Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A vessel touched down on the surface of its destinations. It was not in a spaceport however, but closeby an abadoned temple. Most would disregard it as a ransacked place not worth visiting, but the pilot of the ship knew better. Through study of old materials Kaalia Voldaren had learned of this place, far away from the civilization of the planet. She would be the first in many years to lay eyes on the structure that showed cracks and vegetation all across the walls. As the boarding ramp of the ship opened with a hiss, the redhead's figure was revealed to the environment, but there was nobody to see it. She had counted her blessings it was a backwater planet of little significance by the name of Selvaris, a place most people would not even be able to pick out on a star map.

Although she knew knowledge was something that would be found, the woman knew little else. The texts she read on this temple were cryptic and vague, as to conceal the truth about what the walls of the place contained. This only furthered her curiosity about the place, but she wasn't going to walk in unprepared. On her belt two lightsabers were found. Mirari and Cruentis Cor dangled as Kaalia started walking towards the entrace, but the Force also served as a weapon. She stood still at the single door that was still in place, the other in two pieces lying on the floor. Taking slow steps she entered the dark entrance, which was lit up when the young Knight focused the Force into the palm of her hand, creating a flickering flame. Light bounced off of the walls as she moved forward, looking around for any danger not only with her eyes but through the Force as well.

As Kaalia got deeper into the temple the Force started calling out to her. Her footsteps were guided by it as it told her where to find what she was looking for, although she was still not certain what it was exactly. Only time could tell and all she could do for now was press on.
With careful steps Kaalia moved, despite not sensing any immediate danger through the Force. There was always some kind of danger in places like these and she knew this all too well. With her head on a swivel she approached a set of stairs and slowly made her way up, stopping when she noticed one step looking suspicious. Moving back down she looked for a rock, which did not take long seeing the crumbling walls, and carefully lobbed it up the stairs. It rolled down until it landed on the step in question, when suddenly the entire staircase somehow dropped down completely. The fall would have severely wounded anyone, but with it a different pathway had opened. With a smirk she approached the stairs once more, this time walking down instead of up.

When the redhead made her way down she stood in a corridor with old carvings adorning the walls. They displayed winged beings with sulphur eyes, much like the eyes of one deeply in touch with the Dark side. They sat upon thrones, stood tall over lifeless bodies, but also lifted people off the ground, as though they empowered them. Slow steps allowed her to take it all in, and it left her to wonder. What did this all mean?

The corridor itself contained no traps or other danger and when Kaalia came to the end of it she arrived at a chamber. Four pillars supported it and texts that she quickly concluded to be in the Sith language decorated the walls, and against the wall in front of her stood an ancient stone tablet with more texts carved into it that was as long as the wall itself. unlit torches hung from the pillars, which she lit with her flame one by one. With both of her hands now free she took out a small datapad out of her coat and held it up against the tablet, recording the texts to be translated later. The same was done with the texts on the walls. After some time when she finished storing all the texts she pocketed the datapad once more, but she wasn't going to leave just yet. There was more about this room, she could feel it. She started pacing around to see anything off, looking for anything that could potentially be what she was looking for, whatever it was.

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