Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Within The Depths The Ruling Fall

It was now a three months after my first meeting with Yuka, and Halberd's rise to power on Axxila, now considered the second strongest entity on the planet, I was a something important here. I smirked to myself, and leaned back in my speeder as Sirus drove it. The man was clad in all armor, orange, and green paint was chipped all over it, but his helmet was off. His dark hair was held backwards in a pony tail, a short one but a pony tail none the less. As I watched the other speeders fly by, I was wondering what Yuka wanted at this time of day, he had said it was something important, though for some reason I doubted the truth within it's nature. Sirus had been here for a month of it all so far, I had made him head of my security, and he seemed to want to stick around anyways.
"So let me get this straight, you're depressed couldn't sleep in this morning...cause...the Hutt wanted to see you? Man, you need to get your priorities straight, I think you're gonna be okay." He spoke as he watched the traffic. I stretched as he interrupted my thoughts, yawning in it.

"It's more than just that Sirus, I was haven't the best dream ever. Reila was looking so good in that red dress man, you just dont get it!" I said in the most sarcastic voice possible. He face palmed, and shook his head at me, Sirus had a hard time dealing with my ways, but he did it anyways, and for that I was thankful. Sometimes he could be a real good friend, others a true pain in my ass. Luckily the ride wouldn't take long, considered Yuka was just seven blocks away. We were there in no time, and parking along with the rest of the VIPs. As we got out of the car, the Selonian greeted us with hand shakes. By now, we had talked a lot, mostly about random things, but sometimes we got into deep conversations about life, and watching others in the club, wondering what their lives were like. I knew him now as Frear as I could not pronounce his full name.

The club was blasting something new that I hadn't heard before, and by now, I knew what was popular for the teens here, this was something...strange. "Frear what the hell is that noise? Yuka get high on spice, and start a duet with someone? What are we listening to opera?" I cocked my head as he shook his head with a little chuckle. "So apparently Yuka and Dido had something going on, I mean like..relationship wise, they were an item. He has been thinking about it, and started to boohoo over it. He is smoking spice at the moment though..." Frear said as he began to guide us into the club. Funny how I didn't know what it was called before hand, I kinda just rushed in there. Red Star, that was what it was called, was simple, but catchy. I liked it.
As we stepped in, I realized that many of the clubbers were leaving due to the music, and the soft sobs heard inside that sounded like two Banthas getting it on. With my hands held up, and apart like I was about to give them all hugs, I spoke. "Hey, hey, wait a minute, it was a joke guys, this was systems check to make sure a speaker wasn't blown, Yuka wanted to do something kind of funny. DJ! Play something to get these people in the groove!" Who ever clubbed at the dawning hours of the day needed something more in their lives, but here they were, the party scene of Axxila was immense. I snapped my fingers for the rest to follow, and moved on inside. Frear came up next to me, "So it seems not only can you run a business, but you can also run a club? Silvara what is there that you can't do?" He said with a smile.

I kept looking forward, not saying a word cause in my head I was think there wasn't much that I couldn't do. Not much at all. As we made our way in, Sirus grunted something about immature kids, and that they wouldn't last long in the real world. I was getting the hint that Sirus wasn't a very social person, took me long enough to figure it out right? Finally, Yuka was within the mind state to slither up to us, and greet me with a Hutt hug. Startled? Hell yeah I was. "Zallen, I am so glad you could make it my friend. Come, come let us talk business. We have a lot to go over." It was weird to have this Hutt's arm wrapped around my shoulder, with a large smile on his face. He continued on once we got to his office. Went on, and on about thinking bigger, and getting things wrapped around my finger. I didn't quite understand why this so many people were looking up to me to change things around here. I was one man, a greedy man with a knack for getting money where money couldn't be found. "​Listen, we have a great opportunity here, we have the power to take anything we wanted here. Think about it boy, fame, wealth, power, what you have here is pathetic in the shadows of what could be. " He spoke while moving his hands around, something he was fond of.

I rubbed my chin, and adjusted my sunglasses. "What's in it all for you Yuka? I mean...why do you want ME to do it all?" I asked, to which he retorted with, "​Me? Association, plus you can't get there without me, you may have the political power, but I have the man power to get it done. Think about it Zade. Frear get us some caf. Zallen, I'm talking about grabbing Axxila by the horns, and rearing it up, making it yours. We could make a lot of money here man, a lot." Still he went on about taking Axxila, and I finally realized this Hutt was my kind of person. It was like he was reading my mind. Frear brought us coffee, and offered some to Sirus who took it gratefully, as did I. I leaned back, and pulled a cigarette out. Yuka was now allowing me to smoke inside his club, even had ash trays everywhere for me, and only me. I was special.
Yuka seemed to look at me funny, like this new glimmer of life seemed to beam from them, which was odd, cause a few seconds ago he was bawling his eyes out apparently. I shook my head, and waved my hands in front of me. "No, no no no, and no. We couldn't possibly do that Yuka, not yet, it's too soon to be thinking about that. We must first rise above the standards, and rise above the advanced. We are not ready for this. I need supporters, I need...hell I need an army for this, and I doubt you have an army hidden under you." I continued as I realized what this Hutt was talking about doing. It was just too much too soon. I waved my right hand in dismissive to the topic at hand, but Yuka went on.

"Boy, I could get you all the men you would need. All you need to do it get yourself into the political game. You need to run as the Prime Minister of Axxila." The Hutt made my ears perk up some. Sure, it could be possible now that I think about it. It would take a lot of taking over. I would need sleeper cells waiting, I would need to get in with some MUCH bigger people, but I simply wasn't ready for this amount of power. Again I dismissed the topic. "Not yet Yuka, you're getting ahead of yourself. You must way, be patient. In time, we will all have what we want my giant friend. In time, we will control the future." I said as I leaned forward with a smirk. Now that I knew this Hutt could be swayed, I would slowly use that to my own advantage. Best not to have anyone know of what I truly wanted. One planet would be nice, but I wanted an entire star system.

Power, it would be the bane of all mankind's existence.

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