Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Yalara heist

Des sat in the cockpit of his YT-1300 freighter. He stared out at the green blue globe that floated before him. The ship was poised above the planet Yalara. Desmond had been casing this planet for a long time. He was after something far more valuable than credits. He was after technology that could give him the edge in naval battles across the galaxy. Buried in the bowels of an ancient Sith temple was data on ancient stealth technology. It once held a great machine capable of cloaking entire worlds. Surely it would be capable of cloaking dreadnoughts? Now all that was left for them was to sneak inside and take it.

He had come up with a deviant plan for dealing with any authorities they may come across. The Chiss contacted the officials within the reigning FO’s hierarchy and scheduled a tour of the temple. They would be guided to its grounds then promptly shown around. If they were lucky they might even get to see the gift shop. But, knick knacks aside. Desmond was fully confident in his team's ability to bypass their guide and enter the more guarded parts of the temple. Desmond hit a button on his flight panel and the comms came to life. “Hey guys. We’re at our destination, meet me in the play room!”

Des left the cockpit to enter the lounging area while his crew awoke from their rest. He strolled through trash strewed corridors and entered the small bay that served as the planning area. Half the lights aboard the ship did not work and as a result the room was rather dim. A dejaric table sat in the middle of the room with a clutter of paperwork piled atop of it. Couches that looked like they had been found on a road surrounded the singular table. Desmond took a seat and waited for his crew to arise from their cramped quarters.

[member="Kami Meran"]
A mass shifted in the bowels, the creasing of covers as stains of liquor struck out along the length of the bed sheet. One of these days he needed to either say no to people's hairbrained schemes or simply not drink the night before they were being concocted. He shifted and folded as he heard a noise flicker in the corner of the room. His hand ran along the length of his face, letting out an audible slapping as he stayed hidden beneath the sheets for a few minutes more. He knew what Desmond had planned, or at least, what he wanted and the idea itself was baffling. Not the concept of hiding planets but the idea old Sith Technology could perform such a feat. He rolled around, a groan echoing from what some would call a bathroom tub he called a bed, "Why... Why old technology... Why is all the good stuff hundreds of years old... Why does this Galaxy refuse to evolve..." he whined as he pulled himself out of the tub, wrapped tightly with the sheet as he began to make his way towards the briefing room.

He trailed through, holding up his bed sheet as he trudged through the corridor of muck and garbage. If Desmond used even half the money he spent on these hairbrained schemes he might be one day able to clean up this damnable corridor. His eyes rolled around, the stench of alcohol almost seeping from his every pore as he broke into the meeting room with a thud. His job in all these missions was the same, kill something. He wasn't needed for his brain so he doubted he needed to hear his every detail of this scheme.

Slowly he looked around the room, "First.... Neato..." he groaned as he looked around the room, finding a small chair as he laid down, his body curled up into a ball as he slowly drifted back to sleep, "You uh... Yeah, go tell them the details... I'll just kill stuff or whatever..." he yawned as his eyes began to pitter patter, the darkness beginning to cloud his vision before finally dozing off, his body stiffened as he forced his body from falling off the chair, it wouldn't be a comfortable sleep, but comfort rarely ever managed to sneak into his plans.
[member="Desmond C'artyom"]

RIP Carlyle Rausgeber

"It's all been bloody marvellous..."

Yalara's orbit was saturated with First Order vessels. TIE fighters buzzed around the orbit of dagger shaped star destroyers and their smaller escorts. The star destroyers, frigates and interdictors over the planet were performing drills, flying in defensive and offensive Aboard the First Imperial Vessel Star Destroyer Conquest, Carlyle Rausgeber patrolled the bridge. His white cape, dragging as he did so. "Scanning, tell me you're seeing this." Carlyle said with a smirk, "Don't tell me I've picked up this before you have?" The bridge crew had a chuckle at that. "What is it?" Carlyle inquired.

"We just picked her up." Scanning indignantly reported, "She's a small one sir, some sort of YT model freighter."

"Freighter?" Carlyle asked, eyes narrowing, if history had taught good naval officers anything, it was beware of those who used YT-model freighters. "Comms, buzz them." Carlyle commanded.

"Naturally sir," Comms replied, before opening a channel to the freighter "Unidentified Corellian freighter," Comms' stern voice began, "We have you on our scopes. You have begun entrance to a First Imperial territory, we ask that you conform with imperial landing protocol."

Carlyle watched the freighter from the viewport, "Get the TIE's to give a bit of a show," he commanded, "Swoop them past these few, make them shake." The TIE operations officer nodded, and within seconds, four squadrons of fighters were flying within range of the freighter, in attack formation.

Comms continued, "Step one of landing procedure, is a hearing of your clearance code." Comms reported, "As per First Imperial docking regulations, we will need a manifest of what your cargo is. Where your destination is. And finally why you're landing."

Carlyle turned and gave Comms a reassuring nod. Carlyles beady eyes glared at the vessel as it moved closer to the First Order fleet's formation. "Train our guns on her." Carlyle ordered.

"But sir, she's a civilian vessel?!" The Gunnery Officer asked.

"I didn't say fire, I said aim." Carlyle snapped, "I want to make the ship sweat." He scowled again.

[member="Desmond C'artyom"] | [member="Thraxis"]
Kami plopped herself in a couch in a sloppy slouched way.
she was drinking a fizzaid.

she looked over to [member="Thraxis"] and gave him a nodd.
why did everyone love YT1300's? the things were basicaly a Tug boat built to push cargo barges
It was a weird thing to get people worked up ove.
" You seen [member="Desmond C'artyom"] yet? the git gets me to sit around and weight arround, "


Saint of the Damned
Lark no longer dreamt.

It had been ages since the last one, he could scarcely remember the phantasmal sensations that one felt in the dream world. The blurry images, skewed senses, the wonder and amazement one felt as he crafted the very landscape of the imagined realm around him, it all seemed so alien to him now. That's part of how he rose from his quiet slumber with ease, he had always been a light sleeper. When he heard the faint voice of [member="Desmond C'artyom"], he instantly rose, and made his way towards the indicated planning room.

As he walked through the foul, skeevy corridors, he glanced out a square window that was coated with a crusted red layer of... something. It could have been alcohol, blood, rust, or some other unseemly element. But the window, and the malodorous scent that it gave off, was not what caught his attention. It was the ships that looked primed to attack, soaring along beside them. It was undoubtedly cause for concern, but Lark was not worried. They wouldn't fire, so long as Desmond was prepared.

A short time later he arrived in the meeting room, which was ill-lit and just as cold as the rest of the ship. He sat down calmly in a leather chair, which was likely the nicest piece of furniture in the room despite it being torn in several places. At least it didn't have any apparent stains. "I trust you've seen the ships outside?" He asked Desmond politely.

[member="Kami Meran"] [member="Carlyle Rausgeber"] @Thraxis
Desmond waited while everyone entered the room. A drunken Thraxis whose fighting prowess was unrivaled. The lazy bum fell over onto the closest sofa regardless of its stains and filth. In all honesty the man had probably been in worse dives. Then Kami entered the room. She was a small Mandalorian with a knack for machines. It was as if the technological savant actually spoke to them. Desmond had a knack for computers, but Kami made it look like child's play. Then finally arrived Lark. A silent man with death in his eyes. He was calm and polite in most if not all situations. But, his manners should not be mistaken for friendliness. The assassin was more then likely the last thing you'd never see.

“I trust you’ve seen the ships outside?” The redhead asked politely.

“Huh, Ka da binki!” Desmonds face twisted into one of annoyance as he shouted his dismay. The team knew the drill he had simply wanted to make sure they were ready. His short stint in the Empire had taught him protocol was key. But, now was not the time. He raced back through the filthy hallways and plopped himself into the cockpit. He tore through a nearby box searching for one of his dozens of forged clearance codes. He grabbed the first one he found and smashed it into the drive.

“Er… Yes, this is the Vessel Tin box reporting in,” He took a quick look at the clearance code. Tin Box? Who came up with this stuff? He thought to himself. “We are here carrying no cargo, our destination is the planet Yalara. We are here as Tourist! We’ve heard about your wonderful ruins and I fancy myself a bit of a history buff. So, it only stood as reason that we come here under the greatest nation that ever did live! The F of O! To see those moldy musty ruins! So, uh, yeah. How-how’ve you been?”

Desmond finished with a sharp gasp as he took his hand off the transmitter. Sweat poured down his brow and he suddenly became unsure as to whether this was a good idea. He hit the ship's local comms.

“Hello guys, friends. We may be facing a slight hiccup in the plan, but if you’ll all just remain calm and stand near the closest turrets you can find it would be greatly appreciated.”

If they ended up having to blast their way out it would be best to be prepared. They were still a ways away from the main destroyers and it would be easy for the nimble craft to dodge the long range lasers they fired, but the TIE’s were another matter...

[member="Kami Meran"]
[member="Carlyle Rausgeber"]

RIP Carlyle Rausgeber

"It's all been bloody marvellous..."
Comms rolled his eyes, and turned off the line, "Commodore, they have a clearance code. Apparently they're a vessel, the Tin Box." The Officer reported, "According to them, they're, well, tourists, but something seems a little off about them." Comms admitted.

"Really?" Carlyle asked, "And why would that be?" He asked, glaring at the ship in the distance. The TIE squadrons were performing attack runs on the ship as it moved to Yalaran orbit.

"Well the guy on the other end, is just, he's just weird." Comms replied, "He's all over the place, it definitely sounds suspicious." The Officer reported.

Carlyle turned and began to pace up and down the bridge, "Let them pass." Carlyle said.

"But sir, what, why would we do that?" Comms asked, looking at his superior with a cocked head.

"I never said we'd let them fully go." Carlyle said with a sadistic smile, turning to the Officer, "Get Captain Erskine online, I think the crew of the Tin Box better get acquainted with First Imperial inspection procedure."

Comms laughed and shook his head, "You're a sick bastard Commodore!" He said, typing up a message. He then tuned into the Tin Box's comms, "Tin Box, this is FIV Conquest, you are cleared to pass to Yalaran orbit. But will be subject to a randomised inspection, move down to landing pad HK-45." Comms said, "Have a pleasant day." Although the Chiss wouldn't see it, Comms wore a poodoo eating grin.

[member="Desmond C'artyom"] | [member="Lark"] | [member="Kami Meran"] | [member="Thraxis"]
Desmond watched as another TIE swooped down on them menacingly. He flinched a little as he imagined the damage that the TIE would do if it had fired live munitions. Then the FO comms officer cleared them for landing and the Chiss gave a great sigh of relief.

“Attention passengers. We have been granted permission to land!”

To landing pad HK-45 then. He flew through the expanse of space towards the FO fleet. Great cruisers and giant dreadnoughts loomed threateningly around them and it sent a chill up Desmond’s spine. If they decided to fire he and his crew would not last very long. He tried to imagine what life might be like for his FO counterparts aboard the massive vessels. Probably rather dull. Someone might decide to take a pot shot just to abate his own boredom.

Desmond thought as he passed the Yalaran fleet and prepped to land. His ship broke atmosphere and the hull began to glow red hot as it descended to the planet's surface. Clouds broke before the soaring craft and the condensation steamed on its hull. They approached the port that would allow them admittance to the Yalaran surface and Des set the ship down to land at platform HK-45. The vessel hovered above the platform before finally gently coming to a halt atop of it. The freighters gang plank descended with a hiss.

“Ladies and gentlemen thank you for flying air Des, we have now arrived at our destination,” Des said jovially into the ship's comms. He then stood up from the cockpit and exited via disgusting hallways. Once outside his ship he marveled at the fresh air with a deep satisfying inhale.

[member="Carlyle Rausgeber"]
[member="Kami Meran"]
A squadron of TIE fighters didn't leave the Tin Box as it made its descent, only about hundred meters from the landing pad did they break off and return to orbital drilling.

The landing platform was full, with half a platoon of stormtroopers standing to attention. In front of them all, stood a tall, lanky man with a disgusted look on his face. He had pale, skin, and short brown hair, and looked to be naught but skin and bone. The officers face was pursed in a continuous scowl, he watched as the miscreants disembarked, "Welcome to Yalara," The officer said dryly, "I am Captain Dersahn Erskine of the First Imperial Navy." He introduced himself, his cold blue eyes making sure they met each and every of the scum who'd disembarked.

"Your ship has been flagged for inspection." The Captain said, "This was a random target chosen for inspection, so given you have nothing to hide, this should be a quick check before we can get you on your way." he said, in an authoritative voice. "Now, with pleasantries out of the way," he turned to the stormtroopers, "Search the ship." The stormtroopers began to file into the Tin Box, one by one, each carrying a blaster rifle, and a scanner. Twelve entered while the other thirteen stood outside.

[member="Desmond C'artyom"] | [member="Lark"] | [member="Kami Meran"] | @Thraxis
" Well good luck with the cavity searches. " Kami joked thankfully she was not in her armor but instead clothed in mechanics gear.
overalls and a stained vest. better to keep some tools with her as opposed to being weighted down with weapons.
she would play all this buy ear see where this all went and hopefully get a payday out of this.
" well i hope those female troopers are hot is all im saying. " she snickered as the troopers began serching the place.
she had nothing other than a chain whip that passed as a plumbing tool an a flick knife she knew would be taken.
still her Cybernetics would raise an eyebrow.
so she approached the captain indirectly
" ah Officer i would like to cooperate perhaps make things easier my name is Undula Anjiani i'm listed as the ships Mechanic i have prosthetic lungs nasty case of Greyrot. i'd like to turn over a flick knife i have on my person hopefully smooth things along. " she beamed all cherefylly.
" and .. psst take your time in the engine room. i have a stash of Modern blaster and a 6 pack. she winked too the soldier. "
[member="Rexus Wenck"][member="Desmond C'artyom"][member="Carlyle Rausgeber"] [member="Lark"] [member="Thraxis"]


Saint of the Damned
"Alright buddy," a guard said as he approached Lark to search him. "Let's make this easy. Anything on your person I should know about?"

Normally Lark was completely covered in knives, he wore blades like one wore clothing. But today, he only had one, that wouldn't arouse to much suspicion. It wasn't even a unique knife, he'd be surprised if it could cut through paper. "I have a knife in my front right pocket," he answered kindly. "One can never be to careful."

The guard took out the knife, noting how inefficient it was. "Yeah..." he muttered, before finishing the search. Apparently satisfied, he moved on to the next person. Hopefully he'd take Lark's complete confidence in the feeble knife as a sign of stupidity and disregard him.

The skeleton of a commander overlooked the search, ices made of ice scanning the newcomers. This isn't a random search, every one of us knows it. Who are you trying to fool? Lark smiled softly as he thought, and met the frozen eyes of the commander. This admittedly wasn't the way Lark had envisioned the plan going, but Desmond's jobs always kept one on their toes. With a gaze that was completely void of humanity, Lark turned away from the stoic Captain, and studied the area around him.

[member="Kami Meran"] [member="Rexus Wenck"] [member="Desmond C'artyom"] [member="Carlyle Rausgeber"] [member="Thraxis"]
Thraxis let loose a long-lived sigh, rummaging beneath the bed sheet as a man let loose a vocal scream, "Oi! Get outta the sheets. Ya here for an inspection." the man demanded, poking Thraxis with his blaster as he rolled around in the sheets. With a forced smile Thraxis restlessly stumbled out of his abode of a blanket, his body laced with deep worrying scars, some looked like they could pass for a battle scar, others screamed torture and heinous acts.

"Yeah... Whatever follow me." he responded, taking the man down a corridor as the bed sheet loosely covered his skin as they trailed down a putrid corridor, filth and debris looking as if it had managed to wash ashore from a long forgotten wave. After a few minutes and a few jabs in the back, they finally arrived at Thraxis small barely livable quarters opened with a wave of the hand, a series of illegal armerments and weaponary, what was Thraxis meant to do, if he hid there was going to be a firefight, if he started to fight there would be one. "Yeah.... A lot of this is illegal stuff.. So how do we go about this, its kinda the first time I have been inspected with this sort of stuff." he responded with slap ont he back of the inspector, he was a bit taken aback. The freedom of which the man simply showed his armerments, unphased unhidden and simply left out in public view.

[member="Desmond C'artyom"] [member="Lark"] [member="Kami Meran"]
[member="Rexus Wenck"] [member="Carlyle Rausgeber"]
" i have the receipts of all that stuff i's only illegal in imperial space. if it suits your commander. ill sign it in to confiscation id i can get a receipt. " Kami sighed feeling exhilarated with all of this.
" is there any way we can get some progress done with this? i have business with your commanding officer. tactical info from a old emoire base on Lok. "
Desmond stared dumbfounded at the captain, whom gave him an ice cold glare in return. Well this wasn't looking good at all. From what he knew about Thraxis was that the man was rather blunt. To a fault. (Not to mention quiet insane.) So, Desmond began to wonder about the small armory Thraxis had in his room. The zeltron was still aboard the ship, so that left Lark, Kami and Des on the outside. “Lark, Kami, when I signal, run back into the ship,” He whispered to the red haired menace and petite Mandalorian. The captain sought to intervene, but the message had been relayed. The man separated the three and Desmond began to feel cold beads of perspiration form on his skin.


Desmond quickly drew a blaster from his holster. He hip fired it cowboy style point blank into the seedy captain’s gut. BANG BANG BANG. Three shots and the man keeled over. He targeted the nearest stormtrooper and fired at him too. Then without waiting to see if the shots hit he ran up the gangplank. He hit the blast doors as shots from the outside raced after him. That left twelve stormtroopers still inside the ship. Desmond raced to the cockpit and found two bucket heads rifling through his issues of Togruta gone wild.

“The pages are all stuck together…”

“Could be explosive chemicals!”

Desmond didn't wait for the stormtroopers to figure it out. He shot the two naive troopers dead in the back and hopped in his captains chair. “Guys! We have a problem!” Des shouted into the comms. He hit the ignition and the ship accelerated into the air.

[member="Kami Meran"]
[member="Rexus Wenck"]
[member="Carlyle Rausgeber"]
Dammit she slid enough ionite in those pages to kill a bantha without doing damage to the ship.
" you know i had a plan right? tools can be used as weapons. and i do have a micro lightsaber. " she sighed
" so what now fearfull leader?" she asked whipping out her flail and in a second killing the last 2 troopers.
" i wanted those Darktrooper plans. " she whyned
as she removed her saber from the face of a trooper winding it round her neck.

RIP Carlyle Rausgeber

"It's all been bloody marvellous..."\

The stormtroopers on the landing pad watched dumbfounded as the civilians began to take out weapons and begin to fire upon them. Soldiers instinct kicked in, and they began to return fire. The lieutenant in charge of the platoon, looked to a sergeant, "Keep firing, I'm gonna call it in!"

"Understood sir!" The sergeant replied.

The lieutenant ran across the pad, and down a staircase to the nearest customs office. Engineers, and civilian mechanics looked at the arriving trooper, "What's going on up there?" One asked.

"We're being attacked!" The lieutenant snapped, "I need your nearest comms module!"

The mechanic nodded, and lead the trooper to the comms station in the corner of the office. "Does this reach military frequencies?" The lieutenant asked.

"Sir yes sir." The mechanic replied.

"Good, good," the stormtrooper began to configure the commands, "This is Yalara Spaceport, I repeat, Yalara Spaceport. A Corellian vessel carrying a chiss, and two humans has attacked us during inspection. Calling all ground assets, all naval and air assets. The," he paused, and tried to remember the ships name, "Tin Box, is blasting its way out of Yalara Spaceport, please be advised. It's a Corellian YT model freighter."


The stormtroopers on pad HK-45 began to fire upon the starship, aiming for the engines, and anything that was exposed in terms of wiring. The two medics of the unit, began to drag Twigg and Gerhard off of the landing pad, as the ship tried to lurch off. "Keep firing!" The sergeant in charge barked, "I don't want them leaving the system!" The soldier barked, before reaching into his utility belt and throwing a tracking beacon at the ship. It landed right underneath the engines, "Don't stop shooting these bastards! We'll send them to hell, care of the old folks home!"


In orbit above Yalara, the fleet continued its exercises, with the Conquest leading proceedings. Carlyle continued to look out across the space at the TIE fighters on their runs. "Commodore, I have something!" Comms barked.

"What is it?" Carlyle asked, "Has Commander Demmings finally noticed he's out of position?"

"No sir, it's about the Tin Box!" Comms said, "They just blasted out of Yalara spaceport."

Carlyle smiled, "I knew it! I motherkriffing knew it!" he said, feeling a mixture of vindication and exhilaration, however professional matters had to take hold. "Get the Impediment and Immobilizer to activate their gravity well generators, we won't let these scum escape us." He said with a snide smile, "TIE Ops," Carlyle called.

"Yes Commodore?" the Officer asked.

"Order all TIE's to track the Tin Box, it's about time we had some live targets." Carlyle grinned. Within seconds of recieving the order, the two interdictors activated. Their gravity well generators locking Yalara down. Four wings of TIE's, 288 fighters began to make a beeline for the surface. For defying routine inspection, these pirates would pay.

@Garret Van | [member="Maurice Dalton"] | [member="Kami Meran"] | [member="Thraxis"] | [member="Desmond C'artyom"] | @Lark
First Order Planetary Defense Forces
327th Airborne Infantry Bn. Dorn Company
Objective: Secure Spaceport from Terrorists
Location: Yalara Spaceport
Allies: [member="Rexus Wenck"]
Enemies: [member="Desmond C'artyom"] and Friends
"Alright troopers get your gear together we have a terrorist attack at the Yalara Starport. Go go go!"
This would be Garett's first operation since his recovery from the trauma on Kaeshana, The men of the Dorn Company start to load up from the base into the Assault landers, which would take them to the starport to secure from the reported blaster fire inside.
"Lieutenant, how are you feeling?"
"I'm fine Sergeant Illerian, but thanks for asking."
"The loss of you really hit us hard on Kaeshana, made it very difficult for a lot of us."
"Lets not talk about it, I don't want to relive that ever again, understood."
"Yes sir."
It wouldn't take long for the landers to get to the starport, once there the troopers of the Planetary Defense Army would disembark and move in to secure the building. 16 assault landers, drop outside the starport on Yalara, their ramps drop and Dorn Company rushes out to move in and secure the Starport. Garett calmly walking behind the mass rush of troopers moving in tactically into the building. Orders were to protect the civilians, neutralize the terrorists with lethal force. Intelligence suggested there were no hostages, so evacuating the civilians was a must.
"First Platoon, I want you to stay at the entrance get the civilians to safety. Second Platoon, you are going to the second level and support third from above. Third Platoon, you are the assault team. Fourth Platoon, you are perimeter. Move out!"
The Platoon leaders nod, and start to dish out orders to their troopers. Civilians were either rushing out in a panic, or cowering in fear somewhere. Second and Third platoons would as needed tell them to clear out, but mostly the troopers of First Platoon would follow and usher them to safety. Everyone in the Company had a general idea of what the terrorists looked like, a Chiss, two humans, and a Zeltron, they already launched in a YT Model Freighter, but this was standard operating procedure for the defense army. Garett would continue to monitor comms to see if anything new became know about the terrorists.
as blaster bolts pingged off the hull kami yelled
" you know what? im happy. happy to die to shop people how skeving frak yt1300's are seriously some guy 700 years ago has one now half of the galaxy runs around in tugboats "
Kami yelled leaning casualy on a chair


Saint of the Damned
A soldier reacted as soon as the blaster fire started, pointing his gun directly at Lark. Instincts kicked in, and Lark grabbed the rifle and slung the man over his shoulder, and blasting a hole in his head in a mock execution. He darted back on board, and sought out @Thraxis. The man hadn't left the ship during the inspection, and Lark had counted a dozen or so soldiers boarding the ship. He found two soldiers running back to the landing bay, and Lark's arm snapped up in a fluid, graceful motion, and after he trigger was pulled twice, two more bodies littered the ship, the filth continued to pile up, and now the familiar scent of death flowed through the Tin Box.

Lark finally found Thraxis, several soldiers were already nearby him. He fired into the room, downing a few more soldiers, giving Thraxis some room to breath. But he was surrounded by the most dangerous illegal weaponry one could afford, so he wasn't particularity worried for his safety. He was more concerned that he'd inadvertently damage the ship. Thraxis was a fighter, he could handle himself.

[member="Kami Meran"] [member="Garett Van"] [member="Carlyle Rausgeber"] [member="Desmond C'artyom"] [member="Rexus Wenck"]
Kami looked at the looked that [member="Desmond C'artyom"] shot her.
" fiiiine i'll get on the turrets. " she sighed as he taped on her data pad " but answer me this? who haven't you seen? " she smiled
" Who do i usually have with me? better look out the window." she smiled jumping on the turrets.
as the sight of the small Blood Princess and [member="Lyth Meran"] shot in to combat

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