Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Young And Old, Strong Yet Bold (DragonsFlame/Dista)

A room had been set aside for a set of lessons between Jedi Master and Council Member Carn Dista, and Jedi Master, and also a Council Member, Joshua DragonsFlame. The session had been arranged for Dista to teach DragonsFlame a few things, after a conversation quite some time ago led to Dista offering to teach a thing or two. Of course, quite some time had passed since the arrangement, warfare and business had kept the lesson from happening until now.

Josh had arrived early, and he was sitting cross legged in the middle of the room, meditating, relaxing himself, immersing himself in the Force. It was here that he waited for Master Dista. Josh knew of two things that would be covered in the lesson, which were Force Light and Force Repulse. Force Stasis had also been brought up, but they never really finalized if that would be happening or not.

Regardless, he relaxed, waiting for Dista....

@[member="Carn Dista"]

Carn Dista

Carn had arrived at the appointed time - he tended to be good at that, for the most part. Upon entry, he inclined his head towards his fellow councillor. This had not been the first time he had been requested to teach his peers, and perhaps it wouldn't be the last. He could have spent s great deal of time musing on the subject, but instead merely took a seat opposite @[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"], and waited for him to come round from his meditation.
He opened his eyes, and the first thing he did was realize that Carn reminded him of a Hobbit. Moving on, he sat up straight and gave a respectful nod to Carn.

"Master Dista" he greeted politely. "I just came early to do a bit of meditation before the lesson" he explained. "I'm ready when you are" he said calmly. His focus shifted entirely to the experienced Jedi Master. He didn't know Carn very well, never really got much of a chance to talk to Dista aside from council meetings and that one conversation that spawned this lesson. Perhaps today would change that. But for now... He was curious as to what Carn had planned for the lesson.

@[member="Carn Dista"]

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