Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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You'll Float Too...


Well-Known Member
I watched the preview about a dozen times, plus several variants including a comparison, break downs etc.

I have read the book at least a half dozen times, my own father says he is sure its than a dozen.
Ehhhh. Feel free to rag on me, but...I have my doubts. I remember reading the book and interpreting Pennywise as a Bozo the clown type character in that form. Like, yeah, maybe a tad freaky looking, but nonetheless at least inviting to children. This reads too old porcelain doll, which makes the creepy factor far too apparent. It lacks subtlety. And Bill looks far too young. Part of the fear the novel presented was that Pennywise was also appearing as an adult human, which made him a slight inversion of the comfortable adult authority figures like parents.

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