Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Woohoo Slavery... Wait a minute...


The Place where all scum and villainy go to meet, Disne- I mean Nal'Hutta.

"You know, its times like these that i love having the abilities to climb to a roof, over look a slave auction, and surprise two nit wit guards. Fun right?" He smiled as he held a knife to each of their throats and both of them at the edge of the roof. "You know, there were people on my planet that looked just like you guys, smelled like you guys... oh and they were just as evil as you guys... have a nice fall." With that he pushed them off the roof and watched them fall to the ground and lay there. The fall wouldn't have killed them, but they weren't getting back up.

Stowing the blades in his cloak for now, a practice he picked up by one [member="Vulpesen"] Torrevaso out of a bit of spite and a bit of impression on David he now rubbed his chin and looked down on the scene of the auction to see what it was that these slavers were selling today.

[member="Kari Tovan"]
Kari yelped as she was thrown forward onto the large raised platform being used to auction off the slaves. Her ears twitched and her tail was lashed back and forth in annoyance. She wanted nothing more than to tear out the throats of all the slavers and eager patrons around her. She was not a damn toy! No one had the right to sell her. She growled viciously at the man pulling her to her feet, hoping he would turn and run in fear. Sadly for her, he wasn't shaken in the least. [member="David Ulmer"]
[member="Kari Tovan"]

The Zorren raised a brow as it looked down at a certain one with tails. For a moment he thought it was another Zorren but the number of tails and ears themselves were wrong. "Hmm... this is very odd..." He wasn't sure what she was, maybe a genetic mutant of his species or something but she along interested him more than enough to stop this. Grabbing a dagger from his cloak he slid it up into his first sleeve and then a second dagger in his other sleeve, looking on again before dropping down into the crowd and getting closer.
Kari growled again as her tails moved to serving a more important purpose. Her state of dress was dismal to say the least. She did her best to cover as much of her exposed flesh as possible using her snow white tails. She hated slavers. If she managed to escape this she would make her personal mission to hunt down and destroy every last one of them. She may be small, but she was far from weak. She also had a temper to rival a raging storm. Her parents had even called her their "Little Blizzard" before the accident. [member="David Ulmer"]
[member="Kari Tovan"]

David sighed as he looked at the enforcers, six of them standing around and his hands digging into his cloak to pluck two knives like they were feathers. David turned the knives in his hand and let the first two soar, watching them impact with the men on the stage and send them down on their backs. With that chaos started and David moved in, dropping down on all fours and before the third one knew it he was pounced on and had a knife in his throat. Three more left.
Kari watched as the man attacked the guards and smiled. She apparently had a secret guardian watching over her.

"Are you going to save me?" she asked, sounding timid. As angry as she was, her shyness still showed through and she felt nervous speaking to this strange dark-haired man who was apparently coming to save her. She flashed a nervous smile at him and moved her tails a bit to show just a little more skin. If she looked seductive maybe he would be more likely to save her. [member="David Ulmer"]
[member="Kari Tovan"]

He utterly and completely ignored her as his eyes shot across at one of the enforcers raising a weapon on him. Hands up he said, on the ground he said, David sighed and put his hands up before sending a knife shooting too his hand and sending it in an instant into the man's throat as he sighed. "God i hate slavers." He looked among the slaves and got to work one their individual chains before then focusing on the girl with fox ears. "You you are coming with me." Hoping up beside her, he took her ear in hand and started leading her through the streets, still in the same state she was in a second ago.
Vulpesen stood back as he watched the actions unfold. He had of course meant to bring [member="David Ulmer"] to witness the horrors of slavery but this wasn't exactly on his list of plans, not that he would mind in the slightest. As the fight went on, he simply sat back against a pillar and watched, his own tail flicking behind him. Once the attack was over, he smiled and started towards him. "Good to see I've made an impact."

[member="Kari Tovan"]
Kari moved her five tails to cover herself again and bit back a moan as she was dragged away by her ear. She whined softly and tried to break free.

"I'll go with you, just please don't pull on my ear anymore!" she begged as she struggled against his hold on her white ears. It wasn't that she hated it, if anything she liked it too much, but this man certainly didn't need to know that. @Vulpesen @David Ulmer
[member="Kari Tovan"] [member="Vulpesen"]

He looked back at her and simply let go as he looked at her... with a sigh he took off his cloak before removing the daggers. Throwing the cloak over to her now. "Put it on... please." He turned back around and continued to the ship, sure he was out of range before whistling for a certain older fox to show up. "Hey Master, i know you are near by..." He took a quick glance around, looking for the man and waiting for him to appear or not.
Kari took the cloak and pulled it around herself, glad her tails weren't needed to hide her shaking form anymore. She held the fabric closed in front of her and shuffled along behind David, careful not to move the fabric to much. She wondered if she'd be able to get some clothes soon. The cloak was nice, but it wouldn't work forever. "Thank you." [member="David Ulmer"] [member="Vulpesen"]
Vulpesen nodded and walked up behind his apprentice, placing a hand on his shoulder. "You did well. Just make sure to rescue and not drag the one you're trying to save." He grinned and flicked the boy's ear before quickening his pace. "I'll meet you at the vixen, get it prepped for take off." Even if it had been unorthodox, the elder force user was happy to see that the Zorren Instinct to serve and protect was as strong as ever.

[member="Kari Tovan"]
[member="David Ulmer"]
[member="Kari Tovan"] [member="Vulpesen"]

"Understood Vulpesen..." He walked for a few minutes before turning his head to look at her. "You know you are free to go where ever now, right?" He blinked, his head turning and his eyes focusing in on the person he had given his cloak to. Sure he liked the cloak but he wouldn't have cared if she ran off with it... why was she still following him when she had the chance to run. "You know i didn't actually buy you or something, you aren't a slave, so scat."
"I have no where else to go..." Kari replied softly, clutching the cloak tighter around her. The small kitsune was all alone. Her parents were dead, and she had almost been sold. Her homeworld had never really felt like a home to her and she didn't know anyone else in the galaxy. She had no friends, no family, no home... no anything! She bit her lip, trying not to let the tears spill from her eyes. If he didn't want her around then she would have to find somewhere else to go. Maybe being sold as a slave would have been better, atleast she'd have a place to stay. [member="David Ulmer"]
[member="Kari Tovan"]

David looked back at her and his tail came up to rest on her shoulder as be slowed his pace until he was beside her. He said and did nothing more than that, just walked beside her with his tail reaching up and resting on her shoulder while he stood there. "By the way, your ears are soft." That was just about the only thing he said, smiling as he turned his head to face her for a second and then back to its forward facing direction. Really he didn't want to make her feel worse. "Look, we can give you a lift or you can join us somewhere or something, that sound good?"
"O-okay... Uh... Do you... Have something other than a cloak that I can wear? Not that I don't like your cloak! It's just... Uh... I need something that doesn't require my hands to hold it closed," Kari mumbled, her down and tails drooping. She felt like such a burden. He had saved her and she was repaying him by causing him more trouble. "I'll leave if you really want me too." [member="David Ulmer"]
[member="Kari Tovan"]

"Don't worry about it, me and Vulpesen are more than ready to help anyone we find... plus to be completely honest. If i let you run around like that you would probably be put immediately back into a slave market... or worse almost as soon as you were caught." David's hands soon came up behind his head and his tail leaving her shoulder to wrap around himself and he smiled. "So what are you exactly, some mutant Zorren or something with ears and more than one tail?"
"I'm a Rufer... What's a Zorren? Some kind of half-breed Rufer? Is that why you don't have ears?" Her curiosity got the better of her and she spoke before considering whether her words may cause offense or not. The young kitsune yelped and ducked her head, tails drooping once again.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to sound rude! I'm just... confused. Please forgive me!" Kari whined pre-preemptively in case he got upset with her. [member="David Ulmer"]
[member="Kari Tovan"]

He completely ignored the apology and stopped, this time not meaning to but getting really close and studying her face and ears before grabbing one again out of confusing and pulling on it and turning her to look at the tails but having enough decency to not look and pull on them beccause that hurt when it was done to his own tail. "What in the world... what is a Rufer, and i am no half breed mind you, im a full blood Zorren... you have got to be the half breed... was one of yyour parents some kind of animal...?"
Vulpesen took a small hop step aboard his ship and signaled for Ace to rev up the ship before walking into one of the guest quarters. After a bit of set up, he finally left and poked his head out the boarding ramp, watching the two with a small sigh. Next lesson, diplomacy. He'd have to keep that in mind. After all, it wouldn't do to have his apprentice ripping the ears off of every curiosity he found. Heading back to the pilots seat, he sat down and continued his preparations.

[member="David Ulmer"]
[member="Kari Tovan"]

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