Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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You'll Need A Doctor

[member="Irajah Ven"]

He noted the wording she used, smiling slightly.

Vrak had already suspected that was the case of course. Irajah was, supposedly, brilliant. She herself had called this work childs-play, so why was it taking her so long? The Pureblood wasn't fool enough to take her at her words, especially after all he had done to her. "Doctor."

The Pureblood began, stepping forward.

The Blonde woman almost immediately backed up, hitting the chair that Irajah had left behind her. There was a slight clatter a the chair went back against the table behind the blonde woman, some of the test tubes knocking together with a clink of glass.

"You need not worry yourself." The Pureblood reached up and patted Irajah's cheek. "Show me progress, and she will not be harmed."

It was that simple.
She steeled herself for a strike that never came. The barest flinch when his hand made contact with her face, just a swift closing of her eyes. She gritted her teeth, momentarily considering biting his hand. But the sound of the panicked breathing behind her tamped that urge down. Barely. She closed her hands into fists at her sides, angry and helpless.

"We'll get to work immediately," she said through clenched teeth, staring unwaveringly into his eyes.

She didn't think she had ever hated anyone the way she hated [member="Vrak Nashar"] in this moment.
[member="Irajah Ven"]

"See?" Vrak asked her with a smile. "Cooperating isn't too difficult."

He patted her on the cheek once more.

Everyone could be properly motivated once you found out what made them tick. With Irajah it was her self sacrificial nature, that need to protect others. It was more obvious than she likely would have thought, though her nature as a doctor was really the biggest clue. One simply didn't take up the medical profession if they didn't care.

"I'll check in soon." He said in that same melodious tune, letting his hand slip from her face as he turned.

There were other matters to attend to.
It took considerable self control to not visibly snarl at him. At his touch, at his condescension. But she managed to keep her silence until the door closed behind him before starting to mutter.

"Karking red bastard. What right does he think he has? Fething bantha-humping-mynock....."

She turned around then. Apparently a little too quickly, because the blonde flinched again. It was hard to remain angry with that reaction staring her down.

"Hey, it's okay. I'm not going to hurt you," she said gently. "My name's Irajah. What's yours?"


Despite the threat hanging over both of them, the pain of the sheer solitude eased a little bit, for Irajah at least. She and Arith worked well together, though Raj suspected that Arith would work well with just about anyone. The smaller woman (and wasn't that strange enough) was quiet, nervous, almost painfully jumpy- but sweet.

If Irajah could get her out of here too, well, she'd decided that she would by the end of that first day.

Work picked up- it couldn't help to. Though Arith was less help than [member="Vrak Nashar"] might have implied when he'd mentioned her schooling, it was a simple enough matter to start building a virtual form of the virus. After all, it already existed in her head.

And from the very ground up, she crafted in, amino acid by amino acid, base pair by base pair, just how the entire thing would blow up in his face. She knew that it couldn't be obvious, couldn't even be *evident*. Fortunately, Red wasn't a virologist.....

"Why are you smiling? What's funny?"

Raj chuckled, glancing over at Arith with a twinkle in her eye.

"Oh. Just. Covering all of the bases."
[member="Irajah Ven"]

Time passed, and eventually Vrak returned once more. Progress was what he had expected, and as he came down the steps once more it was clear that he would be in no mood for any tricks that the doctor might have waiting for him. Rage seemed to seep from him, his back stiffened, his gaze far more cruel than it had ever been before.

He had received word from Athiss, his homeworld. It seemed that his rival had seized power of most of his holdings, with Irid only having held on to his own estate, and only that because of it's fortress like walls. It seemed that Siedra was keen on erasing all memory of him from Athiss because he could ever effect a return. Hatred burned in him for that woman, an emotion that he could not express or control in the slightest. He stalked down the steps.

"Doctor." He greeted the woman. "Arith."

The girl seemed to shrink away from him. "I hope you've prepared accordingly."

He was more than willing to kill.

There was no longer time for silly games, there was no longer time to waste. Vrak needed this virus to work, and he needed it sooner rather than later.
It was impossible to not feel the danger in his mood. Irajah swallowed, glancing at Arith out of the corner of her eye. She offered a small nod of encouragement to the other woman as she keyed up the simulation of the virus.

The hologram projected in the air, hovering over one of the tables.


"By necessity, it must be a retro-virus," she hopped down off of her stool, trying to casually keep herself between [member="Vrak Nashar"] and Arith as she spoke. "If you are starting with existing subjects, which is the only way to do this with any sort of speed. This particular strain will only work on mammals of the lower orders, I must stress that, though it can be adapted to other families of creatures." Her tone was clipped and precise.

"It forces a change at the genetic level, unzipping and altering the recombinant DNA."

She continued to talk, pointing out technical details. Though the virus was, at this point, still technically imaginary, it was the first true step necessary in the process. Of course, the intrinsic flaw in the virus wouldn't be immediately apparent, unless he could read DNA like someone else could read a book.
[member="Irajah Ven"]

He couldn't, though he had other means. "Manufacture a sample."

Vrak commanded.

"I would have it tested." 'Mammals of the lowest order', he wondered if that included humans. Such a thing wouldn't be helpful to him, not on Athiss, but the thought amused him enough to draw a small smile even through his rage. "I will provide a subject."

His eyes slowly drew towards Arith, though he said nothing.

"This virus must eventually be effective on all orders of species." He told her quite simply. Vrak needed control, and that was what this Virus was supposed to do in the end. Twist and bend, break, and bring him control.
Irajah blinked in surprise, actually taken aback at how deeply ignorant his desire was.

"That's..... not really feasible," she blurted out. "There are simply biological limits that need to be taken into account. The fact that most mammals can potentially be affected is.... already incredibly adaptable for a virus! But to have it jump between orders? Please understand there are simply limits- it can be altered, but-"

[member="Vrak Nashar"]
[member="Irajah Ven"]

His fingers wrapped around her throat.

This time he didn't bother with the force, he didn't bother with the collar, he wanted to be more personal. His hand landed just above the metallic collar on her throat, constricting, growing tight the moment he had a firm grip upon her. Arith let out a mousy scream, jumping back slightly and knocking over a vial of some liquid. It went clattering to the ground and shattered, spilling all over the floor.

Vrak paid her no mind.

"Do not think me a fool, Doctor." His voice was a cold rasp. "There are a dozen toxins that do what I ask."

Not exactly the same mind you, but close enough. "The Blue Shadow Virus, the Vongspawn Virus, a dozen others."

His fingers tightened, stopping all air to her lungs.

"I do not care how you achieve it, but it will be achieved." He glanced towards the cowering woman, his eyes settling on her.
If she could explain, finish telling him the limits, maybe he-

No. [member="Vrak Nashar"] wouldn't understand. Or more accurately... he didn't care.

Her hands scrabbled at his wrist, her face stark, eyes wide. She gasped, fruitlessly, black eating at the edges of her vision.

She couldn't speak, couldn't cry out no when his eyes moved to Arith. Her hands curled into fists, banging hard against his forearm. The amount of force there was laughable- but it was the first time she'd struck back at him. Anything, anything to get his attention off of the other woman....
[member="Irajah Ven"]

His arm twitched, his fingers tightened around her throat. Vrak didn't care for these setbacks, he didn't care for her excuses. His gazed shot back towards the Doctor, his lips thinning. Anger pulled through him as this...thing, this human dared to touch him. A scowl pulled across his lips, and then he jerked his hand to the side.

Vrak released her, sending her tumbling towards the metal desk beside them.

She wouldn't break her neck, probably, but probably hit her head against the metal hard enough to knock her unconscious.

He no longer cared for her well being, no longer cared to keep her intact. She was here to do a job, a job that she was apparently either incapable or unwilling to do. So she would either have to complete the virus to the best of her ability, or sacrifice the life her assistant as well as herself.

It was that simple.
Irajah slammed into the table, her back and head impacting with a sickening thud. She crumpled to the floor, dazed, barely conscious. She fought back against the pain and nausea, too dizzy for a moment to even attempt to move, let alone stand up.

Her vision swam as she slowly looked up. Behind the pain, those hazel eyes held a promise. She wouldn't simply see his desires come to nothing-

She'd see them undone.

"I can do it," she rasped. "It's possible."

She struggled to her knees. There was no lie there. She was certain she could do what he wanted.

"But there's one thing I need."

She didn't look at Arith. Right now, she needed his attention on her. She wasn't expendable to the same extent. If he vented his anger on her- Raj would survive.

"I need you to eat hemp and chit rope."

[member="Vrak Nashar"]
[member="Irajah Ven"]

For the first time since they'd met, Vrak didn't hide the anger that had balled within his chest.

His lips thinned, his eyes filled with pure rage, and then he broke out into a snarl. The collar was forgotten, the simple means of punishing her was completely left behind and traded in favor of something far more grand, and perhaps familiar. Power surged through him, the force reaching out and curving through his body in an instant. The Darkside surrounded him in a raging torrent of power, and then seconds later he unleashed that power upon Irajah.

Fingertips extended, and bright blueish purple sparks flew from them.

Sith Lightning coursed through the room, striking Irajah and erupting from her body with a smokey wisp of power. The lightning sparked and bounded across the room even as it struck her, bounding towards the metal table, the floor, and some of the beakers arrayed around them.

The assault didn't let up.

Even as some of the lightning burned back to him, his fingertips singing, Vrak didn't allow it to cease. He poured power into it, enough to easily kill a small child, but just barely lacking the strength to sent Irajah into a permanent oblivion.
Irajah's triumph of keeping his attention was very short lived.

Her entire existence seemed to erupt into white hot agony. Nothing she had ever experienced could prepare her for this. It made the ministration of the shock collar seem like an itching annoyance in comparison. She couldn't scream, couldn't even signal to her throat to make a sound. Every synapse in her body fired randomly, over and over, as his lightening ripped through her.

[member="Vrak Nashar"]
[member="Irajah Ven"]

His fingers withdrew into themselves.

Smoke rose from his hands, his eyes scrutinizing the whimpering woman upon the floor.

"Do you still not understand? Vrak asked as he leaned down towards her. "Do you still think that you have some sort of power here?"

He leaned over the woman. "Everything you do has consequences."

Slowly he raised himself up, his gaze turning towards the blonde woman. Arith whimpered, stepping back, but it was already too late. Vrak drew his lightsaber, the blade igniting with a loud snap-hiss. Irajah would notice a leg stepping over her, and then seconds later hear a blood curdling scream instantly silenced.

She couldn't make the sound, a small croak coming out instead. She tried to pull her hands and knees beneath her, but her body wouldn't respond, the shivering through every muscle stronger than any desire she could muster. She laid there, helpless, wordless, as the scream tore though her even more deeply than his lightening had.

Irajah shuddered, closing her eyes.

My fault.


It was not possible to treat the electrical burns on her back alone, but she had done the best she could. She winced every time she moved, but didn't make a sound as she hunched over the table.

For the next two days, there was not a single word uttered by the Doctor, except those which answered [member="Vrak Nashar"] 's questions about her progress. And even those were quiet, subdued, no trace of the spirit she had shown before. It would appear that she had finally been broken to his purpose.

In a way, she had.

However, she still had a promise to keep. One that had only been strengthened in her.

She wouldn't deny him what he wanted. She didn't intend to die here. But she would give him everything he desired....

And take it away again.

The virus would work as intended. At first. It would do everything he required. But those weren't the only changes on a body it would make. By blocking oxygen receptors, forcing the cells into anaerobic respiration they would create lactic acid. Normally present in a living body, it wouldn't be immediately obvious. Lactic acidosis was normally a harmful by product of over exertion, resolving simply on it's own. But as more of the host cells were affected by the virus, the levels would rise beyond a point where the natural metabolism could break it down fast enough. In large enough quantities, it was deadly. His creations would weaken, shivering, and eventually dying. She suspected it would take a week, perhaps two, for the organisms to succumb. Enough time for her to be long gone.

Assuming he kept his word.


She didn't look up at the sound of the door. Irajah sat on the edge of the bed, carefully replacing the dressing on one of her burns.

"It's done," she said quietly.
[member="Irajah Ven"]

"Good." He said quietly, his eyes wandering over the laboratory. His gaze lingered for a few moments on the spot where he had killed young Arith just days prior.

Her murder had been a regrettable act, but necessary. Vrak of course cared nothing about the morality of it, she had been nothing to him, but she would have been useful in her own way. Doctors, skilled ones anyway, were difficult enough to come by, and although he had promised Irajah freedom he had granted Arith no such favor. It was a shame really, she would have been useful. A shrug rolled over his shoulders, gaze slowly returning to Irajah.

The woman was dejected, perhaps broken.

Vrak knew very well why, and it pleased him greatly. She had been more than a little bit annoying, and now that she seemed to have lost her spirit to fight he found her much more...tolerable. If only all humans would adopt the same attitude, things would be much simpler. "It will have to be tested."

He was no fool.

"If it works as you claim." He eyed the vial which he assumed held a sample of the Virus. "I will release you."

That would likely have consequences in it of itself, her 'friends' would come looking, but Vrak wasn't concerned with them. It would take anyone months to find him, years to find Athiss or any of his other homes. By the time they confronted him he would be finished with what needed to be done.

He glanced towards her. "I will have a test subject brought."
Her eyes stayed on the work she was doing. Remove a bandage. Clean the area. Reach for a new covering on the bed beside her. She didn't look up at him as he spoke, but neither did she cringe. Her movements were calm, conservative.

She knew it would work.

"Of course," she murmured.

Irajah still had not once called him Master or Lord. But for the last two days, at least she'd ceased calling him Red. Out loud anyway.

Six days. She had created his virus in six days, when she had first said months. Could she had continued to drag it out? Of course. But now, she didn't care if someone found her here. She didn't need someone else to save her- either he would keep his end of the bargain or he wouldn't, it was that simple. She didn't need someone else to bring vengeance for his actions.

She had her own.

She didn't smile, just kept up her actions, slow and deliberate, never looking at him.

Irajah didn't need to see it happen. Knowing that it would was enough.

[member="Vrak Nashar"]
[member="Irajah Ven"]

Vrak observed her for a moment more. "Good."

He pressed a small key upon his belt, his voice ringing out a moment later as someone up above was told to bring in a test subject. Ten minutes passed before the door at the top of the stairs hissed with air, unsealing once more. Loud steps could be heard echoing, and eventually Irajah would see one of the crimson hulks that had attacked the camp. The Massassi came to a stop just a few feet in front of her, his head missing the ceiling by the barest margin.

"You will administer the virus to him." Vrak told her simply.

The changes would be swift, at least if what she had said was true.

There was no telling quite yet what it would do, but if everything went as he needed then the Massassi would be changed. His body, his mental state, everything about him would become twisted as though by Sith Alchemy. That would allow Vrak to use Battle Coordination to more easily seize his mind, giving him control. That was the purpose of all of this of course, control.

He would use the virus to seize Siedra's armies, retake what was his.
Finishing the last bandage, she carefully closed the first aid kit before standing up. Hazel eyes glanced at him for a moment while his attention was elsewhere, and then focused on the table and her tools.

Already prepared, a new syringe waited for her. As she set it up, she spoke, likely more words in a string than she had in the last two days.

"It can be injected or ingested. By injecting it, however, it will move through their systems much more quickly and efficiently. Feeding it to them is easy, but I estimate it will take over 12 hours to see the full results."

Flicking the syringe, she turned toward [member="Vrak Nashar"] and his.... pet.

Now there was a small flash of hesitation as she eyed the Massassi.

"I assume it won't bite my face off if I get within chewing distance?"

​It was the first hint of Irajah to come out since Arith's death.

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