Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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You Belong To The Hands Of The Night

Connor Harrison


Silver Shadow Headquarters
The Nightmare Lands, Voss

People hate what they don't understand.
Be their hero.
Be their angel.
Be their monument.
Be anything they need you to be... or be none of it.
You don't owe this galaxy a thing, you never did.
Vaynai had been all nice and pleasant for the most part, but it had proven to Connor that he had changed. For better or for worse, he didn’t know. But he had. It was as if the past 4 months had felt like 4 years and he looked different and acted different.

Taking himself every from everything, he had returned to see it had fast-forwarded on double speed. New faces, new places, new threats. However it was old faces he no longer seemed to desire to see, or equally have it returned. It was strange how life progressed, and how destinies curled and moulded and frayed around people.

Now, on Voss, he had not bothered with the Temple and headed to the Nightmare Lands, a place surrounded in transparent darkness that was simply an echo of time gone by, but hung in the air. You could feel it, just, like a tickle on the back of your bare neck that reminded you this wasn’t a friendly place. It was, however, the perfect place to operate the Silver Shadows – in darkness, where the elite few belonged.

The Shadows were the ones, until recently, who got their hands dirty and got the job done that others wouldn’t do. The Silver Jedi – Silver Sanctum – were the doormat of the Light; new people from all walks of life seeking redemption. Of course they wouldn’t see themselves as that, but right now it felt like it. Of course people would defend their actions and defend their principals, but there was a horrid feeling that soon all this would turn around and bite them, and people would be hurt.

Down in the Shadows, Connor was surrounded by nothing but the diegetic noise of the earth around their impressive cave; LEDs lit the walkways and tunnels, the stealsh fighter was ready for action on the suspended landing pad, monitors and holomaps were activated to keep an eye across Sanctum space and the Temple. It was a hideaway from the outside world that Connor relished.

The lake above could be heard rumbling across the planet. It was nothing but peaceful. Connor was, as far as he knew, still the leader of the Shadows but it wouldn’t surprise him if that had also been wiped out much like he felt the Shadows had. He stood, alone and at peace, on the lower level by the main control hub, blue readouts illuminating his face and displays up on the walls of Sanctum space.

[member="Coci Heavenshield"]
Crowded rooms, meetings or passing by in a corridor were no place to speak to him. Many years had passed since Coci and Connor had had the opportunity to talk, it was difficult to even remember the last time but her mind went back to a small room after his return .. one of his many returns .. to the Silver Jedi. He had called for her then, it was after the incident with the Hammer and he had become confused and scared. Who won't? after all, she had tasted the power of that Taung, she knew that spirits worming strength, to burrow into the back of ones mind and sit there patiently.

There was no calling her this time, nor she him. The force had summon them both, and so she made her way to the Dark Heart. There is still much darkside influence here, they left it this way to serve as a constant reminder of what they fight against, what they fight for as Jedi that had given an oath to destroy the darkness and like any constant threat, it will slowly erode purpose if you let it.

Connor Harrison had been to hell and back, but he did not fall. As Coci entered the Heart she sensed him, how could she not? so long they have known each other and their bond as Sister and Brother not only of the Shadows but as life friends would see to that. Even still, how would she find him? a different man no doubt, after all, she is a different woman, now.

It is a lonely place in the Heart, it is a lonely place living in the shadows.

"Connor", she spoke his name, his real name, as she entered the room. "It has been too long".
[member="Connor Harrison"]

Connor Harrison

He heard Coci enter before he really felt her aura; it was a strong bond of sorts now, but Connor had learnt to keep his signature muted and in return not feel everything and anything around him connected to the Force. Her voice spoke out in the cave but he didn’t look up, instead carrying on reading a well written report on recent events in Sanctum space.

"Coci, how are you faring?” He said, as if he’d seen her only yesterday, and not months ago. "I imagine being wife, mother, teacher and Midvinter royalty can be a strain now more than it was, and it seems there’s no time to reflect on the past.”

He didn’t know if that was a cutting remark or not. Partly it was, as he knew very well what she had been focusing on recently. Finally, he looked up and saw her across the way. She was different to the last time he really saw her. Not on Korriban, but here on Voss. Now she looked…he couldn’t place it…more at ease? More free of a person that she used to be? A warmth radiated from her, maybe it was her general appearance, but she was certainly different. He looked back to the monitor.

"What brings you down here anyway?”

[member="Coci Heavenshield"]
Regardless of any 'disconnection' Connor and Coci may feel, she looked upon him as her friend. For a moment, she regarding the man she met so many years ago now, a man so mixed up in his mind and direction that he had turned to her. Coci had trained him after all, to become a Shadow. She remembered the day well enough down in the lower areas of the Dark Heart, teaching him sabers and stealth and removing all that one clings to to walk in the shadows. There is partial regret in her heart for this, had she indirectly contributed to his disconnection? had she not done enough to hold him close so he would not get lost? Coci knew she was as much to blame as he was for allow the darkness to enter his life. Easier said then done, but he had let it.

"Oh, decided to come find you and say hello", she said entering the room, as if they had only just seen each recently. His previous remarks had not cut her at all, he spoke the truth of it. Thurion and Coci have a lot on their plates and it is beginning to take a toll on them. But Jedi never rest, not yet anyway. However, Connor Harrison has not the experience of having family, especially once that have been born from your own limbs. She hoped that one day he would know of it, and then come and see her about duty then. Having children in ones life completely changes everything. He does not know this yet, and so she will not remark.

"I don't see the value of reflecting on the past, we both know it well enough. Rather lets look toward the future .. it is brighter there", she smiled at him on her approach. "What are you up to?", she asked now realising he is studying data.
[member="Connor Harrison"]

Connor Harrison

He didn’t look up at first, busy reading litlte bits of information here and there around Sanctum space, one catching his eye that he would reveal momentarily. Coci approached him, with no evident urgency, a cool yet…mature air between them in the expansive underbelly of the Dark Heart.

"True. True.”

A quick, to the point answer that snuffed out any chance for a witty retorte. With that, the wasted no time resorting to snide remarks or questioning her about her place, but instead send his current read to the large monitor on the back wall behind her. He nodded with his head.

"Take a look at this,” he stood and folded his arms, looking at her and taking her new style and image in properly, before looking to the screen. "Seems like someone has a grudge against the Silvers and selling us out to the highest bidder.”

This sort of thing was what Connor thrived on – investigative, decisive and direct action to a threat. Not debating or voting or meeting. Just action. He walked around the terminal and stood beside Coci, looking up at the green, blue and red display of Sanctum space; Voss a clear dot with trajectory to a single planet, Lorrd, due North of them outside of their territory.

"It seems we’ve made a few enemies with the recent influx of Dark Side wanderers coming to our shores and from what we have been issued by our scouts, we have a mole operating on Lorrd feeding intel to those willing to pay for it.”

He glanced over to Coci, almost as if chatting about the weather.

"The Sanctum is being sold out and primed for another invasion I fear.”

[member="Coci Heavenshield"]
It was clear Connor had something on his mind. Not anything personal, either with her or another, but an issue or threat to the Sanctum. Coci was relieved in a way, their awkwardness around one another had been removed with a common goal that was being tested, a danger to the very thing they both love, their Order. Although their relationship is not unworthy of discourse but each of them hold their duty above all else, as Jedi should.

She turned around without hesitation and viewed the data streaming on the screen. "So this is what you have been up to", she said as a matter of course, after all Connor is the leader of the Shadow, as much as she could be, Coci can simply not be everywhere. "Lorrd", she whispered, "Old Primeval stomping grounds and I dare say there would be still those that have not left so a connect is very probable".

Hitting a few buttons on the console, Coci retrieved the map of the SSC protected systems, they are not far away from Lorrd in fact there is plenty of 'space' in SSC coverage that could be used as hide outs. "You see here?", she pointed to the gap, a circular area of SSC space that is yet to be explored. "The areas in and around the systems of Zygerria, Vaynai, Cholganna across to Filth, there is nothing. A perfect place to hide, and out post or head quarters or relay satellites etc and an easy jump to Lorrd should they be detected".

Her mind began to process the information and the possibilities, "I see you have been looking into this, any idea who?". This could only mean one thing really, it had to be a 'Jedi'.
[member="Connor Harrison"]

Connor Harrison

With each word Coci spoke, Connor felt more comfortable around her and the sensation of what his calling was. For too long had he faced the darkness alone; for too long had he forgotten what he had promised to do for Iella. Now, without people shouting him down or questioning him or goading him, he was enjoying the one thing he WAS confident at; acting on instinct and investigation.

He gently brushed the beard on his chin as he watched, tapping the index finger gently as her ruminations got his mind whirling. It all made sense; he had laid out a puzzle piece, and she was clicking in the pieces. When she asked him the source of the lead, Connor turned again to pull up another item he had found to the bigger display, and then returned to stand before it.

"Her.” He pointed at the display of a young looking human, his finger like a dagger aiming at their traitor. "Summer Marley. Remember her? Knight material, about my age at the time. Cast out from the Temple for not only leading an excursion of Padawans to Lorrd for a one-woman war against our enemies, but also bare faced lying about stealing restricted information from the Temple to use for herself and claim the big Master rank in the eyes of we who should have been so impressed.”

Connor looked at the raven haired girl on screen, that glint in her eye that showed she meant business.

”I may be wrong, but certain outposts as you say have been monitored, and she’s good but not THAT good. Traces that have taken a few weeks have led to Lorrd and been encrypted coming from Tabaqui,” he pointed,"to even Iego and Farana.”
He turned to Coci.

"I think she’s pulling what she can from all our established outposts, gradually mind you, and sending them to whoever wants the information the most who trusts her. And I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s roped a naïve Padawan to help cover her tracks.”

With a gentle lick of his lips, he signed and looked back at the image of Summer.

"I’ve been working on this quietly for a while now, evaluating those in our walls and those from the merger, as I’m not afraid to say I’ve been concerned with the doormat we’ve placed for those once alliance with the Sith or dark forces. I’m all for redemption, but not at this price. By doing so, we’ve neglected the enemy within and I fear that - ” he shook his head, looking to Coci ” – I fear we the Order is compromised here on Voss . We’ve got to take her out. And quickly.”

[member="Coci Heavenshield"]
"Yes I remember her, there had been some complaints filed against her. But nothing had been concluded or consider 'concerning' .. until now". Seemed the young Jedi had actually, pulled the wool over their eyes. Yet, it was a price to be paid for the higher level of freedom afforded to the Silver Jedi, most do not abuse this that is gifted to them. The life of a Jedi is strict enough without the need for constant monitoring besides they simply do not have the resources to spend on such an undertaking.

Trust is built on freedom but if removed swift action is taken and so Coci and Connor will do just that. This is a Shadows bread and butter, exactly what they are trained for and will undertake to execute their duty. Some would consider this beyond the boards of what a Jedi should be or can do, but in times of great risk to the security for the Order no one hesitates to call them.

Coci's brow pulled together at the mention of Tabaqui as it is a place of great importance to her. "Tabaquai is still very much underdeveloped and lacks sufficient monitoring .. there are little to no defenses there and so would be a prime place for isolation". This she knew well enough, as the Heavenshield private home is located tucked away in the jungle.

She considered his words carefully after this, the suggestion to 'take the target out' only means on thing and is not taken lightly. "I agree", she suddenly said. "As it would seem that Summer Marley was never a Jedi to begin with. In light of your research and evidence, she was probably on the pay role of the Primes or One Sith from the beginning".

"It appears we have to travel to Lorrd, how quickly can you have a ship prepared?".
[member="Connor Harrison"]

Connor Harrison

Connor nodded and turned towards the large landing pad a few walkways above them.

"It makes Ziost and Toola make sense. How else could Prime or Sith intel know where our resources and outposts were? Who else would know other than one who had been there before? And now that means every place she has tread is under threat. Including the Voss Temple.”

He didn't need to say more. As he had turned, he had activated landing lights on the pad which flicked on, illuminating a black ship, room for three; 1 pilot and 2 co-pilots, with the sleek wings folded up. The Shadow would fly through the hollowed surface of the Dark Heart and emerge from the woodland straight up for a quick flight into the atmosphere without making a noise.

"My ship is at the Temple,” he looked at Coci, "but OUR ship is primed and ready to go.” He smiled, that little glint in his eye.

If she were ready, Connor would indicate up and lead the way, footsteps ringing on the walkway up and up to reach the landing pad and their ship. Ready to go, the Rogue Master would op to pilot and have Coci navigate the best way and follow the trace. It had been a long time since the Shadows had acted, and also that the pair had worked together. This would be a test if ever there was one.

[member="Coci Heavenshield"]
"We shall need to have all our security checked, including communication controls and computers as well. We will need to establish if she has 'taps on the phones'". She let out a long sigh, Connor was right everything is now compromised. Including the Temple as he mentions and they would have to check the Assembly and Dark Heart, who knew how deep this mole had burrowed. No matter how vigilant one is there is always a threat and sometimes that threat wins.

"I should have known", she said as she followed Connor to the wait transport. "I am ready, there is no time to loose".

Boarding the ship Coci took up the co-pilot chair and began checks and take off procedures. "I hope your piloting skills have improved since the last I flew with you?". The reality was Connor was not a bad pilot, but to Coci everyone is regardless of abilities.
[member="Connor Harrison"]

Connor Harrison

Pulling up his HUD display, Connor couldn’t help a tiny smirk at her comment. He’d come a long way since the last time he basically surfed the waves with their ship on a previous Shadow mission. He’d let her be the judge on a smooth but fast take-off that pushed them up like a rocket away from Voss and out to Lorrd.

Their location would be the place numerous sightings and encrypted data had come in and out of; Qaatamer, the refinery city built atop a desert surrounded by a heavy industrial sector and those looking to make money and welcome and dispatch information on how to get it.


Lorrd, Kanz Sector

There was a fiery warmth to Qataemer, but that was down to the sector they were in; machines, factories, oil and fuel plants, starship hangars and transports coming in and out of the city itself. To the West, the world started to be touched by cooler temperatures, but here it was steady and humid atop the refinery.

It was clear to see on arrival how this place had been touched by the Primes, and just how much a rotten piracy based group could do here; harvest fuel, stock warships and keep an eye on the neighbouring enemy under the cover of a bustling industry.

The wings were folded up on the landing pad, their sleep ship resting on the allocated landing pad with an armed Ranger on guard. While not Sanctum space, this was still closer to theirs than most, and so Sanctum officials could get by with protecting their own.

He waited for Coci to disembark. Connor stood with his hands on his hips looking out to a huge factory down below, a few chimneys spouting fire and smoke from whatever was happening inside.

They had figured en-route that finding Summer wouldn’t be a case of propping up taverns and asking around – it would be to do what Shadow’s did best. Hide in the darkness and watch; observe; set a trap. The Rogue Jedi was in the market for selling Sanctum secrets, and this place was the best place to do it. Connor had suggested that the pair use their own ship as bait; make it known they were on Qatamer and leave it open for her or her accomplice to take what they could from the “Sanctum” ship. The good thing about the Shadows is that not even many of their own known of their existence, so this was just another Jedi ship that looked sleek and was full of intel ripe for her to steal.

[member="Coci Heavenshield"]
Just before arrival to Lorrd, Coci had left the cockpit for a room at the back to change. She had gathered what equipment and clothing she required for this mission and prepared. It had been a long time since she had wore the old black body suit and it was perfect for this place and this assignment. She topped it off with her greyish-brown cloak and cowl, and the final touch to put on her mask and become Creimere once more.

Although she has the ability to conceal within the force, rendering herself invisible to everyone including Connor, it is best to safe, just in case she has to drop the concealment. Her identity as well as Connor's must be maintained at all times, you never know who might be lurking in the streets or shadows along side them. Coci pulled up her cowl and hide within the folds, all that would or could be see of her would be the blackness of her eyes.

There would be no need for the White Mouse today, that remained on board and safely stowed in a secret compartment.

"This places smells", she said as her force senses are heightened. Her physically senses as well. Her black eyes so talented in seeing further them most, penetrated the shadows, into the grey and beyond. She could see people walking along bridges with purpose at a pace that only told of haste to get to their destination for fear of threat. Others standing on corners waiting and watching for the opportunity to present itself and they could take from others, liberating them of credits or their lives.

Deals are cut with the backs of hands, exchanges of looks of suspicion .. they are wary and tired. Frighten and only wish to survive the days end. There is a metallic odour in the air, not surprising considering this is industrial and heavy with waste.

"Lets go".
[member="Connor Harrison"]

Connor Harrison

As Coci joined him, Connor looked at her and wondered why she wasn’t leading the Shadows, or acting as the face of it. Well, considering she was a wife, mother and Master, that was a handful of good enough reasons to Connor’s non-husband, non-father and Rogue Master. He knew there and then he was the expendable force of the pair and Coci had to be, ultimately, protected for the sake of others.

But it wasn’t Coci here now, it was Creimere. He hadn’t even hidden himself in any form of mask or cowl. Agomar was nowhere to be seen. This was a man under the impression that anyone seeing the face of a Shadow wouldn’t live long enough to tell anyone about it. He was as he’d been hours before on Voss – the light trousers, the navy shirt tunic rolled up to the elbows. No crimson cowl or his modified armour. Face on show, saber at his side. He hadn’t even remembered his hidden blade.

What a joke.

He began to walk away with Coci across the higher tiered walkway that was very wide and rather winding.

"That’s all the sulphur, iron, durasteel, ash – everything melted, forged, compressed and burnt away to keep the planet turning and the money coming in.” He looked over the edge where they were at the factories below. "I’m going to pose as myself – Connor, the rogue and exiled Jedi. Who better with a chip on his shoulder seeking revenge on those he turned away from.”

He looked at her, behind that mask of calm and peace that hid a fighting warrior.

"Root her out, make myself known, spring the trap. Take her out. What do you think?”

[member="Coci Heavenshield"]
"If she is any good a her 'job', she will know of you and your history", she said in a low tone. Coci was not attempting to be cutting toward him with her comment, but practical for the sake of the mission. That history is well known to most in Order and so they could use it now. "We must be aware that she is not working alone, I am certain she will have company, I would. And there must be 'head' to this organised spy ring. I would capture her first and we shall have a little, 'talk' with her to establish who else might be in this, here".

Where there is one, there will be more. Any spy worth their 'salt' will have corrupted others to help, contacts if you will. And some of them might be still in the Order or on Voss. Connor is head of the Shadows and so she will follow his lead and command. "Where do you want me stationed?". She will not conceal her presence until given directive.
[member="Connor Harrison"]

Connor Harrison

Turning to look at their walkway, only a few beings were around, no-one of great interest. A Gonk droid ambled along keeping itself to itself. There was nowhere really to loiter without being detected. Saying that, Coci was a Master and could far outwit a Knight, or Padawan, in the cloaking ability of the Force and being able to blend in; disappear.

"I would say wait in the hold of the ship and I can try lure her there, but maybe it’s too obvious? Otherwise I think you need to take a good slow walk around the walkway and keep yourself to yourself, like a merchant or simple beggar.” His mouth twitched in a smile. "Of course, I mean nothing by that!”

He chuckled and took out his com, keying the Sanctum signal only for their location.

"Summer. This is Connor from Voss. I know you’re around here in Qatamer. I need your help. I need information. I’m done with the Sanctum and I’m done with those who left me for dead.”

Clicking off, he shrugged a little at Coci.

"Worth a try. No need hiding what I want. You best make a move.”

[member="Coci Heavenshield"]
She cast her eyes upward, as he made some suggestions where she should be located, "I think it would be better if I am outside, just in case there is company and you are alone". Not that she believe could not handle himself in a situation outnumbered but it is always good to have back up.

"Up there", she pointed to a ledge on one of the buildings close by. Without any further word, Coci walked toward the wall vanishing into thin air within the force. Once in position she jumped up and landed with grace onto the upper ledge and waited.

Sorry the post is short, there is a massive storm outside and I am expecting power to cut out :p
[member="Connor Harrison"]

Connor Harrison

Can’t beat a good storm – no worries. Take care!

He didn’t have time to question her or point a better place; she was gone, as a Shadow should. Quick, quiet and full of grace. Connor watched her move into the darkness like she was just another ambler, and then there was only a hint of movement up above on the higher curved ledges, not for general public access, where she resided.

With that, the Jedi turned and walked to the edge of the walkway he was on to look over the city and the industry it had become while he waited. There was so much of the Prime still evident here – the monolithic craters and hollowed out cliffs in the distance with those disgusting domed temples. Factories and warehouses were dotted around the place too, all evidently a place where nightmares were created.

But that was then. The Primeval were gathering dust, like their footprints. Light would prevail.

A good few minutes passed before anything happened to catch Connor’s attention, and it was a group of three figures walking his way from the right. Glancing at them, he didn’t take much notice and didn’t stare. They soon passed – all but one, who stood beside Connor. It was her.

”You come with that little queen Padawn of yours?”

The heavy accented voice from Summer cut into the air with no elegance at all. It reeked of ego and Connor wanted to push her off the platform there and then. Referencing his Padawan from ages gone by – Sy – she was far wrong, but obviously had seen Coci around him.

"Now, now, Summer, don’t talk to a Master like that. You’ll get your tongue cut out. That little queen as you call her is here and won’t be joining us, don’t worry. She’s gullible enough to go and seek intel on the Primeval for when we scout the planet. I’ve got time.”

Connor thrived on deception and manipulation – straight to the point and no messing.

"I know enough of you. You know enough of me. I want information on where the Silvers are looking at next. I want names of those in powerful positions. I want to hurt them, Summer. I’m…I am so…done.”

He turned, seeing the red hair and green eyes of the corrupt Jedi looking at him already, her face, like her attitude, caked with ego and arrogance.

”Yes, you got out before me. They isolated me. But I’m not stupid, and I know you’re not. I want to teach those who fobbed me off a lesson. You give me something to work on, I never saw you here.”

She was young, and wanted to be in control. Connor couldn’t appear desperate, but he had to appear like he needed what she knew. If she could give him anything to warrant evidence that she was selling them out, that would be enough.

”I don’t know why you think I’m selling anyone out, Connor.”

”Don’t give me that,” he said. ”I’ve been following you for months now, eager to see how you’re doing things right. Letting it slip to others who we take in from the Sith, where outposts are…you think I accept Ziost as a coincidence? Toola? Please. Don’t treat me like I’m an idiot.”

Summer cocked her head and waggled a finger at him.

”You are a bad man, Connor. I know your history and it’s a good read. I dunno. Let me think on it, see what I feel like.”

Connor shot his hand out and grabbed her arm.

”Listen,” he said as she shook her head behind him, obviously to those escorting her about to attack, ”I don’t have time like you do. I want to know names and I want to know NOW.”

He stared at her, not breaking the gaze as he gave off desperation and panic. Not usual traits for a Master in control.

”Get your hand off me or I’ll break your wrist.”

Connor didn’t move and tightened his grip, teeth gritting.

”A name!” His voice veered on the side of psychotic malice.

She swallowed and blinked a couple of times, shrugging away as best she could.

”The Heavenshield kid, Theo. He’s going to lead a force out edging into Silver space. You want to hurt them? Hurt him. Before the Sith do.” A smile broke out on her pink, dry lips. ”Trust me, I got people lining up for what I can tell them.”

Connor nodded and swallowed. He knew she would have heard her son’s name. Now he just had to wait a moment.

[member="Coci Heavenshield"]
High up on the ledge, Coci pulled her cloak around her body, the wind is chilly up here but her eyes did not leave Connor. She did not reach for him through the force but rather pulled her own force signature to all but gone, it would not do to telegraph her presence .. the spy is a force user at the end of the day and would be able to sense her.

Coci's black eyes followed the group that walked toward him along the platform, as she had suspected they woman would not come alone, she would not have had it been her and so they are prepared for this. While Connor began to talk to her, Coci listened catching most of the conversation and there was little doubt Connor's intelligence on her was correct. But she watched the thugs with her as they walked passed Connor only to busy themselves with nothing.

At any given moment things could turn against them and she would be ready to leap to help Connor, he knew what to do to summon her if required. Then she heard the name of her son, yet her eyes did not move from the thugs. This was information ill informed from the girl, either she was making it up for Connor's benefit or someone in the Sanctum had fed her lies. But moreover, her professionalism on the job would not have Coci react to such personal emotional pulling on her. A shadow assassin, a Jedi of the Shadow will never allow emotions to interfere.
[member="Connor Harrison"]

Connor Harrison

It bothered him – that was an obvious target, and one designed to evoke reaction. But, what if it were true? He stood back and looked at Summer for a moment. Coci gave him no inkling this was true; her son wouldn’t lead a force alone into Sanctum space.

”Rubbish. You’ll have to do better!”

With that he turned, arm out-stretched and sent the passing thug catapulting back into the metal pillar of the walkway below Coci, and then turned to grip the next and pull him forward, down onto his knees and sliding along the ground to the edge of where they were, dangling over the edge for a nasty drop with only his counter-balance keeping him from falling. Connor snapped around to the traitor who had taken steps to run.

”I won’t ask again – give me a name!”

Summer felt a pressure on her mind – Connor was pushing into her brain stem and gently probing it for a dull ache that would make the young girl feel her head was going to cave in. Her balance faltered and she gripped her head.

”Schutta! MMMMatsu Xiangu! The sorceress! Get OUT MY HEAD!”

Connor stopped at the name. It made sense. He knew of the Sith Lord and her interest with Voss and the Sanctum, with a few scores to settle herself after the last time Connor left her for dead when she tried to destroy a small moon.

He gripped her arm and dragged her over to the walkway, underneath Coci, away from the edge, and near the groaning thug on the ground.

”What does she want?”

”To get to Sanctum space, you idiot – you want more than contact her! She pays well and has connections inside the Sith you could benefit from like I do.”

Summer than flashed a violent gaze in her eyes and pulled out a thick metal blade from her robe, and went for Connor’s abdomen.

[member="Coci Heavenshield"]
The power of the force pulled around Connor. Coci sensed it well enough as it seemed their connection through their friendship had held firm regardless of the past. She knew his next move and prepared for the thug to come her way and when he did hitting the wall, she jumped down, still concealed in the force. A force grip on the man would see he would not move and she remained to listen to the conversation.

After the name of Matsu Xiangu had been revealed, her brow farrowed. It is a name she had heard before but have never met the woman, but her reputation was well document and she was trouble. As Connor lead Summer over to her location, Coci waited but before any further inroads a warning through the force spoke to her and in a instant her arm raised and gripped the arm of the girl holding the blade to kill Connor.

With the force, Coci raised the blade forcing Summer's hand to turn it on herself. The point pressing against her own neck threatening to cut the vein, a small snick and blood seep out of the cut and Coci uncloaked in front of her. She did not say a word, but her black eyes penetrated the girls staring and as she did so, the thug lifted off the ground and moved to her side and only seconds later his neck snapped and Coci let him fall dead to the ground.

"What else can you tell us?', she finally spoke after her 'demonstration' and she will not accept "Nothing" for an answer.
[member="Connor Harrison"]

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