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Approved Species Worgi

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  • Intent: To create a cute and adorable wild dog animal that people can use as adorable pets
  • ​Image Credit:
  • ​[X](Unknown Source)

[*]Canon: N/A
[*]Links: N/A
  • Name: Worgi
  • Designation: Non-sentient
  • Homeworld: Tamora(Will be created & linked in Future)
  • Language:
    Barks & Growls

[*]Average Lifespan: Thirty Years
[*]Estimated Population: Rare, a few Million
  • Worgi's are small and short dog-like animals that inhabit the forests and undergrowth of Tamora, eating small animals and low-hanging fruits and vegetables of farmers. These animals have short legs, making their small bodies lay close to the ground, this also makes them lacking in the speed department, though they can still catch up with a human at a leisurely jog though not at a full out run. Their fur is soft and thin during the summer and thick during the autumn and winter seasons despite their being no snow on Tamora, their coats get thicker during this time of year due to occasional cold winds that blow in from the north. Worgi's have short, canine-like teeth that helps them crunch up and eat small animals and plants along with helping them to defend themselves from other small animals.

  • Breathes: Type I
  • Average height of adults: 10 - 12 Inches
  • Average length of adults: 14 Inches
  • Skin color:
    Hazel Coat
  • Light-red Coat
  • Black Coat
  • White Coat
  • Grey Coat

[*]Hair color:
  • Hazel Coat
  • Light-red Coat
  • Black Coat
  • White Coat
  • Grey Coat

[*]Distinctions: The only difference between males and females is genitalia
  • The only known subspecies of the Worgi is the Worfe, a dog-like creature that heavily resembles a small fox with a short tail, pointed ears and stubby small legs. Worfe's typically hunt for small animals like lizards and squirrels in the trees due to their unique ability to climb trees due to their sharp claws that can help them climb up tree trunks and rock faces.

  • [+]Overwhelmingly Adorable
  • [+]Protective of Master
  • [+]Can fit into Small Places

  • [-]Short Legs/Slow
  • [-]Cannot eat Processed Foods
  • [-]Small

  • Diet:
    Fruit - Edible
  • Meat - Edible
  • Vegetables - Edible
  • Candy - Poisonous

  • Barks & Growls & Whines
  • Can understand basic commands in Galactic Basic

[*]Technology level: N/A
[*]Religion/Beliefs: N/A
[*]General behavior:
  • Worgi's act like most traditional wolves, gathering in packs ranging from six to twelve Worgi's, both females and males. They protect each other and travel around in search of food. During their mating phase, Worgi females release a type of pheromone's which tells male Worgi's that she is ready to mate. This occasional leads to male Worgi's to fight for a mate, though that's in very rare instances and dosen't often happen. In most instances, Worgi males will try and impress the female through a cute 'mating' dance, then the female chooses the male that best impresses her. As for babies, Worgi's give birth to live pups and take care of them for up to six weeks, before they are allowed outside of the cave to come and go hunting so that they may learn how to hunt and survive on their own without the help of their parent's.


Worgi Puppy or a Worgi Pup

  • Worgi's were just recently discovered along with the world of Tamora. Not much is known about the history of Worgi's, save that their evolutionary descent was one of great uniqueness as they do not resemble most 'modern-day' wolves found throughout the galaxy. Worgi's are much more mellow and tame than regular wolves and do not actively seek prey or try to attack humans or large animals often due to their sheer size alone. Worgi's are, by most accounts, undomesticated though it is rather easy to domesticate one if they are taken as pups by people seeking pets. Worgi's themselves are a rather plain species, though they are overly adorable. These dog-like animals inhabit the jungles and forests of Tamora, running around and hunting small animals for food and occasionally getting into the crops of farmer's, eating their crops. This makes them somewhat of a nuisance for fruit and vegetable growers, though their isn't much that can stop the unbridled determination of a hungry Wrogi on the prowl for Gogrog Berries, which are native to Tamora are a common albeit useful berry that farmer's grow.
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