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Approved Tech XR-01 Anti Personel Pressure Sensitive Thermal Detonator

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Alli Wren

Intent: This grenade has the intent of countering force users and being thrown back at the user.

Manufacturer: Baktoid Industries


Affiliation: Baktoid Industries
Modularity: Can be used with various types of cores, most often used with a thermal detonator core

Production: Massive

Material: Durasteel, circuits,

Size: 10cm radius
Range: Depending on core but for Thermal Detonator up to 20 meters.

Munition: Most often a Thermal Detonator core, but can be equipped with an ion core or gas.

Priming: The grenade is either primed by an unique signal from a chip/computer which can not be duplicate by enemies in or on the person. or by pressing in the correct code on the 4 unmarked buttons. This is of course to encourage the use of a future design by Baktoid Industries.

Description: This small sphere, when thrown can either be set to detonate via a timer or by pressure, as it will blow up upon colliding with something or being engaged by the force. It is highly illegal to the average denizen of the galaxy but Baktoid Industries doesn't judge and sells to whoever has the the credits as long as local law doesn't prohibit the sale.

Alli Wren

Most likely as I built it around the concept of using different cores in a standard grenade format to offer versatility. also if you need any other tech developed Baktoid Industries would love to spend your R&D money and put it to interesting uses..
But not approved, not yet anyway. Besides there is a fine print line you failed to take note of, one which I will not reveal until I have them in my grasp :D

Alli Wren

Daxton Bane said:
But not approved, not yet anyway. Besides there is a fine print line you failed to take note of, one which I will not reveal until I have them in my grasp :D
you know I will sell them to you anyways.. but what what is this fine print line?
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