Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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You will Throw Me in the Water

Within the dark reaches of space sits a creature that has evolved telepathy of such an extreme that it could seek out actively through the force students that needed his teaching. One such student was found in exile while searching through the galaxy. The beast sat in it's hull, it's surroundings coated with calcified appendages expended to keep it's prey at bay. Clicking in distress it cooed as it sent out it's plea for attention, for expansion.

Rattling in the mind from no distinctive direction or force Hastur-Yig began speaking, changing from an alien clicking and coo before translating to English. The words reverberated in the man's head saying,

"Veiere Arenais, scholar of the force and seeker of knowledge. You're hermitage will not yet conclude. If you wish to understand the force as a true master confirm my locale. Do not utter where you are leave. You're enrollment will be flesh of a living."

Then with a chill of the spine a clairvoyant path illuminated in his mind. While Veiere would not be able to see it or touch it physically it would be as if he was remembering it. Despite it's location in deep space and relatively isolated it was as fond as the exterior of his lightsaber.

[member="Veiere Arenais"]

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