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Approved Species Xalmiris

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  • Intent: To create a force antithesis to the Ysalamiri
  • Image Credit: A Fallout Wikia
  • Canon: N/a
  • Permissions: N/a
  • Links: Ysalamir
  • Name: Xalmiris (Sithspawn)
  • Designation: Non-sentient
  • Origins: Lord Venari's lab on Korriban, Myrkr (where the original species was harvested)
  • Average Lifespan: 10 years
  • Estimated Population: Semi-Unique, a few dozen.
  • Description: The Xalmiris are a version of the Ysalamiri mutated by Sith alchemy that are far darker in complexion. They're spiked reptilians that can travel on all four legs or walk on two for a short time. They are extremely aggressive toward non-force users and the Ysalamiri.
  • Breathes: Type I
  • Average Height of Adults: 38cm
  • Average Length of Adults: 50cm
  • Skin color: Dark gray & purple
  • Hair color: N/A
  • Distinctions: Most distinctive in the Xalmiris are their spikes and, unlike their progenitors, they can travel on two legs for a short time and have taken a slightly more humanoid appearance.
  • Races: Originated from the Ysalamir, but otherwise no other race.
  • Force Sensitivity: All (they're inherently strong in the dark side but only have one application of this power).
  • Force empowerment: The Xalmiris create bubble that enhances the effects of the force in a 10-meter radius around them (this range expands with their numbers).
  • Deterrent: They have an effect on the Ysalamir, upon entering their force neutral bubble they cause the bubble to collapse and stop the Ysalamir from summoning another one for about an hour.
  • Feeble: They have a very limited ability to defend themselves including only their claws and teeth (aside from the bubble).
  • Force Light: As Sithspawn they can't handle the being touched by the ability force light, which will kill them instantly.
  • When they enter the range of the Ysalamir they negate the force neutral bubble but become unable to enhance the powers of the force around them for about a half hour.
  • Diet: Carnivore, though they can specifically live off of the nutrients of the Olbio tree as well (a trait that crossed over with their alchemic mutation).
  • Communication: They hiss and growl but have no spoken language.
  • Technology level: No technology.
  • Religion/Beliefs: No religion or beliefs.
  • General behavior: Xalmiris are incredibly hostile towards any non-dark sided force users. Despite their small frame and relatively minimal threat they will attack anything they untouched by the force or of the light side. They're also incredibly aggressive toward their source species, the Ysalamir. They will bond with dark siders and in so doing; hold back any hostility against those their masters do not wish harmed. The Xalmiris will also defend each other from any threat that is not a bonded master.
With more and more individuals utilizing anti-force technology and mobilizing species such as the Ysalamir, Lord Venari sought a way to counter these anti-force efforts. His legion had captured a number of the reptile and brought them to Korriban where, with Sith Alchemy, the Sith Lord experimented on the creatures, infusing them with the dark side. The result: the creation of the Xalmiris. Initially it proved quite difficult as the Ysalamir subjects had to be kept in an induced coma to stop them from raising their force neutralizing bubble. Then with the constant application of both beast control and sheer dark side energy the lizards began to mutate into something far more aggressive.

The Xalmiris had become a far more aggressive beast that only spared dark siders unless bonded to a master who willed otherwise. The benefits of this creation were astounding. The Xalmiris exert their own force bubble this one hyper-sensitizes the force within its ten meter range, causing force powers to become enhanced two fold. Furthermore, their mere presence within the force neutral bubble of their progenitors caused the Ysalamir's defense to collapse, and left them unable to erect a new barrier for an hours time albeit at the cost of their own ability to enhance the force sensitivity around them.
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