Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Worst Consistent Video Game Nemisis

first person shooters?

specifically battlefield games.
when i spawn in and then the screen is black and by the time it comes back i'm dead.

forgetting the fact that sometimes that my gun doesn't render sometimes when i get a good spawn behind people on the other team.

DICE hates me.
While we're on the subject of things that are utterly beyond our control, anything with an RNG.

As previously stated in this thread, I have atrociously bad luck. I try my absolute hardest to avoid games with random number generators as a precaution. One of my favorite games, though, is Fire Emblem. The leveling system works on a percentile. A character has an X% chance to increase each stat each time they level up, and every single combat is X% to hit, X% to crit.

Suffice to say, I do not have a good time with Fire Emblem. Same problem with D&D. I rolled no less than four natural 1's during our game last night.
ouch @[member="Fabula Cavataio"] that has to suck.
reminds me of one of my friends... I mean I have fairly bad luck with RNG and quite a bit better luck with physical dice of course they still get me on occasion...

but my friends luck is so bad... for example we were playing Rifts and rolling up characters, with like 3d6 stats the Gm liked a slightly higher power level on stats so changed it to 4D6 take the best 3... after a few times of my friend getting multiple chars with stats of 3-5 (on multiple of the 8 attributes) the gm changed it to 4d6 take the best 3, reroll 1's ... I think my friend still ended up with multiple 6-8 ranged stats a few times...

On the other hand I had a char a couple months ago that my dice were "on fire" rolling up stats, and I was on a bit of a ... wanted to maybe play a dog boy mood, so I start rolling base stats IQ ended up 28 ME ended up 20, MA ended up 15, PS ended up 46 supernatural (rolled a couple mutation effects) after adjustments PP ended up 27 after adjustments PE ended up 44 supernatural after adjustments, PB 26, and spd of 74 many of those stats required "reaches" aka you roll good, then roll a 6 and get another die and ... ya its a pretty crazy char

Veshok Ordo

Follower of Aatrox
The only game that lets me be lucky is a guessing game. Like when my friend asked me to guess how long her dad had owned some Jersey thing that I'd never seen, or even heard mentioned before. "17 and a half years," I said, faking a sense of security and pride.
Her facial expression was the best. I was right.

In video games, my enemies are indeed ladders. Especially when the game won't let you go up it if you're not directly centered in front of it. There have been many times where I have nearly given up because of those foul contraptions.
@[member="Fabula Cavataio"]

Don't you even start. I had a whole fething DICE SET that hated me. And not just for one session. For the whole gods damn campaign!

Eventually I gave up and made a tank so great that it took the DM hand-crafting a gargantuan assault walker with a castle destroying cannon to hit him.


Got up both times.


Ladders? Dark Souls. 'Nuff said....

Or those misleadingly long jumps and a sprint feature that works when it feels like it. >_>

Because you don't need those souls....
Fighting Games. I was playing Injustice yesterday, because why not, and I went online and... I... it was so brutal. I couldn't even punch man... their combos just never ended! They just never ended! Shazam. Every time I saw him, I died a little inside. My pride kept telling me I wasn't bad, and they just played this every day, so if I get better I could take them. I was not correct. I would do okay against other people like me... then it would happen again.

RTS turtle players. You know, the ones that just sit in their base and build up defenses? I mean, you can beat them fairly easily, but it is like their one goal in life is to suck as much fun from you as possible. Hate people who do that.

Any horror game where I am stuck with a flashlight or other none fighting tooling. I love sneaking around, but... come on man! I have very poor fight or flight responses. I always die because when they scream at me my first thought, since it is a video game, is "Come at me brah! Come at me!" then they do... and it ends badly for me.

Games with few dialogue options. I know that if I tell this king to go shove it and burn in hell... I am probably going to die, but I want the option because he is not a nice man. I was playing a NWN 2 mod where this samurai Daimyo kept talking down to me. Calling me a foreigner who should not speak in his presence, yet expected me to go out and beat people up for him. I am a level 27 monk, I want an option to tell that pompous man to shove it cause I do what I want.

[member="Adenn Colston"] First time I beat Dragon Age, I didn't know about the ballistas. I killed him by hitting him over and over again in H2H. I went through so many potions, but my dwarf with his greataxe could not be denied!!!!!! My only regret was that they didn't have longer beards in the customization.

EDIT: Oh, and Demon Souls which I still consider to be far, far, far harder then Dark Souls.
Mass Effect 3

When none of your friends are with you, and everyone's just your doing their own thing. Its team based for a reason..why do we have three Adepts and one Sentinel (me)

Or Krogans and their melees...

People who wine about taking their kill...want some cheese with that??

N7 rankers. Just because I don't promote my guys doesn't mean I'm a bad player. I like having a level 20 Character!!!!

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