Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Writing Class


The One Horned Demon
(OOC: This is a practice rp for [member="stardust"], to help them with their roleplaying. Me and [member="Asher Kellan"] will be providing comments after each post.)

Nar Shaddaa

Stardust was given a private contract from a hooded man. It was her job to infiltrate a hidden warehouse and take the large package marked as "top secret". Afterwords, she was to return it to the same hooded man.

The city was filled with lights and people. The warehouse was guarded by at least 15 men on the outside all outfitted with armor and weapons. The air was filled with the smell of old alcohol, and sweat. In the distance a dog's barks could be heard. The commotion of people talking and shouting could be heard from anywhere in the city. This was an average day for Nar Shaddaa.
stardust had a job though she didnt know what she was taking she felt it was best not to ask. she landed her xwing and got out looking diwn to her data pad that had where the location may be of tge package.

r8 guard the ship be readt to move if need be"she said and began walking her outfit light and movable but she wore a robe hiding her two sabers and small blaster.

she walked diwn looking at the crowd anf inhaling"ahhhh smells like chaos "she said as sge began her day
[member="Asher Kellan"] [member="Cain Laatl"]
Very good so far. Lets first try to get the length of the post. To add in the writing, think about what you would do in your characters situation, and act accordingly. You can also add emotions to your post. Simply putting in thoughts about your actions or even a small paragraph about what you are carrying or how you look or dress (if it needs to be for battles or you are at a special event.) Emotion makes a story feel real. A person goes through life thinking constantly. Even in our sleep we dream which is a form of thinking. Try and add some emotion or even flashbacks to pertain to the thread.

For the purpose of this thread, Cain will be considered the GM or DM while I will be helping you along the way, and I will mark the emotional parts in Yellow, and the informational items in Green. For you to see how much it adds to the story. The white writing will either be actions.

For the purpose of this thread, Cain will be considered the GM or DM while I will be helping you along the way.

I smiled as my personal ship, The White Phoenix, Landed on the Nar Shaddaa with a hiss as the landing gears made the clanking sounds under the immense weight of the ship. It was a very nice vessel. Able to support myself and Foxxy, Well really her name was Anaya, but I called her Foxxy and she called me Phoenix as our code names, Nick names that we have given each other since childhood. As I stood she grabbed my arm and spoke in a concerned voice, "You know that there will be a good dozen to two dozen people Ash?" I nodded my head and smiled at her. "Ana, you have seen what I can do. I survived an encounter from a Sith Master, if I don't come back, then its because I do not like you any more. I promise to always come back."

It was true. I did like Ana, just that I didn't want to try and flesh it out how much I did. She and I have been friends since we were seven years old and in school. we had a connection far better than anyone else might have. And that was something that I was not willing to give up. She let go as she smiled. Understanding that I would always come back for her. Nodding my head, I reached for my hand and pulled off a ring from my right index finger. Simple titanium made, I handed it to her, "This is a ring my father gave me, and I want it back." She understood the purpose of the ring. A symbol that I would be back for the ring.

I then walked off to the little armory that I had within the ship and grabbed the necessary gear. Morna's Phoenix sword (now it was mine since his death), a HP-101 slugthrower, and a dagger housed inside my left inner boot, as well as a chain whip/weapon wrapped around my left hand. It only took me a few seconds to put it all on and moving to the ramp, I inserted an ear piece, "Ear check, 1, 2, 3." There was a silence followed by Ana's voice "Loud and clear, GO forth and wreck destruction Phoenix." Nodding my head I walked off the ramp and towards the building. I was to infiltrate the warehouse and retrieve a package for my buyer. some Zabrak mix man that hired me. Though I had a feeling that he also hired others to make sure the job got done. So their might be some rivalry here.

Walking off with the thunderous booms of my boots, I continued on to get this job done.

[member="stardust"], [member="Cain Laatl"],


The One Horned Demon
OOC: I believe that you should begin proofreading your writing. Reread it so that everything sounds good, and is spelled correctly.

[member="stardust"] , If you are not running in fire fox where it shows you your mistakes then yeah, posting in word pad would help out a lot as well.

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