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Approved Species Yaskihound

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Intent: To add more lore to Islimore.

Image Credit: Credit[X]

Canon: [X]

Permissions: N/A

Links: Islimore Lupo


Name: Yaskirhound

Designation: Non-sentient

Origins: Islimore

Average Lifespan: 25 standard years

Estimated Population: planetary

Description: Large-canid


Breathes: type 1

Average Height of Adults: 100-130cm

Average Length of Adults: 109-127cm

Skin color: White/pale, black, red

Hair color: Bown, white, black, red, multi-colored coats.

Distinctions: Yaskirhounds are large canines bred for hunting. They have thick coats of fur that came in a variety of colors

Races: N/A

Force Sensitivity: All

Keen trackers
Powerful bite
Like their Vornskr forebearers they are able to hunt through the force


Reliant on sentient-life forms for care
No armor to speak of
No thumbs
Large for a domestic canine but hardly impressive when compared to much of the fauna found throughout the galaxy
their reliance on using the force makes them virtually useless when facing force dead opposition
using ysalamiri greatly nullifies their ability to hunt to the point that they would be no more helpful than a common dog.

Diet: omnivore but leans carnivore, needs a high protein diet. Chocolate, coffee, certain nuts, and roots are all poisonous to the Loth-hound.

Communication: Barks/yips, body language

Technology level: none

Religion/Beliefs: none

General behavior: bred from common wolves and Vornskr, loth-hounds are pack-oriented hunting animals. Through specialized and specific breeding they inherited the ability to hunt through the force from their vornskr ancestors specifically for hunting and killing Lupo in wolf or human form due to the predominance of Lupo to be force-blessed.

Being bred from wolves has also hardwired a pack mentality into their DNA meaning they adhere to a hierarchical designation, where they view the sentient who owns them as the alpha.

Being bred for domestication has also meant they were bred for intelligence and docile nature making them fine pets that are easily trainable and eager to please their masters.

Females can start producing offspring as early as two years after birth and can have up to two litters a year with each litter averaging between 3-5 pups


The first records found on Islimore of the attempts to breed wild wolves and Vornskr date back nearly five hundred standard years. Successful crossbreeding led to the creation of Yaskirhounds. Bred initially for the express purpose of hunting and killing Lupo, a force-sensitive humanoid species which can transform into Loth-wolves. The Lupo species were considered to be native species of Islimore and had developed a strong and rich culture and heritage. at some point in the planet's history a group of human colonizers landed and made war upon the Lupo. blood was shed for a generation before peace was installed. for a thousand years peace reigned between the two factions until the formation of The Fayth a religious order amongst the humans took root and war once again resumed. This new religious war quickly became more of a genocide as The Fayth began to over run and decimate the Lupo populace. one of the early tools used in the aide of the Lupo decimation was the introduction of the Yaskirhound a creature able to track the majority force sensitive lupo population and a danger to the natives in both their human or lupine forms.

Yaskirhounds were large terrifying creatures only controlled by the brave or foolish but in the centuries since the conflict on Islimore between the Lupo and the human contingent known as the Fayth, yaskirhounds have changed from weapons of war to become pets for the upper-classes.
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Edric Florian Edric Florian

Hi there!

Overall, the content here is pretty solid. I just have a few questions before I get you on your way.

1.) Origins: Islimore - Is there a link for Islimore or perhaps a faction or a group that might tell other writers where these creatures are from?

2.) Inherited Vornskr Ability - If they do have the ability to "hunt through the force" as Vornskrs do I would add that to the Strengths section. Any bonuses they receive from this connection should be added there. Just like any detriments, should be added to weaknesses.

3.) Name: I know you mention in the History that they have no affiliation to Loth-Wolves but that name is quite similar. I won't demand that you change it, but, I would definitely suggest it. That's quite the misnomer that could easily become confusing. Keep in mind that most readers won't know who or what the Lupo or the Fayth are so elaborating on those elements if they're integral to the history would be helpful.

Give me a tag when you're ready and I'll look again, or, feel free to tag with any questions.

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