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Approved Tech Witch's Skin Armor

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Intent: To protect Darth Talos from the attacks of lightsabers and small arms blaster fire during combat
Manufacturer: Independently produced by a Kolvo Weapons design specialist and Darth Talos’s father.
Model: Witches Skin
Affiliation: Darth Talos
Modularity: no
Production: Unique
Material: Sith Alchemy alerted reinforce Songsteel weave bound together by reinforced fiber weave – Mesh underlay – Cortosis gauntlets – Dark Energy crystal shards – Cortosis/dura-steel helmet
Description: Darth Talos’s father spent much of his adualt life trying to come up with the perfect combat armor for a force user. After he was paid for his betrayal of the Republic he spent a good sum of his small fortune on books of the dark side and alchemy, including Darth Sideous’s book “The Creation of Monsters”. After he had perfected his powers in Sith alchemy he spent the rest creating it with the help of a freelance designer from Kolvo Weapons manufacturing. The creation of the armor heavily relied on Sith Alchemy.

Classification: Multi-Purpose, Anti-lightsaber
Weight: 15kg
Quality: Class 9
Other Feature(s): The armor uses reinforced songsteel plates which have been crafted using Sith Alchemy and possess the ability to increase force power efficiency as well as offering more resistance then they would if unaltered. The dark crystal shards embedded into the armor and layered, one over the other, from outer layer of Songsteel to the mesh underneath. These crystals serve to channel the dark energy of its wearer to the surface of the armor to increase the defensiveness of force powers used and also to increase the armors natural defensive capabilities

Acting like a leech, the armor sucks energy from its host to increase the armors strength and the capabilities it has to channel force attacks and defenses to the surface. The stronger the host, the more energy can be absorbed and thus the armor gets stronger as its host gets stronger. The downside, however, is the fact that if worn for prolonged periods of time the armor can begin to absorb more energy then the host can provide. This usually isn’t a problem if used in moderation or the wearer is not I intense combat for extreme amounts of time, but in extreme cases like what was just state the energy drain could lead to death. The armor itself has a dark aura, and if the wearer is of light side energy, they will become increasingly dark over time. The few that know of the armors origins say that it the armor, while not sentient, must be alive. The designer that worked with Talos’s father once said when the armor was finished “This is by far my greatest achievement and my worst atrocity…I have created the strongest armor in the history of Korvo, and the darkest being to ever exist in the universe.”


Disney's Princess
  • Never heard of Sith-Alchemy-Songsteel-Force-Enhancing-Dark-Crystal-Uber-Powered-Armor before. Link please. Otherwise this gets denied.


Sith alchemy can enhance armor as stated here
Darth Vader's armor was enhanced by alchemy and it is said that alchemy has almost infinite things it can do, including armor enhancement. The crystals could be your average saber crystal broken into shards and distributed among the armor to channel force powers just as in a lightsaber. If enough research is done into this, the money is available and you have the resources this can all be done within the universe. It is using my creativeness with the very real sciences of the SW universe.
What I believe Jay means is, that all that combined is just silly and not needed. If its enhanced by Sith Alchemy, that's fine, but that should be enough to shrug off practically most or all basic attacks, even lightsabers.


Disney's Princess
Yep. Quality 10 is our maximum rating. So no matter how much magic you put into a suit of armor? It will never exceed Mando Iron in terms of being 'invincible'. M-Iron Fullplate is our maximum tier offering. No matter how creative you are, that is the roof.

Now. Just how 'invincible' in PvP were you planning on being? :D
Haha not invincible, it could be scaled back to simple Songsteel and durasteel that are enhanced with sith alchemy so that it has the same force enhancing affects and such but not as silly with the resources.
so basically it would be
- Songsteel plates
-Durasteel helmet
- Shards
- SIth enhancement
if needed it could be scaled back in quality, but I think 10 would suit it well as being on par with mando armor, just made to enhance sith ability and be all around an evil piece of equipment. Would this be acceptable?


Disney's Princess
Thanks for working with us. We'll get you some awesome armor. No sweat.
  • Songsteel. Very little information on what this defends against really. But it must reflect blaster bolts if a Jedi Master would use it for such. Quality 8 base.
  • Sith Alchemy. Hmm, was the father a Sith Master. Cause I feel we need a very powerful Sith to make these plates. Buff to 9.
  • Shards. Do able. Makes channeling easier, not a more powerful character. Okay.

Your at 9 now. How's that? :D


Disney's Princess
Sweet. So now go back and make it a Quality 9 and edit the references to all the Shards. Then I'll look it over again. :D
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