Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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You can't escape your destiny.


Perfection in human form.
Quiet Echoes, whispers, voices crawled up to Vahn as he lay asleep. Until he pounced out of his sleep, equipped his armor back on and left the room. He couldn't speak to the Mandalorians he had nearly killed at the party. They all would not take him seriously, after he nearly killed [member="James Justice"] 's Daughters.

He looked outside into the Dark Night sky on Mandalore.

An unknown person had broken into the rented room in the sleazy rented place he slept in. The Bounty Hunter ran after the figure, before catching him, and slitting his throat quietly while dragging his body into a nearby alleyway.

The visions had escalated to becoming worse. Fett was on his knees, clutching his forehead in pain.

The visions were strange. They were of the Bounty Hunter killing other Mando'ade, things he would never do. He was doing this for the Republic, betraying his former comrades in cold blood.

There was an even bigger dilemma now anyway. He could not get rid of the visions, he was in plain view of anybody who could walk past and the pain was too unbearable to just shrug it off.

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