating another platform that would bring them closer to the source. "I think we should take that path over there," she pointed out a set of platforms, "which brings us up there." It would bring the two not only pretty much at the source of the sound, but also a stretch of solid ground to stand on. Nylea'd feel a lot safer up there compared to the less-than-stable platforms she'd been standing on.

The woman, who felt confident enough to make the set of leaps, hopped from one platform to the other, only taking a short moment on the last platform to prepare herself for the final jump. There was some height to make but she landed on her feet, allowing her to blow out a deep breath of air in relief. As she waited for Jamie to join her she looked around, noticing a busted-down door whose edges were red-hot. "They cannot be far, let us catch up to them," Nylea remarked, quickly walking through the doorway. As she did she thought she noticed someone's silhouette rounding a corner. She started casually jogging after them.



Mishel Kryze

Time would pass and Mishel would wait for the others she stood in what had been the bridge of the ship. She sat in meditation, eyes closed and focused on the Force and what it had to tell her. Secrets of the past revealed, a gift bestowed to her for the Force was in all things and it had quite the memory. Nothing lost, nothing forgotten but all of it remembered... A white aura glowed around the Master and she pushed her hands forward and the aura spread throughout the bridge. It uncovered and highlighted items that did not belong there, Mishel slowly stood to her feet and looked over her shoulder.
"I wondered when you two would show up," she remarked with a knowing grin, eyes still white and a glow. "My name is Mishel, if there are to be introductions, what do I call the two of you?" The woman turned around now and faced them completely, the aura dissipated and her eyes came back to their normal hazel selves. "There's something in here, and I-" she stopped short of saying exactly what or why as the ship groaned, and echoed back a pain that seemed telling. "I thought it was strange but it feels familiar..."
Jamie nodded affirmative and followed quickly behind Nylea, one step behind each time so not to potentially overdo the possible weight limits the platforms they were utilizing might have due to their age and current mangled state. When finally they reached the bridge, the person the pair had been following for some time spoke, and Jamie listened.

"Mishel, I'm Jamie." She preferred to leave out the surname unless the person recognized her. Having been a former queen more often than not served only to land her into trouble. People tended to recognize a name more often than the face it belonged to. Jamie allowed Nylea to introduce herself, not wanting to speak for the other woman.

"What is it you're looking for?"

It seemed all present had been connected through the will of the Force in some way. Though what exactly that was still remained to be discovered.

Arriving at the bridge, Nylea would finally come face to face with the person she and Jamie had been chasing. She did not expect such a visible aura here but it was no doubt created by the woman who now had gotten to her feet and addressed them. She introduced herself as Mishel, at which the echani nodded. After Jamie, she herself would give her name.

"I am Nylea, it is a pleasure to meet you," she responded before Mishel continued. She was looking for something, though for the moment she did not explain what. Asking what this thing was would have been redundant though, considering Jamie had already done so, but she was curious nonetheless. Beyond stray pieces of tech, Nylea didn't expect there to be much more to be found in a place like this.

"Perhaps I, or we, could be of help." It was the kind thing to do, and she had promised to help Jamie out already. "In what way do you mean familiar, if I may ask? It could give us a clue where to look." The way the ship seemed to have reacted to Mishel's words was strange, but the echani ultimately chalked it up to coincidence.


Mishel Kryze

Mishel shrugged nonchalantly, "not a clue on what I'm looking for, but it is a pleasure to meet you both." She smirked and walked toward Jamie Pyne and tilted her head, "you look familiar..." She took a step back and had her ah-ha moment, "oh, right, Queen of Naboo - at least until recently. Well, I'll consider it an honor to work with you, your majesty." The woman spun on her heels and held her hands out over the bridge and let the Force flow through her as she focused on what exactly the Force was pulling her toward.
She walked carefully forward, cautious of the star destroyer's condition as it groaned once more. "When I said it felt familiar, I mean to say it felt like I've worked with it before, somehow." The aura around Mishel glowed once more, a vibrant white as she seemed pull at the various objects that could be overturned. "Nylea, have you worked with the Order of the Sacred Lotus?" The name felt like one Mishel should have recognized. Then as another object was overturned, the sound of metal against metal could be heard.
"There, something's sliding that way - it..." Her voice trailed off as she carefully set things down, "there, it's a lightsaber."

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