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Approved NPC Xana the bull rancor

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Name: Xana, female bull rancor

Loyalties: Perla Pirjo’s battle mount

Role: This specific bull rancor was tamed on the plains of Dathomir by Perla Pirjo to give the witch intiate an advantage in ground warfare.

Development threads:

Age: Adult female (years unknown)

Species: Bull Rancor

Force-sensitive: No, but since Perla tamed the rancor using the Dathomir witch healing ritual (which also uses the Force) the rider and the beast are Force-bonded together. This means the witch rider can communicate with the beast through use of the Force as well as calm the creature when it gets enraged.

Appearance: The bull rancor is female and lacks the long horns that the male of the species does. Xana stands a little over 20 meters tall as the bull rancor is much bigger than the common rancor. Both species can be found on Dathomir. The females are also less aggressive than the males but they have extremely sharp teeth, long claws, a tough hide and are fearsome and malodorous. Their faces are flat and they are considered ugly by most human standards.

Personality: Animalistic, hungry, enraged, but can be calm and loving to Perla only

Weapons: Teeth, claws, powerful girth, can use its sheer body weight to crush opponents

Combat function: With an armored hide, the battle rancor is what Perla will take into battle when she engages with Primeval foes. The night-vision of Xana is excellent but her daytime vision is not as good. Like the hide of a hutt, blasters and light sabers don’t do much damage to her tough exterior. However, the creatures are succeptible to weaponry like the bevii’ragir, siege weaponry and heavy artillery.

Skills: The rancor has exceptional skills in hunting, killing, eating and pummeling humans and near-humans who aren’t sufficiently armed to fight against them. Perla herself has extensive rancor riding experience as outlined in these threads:

Notable possessions: Perla has a saddle which she designed for the beast which makes for a more comfortable ride and can hold a few items (vibro dagger, canteen for example) but the saddle is mostly cosmetic with no additional combat use.

Other notes: When Xana is not being used by Perla she is stored in the Imperial Dungeon on Bastion and is fed a steady diet of prisoners, heretics and other enemies of the Primeval. Despite Xana’s docility towards her rider, if anyone else tries to ride this creature they will be promptly eaten.
[member="Perla Pirjo"]

Okay first thing I noticed was this:

Perla Pirjo said:
Yes but only with her rider and master, Perla. Since Perla established the bond with Xana through the Dathomir witch healing ritual using the Force, she and the beast are Force-bonded together. This means the witch rider can communicate with the beast through the Force as well as calm the creature when it gets enraged.
A Force Bond with a rancor does not make it Force Sensitive as the way it currently reads made me think the bull rancor was also Force Sensitive around her master. A bond with you just means Xana will only obey your commands and eat anyone else who tries. Please fix that and everything else should be good :)
[member="Perla Pirjo"]

Indeed you did :) okay everything looks good, even got a very decent dev thread so I'm going to stamp this for pending approval.

If you ever sub anything else for this rancor, such as armor, please make sure to include a sub modification to reflect that :)

[member="Valiens Nantaris"]
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