Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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You call that a Sith? (TSA raid of Dominion Vjun)

The feelings of loss and pain drifting off of Jairdain as she stood before the illusions of her parents were delicious to Lykos for they were signs of her barriers beginning to crumble beneath the slowing whispers and murmurs of her false parents and, more than that alone, those feelings drew the Dark to them, brought its insidious tendrils froth from the depths of the Force. And so, from those tendrils, Lykos fed off of Jairdain's sorrow, feeling its despair reinvigorate and reempower his focus and will. He chuckled within his mind, leading to a rush of sand as a dune in the distance shook and collapsed, as he watched her hand still in midair as she reached out towards the bodies that had now begun to stain the sand beneath them with crimson, before it was snatched back as if burnt. How that must pull at her, to see her parents, to actually see them, only to watch them die and know that she could not comfort them in their final moments for they were not real.

The desert beneath her feet, the abnormal rivers of ice, the air that she was 'breathing', the sand that whipped and slashed at her face, the uncaring and partially hidden sky that stared down impassively from above and the sun that sought to burn and scorch all beneath its heat. All of the surrounding area of Lykos and Lykos was it and, as such, as Jairdain attempted to rally herself, her avatar standing tall and reaching out to something, whatever she sought being occluded from his senses, Lykos senses keenly the crack, the tear, that formed within her psyche as the illusion of her parents did its work and, so, he acted.

As Jairdain sought the assistance of whatever it was she thought she could call upon, the desert beneath her would up-heave itself, impossible amounts of sand being pulled up into the air and making the sandstorm that whipped around her less of a storm and more of rotating, grinding walls of sand. Beneath the emptiness that would no be beneath her feet, beasts of ice and cold water prowled and flowed over a solid bedrock of red stone, crimson eyes rotated upwards to stare at her as whispers of terror seeped from their gaping maws as many began to reach out towards her with their teeth, their forms growing with every strike in a way that was purely impossible before shrinking back down in preparation for the next attack. The heat of the sun turned into fire itself, a mirror to the frozen fury and terror beneath Jairdain, as it loomed above her in a rolling inferno of anger. No Light existed here, within Lykos' domain, the outer-reaches of his soul, only Dark and that Dark found her weakness and struck.

All at once, every force surrounding her was brought to bear as it struck at her and while the grinding walls of sand, frozen ice and roaring flame was spread out around her, when it struck, it seemed as if it struck as a spear and every speck of Dark was rushing along that connection. She would feel Lykos' mind press against her own, a hissing chuckle once more sounding out, as his domain turned against the Jedi, seeping into the wound in her psyche and seeking to reach further, to pry apart her defenses and consume her mind. And, Lykos swore, she would be consumed under the unrelenting assault.

The night air was abuzz with the sound of sabre clashing with sabres, thin curses and insults thrown between one another as Sith fought Jedi, Sith fought Sith, strong fought weak. And Bjorn stood amidst the chaos, sabre drawn and ready as he did battle with more of the Dominion's fodder. His original target, the boy, appeared to have been claimed by his fellow acolyte, [member="Orion Darkstar"], who was merciless with his attacks, and yet so fluid and cautious.

Bjorn instead decided to lend himself to his master, [member="Krest"], who appeared to be handling two Jedi with relative ease. Bjorn bounded towards the battle, sabre ready to strike up at his new targets. Puddles almost froze at his touch, his icy, stern features casting a glance at the two Jedi as they attempted to do battle with the Sith Lord. Bjorn focused his power toward the red-skinned one, his colour almost that of Krest. With the force as his guide, he would unleash a burst of strength and barrel forward toward the Jedi, splitting the cool, night air upward with his weapon as he attempted to strike his new combatant, aiming for an opening. Bjorn had been trained relentlessly by his Zabrakian Master, practicing his strikes copious times, he would not give ground, he would be brutal, merciless. That was how battles were won, through strength and cunning.

| [member="Kaden"] | [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] |
A sharp pain lingered just above Drios' patella for a few moments as the two Sith's weapons matched which an unholy scream which echoed through the area they battled within. The two released the blade lock at the same time, and Drios swiped at Cairyn just moments too late, and the place where his blade should have met his throat was a mere gust of air. Already, he could feel a small amount of bruising and swelling on his thigh, for his size the boy could kick well.

Drios watched him with unblinking eyes as he flipped away. "Leaving so soon, frien-?" his sentence was severed short as Cairyn halted, and Drios' gaze slowly travelled to his left ankle, which appeared to bear much less weight than the other. The Epicanthix let out a light chuckle, spinning his vermilion blade idly in his hand as he approached the other, a wounded beast edging to an escape point. There would be no escape for him now.

"You think so?" replied Rapux, not halting his progress toward Cairyn. "I must say, I had hoped for a more powerful opponent. It seems the Dominion and your fraternising with the Jedi has left you weak, and cowardly."

[member="Cairyn Midore"]
There was a taunting smile on the Zabrak's lips as he turned his attention to [member="Kaden"] , wanting nothing more than to taunt the pureblood into attacking recklessly. Yet as he smiled, he felt a surge of energy. The Sith raised a brow as he turned to look at [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] , and once again the Force whispered it's warnings. Krest's eyes widened as he suddenly bent over backwards, the grip on the padawan fading entirely. There was a crack to be heard as the rock hit it's mark.

A low and almost feral growl escaped the elder's lips as he stood back up. His flesh hand was held by his face, it's fingers bent and clearly broken from where he blocked the stone. Pain and hate filled Krest's mind, some at his inability to react faster to the threat, the rest for the padawan who broke his hand. Xeraic was coming then, leaping through the air to strike.

Yet Yuroic wasn't alone. Krest could already feel [member="Vitha Sat-thuron"] circling above, her desire to kill him so clear. Perfect. Kaden kept back to give the large flying warrior room, which meant the Zabrak could focus on the two at hand. Originally he had his cane held in his left hand, but when the rock broke it the phrik rod fell to the ground, but he could still use it. With a swing of his right his blade would catch the training saber of his foe and his broken hand would go skyward.

The diving bird would find a large and sudden blast of the force coming to great her mercilessly. He wanted to focus on the man who broke his hand, and no one else.

The rock hit. It hit. That was something Yuroic was completely surprised by. However, it wasn't enough to stop him continuing his attacks. The Sith Lord was still good at blocking his attacks with one hand, he noticed his broken hand shoving the Force up into the air. Yuroic jumped backwards, spinning in the air. He looked over and saw that his friend was waiting for the opportunity to strike. The bird was swooping down to strike Krest as well. This seemed to be a unified attack on the Sith Lord but he could sense something. There was hatred for him. A deep-seated anger towards him and it came from the Sith Lord.

Annoy the very powerful and very deadly Sith Lord Yuroic... Oh yes that's a sound survival strategy. Yuroic shook his head as he looked over to Kaden. He wants me, mind covering my back? Think that acolyte has taken an interest in you! He nodded his head to the acolyte that was entering the battle.

Vitha! We need to work together, he's going to be too powerful for just one of us. Yuroic took a deep breath as he moved around, attempting to get a good striking angle on the Sith. His anger is directed at me! We need to use that!

Yuroic grabbed at the dirt and threw it at the Sith, hoping it would distract him as Vitha begun her attack. He held his blade firmly as he gazed at the battle. Waiting to what unfolded between Vitha and Krest.

[member="Kaden"] | [member="Vitha Sat-thuron"] | [member="Krest"] | [member="Bjorn Heartholm"]
Drios' chuckle had Cairyn momentarily freeze his retreat, like a deer realizing they're being watched. He continued, crouching low to the ground, ready to spring. This wasn't good. Not good at all. But he was having fun and that was all that mattered, right?

He nodded. "Uh-huh, in like a broody no one understands you kinda way." He said with a wide smile. He stood, giving an exaggerated bow similar to one of his performing days. Continuing his retreat as he talked, he switched from standing to balancing on his right hand, left still holding his lightsaber. "Yeah, sorry about that. Y'see maybe if you guys showed up at a better time, you know like not the middle of the night? Maybe then you would've seen some more fighting."

Switching back to his feet, he gave his weapon a little twirl, nearly dropping it as he did so. At mention of his apparent weakness, he perked up in annoyance. "But they're all just potential pawns, toys to be broken. What's the problem with keeping them around?" He asked, dropping the pretenses of fun. "I really don't see the problem here but if ya wanna fight so bad, I'll be happy to dissect you when I'm done." With that, he took to the air with a form similar to that of Ataru. His ankle still bothering him, he leaned heavily on his right, the strain of relying on one leg was starting to get to him.

[member="Drios Rapux"]​
Jairdain brought her emotions under control and placed them into her box, but it was too late. Lykos had already sensed them. He used them to bolster his own power more than that, they drew the darkness to her. Like metal to a magnet. She felt this happen and could do nothing to stop it.

The terrain around the Knight began seethe. The wind of his mind blowing her dark hair out behind her, bringing with it the sense of HIM. She was all too aware his vision had been his attack now and while wounded, she would fight on. Steeling herself, she reinforced her mental barriers and prepared for his incoming assault.

Instead of remembering her parents and people dying, she focused on the joys she had with them. The happiness and love from her past. Memories of birthdays, her return from school for holidays. She had no doubt in her strength to endure the barrage he was inflicting.

Her sphere did not falter or collapse, she took steps forward. Through the battering wind, over the frozen water and ice, bringing her closer to the sith she fought. The eyes he had granted her were closed, she could feel the beast around her as they gathered strength from her emotional slip earlier. Now though, they no longer had a source to feed on. The heat from his untouchable sun beat down on her as the frozen waters tried to suck her under.

She knew she could not use anything external to herself in his domain, but that did not leave her defenseless. Her serene violet eyes opened and for the first time, Jairdain drew out her green lightsaber. The symbol of hope, promise, light and the Jedi. The life she had devoted herself to, the calling she followed. The chaos around did not recede or go away, but it was unable to reach into her barrier of peace. This one light in the darkness of Lykos' soul gave Jairdain the ability to resist, withhold and prevent most of his attack.

While the desert around was in turmoil, within her small area of influence it was calm. When his attack came and Jairdain knew it was coming, it was mostly deflected. However a small portion breached her sphere. He used the path to her psyche of his previous wound to whittle his way in. His laugh trickled in through the hole his attack created and the sheer pressure his mind brought to hers almost made her fall to her knees.

Like claws, the sand and wind tore at her barrier, the beasts of the darkness she withheld and resisted. Some little of the sand creeping in through the puncture his spear had created. Her steps faltered only slightly, but she stood strong against him. The grit under her feet dug into her skin, bringing metaphysical blood to the surface. Another wound to her mind.

Defiantly and against all odds, she was not consumed by him. Both of them wounded by the other. Jairdain drew on the light she believed in and called on it again. To both resist and repel his invasion to her mind.

Following the Force as it guided her deeper into his mind, closer to his soul. She sought the entity within him. The one he tried to keep hidden from her. He failed. Though this was only the beginning of his defenses, she had the will, courage and strength to carry her on. In the middle of his desert, Jairdain felt his nexus and it was there she went.

Weakened by his relentless assault, she reached her goal. Once there, she would attempt to meet his eyes with the ones he had granted her. Her willpower, dominance and defiance would be seen clearly through the barrier she held him off with.


Deep inside, too deep for him to feel, Jairdain knew he would defeat her. Unless whoever had that hand on her back did something, she was almost at the limit of her strength. She did not know how much more she could hold Lykos off and other than her own will to keep herself sane, she could not attack him. He would not give her time to recover, this she knew, she just pray to her gods this mysterious supporter or them to grant her the ability to resist and attack back. For she was about to fail.

[member="Soeht"] [member="Darth Lykos"]
Current Foe: [member="Adron Malvern"]
The lightsaber made contact. A moment sooner and Orion would have claimed another life. The fluid motion from the boy was unmatched, when it came to speed. Even speed alone couldn't prevent the strong attack from breaking through such a useless defense. Orion admired the boy's attempt, the mere fact he reached the saber at all was impressive. It was a shame that he would have to kill the boy, after displaying such intricate and well timed reactions with a saber. The foe was clearly well versed in saber combat, but as the white saber gave way, Orion smiled.
The young Dominion Sith fell, the saber that once protected him dropping to the ground mere inches from his reach. Orion's mind snapped into overdrive, the possible outcomes running through his mind, before he decided on the newest route given to him. His saber stretched backwards as his left arm extended outward. His body narrowed to his foe. The saber hilt was his target as he pulled violently with the force to dismantle the boy. Orion felt the hilt shake as the force embraced his calling. The only thing that came next was a heavy kinetic wave of energy from below. As Orion pulled the false sith's hilt towards him, a massive pressure overcame him. The energy escaping his foe's hands slammed into him. Like a a last minute impulse he tighten the grip of his own saber.
As the boy's saber flew through the air, inches from Orion's lengthy fingers, he was lifted to the air. Flung backwards ferociously, his thumb released from the activation pad of his own saber as he glided through the night sky. His only focus was to keep his hand straightened. The hilt of his enemy continued to travel with him. Both soared through the air, thanks to the kinetic blast provided by the very person that wanted him dead. It was ironic, providing an enemy with opportunity from your own. Mid air, Orion strained to keep the challenger's saber hilt from falling dead to the ground.
Unaware of where he would land, Orion grinned. Whether the hilt would make it to his hand before he landed or not, the boy had no weapon.
So he is gifted in the force after all...impressive.
[member="Rainer Altman"] | [member="Drios Rapux"] | [member="Krest"] | [member="Bjorg The Traitor"] | [member="Satia the Cruel"] | [member="Darth Mara"] | [member='Bjorn Heartholm"] | [member="Cairyn Midore"] | [member="Rakkus"] | [member="Vengeance"] | [member="Judas Foster"] | [member="The Slave"] |
Knowing his life would be spared from death at that particular moment gave Adron a new wind, he watched as the Sith was forced back with the power from Adron's kinetic blast. Believing he had evened the playing field Adron was about to move to a knee when he saw something shiny, flying through the air towards his enemy. "No!" Outstretching his arms towards the Sith, Adron called on the Force to wrench his lightsaber hilt from his enemies telekinetic grip.

However, Adron's late reaction may have held the key to his own downfall. Where his enemy had a solidified grip on the weapon Adron had joined in very late. He watched as his lightsaber hung in the air, suspended from the force of both Adron and his opponents force grip tethered to the hilt of the blade. Only a few feet away from his enemy he knew if the Sith got a hold of his weapon he would lose and he would die. "You....won'" Adron muttered, sweat pouring from him as he struggled in the Force version of Tug Of War.

Already winded from the kinetic wave he used to off balance his enemy Adron was not sure he held the reserves to combat this opponent in the ways of the Force. As his lightsaber began to slowly float towards his opponent a sense of panic began to set in." Staring at the back of his hilt, Adron worried if he would survive this encounter.

[member="Orion Darkstar"]
Allies: Yuroic Xeraic, Kaden
Enemies: Krest
Objectives: Kill various non-allied Sith, support her fellow padawans
Equipment: Blue saberstaff, natural defenses

The force flowed around the Avogwi, she felt it's currents and rode the conflicting streams of light and dark side energy. She balanced precariously on the brink of both sides of the force subjected to the drawing allure of the raw power of the dark side and the much more focused, almost comforting peace of the light. Her instincts for killing quickly and effectively tugged at her strongly while the cool ambush predator part of her mind pushed her towards staying completely calm, observing every inch of her surroundings, while waiting for the perfect moment to begin a rapid sequence that would overwhelm most opponents.

All her thoughts were interrupted however with the sudden surge in power from below. She felt the Sith gathering the force and his raised hand unleash an extremely powerful push. Instinctively she acted much like she would when encountering a dangerously powerful updraft. Wings folding up even tighter then they had been previously the bare minimum poked out from her frame to allow for steering. Tail feathers flicked sideways rolling her body to the right while her right wing also extended out while turning up to create a wall. Wing catching the air and pulling her hard practically rolling her whole body on a point of an axis before rapidly folding it back up.

Body having essentially spun sideways she was practically out of control as she plummeted downwards. Tail moving to the left catching the air and arresting the worst of the spin that saved her hollow bones from being hit full force by the wave of dark side energy. It still affected her though and she was off balance with one half of her body now more sideways the it should be. Wing extending out in the opposite direction she changed her angle of attack so she was pointed straight down.

If she had more altitude she would have settled into a proper swoop and pulled out neatly into an attack on the Sith. She didn't have that option however , the ground was to close and she was going to hit it hard practically no matter what she did. Wings fully extending and feeling like they were going to be ripped off by the force of arresting her speed she powered them downwards. Large wingspan generated a massive wave of air down and out causing a gust of wind that billowed out at all in front of her including [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] and @Krest.

Crashing into the ground still holding her lightsaber in one foot her legs flex downwards. Muscles absorbing the impact as her legs bent and she leaned forwards trying to transfer the momentum into a situation where bones wouldn't be broken. Wings pushed the wind backwards over her tail and transferred the energy forwards. While now lacking in the speed or power of her attack she was at least in the air and rapidly approaching the mid point between the Jedi Sith and the Sith Lord.
Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. Focus. Don't loose sight of the objective. Control. The thoughts ran through Krest's mind as he righted himself, standing straight up once again. His hand was throbbing now, the red skin turned almost purple from bruising. Any attempt to flex the fingers was met with failure. Well, at least he was right handed. The hate [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] would feel in his direction would begin to fade, falling once again under the control of the Sith lord as he turned his head between Yuroic and [member="Vitha Sat-thuron"] . The large bird had recovered, but like Yuroic she hadn't attacked yet.

Very well.

Like an arrow he would take off for the one who would speak, deciding to go along with the plan to use his focus on the boy to give Vitha the opportune moment to strike. It was in the run that the dirt flew through the air, hitting him square in the face. An annoyed his escaped his lips as he half stumbled and brought up his broken hand to try and rub the dirt out. Yet he continued on, closing the gap between him and his target in mere seconds. Viciously he slashed with his red saber in a clear and easy to predict slice. He went with the idea he was an angry Sith, that his mind was clouded, that he was temporarily blind, but his mind ever remained opened to the Force. Krest would feign weakness and lure them into a trap.

[member="Kaden"] [member="Bjorn Heartholm"]
Ethereal eyes would meet ethereal eye - for even within the privacy of his own mindscape Lykos could no longer image himself possessing both eyes, the pain he had gone through when the side of his skull had been caved inwards slightly and shards of his ocular socket had punctured the eyeball so intensely ingrained within his memories - as Jairdain forced the point of their mental connection ever closer to Lykos' core, the representation of his very soul. And, indeed, her progress was allowed, a plan that was nothing more than a gamble cementing itself within the Zabrak's mind as grains of sand and shards of ice in the form of claws continued to tear at the hole in the Jedi's defenses.

By allowed Jairdain to continue to approach his core, Lykos was diverting more and more strength away from the numerous layers of walls he had erected to stand between whatever may have sought to manipulate his mind. And, so, with every wall that the female passed, the closer she came to her goal, the more and more strength that was focused behind rending apart the bulwark that guarded her own core, her own soul. With the more and more strength brought to bear upon the Jedi, the more the hole within her defenses was torn wider.

A feral grin would reflect upon Lykos' very soul, a sense of victory, a sight-given eyes met his gaze and a surge of triumph ran through him like a vicious shock. Within the Force, that which was bent and warped around the mental battle that was taking place, a single moment would hang, still as representatives of Dark and Light locked gazes. A single moment, wherein Jairdain could glimpse into the Dark that rolled and writhed within Lykos' soul just as he gazed at the cracked and decaying wall that protected her very own core.

The moment would shatter, just as Jairdain's defenses would if she had no more strength to pull upon, as Lykos' cold fury and the Beast's burning rage would be guided by the feral direction of Xavka and the Zabrak's entire intensity would slam down upon that tear. Worming tendril of Dark would flow in like sand, prying past the jagged edges of Light, hissing a silent hiss as the Light would fight to resist. Lykos' own soul would recoil and feel pain as the hards of the shattered barriers, shards of Light, would pierce into his Dark soul before becoming corrupted to match the blackness of the abyss but still remain uniquely attached to Jairdain. If Jairdain had no more strength to pull upon, Lykos would surged past her defenses and consume.

"Your arrogance blinds you, you cannot see the truth? As I said before; you are not worthy to call yourself Sith! The Jedi will use you and your 'Order' for your power then cast you aside once you are spent." anger spilt from his mouth in a sudden, disgusted outburst at the other Acolyte. How could it be so blind, so foolish to not see the truth. Nevertheless, the boy would not spend another night on this acidic hellhole. Not if Drios had anything to say about it. Instead of moving to engage Cairyn, he simply de-activated his lightsaber and clipped it to his belt quickly.

With a guttural growl, and a massive push of his hands, Drios summoned all of his strength into one huge telekinetic push, which would send his opponent soaring backwards through the air like a rag doll. Even he was pushed backward slightly, and his boots sank into the ground as he slid away. "How can't you see? You have no hope in defeating me." Drios drawled slowly, re-activating his saber and flourishing it around his wrist expertly. He would wait a few moments, just in case he decided to engage him once again, and to regain his breath.

[member="Cairyn Midore"]
Current Foe: [member="Adron Malvern"]
The pressure from the kinetic wave began to fizzle, weakened from its effort to send Orion out of the fight. The only thing that didn't weaken was Orion's grip through the force. Invisible hands clasping around the silver hilt that hung in the air. The Jedi was quick to understand the severity of the situation, quickly reaching for the same hilt with his own diminished attempt to reclaim his rightful weapon. Orion continued to soar through the air, but the hilt that once fully obeyed him now floated, stagnant, ready for the force to determine the victor of such counterbalance.
Like two destructive forces fighting in the night air, a hallow clasp sounded, ringing through the lifeless world of Vjun. another hand of the force greeted Orion's own.
He heard it, confirming the boy's persistent need to make things difficult, then again, no one said this would be easy. The floating handle tugged towards him for only a moment and then back towards the Jedi. Orion felt it, the strength of his command over the force as he exerted more energy and swallowed the hilt. The dark tendrils that manifested around the hilt forced it towards him violent, only for a moment until a sharp pain slammed into his back. Orion's focus faltered. The force leaving him, uncaring for his lack of expertise in endurance. His own neglect for where the kinetic blast sent him caused a wasted opportunity.
His body arched forward. The sudden existence of a lonely statue making contact with his spine. His breath left him, descending to the ground like the acidic rain before him. The damp sand that greeted him sank into his cloak. He gasped for a moment, a deep burn tickling his chest. Orion's lungs finally expanded as he coughed. A tiny green liquid slithering from the back of his throat, blood. The sharp intake of air felt like needles. He didn't have time to lay there, but his body refused to move.
Done a statue!
Anger. It swelled, festering like an infection ready to take hold. He wouldn't be bested by a damn object, worse a Jedi. He winced as he struggled to reach his feet, his eyes glaring through the slits of his mask. The pain he once felt, dissipated as the green irises of the sith began to flash. A mixture of red and green slowly emerging. Orion let it take hold and unlike a raging lunatic, his demeanor remained calm. He was a silent beast, fueled by the Dark Side. The slow rise from the wet, muddy ground transformed him entirely. The blanket that wrapped around him was pure darknesss. The echoes of war streamlining into his mind.
He took a deep breath as he strode forward closing the gap between them. The Jedi was given plenty of time to reclaim his weapon and with little warning, Orion bent his knees. Only a few feet separated them now, the bending motion of Orion's arm reaffirming his target. The activation switch of his saber flicked upward, a menacing red stretching forward. He could still feel the pain in his back, slightly numb from his current state.
"You know what separates a man from a lesser one?" Orion asked, his voice striking like a venomous cold. He painted the air with a hazy streak of crimson motions and finally stopped. He was a monster in waiting, ready to strike its prey.
[member="Rainer Altman"] | [member="Drios Rapux"] | [member="Krest"] | [member="Bjorg The Traitor"] | [member="Satia the Cruel"] | [member="Darth Mara"] | [member='Bjorn Heartholm"] | [member="Cairyn Midore"] | [member="Rakkus"] | [member="Vengeance"] | [member="Judas Foster"] | [member="The Slave"] |
"And what makes you worthy? The anger issues?" One could say restraint wasn't a term in Cairyn's dictionary. There was no filter, no insight that patronizing the already angry adversary, especially one so noticeably well, more, than Cairyn, would be a bad idea. His mind not quite grasping Drios' argument, he didn't bother trying to add more to the discussion. After all, the Dominion Sith were just the first thing he'd come across, the first group to take him in. He had no concept of what the Sith were 'supposed' to be, how they were supposed to interact with Jedi. He couldn't bring himself to really care, either.

In the instant Drios deactivated his lightsaber, a manic grin overcame Cairyn's features, murderous intent flashing behind glasses. An opening! "Yahoo-" The shout was swallowed as he was thrown back, completely at the mercy of the telekinetic push. He hit the ground hard, too hard, his head colliding with the ground in a way that had darkness encroaching on his vision. It was several moments before he could move again, even then, he wobbled as he sat up, visibly out of it. "I'll admit, th-that was pretty good," he drawled, still trying to get a hold of his surroundings, the ground being quick to welcome him back as he attempted standing.

[member="Drios Rapux"]​
A small chuckle once again prevailed, and Drios' stony exterior succumbed to his lighter side. Cairyn knew nothing of anger, he knew nothing about how to harness his anger and hatred into passion. In a few moments, he had started his pacing toward Cairyn and he was now in range for a fatal blow. He would linger a few moments, taking in the satisfaction he felt at the sight of his enemy, weak, confused and pathetic. He would acknowledge the praise with a brief, fake smile. It was evident he had much to learn about the ways of the Sith.

"Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength, I gain power. Through power I gain victory. Through victory my chains are broken. The Force shall set me free. I don't expect you to be terribly familiar with those words, I doubt they teach you such things where you come from. Or maybe you have no interest in such creeds? Oh well, maybe if you had chosen to dedicate yourself to learning the subtleties of the Dark Side, I would be the one on the floor." his voice was patronising, and Drios spoke to Cairyn like he would a young child. Drios raised his blade into the air, and he would have gladly brought it cascading down onto the other acolyte should a thought not have crossed his mind, and forced him to lower his blade. Instead, with his free hand he wrenched the Teevan into the air, and proceeded to haul him away to the ship the Ascendancy arrived in.

[member="Cairyn Midore"]
[member="Cairyn Midore"] [member="Drios Rapux"]
-Engaging Drios-
(OOC: Whats your location? PM me if you need edits.)

She had come with the Silvers only for one thing. Not because she believed in the cause of the dominion, nor for the politics that brought the two of them together. In a way she was disappointed with the Masters for providing aid to what she perceived as the enemy. In the strict Jedi's mind the only good Sith, was a dead one.

Did it contradict her code? Possibly.

But that was besides the point. Her strict ethical code kept her from crossing the line a truly becoming an animal like the sith or Dark Jedi, and it was her dead Masters teachings she so heavily relied on.

Moments ago she had left the dropship, slipped in and plodded down the hallways. Her weapon was still hidden, and her arms folded into the sleeves of her robe. Jade was in no hurry to do battle,but she was motivated by the eradication of evil worms like the Sith that now plagued every corner.

Twas then crossing a doorway she came upon the two battling, and one that she began to identify as a Dominion folk.

When the second grabbed him via the force, she stepped in.

A rhythmic breathing exercise began and her lightsaber hilt snapped from her robes to her palm with a meaty smack. Eyes locked on her target, she embraced the force, letting it flow into her body down to the last cell, preparing her for the inevitable fight.

"Going somewhere?" She asked, cocking her cowled head to the side.
In his sorry state, Cairyn could see Drios approach, could see the crimson glow of his lightsaber in the dark of the night, yet in his discombobulated state he couldn't do much to defend. His head pounding, the most he could manage was reaching for his lightsaber which had escaped his grasp when he'd made contact with the pavement. Or maybe that was Drios' foot. He reached out for something, at least, staring up at the figure now looming above him.

"Or maybe I'll just dissect ya later," his words were barely audible, mumbled as a last-ditch effort to sound intimidating in any way. What started as a glare grew more blank, vacant of cognition as his vision blurred and darkened. Despite his best efforts, his head dropped, narrowly missing the cushion of his arm and colliding with the ground once more. Grip on whatever he had loosening, his person went limp as he slipped into unconsciousness.

[member="Drios Rapux"] | [member="Jade Whisperwind"]​

Well things were not looking so good. The dirt had worked, a little. However, he now had the angry Sith launching his attack at him. Not so fun. Yuroic attempted to block the initial attack which was a heavy strike, thankfully though his saber connected with the Sith's. It wasn't a well placed block, he ended up having to jump out of the way. This meant he was more vulnerable to a second strike, which he knew would be coming so he closed his eyes and using the Force built within him, he shoved at the air forward. A Force Push rippled in the air, it would be strong enough to perhaps cause one to be stumbled if they weren't expecting the attack.

Yuroic looked to where Vitha could be. They needed to organise their attacks here. Yuroic couldn't match the Sith's power and technique, but the bird had the advantage of attacking from more awkward angles. Something they needed right now. He looked over to Vitha and just gave a strong nod of his head. He had hoped that this could convey enough, telling her that he was ready for her to attack the Sith. Though, he hoped that they would be able to work together in a way to defeat him, instead of just attacking one at a time.

[member="Vitha Sat-thuron"] | [member="Krest"]

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