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Xyrus Empiricus

TRIBE: Xyrus VI of the Empiricus Tribe
FACTION: Mandalorian
SPECIES: Falleen/ Slith recombinant clone
AGE: 128
SEX: male
HEIGHT/ LENGTH: 5'6" standing height/ 16'4" total length
WEIGHT: 460lbs
EYES: yellow; reptilian
HAIR: Black
SKIN: variable scales; standard grey-green
LANGUAGES: Falleen, Basic, Mando'a, Slithese

APPEARANCE: Most noticeably, the Xyrus clone has the serpentine lower half of a Slith, and the humanoid upper half of a Falleen. It's skin is a fine layer of scales capable of changing colors, but which rests at a grey-green tone. Long, black hair is most often restrained in a ponytail. Typically wearing a breastplate, spaulders, and bracers, and carrying a staff.

The Xyrus clone possesses several beneficial characteristics of its parent species. The Slith genetic, initially revived as a potential cure for the Gulag Virus, contains a progressive variation of the regenerative capabilities common to most reptilian species, and is extremely resilient to disease. Slith venom is also a powerful paralytic which can be used as an alternative anesthetic for those with allergies or immunity to more common agents. And although this variant was unable to retain the pheromone projecting capability of the Falleen genetic, the Xyrus VI clone does retain its color-changing skin, long lifespans (which are even augmented in this variant, due to the Slith regenerative trait), and resistance to Force powers.

The original Xyrus Falleen genetic contains a degenerative neurological disorder with symptomatic seizures and waking blackouts. The Slith genetic was introduced in hopes of curing the ailment, but only succeeded at slowing it's progression. This Xyrus variant's seizures currently have a low frequency at once or twice a year, but the rate will increase over a period of decades until entire regions of the brain become fragmented and unstable in the clone's mature years. This may lead to fractures in the consciousness or even complete incapacitation.

The hybridized cloning process for the Xyrus variant was unable to fully mature the pheromone projection apparatus of the Falleen genetic, and it does not function beyond human levels.

This Xyrus variant has a lingering psychological trauma from its lengthy imprisonment during adolescence, and enduring experimentation during that time. Prisons, as well as lab and hospital settings cause a powerful stress response in this Xyrus clone, to the point of an uncontrollable violence, if complete restraint is attempted or medical invasion is attempted. Extensive medical treatment requires sedation.

The clan Empiricus was nearly wiped out by the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the Falleen home world. It's last remaining successor was a frail and doomed boy with a dire neurological disorder which led to insanity by mid-life. With the Falleen DNA database decimated in the invasion, protectors of the Empiricus line were forced to take the drastic measure of attempting a hybrid clone to preserve their hereditary line. They found suitable material and a promising solution to the neurological degeneration in the vaguely similar genetic of the Slith species from Yavin 4. The Slith were all but extinct as well, also because of the Yuuzhan Vong, but their DNA had been sampled by several space-faring civilizations they had encountered over the years, and preserved for it's potent regenerative and venomous adaptations.

Having obtained the Slith genetic, and utilizing occult Kaminoan cloning technology which had survived the Clone War devastation in remote collections, the protectors of the Empiricus line commissioned the creation of a hybrid clone of the last surviving Empiricus boy, Xyrus. Five preceding variations of the hybrid were abject failures until the mostly stable Xyrus VI clone was created. But it still had not perfectly eliminated the degenerative genetic condition, so Xyrus VI was kept imprisoned throughout his youth, trained as a successor but also subjected to experimentation in hopes of finding a more perfect variant, the original Xyrus having long-since expired.

On his 100th birthday, Xyrus escaped, killing his tormentors and fleeing into the CHAOS.


Quote: "Reality is a Great Serpent; growing as she devours her own tail. What the Wyrm knows or thinks of her predicament none can say, for eternity has no peers. But woe if she is aware of her endless solitude, for she would be the most miserable of wretches, and surely envy even me."
I've actually drawn a couple of pictures of this character in good detail, but I can't get a picture to post here. Tried linking an image URL, but the URL comment window won't respond after it's opened (won't close from canceling or clicking the X, and won't post even with a valid URL in the box). I also tried copying and pasting the image into the text box unsuccessfully.

If anyone can help me figure that out, the pics are pretty cool, and represent a new hybrid species to the Star Wars Universe.

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