Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Young Force Sensitive - Dark Beginnings


Well-Known Member
I am looking for a Dark Side user. Not particular about what faction, but I'm doing something new here. Typically the Sith I've seen write malicious characters, bent on hellfire and destruction only, just for the sake of chaos. I would like to stray away from that cliche line of thinking. Ultimately my end goal is to create a Dark Side force user, who stays true more to the Sith Code, not as a "Rulebook" but as a philosophy, a deep understanding of what the Force is, and how it works. I am starting this character as a child, to do the most amount of development I can.

Currently he is crash landed on Ziost, his parents and the rest of the shuttle dead, himself miraculously nearly untouched. His arrival there has stirred something lurking deep beneath the icy surface of Ziost, a darkness once thought mostly dormant. It is this that I plan on using to taint him towards the dark side, though I would like to have a tangible guide, such as a Sith Master to teach him before he goes on his way. I am planning on using this thread (Listed below) as a dev thread for an ancient Sith script located in a secreted cavern chamber once used as a ritual chamber by a Sith by the name of Hosh’pek Valari (NPC historical character).

TLDR version, I would like someone who is willing to "Teach" me the ways of the force as Edric is but a child, much like a Jedi Youngling. His life has already been a hard one, made harder by the violent loss of his parents and everything he's known. If you'd like to thread/help me out with development of this character, feel free to shoot me a PM or leave a message here.

See a sample of my current writing here, where Edric is first introduced on the surface of Ziost:


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