The Mentor
A few weeks prior to the One Sith invasion of Kashyykk, a Jedi Master stood, arms folded, watching the forest below from the spaceport platform he had chosen to reside upon for this mission. He was no fan of the Republic. He was no fan of the Jedi Order that the Republic sponsored. But Kashyykk was a Republic world, and for this mission, they had insisted that they send along a soldier, a representative, to go along with him for what he had come here to do.
Despite being a member of the Republic's ally, the Ession Reformation, Jedi Master Joshua DragonsFlame had come here to this wooded planet on his own merits, his own power and his own choice. Why? The one thing he hated most.
Yes, despite being a Jedi, the young man felt hate. It had been a part of becoming more human after the tenants of the Jedi Code became just the rhetoric that suited whatever Force Using Order they belonged to. As the Ession Reformation had no code, Joshua had allowed himself to remain what he had become since his self imposed exile. A human being with emotions and feelings. He understood the dangers of them.. But he was capable of keeping control. He was taught that they led to the dark side. But Joshua was famous for one thing; and that was being unbreakable, unshakeable, unturnable. The Sith's influence never reached his head. Not even for a moment.
But that wasn't the subject right now. Ever since leaving the Order, he had taken to one of his favorite pastimes. Freeing the slaves of worlds where slavery was illegal. Of course, that didn't stop the slave trade from growing, especially on Kashyykk, and this Wookiee planet was a regular stop for him because of it. It used to be that he would sneak onto the planet, without the Republic knowing, hooded up and hidden, striking from the shadows and freeing slaves from their captors every little while. His presence had struck fear into the hearts of the Kashyyykk slavers, and he became known as the Mysterious Liberator by the planet's people, and it's slavers alike. And he would have been fine to stay that way, but when he would join the Ession Reformation, his ship was given Ession docking codes and the Republic would know the moment he set foot on the planet. He could no longer hide his identity, so now it was known who this liberator that had spent so many months risking his life for unwilling slaves he didn't know was. He had reluctantly accepted their offer of assistance, despite knowing it was mainly to keep an eye on him. Regardless, he had a job to do...
The soldier would arrive soon, he knew. Marona had been told to meet up with a Jedi Master at certain coordinates on the planet to begin the mission. She would find him overlooking the forests below, wearing brown Jedi robes, the hood covering his head and the top half of his face, only the bottom half and his mouth being visible... He was being patient, though he really wished the solidier would hurry. He was anxious to get to business. He had already located slaves being carted off to a camp on the planet currently. He wanted to get down there and put a stop to it...
Despite being a member of the Republic's ally, the Ession Reformation, Jedi Master Joshua DragonsFlame had come here to this wooded planet on his own merits, his own power and his own choice. Why? The one thing he hated most.
Yes, despite being a Jedi, the young man felt hate. It had been a part of becoming more human after the tenants of the Jedi Code became just the rhetoric that suited whatever Force Using Order they belonged to. As the Ession Reformation had no code, Joshua had allowed himself to remain what he had become since his self imposed exile. A human being with emotions and feelings. He understood the dangers of them.. But he was capable of keeping control. He was taught that they led to the dark side. But Joshua was famous for one thing; and that was being unbreakable, unshakeable, unturnable. The Sith's influence never reached his head. Not even for a moment.
But that wasn't the subject right now. Ever since leaving the Order, he had taken to one of his favorite pastimes. Freeing the slaves of worlds where slavery was illegal. Of course, that didn't stop the slave trade from growing, especially on Kashyykk, and this Wookiee planet was a regular stop for him because of it. It used to be that he would sneak onto the planet, without the Republic knowing, hooded up and hidden, striking from the shadows and freeing slaves from their captors every little while. His presence had struck fear into the hearts of the Kashyyykk slavers, and he became known as the Mysterious Liberator by the planet's people, and it's slavers alike. And he would have been fine to stay that way, but when he would join the Ession Reformation, his ship was given Ession docking codes and the Republic would know the moment he set foot on the planet. He could no longer hide his identity, so now it was known who this liberator that had spent so many months risking his life for unwilling slaves he didn't know was. He had reluctantly accepted their offer of assistance, despite knowing it was mainly to keep an eye on him. Regardless, he had a job to do...
The soldier would arrive soon, he knew. Marona had been told to meet up with a Jedi Master at certain coordinates on the planet to begin the mission. She would find him overlooking the forests below, wearing brown Jedi robes, the hood covering his head and the top half of his face, only the bottom half and his mouth being visible... He was being patient, though he really wished the solidier would hurry. He was anxious to get to business. He had already located slaves being carted off to a camp on the planet currently. He wanted to get down there and put a stop to it...