Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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You need people of intelligence for this mission... quest

It was a world he had never seen before, and with some small part of his mind, he knew that this was not seeing it either. It was a vision, a dream, and a summons, all sent to him through the Force. For it was a world of Light beset by great darkness. A shadow hung about the world and crept slowly across its surface as an eclipse might.

And in the wake of the shadow came death. A horrific, vile, slow, wasting death. No deaths could be worse than the loss of hope.

But a face appeared to him, a woman’s, old, wizened, and kindly, with silver eyes that shone with the gentle radiance of the Force. And yet, shadows lurked within her eyes as well. Her end drew bear and Tiland sensed, with no doubt, that were she to fall, so would the world.

He sat upright with a start. The garden in the Deneba enclave was quiet during the barely morning hours. Humming softly to himself, he prepared a cup of tea and watched as the steam curled through the chill air. Soon it was ready and he drank, sinking into the depths of its warmth.

The images of the dream replayed over and over in his mind and he felt the threads of the ever-living Force tug him, summoning him, but perhaps not just him. They were in dire aid and they called for help. The Force echoed with the silent pleas as they raced from star to star, touching those sensitive to its song.

No, he needed to wake the others. He sent messages through the Force to those he knew. [member="Veiere Arenais"] and [member="Romi Jade"] especially.

A vision, the message said, of a call for aid through the Force, and it felt as if some doom hung over them, urging them onwards.
This place was far too quiet for his liking.

The temple was a kindly place; a place one could let their guard down and enjoy the warmth the force provided. Parts of it were cordoned off for the iron will required of a Jedi Knight in combat training, but the majority of the grounds were quiet. There was little sound save for the small gusts of wind that moved the leaves of the garden. Even the realm of the ethereal was quiet. The force spoke little, and what small bits of interest it did express were minuscule.

This was a place of peace, one far different from the parade grounds and star destroyers he was accustomed to.

Is this what being a Jedi is about? Silence?

Part of him enjoyed it. The other part cried out against the monotony. Something else entirely screamed louder than both the voices, and tore him from the realm of the physical all together. It was a akin to a tsunami within the realm of the ethereal - the patterns that the energies formed grew malformed and misshapen. Words began to form in language that Cedric could not begin to comprehend.

And then it was done, and the silence returned.

Eyes the bearing the shade of a glacier peered out into the din of the early morning hours. They centered on the only other being nearby.

"Did you feel that?" He asked, his voice sounding far more tense than he had expected. "That tremor?"

[member="Tiland Kortun"]
[member="Cedric Grayson"]

Tiland shook his head to clear out the echoes that still rippled through the Force. The quiet had been broken by that chaos and he wrapped his threadbare robes closer around his body. He looked over to the man nearby.

"Yes," his voice trailed off slowly, "I do not think that I could have not heard such a thing." He frowned. "Rarely has such a message been so clear." His staff tapped against the ground as he began to pace.

"Were you able to recognize the planet? It was not one that I had seen before."

The old man stroked on his beard, brow furrowed in concentration, and continued to pace, only pausing briefly to inspect some of the plants around them. Had they been impacted by the Force? Not as far as he could tell, which implied some sort of limited ripple in the Force.

"I believe we must gather all that we can of the Order to respond to this."
ʜᴄ sᴠɴᴛ ᴅʀᴀᴄᴏɴᴇs
Kal disliked sleeping, to be frank. What he liked was to while away all the hours of the night, as best he could, pouring over this text or that, running through exercises or studying or even scrolling through the HoloNet, reading every bit of news he could - local turmoil, Galactic turmoil - everything was in turmoil, yet he had to remain calm. So, if he could not see harmony in the stars abroad, he could control his own life. If he could not meet with order without, order within. Regiment - discipline - schedule. And, above all, meditate - let go of the things that separated him the Force, feel his heartbeat, and breathe.

But no - he disliked sleep - so he would simply pass through a Jedi trance and let his body replenish itself thus. Efficiency would be the watchword. There was no need to lapse, he had to keep vigilant.

If only, of course, it were that simple. Tonight, of all nights, why tonight, why any night - unconsciousness snuck up on him. No warning - no, he simply felt the fuzz of static at the edges of his thoughts, and the relaxation of his body, and then it was as though he was falling away...

When he awoke, it was sweating, antsy, twitching. He felt a current of danger through the unity of the Force, like he was near an exposed wire, his skin prickling with the static of it, and the face of a woman, lined with age and touched by wisdom - and a world on the precipice of destruction. And underscoring that, a call to aid. He could not recognize the planet, but at the very least he could answer the call and see where it lead.

If I ignore this, he thought bitterly, it falls on my conscience. A Jedi must act.

When Kal found his way, after a few minutes' processing, contemplating, and gathering his equipment, he entered the garden stepping lightly. There was a knot of tension in him, he took a silent moment to let the plants and the rustling of wind and water untie it before he made himself known. He stepped forwards, offering a polite bow.

"Kal," he said, motioning to himself. All the introduction he needed. "There was a dream, like a vision... it brought me here."

| [member="Tiland Kortun"] | [member="Cedric Grayson"] |
[member="Kal Dejara"]

Tiland looked over as the newcomer joined them. Kal. Tiland had never met him before. He gave a slight nod to return the greeting. Clutching his staff, he nodded towards Cedric.

"Indeed! We have had it as well." His gaze scoured the rest of the buildings. "Have we any sense of how many others have received this vision?" He paced around the garden and let the motion settle around him to lead him to peace. They needed a ship. Supplies. Someone who could astrogate with the Force. Arrangements needed to be made.

"We shall prepare a ship," Tiland added after a moment, "And prepare supplies for a lengthy expedition." He wasn't sure how long, but it never hurt to be prepared. Perhaps there were others there who would need supplies and this way they would be able to share.


Life is a queen, if not it would be to easy
Tin'tinag rolled out of bed and onto the fall, all groggy and sheepish, woken up by the constant noise from outside, people chatting away, some even shouting, 'Who the fuck is up at this late of an hour, some of us need sleep'. The temple was so usually quite, peaceful, you could pretty much sleep anywhere at get a good nights rest, so why on earth, after her last.... 'supply' run, that lasted over several hours, did some Jedi suddenly start to run around the temple yelling and talking.

Finally standing up the Ryltohain local stumbled her way though the temple hall, in the direction of voices, all of seemly old men, with the exception of one, who where they individual, she didn't know, to be honest she hardly knew any of the people at the Jedi temple, preferring to on assignments as much as possible, mainly undercover jobs with the criminal underworld. To top things off she kept having this stupid dream, it gave her shivers, but it was just a dream nothing more... right?

Regardless she had slowly made it into the garden, spying three other Jedi, two older men, one looking like the stereotypical Jedi, the younger one was.... smug looking, maybe not deliberately, but had this, I'm better then you feel about him. "Hey!, what are you guys talking about this late at night? Or what ever time it is, I'm trying to sleep".

[member="Tiland Kortun"] l [member="Kal Dejara"] l [member="Cedric Grayson"]
"I don't recognize the world, but I feel like I would on a map." Cedric mused as he ran through the vision in his head for the third time. It made little sense now, though at the time it had felt as if he was being delivered the most divine of revelations. His attentions shifted to the two that joined them. They both had the look of students, or young knights at the very least. Cedric offered them a smile that bore some measure of warmth, though it was strained. He couldn't bring himself to relax given the circumstances.

"Something is wrong. We received a vision of...well, I don't know what," the youth lifted his shoulders in a slight shrug. "It's odd that I saw anything. I'm no seer - that was my aunt's talent. What do you think it was?" Before he could speak any further, Master Kortun was already planning an expedition. Cedric thought to contact the Chimaera for a moment, then thought better of it. There was no reason to waste resources if this all turned out to be a small venture.

"We can take one of the enclave's shuttles, but," he frowned, "Should we leave so soon?"

[member="Tiland Kortun"], [member="Tin'tinag"], [member="Kal Dejara"]
[member="Cedric Grayson"] [member="Tin'tinag"] @Kal Dejara

"That is good," Tiland responded, mind distant, still trying to reconnect with the dream that had brought them all together. He raised an eyebrow as one of the padawans appeared, complaining about them being up late. He raised an eyebrow.

"We have had a vision of a world in distress." His voice rang gently through the garden. "It was a plea for help." He contemplated for several moments, pondering Cedric's last question. "A shuttle would be good. Do you have something else in mind for when to depart?"

He ran his fingers along the staff, trying to reach out farther to see what might have happened. "I sensed great urgency in the plea."


Life is a queen, if not it would be to easy
Tin offered [member="Cedric Grayson"] a groggy smile, a bit curios about the mans world on a map, had they seen something more detailed then herself in their dreams? Was it possible things where more serious then originally thought, though she had yet to experience any proper visions as of yet, was being around more force users the cause of it, she had still yet to know more about the force and the way it worked.

As the two discussed what they say Tin could only shrug, she had little knowledge about force visions, more suited to undercover and spy mission for the order instead of delving into the philosophical meaning of the force. "Eh, I don't really know, but if you guys have seen e world in trouble or something, then their must be some problem, if such should we not investigate in some way, though why an enclave shuttle, don't you guys have personal ships or something"?

What ever their mode of transport she had a feeling they would need to leave as soon as possible, if such visions where true, they could not afford to just laze around waiting to make up their mind.

[member="Tiland Kortun"] l [member="Cedric Grayson"] l [member="Kal Dejara"]

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